EFFECT OF BRINE PRE-TREATMENT ON LIPID STABILITY OF FROZEN HORSE MACKEREL (Trachurus trachurus) Santiago P. Aubourg and Maurizio Ugliano Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC) c/ Eduardo Cabello, 6 36208-Vigo (Spain) Fax: +34 986 292762 e-mail: saubourg@iim.csic.es ABSTRACT The rancidity development during the frozen storage (-20ºC) of an underutilised medium-fat fish species (horse mackerel; Trachurus trachurus) was investigated. A special attention was given to a pre-freezing treatment consisting of an immersion in NaCl solution (5%, 10% and 20%) and its effect on lipid damage during the fish frozen storage. For it, lipid hydrolysis (free fatty acid content) and oxidation (conjugated dienes formation; peroxide value, PV; thiobarbituric acid index, TBA-i; fluorescence formation, FR) were studied up to 270 days of frozen storage. Oxidative rancidity measured by the PV, TBA-i and FR showed to increase with the frozen storage time and also as a result of an increasing salt content in fish muscle. A high peroxides formation was observed at day 210 of frozen storage, specially in the case of 20% NaCl treated samples. Lipid hydrolysis also increased with the frozen storage time; at the end of the experiment (270 days), a decreasing effect of muscle salt content on lipid hydrolysis was observed. Employment of appropriate antioxidant additions is recommended if salting pre-treatment is to be needed to avoid a large lipid oxidation development and ensure a longer shelf life time. Running Title: Brine pre-treatment and lipid stability of frozen fish Key Words: Underutilised fish, salt pre-treatment, frozen storage, lipid oxidation and hydrolysis, shelf life time 2 INTRODUCTION Most fish and other marine species give rise to products of great economic importance in many countries. One of such products is frozen fish, which has been largely employed to retain fish sensory and nutritional properties before it is consumed or employed in other technological process (1,2). Before the freezing step is accomplished, adequate storage techniques that efficiently cool the fish material should be employed to reduce post-capture losses. In order to find the best quality fresh fish, several on board handling systems have been encountered such as icing (3), refrigerated see water (4) or chemical addition (5,6). One of these previous handlings has been salt treatment, which can consist on a NaCl direct addition to the ice used to cool fish (7), immersion of fish material in a brine solution (8) or combination with other technological process such as freezing (9), drying (10) and smoking (11). The preservative effect of salt has been recognised according to a decrease in water activity, less availability to microbial attack and enhancement of functional properties, leading to an increase of the shelf life time (12). Although salt allows a prolonged storage, its contact with fish has been reported to enhance lipid oxidation (13,14) of the highly unsaturated lipids (15) directly related to the production of off flavours and odours (16,17), protein denaturation and texture changes (18,19). The fish industry is actually suffering from dwindling stocks of traditional species as a result of drastic changes in their availability. Thus, fish technologists and fish trade have turned their attention to some unconventional sources of raw material (20,21). One of such species is horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), a medium-fat content fish abundant in the Northeast Atlantic (22,23). 3 The present work concerns the horse mackerel and its commercialisation as a frozen product. The study is aimed to investigate the effect of a previous brine treatment on the stability of horse mackerel lipids during the frozen storage. For it, different salting degrees are checked and different lipid damage indices are employed to assess the rancidity development during the frozen storage. MATERIALS AND METHODS Raw fish, sampling, processing and chemicals Fresh horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) were obtained in August 2000. The length of the horse mackerel included was in the range 18-24 cm; the weight was in the range 250-280 g. Whole horse mackerel fishes were divided into four groups; individuals of the first group were left unsalted and immediately frozen at –80ºC. The three remaining groups were immersed in 5%, 10% and 20% NaCl aq. solutions, respectively, in an isothermal room at 15ºC. The fish were removed after two hours and frozen at –80ºC. After 24 hours at –80ºC, all fish samples (salt treated and untreated) were placed at –20ºC. Analyses were carried out on the white muscle of raw material and of fish that had been kept frozen at –20ºC during 75, 150, 210 and 270 days. For each kind of treatment, three different fish batches were considered and studied separately to achieve the statistical study. Chemicals employed along the present work (solvents, reagents) were reagent grade (E. Merck; Darmstadt, Germany); NaCl employed included a maximum content on iron and copper of 0.0001 % and 0.0002 %, respectively. 4 Composition analyses Water content was determined by weight difference between the homogenised fish muscle (1-2 g) and after 24 hr at 105 C. Results are expressed as g water/100 g muscle. Lipids were extracted by the Bligh and Dyer (24) method. Quantification results are expressed as g lipids/100 g muscle. NaCl content in white fish muscle was calculated from the amount of chlorine by boiling in HNO3 with excess of AgNO3, followed by titration with NH4SCN (25). Results are expressed as g NaCl / 100 g muscle. Lipid damage measurements Free fatty acids (FFA) content was determined on the Bligh and Dyer (24) extract by the Lowry and Tinsley (26) method based on complex formation with cupric acetate-pyridine. Results are expressed as g FFA/100 g lipids. Conjugated dienes (CD) formation was measured at 233 nm (27) on the Bligh and Dyer (24) extract. The results are expressed according to the formula: CD = B x V / w, where B is the absorbance reading at 233 nm, V denotes the volume (ml) and w is the mass (mg) of the lipid extract measured. Peroxide value (PV) expressed as meq oxygen/kg lipid was determined by the ferric thiocyanate method (28) on the Bligh and Dyer (24) extract. The thiobarbituric acid index (TBA-i) was determined according to Vyncke (29) on a 5% trichloracetic acid extract of the fish muscle. Results are expressed as mg malondialdehyde/kg fish sample. 5 Interaction compounds formation Fluorescence formation (Perkin-Elmer LS 3B) at 327/415 nm and 393/463 nm was studied as described earlier (30,31). The relative fluorescence (RF) was calculated as follows: RF = F/Fst, where F is the fluorescence measured at each excitation/emission pair, and Fst is the fluorescence intensity of a quinine sulphate solution (1 g/ml in 0.05 M H2SO4) at the corresponding wavelength. The fluorescence ratio (FR) was obtained from the lipid extract (24) analysis, according to the following calculation: FR = RF393/463nm / RF327/415nm. Statistical analyses Data from the different lipid damage measurements were subjected to the ANOVA one-way method (p<0.05) and correlation analysis (32); comparison of means was performed using a least-squares difference (LSD) method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Composition analyses Water contents ranged between 75% and 79% in all samples (Table 1); no differences were obtained as a result of salt treatment or frozen storage time. Comparison with previous research showed a higher water content than fattier species (30) and a lower content than lean fish species (31,33), according to an inverse ratio between water and lipid matter (34). 6 Lipid contents ranged between 1.5% and 3.0% on wet basis (Table 1); differences obtained could be explained as a result of lipid content variations among individual fishes and not as a result of salt treatment or frozen storage time. An increasing salt content was found in the horse mackerel white muscle, according to an increase of the brine solution concentration employed in the pretreatment (7,8). Salt contents obtained in the fish muscle were as follows: 0.10%–0.15% (untreated samples), 0.37%–0.45% (5% NaCl treated samples), 0.78%–0.87% (10% NaCl treated samples) and 1.02%–1.08% (20% NaCl treated samples) (Table 1). For fish samples corresponding to the same salt treatment, no differences were obtained for the muscle salt content as a result of the frozen storage time. Lipid hydrolysis FFA content of the raw material (1.15 %) showed rather similar values to fatty fish species (tuna, sardine) (30,35) and lower than lean fish (blue whiting, haddock, cod) (31,33). A gradual increase in free fatty acid formation was obtained for all kinds of samples as a result of the frozen storage time (Table 2) according to previous research (31,33). Up to 210 days, no significant differences could be assessed as a result of the previous salt treatment. However, at 270 days a higher hydrolysis development could be observed in untreated samples and those that had been immersed in 5% NaCl solution than in the two other treatments. Accordingly, a decreasing effect of muscle salt content could be inferred on free fatty acid formation at the end of the experiment. 7 Lipid oxidation Different and complementary lipid oxidation indices were carried out to assess the rancidity development in the different stages of the present experiment. The effect of the frozen storage time on primary oxidation measured by the conjugated diene formation showed (Table 2) a general increase from raw material (CD = 0.78) till day 150, followed by a slight decrease at day 210 and no changes till the end of the experiment. CD formation has already been reported to increase during the initial steps of oxidation (36) and then CD levels decreased as a result of lipid hydroperoxides breakdown (37,38). No significant differences could be assessed as a result of the salt pre-treatment, so that no conclusions could be done about the effect of the muscle salt content on this kind of primary oxidation products. Peroxides formation (Table 2) showed a general increase from raw material (PV = 1.51) till day 75, followed by little changes at day 150. Then, a sharp increase was observed (day 210), that led in all cases to peroxide values above 15. At the end of the experiment, a general decrease was observed, that could be explained as a result of peroxides decomposition during this latest step (37,38). Comparison of the different kinds of samples showed in most cases higher values for fish samples that had been immersed in 20% NaCl solutions than in the three other conditions; a very high value was obtained at day 210 for 20% NaCl treated samples. Secondary lipid oxidation measured by the TBA-i provided a general and gradual increase with the storage time for all fish samples (Table 2), according to literature concerning fatty and lean fish species (30,31,39). A strong effect of the salt presence could be concluded since 20% NaCl treated samples showed in most cases higher TBA-i values than the other kinds of fish material. At the end of the experiment a 8 very high TBA-i value was obtained for samples that had been treated with 20% NaCl; this was in accordance with the low PV in this sample after 270 days (Table 2). Interaction compounds formation Fluorescence formation (Table 2) expressed as FR showed an increase in all salt treated samples at day 75 compared to raw material (FR = 0.71). Then, a general increase could be assessed at day 210, followed by no changes at the end of the experiment. At high salt concentrations an increasing effect of salt presence in muscle on fluorescent compounds formation can be inferred since fish samples pre-treated with 20% NaCl solution showed in most cases higher FR values than the untreated samples. Formation of fluorescent products as a result of interaction between lipid oxidation compounds and protein like molecules has been reported to depend on lipid oxidation products formation (peroxides and carbonyls, namely) (38,40,41). In the present experiment, fluorescence formation developed stronger in the latest stages (210 and 270 days) than in previous steps, according to values obtained for peroxides and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (Table 2). Correlation analyses The different lipid damage indices were tested for linear correlation with the salt content of the white muscle at each frozen storage time (Table 3). In accordance with previous results (Table 2), the FFA and CD formation did not led to good correlations with the salt content of the muscle along the whole experiment. The CD value provided some satisfactory results at the beginning (75 days), when lipid damage was still relatively low (36). In the same way, FR only 9 provided accurate results at the beginning (75 days) and at the end of the experiment (270 days), according to data on Figure 5. The PV showed satisfactory results along the whole experiment. However, linear correlation values were better in the beginning of the experiment (75 days), when peroxide decomposition was still low (Table 2). The TBA-i provided the best linear correlation values along the whole experiment. Indeed, as long as frozen storage time and lipid damage increased (days 210 and 270), linear correlation values were better according to data on Table 2. Non linear fittings (exponential and logarithmic) were also studied. As a whole, little differences were obtained in the case of FFA, CD, TBA-i and FR. In the case of PV, better correlation values were obtained by considering an exponential fitting. CONCLUSIONS In accordance with previous research on lean (31,33,42) and fatty (30,43) fish species, horse mackerel has shown an important lipid hydrolysis and oxidation development during the frozen storage. This lipid damage caused by the storage conditions has been satisfactorily assessed by traditional chemical indices such as FFA, PV, TBA-i and FR. Results have shown a strong effect of NaCl content of fish muscle on the rancidity development, according to the primary (PV) and secondary (TBA-i) oxidation compounds produced during the frozen storage (Table 2). These results agree with previous research carried out on fattier species such as sardine (8,13) and mackerel (44). Sodium chloride has been reported to act as prooxidant by enhancement of the 10 prooxidant effect of chelatable iron ions (45) widely present in fish muscle, specially in the dark one (15,34). Present results on lipid hydrolysis do not show a clear tendency of FFA formation caused by the salt content of white muscle, since relatively poor correlation values could be found at each frozen storage time (Table 3). At the end of the experiment, untreated samples and those that were immersed in 5% NaCl solution showed higher (p<0.05) values than the two other kinds of samples (Figure 1). This inverse relationship between salt content and FFA formation has been already mentioned for fatty species such as sardine (8,13), mackerel (6) and salmon (46), so that NaCl presence led to an advantage from a sensory point of view. For the present medium-fat content species, in cases where salting pre-treatment would be needed for further frozen commercialisation, employment of appropriate antioxidant additions is recommended (2,47) to avoid a large lipid oxidation development and thus, guarantee a longer shelf life when consumed as frozen product. In such studies, chemical lipid oxidation indices should be employed in addition to sensory properties so that a more complete view of changes produced can be obtained. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge Mr. Marcos Trigo and Mrs. Janet Ares for technical assistance and the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICyT) for financial support through the research project ALI 99-0869 (2000-2002). 11 REFERENCES 1 Pigott G, Tucker B (1987) Food Rev Intern 3: 105-138 2 Erickson M (1997) Antioxidants and their application to frozen foods. In: Erickson M, Hung Y-C (eds) Quality in frozen food. 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Standard deviations are expressed in brackets. 16 TABLE 2 Measurement of the lipid damage1 during the frozen storage of horse mackerel that was previously immersed in a NaCl solution2 Storage time and NaCl treatment Raw material Day 75 Untreated 5% NaCl 10% NaCl 20% NaCl Day 150 Untreated 5% NaCl 10% NaCl 20% NaCl Day 210 Untreated 5% NaCl 10% NaCl 20% NaCl Day 270 Untreated 5% NaCl 10% NaCl 20% NaCl FFA CD PV TBA-i FR 1.15 0.78 1.51 0.12 0.71 3.57 3.29 3.21 2.69 a a a a 0.90 0.97 1.05 0.98 a a a a 5.61 a 4.73 a 7.64 ab 10.45 b 0.26 a 0.35 ab 0.36 ab 0.42 b 0.72 a 0.98 ab 0.98 ab 1.14 b 4.24 4.63 4.84 4.38 a a a a 1.47 1.38 1.45 1.32 a a a a 8.03 a 5.27 ab 11.68 b 10.77 b 0.26 a 0.27 a 0.37 ab 0.54 b 0.87 0.83 0.86 1.06 4.60 5.32 4.96 5.06 a a a a 1.21 1.31 1.18 1.06 a a a a 18.91 20.66 21.23 28.72 a a a b 0.42 0.47 0.70 0.77 a a b b 1.09 a 1.22 ab 1.16 ab 1.36 b 7.80 7.75 6.27 6.73 b b a a 1.31 1.20 1.17 1.23 a a a a 10.47 ab 8.15 a 13.58 ab 17.29 b 0.68 0.75 0.87 1.39 a a a b 1.10 a 1.16 a 1.21 ab 1.36 b a a a a 1 Abbreviations: FFA (free fatty acids), CD (conjugated dienes), PV (peroxide value), TBA-i (thiobarbituric acid index), FR (fluorescence ratio). 2 Values are means of three independent determinations. Values in the same column and for the same frozen time followed by different letters are significantly different (p <0.05). 17 TABLE 3 Linear correlation values between the NaCl content of the white muscle and values obtained for the different lipid damage indices1 at each frozen storage time2 Frozen Storage Time (days) ―—————————————————————————— Lipid damage index FFA CD PV TBA-i FR 75 150 ─ 0.36 (─ 0.41; ─ 0.32) 0.60 (0.48; 0.67) 0.86 (0.90; 0.82) 0.68 (0.62; 0.73) 0.68 (0.57; 0.73) 0.23 (0.13; 0.28) ─ 0.20 (─ 0.16; 0.21) 0.51 (0.57; 0.47) 0.69 (0.72; 0.64) 0.34 (0.39; 0.30) 210 270 0.10 ─ 0.44 (0.07; 0.13) (─ 0.47; ─ 0.44) ─ 0.30 ─ 0.57 (─ 0.34; ─ 0.25) (─ 0.49; ─ 0.62) 0.54 0.62 (0.60; 0.49) (0.72; 0.55) 0.90 0.85 (0.88; 0.89) (0.87; 0.82) 0.40 0.62 (0.48; 0.36) (0.64; 0.60) 1 Abbreviations as specified in Table 2. 2 Results in parentheses correspond to non linear fittings (exponential and logarithmic, respectively). 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