POLK COUNTY 4-H LEADERS' ASSOCIATION RECOGNITION SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION SHEET Award: One $500 scholarship; Other smaller scholarships may be awarded if money is available. Purpose of Scholarship: To provide recognition of meritorious work and achievement in 4-H and contribution to the Polk County 4-H Program to outstanding youth. To encourage 4-H members to continue to participate in 4-H through high school graduation. To provide incentive for further education beyond high school. Eligibility: Applicant must currently be completing their senior year in high school (or equivalent program) at the time of application. Applicant must currently be enrolled in at least one 4-H project and also have been enrolled for the past 2 years. Application Requirements: (in the following order) 1) Completion of the attached one-page application form. 2) "My 4-H Story" covering the applicant's whole 4-H career (maximum three (3) double spaced pages) 3) Submit two letters of recommendation including one from the applicant's 4-H leader and one other non-family person familiar with the applicant's academic career and higher education plans. 4) 4-H Records (Must include photo pages) 5) Copy of Transcript of grades Selection of Scholarship Recipient: The 4-H Scholarship Committee made up of 4-H Leaders will screen the applications and select the top applicants for interviews. Scholarship recipients will be announced at the Polk County Fair awards program. For more information and an application, contact the Polk County Extension Office. Applications are due at the Polk County Extension Office by 5:00 on July 1, 2013. POLK COUNTY 4-H LEADERS' ASSOCIATION RECOGNITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 1, 2013 Please type or write legibly in black ink. NAME_____________________________________________PHONE_________________ ADDRESS___________________________________CITY________________ZIP_______ HIGH SCHOOL/PROGRAM GRADUATING FROM _________________________________ CUMULATIVE HIGH SCHOOL G.P.A._______ DATE OF GRADUATION ______________ YEARS IN 4-H _______ DATE OF BIRTH _____/_____/_____ MALE___ FEMALE___ 4-H Club(s)_______________________________________________________________ 4-H Leader(s)_____________________________________________________________ Name and address of institution of higher education you will attend: _________________________________________________________________________ List the Years that you have helped with fundraisers for the Scholarship Fund? (Pizza and Cards) __________________________________________________________________________ Major __________________________ Career Plans________________________________ Statement by 4-H Member I have personally prepared this report and verify that it is correct: ________________________________________________ _________________________ Applicant Signature Date Approval of this Application We have reviewed this report and verify that it is correct: ________________________________________________ _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________________________________________ _________________________ 4-H Leader Signature Date (You may use additional paper to answer.) 1. List the 4-H project(s) you have been enrolled in and years in each project. 2. Why did you join 4-H? 3. How have you benefited from your involvement in 4-H? 4. List 4-H leadership roles and responsibilities you have taken on. Club: County: State: 5. List 4-H citizenship projects you have participated in. 6. List school/church/community groups for which you have provided leadership. 7. Describe the course of study you plan to pursue and why you chose it. 8. Would you recommend 4-H to other young people? Why/Why not?