Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies Major Requirement Checklist Name W# Phone Number Updated E-mail Address Department Requirements Required Courses (6 credits) Reli 1000, Introduction to Religion Date: (also is Non-Western & Cultural Context Humanities CH) Reli 4000, Theories of Religion Date: Additional Courses (Optional) Date: Date: Date: Date: Concurrent Concentration I (9 credits) Students should acquire a focused concentration by taking three courses (1) on a single religion, or (2) on the religions of particular region or culture. Courses may be from a limited time period or spread across history. Students may choose from established concentrations or create their own concentration in consultation with their advisor. [Six credits must be upper level.] Course 1: Course 2 (above 3000): Course 3 (above 3000): Date: Date: Date: Additional Courses (Optional) Date: Date: Date: Date: Updated July 1, 2016 Page 1 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu Department Requirements (cont) Concurrent Concentration II (9 credits): Students should take three courses in a religion, region, or culture differing significantly from that of the concentration. [Six credits must be upper level.] Course1: Course2 (above 3000): Course3 (above 3000): Date: Date: Date: Additional Courses (Optional) Date: Date: Date: Date: Electives (9 credits): Three courses in Religious Studies (RELI) chosen in accordance with the student’s interests. [Six credits must be upper level.] Course 1: Course 2 (above 3000): Course 3 (above 3000): Date: Date: Date: Additional Courses (Optional) Date: Date: Date: Date: Language Requirement (12 credits): Course 1: Course 2: Course 3: Course 4: Updated July 1, 2016 Date: Date: Date: Date: Page 2 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu Honors: If a student wishes to pursue an Honors designation in Religious Studies, two additional requirements must be fulfilled: A) A three-credit Thesis Seminar or Internship, during which a research paper is written, or other suitable research project is carried out. [Usually taken during the Senior year.] B) Demonstration of competency in a foreign language equivalent to a fourth-semester college-level course. Seminar/Internship Foreign Language Updated July 1, 2016 Date: Date: Page 3 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu Department Requirements (cont) Notes: 1. If students majoring in Religious Studies can use its courses to satisfy requirements in another major or minor, this is permitted. 2. Courses for the major should be drawn from those with a RELI prefix, or from a list of approved courses taught by other departments or programs. In each of the concentrations, only one course may be from outside RELI offerings. Occasionally, courses on religion are taught by outside departments as one-time opportunities. Students may propose these for inclusion in the major. Approved List of Courses (Approved 2/1/2007): ANTH 1200 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2210 North American Indians ANTH 4300 Anthropology of Religion ART 2720 Introduction to Art and Culture of Classical Islam CLAS 2010 Epic Poetry ENGL 2170 The Bible as Literature ENGL 2340 Native American Culture and Literature ENGL 4190 Milton PHIL 2300 Ethics in Practice PHIL 2310 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 3300 Ethical Theory PHIL 3320 Eastern Thought PHIL 4560 Metaphysics SOC 3200 Sociology of Religion Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 33 credits (11 courses) Upon Completion - # of Credits: Date: Updated July 1, 2016 Page 4 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu College of A&S Core Requirements: 1. Science courses: Two 4-credit hour laboratory science courses, 8 credits Two University Studies-approved 4-credit hour science courses (with a lab) with two different department prefixes (e.g., Biology and Botany or Biology and Chemistry, etc.). A prefix may be repeated if one of the science courses you take is identified as an integrated S course. These will simultaneously fulfill the University Studies science requirement. Course1: Course2: Date: Date 2. Single Foreign Language for A&S degrees: two courses, 8 credits (or 4 credits 2nd or 3rd semester with a grade of C) or equivalent scores on CLEP, AP, UW department placement exam) Course1: Course2: Date: Date 3. (NW) Non-Western for A&S degrees: 1 course, 3 credits Approved courses may simultaneously fulfill other requirements in University Studies, A&S Core or courses in the major. Course1: Date: 4. For A&S degrees: 9 credits of Upper Division courses (3XXX-level or above) outside the department/program in which the student’s major resides and none that are cross-listed with courses in the department of the major. This cross-listing rule does not apply to majors in the A&S interdisciplinary programs. These courses cannot be used to also fulfill the USP “core component” –P, I, QA, QB, O, V, WA, S, SB, SE, SP, C, CA, CB, CH. Course 1: Course 2: Course 3: Date: Date: Date: University Upper Division Requirement (3XXX-level or above): 48 credits, 30 of which must be earned from the University of Wyoming. Any upper division course in the USP, A&S Core, the major or electives will apply to this requirement. However, credits earned through portfolio assessment, credit by examination, courses from another institution outside UW (except London semester) do not count as UW credits earned in residence. Total credits for degree: 121 including 1credit Physical Activity & Health plus any excess P.E. + military science below 3000 + excess credit in major department (if more than 60 credits-excluding professional degree programs). No more than 24 credits of correspondence courses count for a degree. No more than 20 credits of elective courses with a grade of S allowed within the 121 credit hours for graduation. Grade Requirements: At least 30 credit hours of a grade of C, or better, must be earned in the major (major programs may require a greater number). A minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 is required for good academic standing and graduation. All USP, College, & major requirements must be taken for a letter grade unless offered for S/U only. Updated July 1, 2016 Page 5 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu University Studies Requirements (USP) Course Prefix Course Number Credit Intellectual community (1-3 credits) I Writing 1 (3 credits) WA Oral Communication (3 credits) O Quantitative Reason 1 and 2 (3 credits of each) QA QB Science for A&S students, two 4-credit courses with two different department prefixes except when one course is an integrated S) S SB SP SE Cultural Context (9 credits; 3 each from CH, CS and CA; can substitute Integrated C for one area) CH CS CA C US and Wyoming Constitutions (3 credits) V Physical Activity and Health (1 credit) P Information Literacy L Writing 2 and 3 WB WC Global Awareness G Updated July 1, 2016 Page 6 Dr. Antoinette DeNapoli Ross Hall, Room 138, 766-3204 adenapol@uwyo.edu Diversity in the US D Updated July 1, 2016 Page 7