*Red Algae are a widespread group of uni-and multicellular eukaryotes exhibiting a broad variety of morphologies and life histories. *Unlike green plants, animals & even brown algae, red algae have attained this diversity without having evolved true tissue differentiation. *The molecular and biochemical mechanisms of their development remain largely unexplored. *Red algae were first defined as a taxonomic group based on their pigmentation. *Historically, the red algae were considered plants that typically lacked true roots, shoots, leaves, seeds, or water-conducting tissues. *Until recently, the relationship between the Red Algae or Rhodophyta & other Algae or Protists remained inconclusive & often contradictory. *Our understanding of algal phylogeny has dramatically increased with molecular evolutionary methods; the latest research indicates that the Rhodophyta is a distinct eukaryotic lineage that likely shares a most common ancestry with the green algae (Van der Auwera et al. 1998, Burger et al., 1999, Moreira et al., 2000). *Cavalier-Smith (2000) even goes as far as to support a Kingdom Plantae composed of green plants, red algae & glaucophytes. *Chloroplast structure and genome analyses support the hypothesis that green plants (green algae & land plants), red algae and glaucophytes (e.g. Cyanophora) originated from a single endosymbiotic event between a cyanobacterium and an eukaryotic host. *These results are an important step towards universal acceptance of a monophyletic origin of plastids. *There is no significant fossil record of the evolutionary history of the marine red algae, except for the order Corallinales which extends back as far as the Jurassic (Johansen, 1981). *The oldest taxonomically resolved eukaryote on record, ca. 1,200 MY from arctic Canada, is identified as a bangiophyte red alga, Bangiomorpha pubescens, on the basis of diagnostic cell division patterns in its multicellular filaments, & marks the onset of a major protistan radiation near the Mesoproterozoic/Neoproerozoic boundary (Butterfield, 2000). *There are over 10,000 described species of red algae worldwide *Most are marine and 3% are freshwater. *Red algae are most common on hard-bottom habitats in marine environments, as epiphytes on other algae, seagrasses or mangrove roots, epizooic on animals, epilithic on pebbles & rocks, or psammophilic in sand. *They occur at all latitudes from the Arctic to the Antarctic & occupy the entire range of depths inhabitable by photosynthetic organisms, from high intertidal regions to subtidal depths as great as 268 m (San Salvador I, Bahamas is the greatest depth for known plant life) (Littler et al., 1985). *Some red algae, the corallines, are important in the formation of tropical reefs. *The red color is due to the presence of phycoerythrin which reflects red light and absorbs blue light. *Phycoerythin occurs in at least five forms in the red algae which differ in their absorption spectra, although all have peaks in the green part of the spectrum (500-570 nm). *The color varies according to the ratio of phycoerythrin to phycocyanin & they may appear green or bluish from the chlorophyll and other masking pigments. *Because blue light penetrates water to a greater depth than light of longer wavelengths, these pigments allow red algae to photosynthesize & live at somewhat greater depths than most other algae. *Such light harvesting pigments are also found in cyanobacteria & cryptophytes. *Accessory pigments, such as the phycobilins phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and allophycocyanin occur attached to proteins, forming a class of compounds called phycobiliproteins that are located on the thylakoid surface in granular phycobilisomes, the principal light-harvesting complexes (Gantt 1990). *Each chloroplast is surrounded only by its own double-membrane envelope, and not by an additional layer of endoplasmic reticulum. *The only chlorophyll present is chl a. *The thylakoids are singly within the chloroplasts. *Carotenoids are present with the most important ones beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. *Only a few red algae have chloroplasts that contain pyrenoids in the center of the chloroplast, but because reserve starch are produced in the cytoplasm, the exact function is not known. *The chloroplast DNA is organized into numerous small, nucleoids scattered throughout the chloroplast. The most important food reserve is a polysaccharide, floridean starch, consisting of units of glucose which is similar to glycogen or the branched amylopectin fraction of green algal & higher plant starch, but lacks amylose, the unbranched fraction of green algal starch. *The low-molecular mass carbohydrate floridoside has an osmoregulatory function. *The cell walls of red algae consist of cellulosic fibers embedded in a matrix of non-fibrillar materials, the phycocolloids. *The most abundant of these polysaccharides are referred to either as agars and carrageenans, and are of economic importance. *Agar is used as a nutrient medium for growing bacteria and fungi & also in the food and drug industries. *Carrageenan is used as a substitute for gelatin, or as food in Japan & the Philippines. *The red algae share a suite of characters that do not occur together in any other eukaryote. *They are unique by a complete lack of flagellated stages including absence of centrioles, flagellar basal bodies, or other 9+2 structures. *Mitotic spindle radiates from “nuclear associated organelles” which are often ring-shaped; centrioles are lacking *Presence of polar rings instead of centrioles at the poles of the mitotic spindle is another reflection of the complete absence of flagella & related structures, and is a fundamental difference between the Rhodophyta and other groups of algae. *During mitosis, the telophase spindle and the nuclear envelope, although perforated by holes, persist and mitosis is therefore closed. *Cell division is by an ingrowing furrow of the plasmalemma, which is filled with cell wall polysaccharides *cleavage is incomplete, leading to the formation of an open protoplasmic connection between the daughter cells, which becomes closed by a proteinaceous stopper, the pit plug (Pueschel, 1990). A fundamental characteristic shared by all multicellular florideophycean red algae is that the plant body is composed entirely of branched filaments. *Cells within filaments are linked by pit plugs, making it possible to follow each filament cell by cell as seen with light microscopy. *Cells become differentiated in shape & cytological properties Depending on location within filament *Reveals how cells from different lineages become connected Pit plugs are a highly characteristic feature of the Rhodophyta & various different kinds can be distinguished on the basis of their ultrastructure, providing important characters for distinguishing among the orders (Pueschel, 1989). *Ultrastructural ordinal criteria based on features of pit plugs was started with Pueschel and Cole (1982) with the justification of 2 new orders (Batrachospermales and Hildenbrandiales) and the confirmation of four previously proposed orders (Bonnemaisoniales, Corallinales, Gelidiales and Palmariales). *Four aspects of Pueschel’s hypothesis are consistent with results of molecular systematic studes: -naked pit pugs represent the ancestral type -outer cap layers are homologous structures -domed outer caps are ancestral to plate-like outer caps -cap membranes are a derived feature within the two-cap-layer lineage. Multicellular red algae are composed entirely of a filamentous organization which may result in complex peudoparenchymatous thalli as a result of predominant apical growth. UNIAXIAL GROWTH *Three major patterns of mitosis and cytokinesis exist that relate to mode of vegetative growth & level of thallus organization. *Distinguishing characters include: - location & orientation of the mitotic apparatus within the dividing cell - arrangement of the chromosomes during metaphase & anaphase - path of migration of the 2 sets of daughter chromosomes during anaphase -timing of septum initiation. *One characterizes the Bangiophycidae, a second type the lower Florideophycidae, usually regarded to be primitive, a third type the higher Florideophycidae, usually considered to be advanced. UNIAXIAL MULTIAXIAL *In Asia, red algae are important sources of food with a high vitamin & protein content, such as nori. *Many red algae metabolize polyunsaturated fatty acids to oxidized products resembling the eicosanoid hormones from mammals. *Because of their biological properties, seaweed-derived oxylipins have potential utility as pharmaceutical and research biochemicals (Gerwick et al., 1993). *Some species reproduce by vegetative fragmentation or spore formation, but most undergo a complex life cycle involving an alternation of generations. *Reproduction is typically oogamous. *It was only after culture methods were introduced (von Stosch 1965) that it was finally verified that in most red algae there is a fundamental linkage of the sexual system and a life history consisting of three phases. It has been argued that selection has favored the evolution of a triphasic life history in red algae as a compensation for an inefficient fertilization in the absence of motile gametes (Searles, 1968). *One phase, the free-living haploid gametophyte, is the sexual female & male individual which produces the gametes. As a result of fertilization of the female egg cell by an unflagellated male gamete carried by water currents to the elongated tip (trichogyne) of a carpogonium, a diploid carposporophyte develops directly in situ, parasitically, on the female gametophyte. *The carposporophyte forms carpospores which germinate into a diploid tetrasporophyte. *The tetrasporophyte forms tetrasporangia in which meiosis occurs, with each tetraspore germinating into a haploid female or male gametophyte. *When gametophyte & tetrasporophyte individuals are morphologically similar = isomorphic alternation of generations, in contrast to a heteromorphic alternation of generations in which gametophytes alternate with small free-living tetrasporophytes, often a crust which doesn't bear any morphological resemblance to the gametophyte. *When individuals lack carposporophytes but possess wart-like tetrasporophytes that are parasitic (tetrasporoblasts or carpotetrasporophytes) on the female gametophytes, the life history is biphasic with meiosis occurring in the tetrasporangia in the tetrasporoblasts. *A fourth type is the direct type of life history involving only female gametophytes that apomictally produce carposporophytes. The reproductive cells are naked and extruded from the gametangia as a result of the formation of copious amounts of mucilage. *Once an interaction has taken place between a carposporophytic cell and a vegetative cell, the fruiting body is called a cystocarp rather than a carposporophyte. *The great diversity of cystocarp types ranging from simple to very complex has traditionally formed the basis for the classification of red algae (Kylin, 1956) morphological approach differentiation of morphological structure is described as function of filament ontogeny and cytological modification, and structures seen in different taxa are compared for similarities and differences at each state of development Superficial morphological similarities may mask significant developmental differences that result in taxonomic confusion. *Special staining & clearing techniques makes it possible to interpret the organization of complex structures & the rather obscure & ephemeral events of the sexual cycle. *Without exceptions to date, molecular phylogenetic analyses seem to highlight the evolution of the earliest stages in the development of the female apparatus and associated cells. *The molecular-based phylogenies each provide an independent test of classification to the one based on morphological or ultrastructural evidence. *Besides elucidating relationships, phylogenetic hypotheses inferred from gene sequence data provide the critical framework for studies of morphological character evolution and life history evolution. Major groups *The Rhodophyta contains the monophyletic class Rhodophyceae & usually two subclasses, the paraphyletic Bangiophycidae & monophyletic Florideophycidae. *The name Bangiophycidae continues to be used to identify the early diverging algae from which the Florideophycidae have evolved. *The classification at the ordinal level is in a constant flux, & recent DNA sequencing studies have raised serious questions concerning the correctness of present systems of classification among the Rhodophyta & have led to proposals of new & recircumscribed orders. *The Bangiophycidae are the ancestral pool from which the more morphologically complex taxa in the Florideophycidae have arisen, & they are the sources for the independent origins of the plastids, through secondary endosymbioses, for the Cryptophyta, Haptophyta & Heterokonta as inferred from DNA sequence comparisons (Oliveira & Bhattacharya 2000). *They range from unicells to multicellular filaments (uniseriate or multiseriate, branched or unbranched) or sheet-like thalli (monostromatic or distromatic). *Some taxa are parasitic on other red algal hosts. *Morphological similarities of many parasites & their hosts have led to the speculation that some groups of red algal parasites may have developed directly from their hosts. *These parasites, termed adelphoparasites may evolve monophyletically from one host and radiate secondarily to other hosts or, these parasites may arise polyphyletically, each arising from its own host (Goff et al., 1996, 1997). Cells typically have a single axial stellate plastid with a large pyrenoid, though some taxa contain a cup-shaped plastid or a complex interconnected plastid lacking a pyrenoid (Gantt et al. 1986, Broadwater & Scott 1994). Pit connections are rare and sexual reproduction has not been described in many members of this subclass.