Packet Chapters 6 to 10

Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals
Class Period:
Study Guide and Vocabulary for Chapters 6-10
Directions: First: find the word in the text (the page number has been provided!) Second: When you find
the word, please write the full sentence in which the word appears. **We are asking for the quotation,
which means that quotation marks, capitalization, punctuation, and exact words are required. ** Third:
Write YOUR OWN definition of the word based on how it is used in the sentence (you may have to look at
the sentences before and after as well). Fourth: Write the dictionary definition of the word. You MUST
follow this order!
1. Heckling (63) – _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
2. Summons (64) – ______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
3. Concede (65) - _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
4. Gauntlet (76) - _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
5. Harrowing (76) - ______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
6. Reprimand (78) - ______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
7. Articulate (86) - ______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
8. Contempt (87) - ______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
9. Aspirations (88) - _____________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
10. Vigilance (89) - _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
11. Taunting (98) - _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
12. Demise (105) - ________________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
13. Catcalls (118) - _______________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
14. Fiasco (120) - ________________________________________________________________________
Sentence in context:____________________________________________________________________
Chapter 6 Questions:
1.) What is the atmosphere like as Melba and others walk into the courthouse? (p.62)
2.) What seems to be happening to Thelma? (p. 64)
3.) What was the one major point the witnesses presented by the Justice Department made? (p.
4.) How did Superintendent Bloom say the Little Rock Nine were selected? (p. 67)
5.) What was the judge’s decision? (p. 68)
Chapter 7 Questions:
1.) What does Melba realize about the “non-white” reporters? Why do you think this is the case?
(p. 70-71)
2.) How do the majority of the students treat the Little Rock Nine? (p. 72)
3.) How does the gym teacher help Melba? (p. 76-77) What about the shorthand teacher? (p. 78)
4.) Why does Melba get taken out of class?
5.) Who is the second white man Melba asked God to protect? (p. 84)
6.) Why was Melba even able to get into the school? Who all was attacked? (p. 85)
7.) What does a reporter ask Melba to do? (p. 86)
8.) What does Melba say at the end of the chapter about integration, and how it is possible? (p.
Chapter 8 Questions:
1.) What does the President do to ensure that integration takes place? (p. 90)
2.) Who shows up in the middle of the night to Melba’s house, and why? (p. 92)
3.) Why was Melba both proud and sad at the same time? (p. 95)
4.) What are a few things that happen to Melba at school?
5.) Are all the white students mean to her? Why, according to some white students, do other
white students act so rudely to her?
6.) What does Danny tell Melba to do when the “hooligans” approach them? Why? (p. 101)
7.) What was so disappointing about Melba’s French class? (p. 102)
8.) What does a reporter again ask Melba to do? (p. 105)
Chapter 9 Questions:
1.) Why didn’t Danny do something when the students were taunting and hitting Melba? (p. 108)
What about the clerk – why doesn’t she help?
2.) What unfortunate news does Danny deliver to Melba? Why can’t he go? (p. 111)
3.) What does Danny tell Melba she has to do after she tells him about the boy who choked her?
Why does he tell her this? (p. 113)
Chapter 10 Questions:
1.) Why does Melba want Saturday all to herself? (p. 114)
2.) How does Melba’s date with Vince go? What do they do? (p. 116)
3.) What happens in the restroom? How does Melba defend herself? (p. 119-120)
4.) What happens to Melba in the hall? How does Danny save her? (p. 121-123)