Request for proposal (2016)

Request for Proposals:
Individual Research Grants
Due: February 5, 2016
The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research will invite proposals from faculty and academic
professionals for individual research projects in the humanities. The Request for Proposal is also available
from the WIHR website ( The application deadline is February 5, 2016.
Grant size: maximum of $3,000 reimbursable. Recipients will be notified by March 5, 2016.
A funded project must be firmly located in the humanities. An interdisciplinary grant that builds
connections with non-humanities fields must clearly articulate this connection in the context of a
humanities project.
The project must indicate a research outcome that is firmly grounded in the humanities: a publication, a
book chapter, an exhibit, or other demonstrable outcome.
The project must have a timeline for beginning, development, and completion. This should include
occasions when this work can be presented to the UW humanities community. The project should be
completed by June 30, 2017. A final report will also be required. All funded projects will be featured on
the WIHR website.
A complete WIHR individual grant application consists of a single PDF document that includes, in
order, the following:
• Title of Project
• Summary of the research project (one paragraph, 150 words max.) suitable for posting on the
Institute’s website.
• Narrative (1000 words max.) outlining the research project for a non-specialist readership of
humanities colleagues. The narrative should locate the project in the humanities and show how
this work relates to the larger research program of the applicant.
• Curriculum Vitae (800 words max.) highlighting activities that contribute to this project.
• Schedule of project activities.
• Budget, including, where appropriate, explanations of how specific items support the project.
Proposals must be developed in consultation with one of the Institute’s drovers: Gregg Cawley,
Political Science ( or Rachel Sailor, Art History, (