July 2010 4-H Newsletter

Harney County 4-H Newsletter
August 2010
4-H Record Books
4-H Record Books were due
Tuesday, August 3rd.
169 4-H Record Books were
read and scored. Ribbons will
be displayed at the Harney
County Fair.
“No 4-H Exhibit of any kind will be
accepted without a completed
4-H Record Book turned into the 4-H
office by the August deadline.” Rule
#3, page 45 Harney County Fair
Premium Book.
Thanks to all the 4-H members
who completed their books and
turned them in by the deadline.
Record Book Judging!
Thanks to each Club who sent adults
and the older youth who read all of the
169 4-H Record Books. 4-H Record
Books continue to improve in quality.
Gold Medal Applications
Completed Gold Medal
Applications were due with
your 4-H Record Books.
They will be accepted
until the first day of school.
Letters of Recommendation
are due the first day of school or during
Fair. Interviews will be Sunday, Sept.
26th. Intermediate & Senior 4-H
Members with “Blue Ribbon” Record
Books are eligible.
OSU Summer Conference
24 youth and 4 adults attended OSU
4-H Summer Conference in June. 4-H
members took classes on everything
from chocolate making to dog agility.
The Oregon Coast class was a big hit.
4-H Summer Conference is for 7th
through 12 graders. The tour bus ride
over and back was enjoyed by all. Ask
any of the following for their
Andrew Houck
Austin Feist
Courtney Carlon
Glennie Milburn
Jacob Steinbeck
Ty Higgins
Mackenzie Basey
Mark Ruggles
Nick Withee
Rebecca Gibbon
Tony Mims
Zach Bailey
LaNaya Gibbon
Tony Withee
Anna Reid
Chase Patterson
Garrett Blackburn
Heather Ketscher
Julee Withee
Katy Calkins
Maria Obradovich
Mary Dorroh
Peter Cain
Thomas Cain
Kathleen Dickenson
Zachary Moore
Angie Ketscher
Shana Withee
Japanese Exchange
Justin & Gage Cook, Megan Curtis, Sam
Ellibee, Nicol Gahley, Trinton DeLange,
Madison Hoke, Madison Hutchinson,
Amanda Johnson, Kalib
LaChapelle, Tyler Thomas,
Monica & Ben McCanna, Mike
& Lani Ribeiro families
hosted Japanese students
this month. Jocie Cate & Alyssa Stinnett
are staying in Japan. Everyone had a
good time.
Stall Requests
Please turn in stall request NOW. List
4-H members name and number of
stalls needed. Note all animals that
should be stalled together.
Market Steer Paper Work
Change of Ownership Brand Inspection
Form and transportation slips must be
turned into the Clerk at the time the
animal is weighed. (i.e., when the
animal walks across the scale.) The
Brand Inspector will be at the scales.
Country of Origin Forms need to be
completed and turned into the Extension
Office now. Forms are due when
animals are weighed & tagged.
Stall FEES
A fee per animal will be assessed for
each 4-H member and FFA member
exhibiting an animal at the 2010 Harney
County Fair. This fee will cover the cost
of bedding during fair. Fees are DUE
AUGUST 3rd with 4-H Record Books.
Fees must be paid before Fair.
$2 Buyer BBQ fee per Market
$16 fee per BEEF Project
$8 fee per SWINE project
$5 fee per SHEEP project
$5 fee per GOAT project
Fair Theme:
Handmade, Homegrown &
Ranch Fresh
County Wide Insurance
Has your club
paid their $1
per person Club
Insurance fee?
($2 for Horse
Every registered 4-H member and
leader is covered under Harney County’s
4-H policy. This is the accident
insurance policy through American
Income Life Insurance.
Fair Decorations
Please decorate the barn areas and
your stalls using the fair theme of
“Handmade, Homegrown & Ranch
Fair Buildings Decoration
Pizza Party (sponsored by Jim Withee)
for the best decorations
using the Fair theme.
All livestock clubs
are encouraged
to participate.
Fair Premium Books
Premium Books came out the last week
of July. If you didn’t get one in the
Burns Times Herald, one can be picked
up at the Extension Office and a variety
of locations around town. Please read
then carefully. They contain valuable
4-H Responsibility
Remember the 4-H member is
responsible for their 4-H project and is
to do all the work themselves.
Fair Buttons
A Fair button is
required for entry
to the Fair. If you
turn in your Record
Book by August
3rd, you will
receive a Fair
button, sponsored by the Harney County
CattleWomen, the Stockgrowers, and in
memory of Linda J. Custer. Please send
a thank you to CattleWomen, the
Stockgrowers, and Carole Webster.
Keep a copy for your record book.
Remember gate prices have increased
and there will be a new entry system at
Fair. Fair Buttons can be picked up at
the Extension Office.
This is an excellent
opportunity to visit
with the judge. It can
mean the difference
between a blue ribbon
and a red or white ribbon if the judge
has a question on your project and you
can explain why you did it that way. It is
also a great chance to learn what a
judge is looking for and how you can
make your project even better. Come
visit with the judge any time between
8:30 a.m. and noon on Thursday,
September 9th. It is first come, first
serve, so be there early.
Ensemble Boards
4-H members display a favorite outfit
along with appropriate accessories on a
4 X 4 board (provided at fair). Register
at the Extension Office. Forms and
more information are available at the
Table Setting Contest
4-H members
may display a
table setting
and menu.
Settings are to be completed by 8 pm
Wednesday, September 8th. More
information is available at the Extension
Shriner Tickets
Remember to sell those Shriner Tickets.
Each livestock 4-H member needs to sell
2 books of tickets, leaders need to keep
the paperwork on the ticket distribution,
so turn your ticket stubs and money into
your leaders. The Shriners are big
supporters of the 4-H livestock Auction.
The more tickets we sell the more
animals they can buy. A clerk will check
to make sure you sold your tickets at
weigh in on Wed., September 8th.
Tickets may be turned into the
Extension Office before the week of fair.
Market Animal Weights
Animals under or over the following
weights will not be eligible to participate
in the 4-H Livestock Auction. New
weights this year!
Beef - Under 1000 lbs. or over 1500 lbs.
Sheep - Under 100 lbs. or over 150 lbs.
Swine - Under 200 lbs. or over 290 lbs
Rabbits (3)- Under 3 lbs. or over 5.5 lbs
Chickens (3) 4-5 lbs. or over 5 lbs.
Goats – under 85 lbs. or over 105 lbs.
First Weight is Official and
weight and
over weight
may be
exhibited in
Showmanship classes only - May not be
exhibited in Breeding classes, see (Rule
# 7 page 45 in the Fair Premium Book).
Check Weights NOW!!!
With the extreme heat we have been
having, market animals are not gaining
like they should. Please weigh your
animals often and check to make sure
they will make fair weight requirements.
4-H Barn Superintendents
Beef - Angie Ketscher
Swine – Karen Moon
Sheep/Goat - Tiny &
Sue Pedersen
Llama - Anne
Sheeter & Becky
Rabbit -Gena Harvey
Barn Superintendents provide first line
responsibility and authority to assure
that livestock exhibits are suitably
displayed and properly cared for so that
the Fair can be an enjoyable, safe and
educational experience for everyone
involved. Superintendents are
responsible to the Extension Agent and
to the Fair Board member assigned to
the livestock area
Fair Numbers
Market Animals
Steers -30
Hogs - 56
Sheep - 21
Mkt Goats - 2
4 FFA Steers
6 FFA Hogs
Breeding Animals
Beef - 11
Swine - 2
Sheep - 2
Goats - 7
Horses - 4
Rabbits - 5
4-H Livestock Auction
Please contact your last
year’s buyer and anyone else
you would like to see attend
and invite them to the 4-H
Livestock Auction on
Saturday, September 11th.
Auction will begin at 7 p.m.
A 4-H Club is needed to serve coffee
and lemonade during the auction.
Appreciation Barbeque
The meal we look forward to all year!
The Buyer Appreciation BBQ will be held
before the Auction.
Harney County
Credit Union has provided beef to be
barbecued along with the lambs, hogs &
goats. Tickets have been mailed to past
buyers. 4-H members are needed for
serving and cleanup.
See the
assignment chart next page.
Time: 4:30- 6:30 p.m.
Grandstand & Parking
Sponsors: C&B
Sanitary, HC Credit
Union, & 4-H
4-H/FFA Buyer Appreciation Barbecue
Saturday, September 11, 2010
To help with the work to put on a successful Buyer Appreciation Barbecue,
we have assigned clubs to different jobs. The time frame is an estimate of when the
work needs to be done. If your club is not assigned a specific task, please volunteer.
Please contact Sue Pedersen or SHANA if you have any questions.
Club Name & Contact
Wrap Silverware & Napkins
Set up chairs & Tables
8:00 -9:00 am
Corn Huskers
9:00 – 10:00 am
Vegetable Slicers
(Tomato, cucumber, pepper)
Coleslaw Cutters & Mixers
Peach Slicers
Melon Cutters
Put out Salt & Pepper, Jam &
Margarine, then sour cream
Mix Lemonade & Ice Tea
Last Minute Stuff
Serve Dinner – 1st Shift
10:00 -11:00 am
Pigskin Paradise – Bailey
Burns FFA & Crane FFA –
Zamora &
Happy Hummers 4-H Llama Club –
Sheeter & Cunningham
Prime & Pork Ribbers 4-H Club Dadey
Southend Rough Riders - Ugalde
Weisgrams & Snyders
Lisa Moody & Friends
Independent 4-H members
Serve Dinner – 2nd Shift
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Wash Dishes – help kitchen
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Take Down Tables & Chairs
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Clean Kitchen
9:00 – 10:00 pm
Sweep & Mop Kitchen Floor
10:00 pm
11-12:00 noon
Noon – 2:00 pm
1:00 -2:00 pm
2:00- 3:00 pm
2:00 – 3:00 pm
3:00 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Busy Bunnies - Harvey
Harney Herdsmen – Tummonds
Diamond Leatherbusters –
Prime & Pork Ribbers - Dadey
Harney Herdsmen – Tummonds
Superior Beef & Pork 4-H Club
Pigskin Paradise p Bailey
Catlow Country Kids – Davies
P B & H – Ketcher & Moon
Rawhide & Lace – McConnell
Busy Bunnies – Harvey
Burns FFA & Crane FFA –
Zamora &
Superior Beef & Pork 4-H Club –
Burns FFA & Crane FFA –
Zamora &
Fair Use Numbers
Please report the number of people and
volunteer hours of use to the Fair
Caretaker and Don Sloan, Fair Manager.
Fair use numbers are important for
future funding. Please keep track and
report numbers.
4-H Herdsmanship
Remember that Herdsmanship - making
a presentable, safe, livestock exhibit - is
mandatory. Participation in the
Herdsmanship Contest is a choice. A
clean stall is required to receive
premiums. A $35 fine for unclean stalls
will be assessed.
Safeway & Record Book
Big R & Anderson Valley Feed
Feed & Tack Store
All of our local feed suppliers offer 4-H
discounts. Ask for your 4-H discount
the next time you get 4-H supplies.
Fair Director
Rachael & Dan McNeley
are the new 4H Fair
Directors. Let’s
welcome them to the
county and the job. Anne Clark, Janice
Dunten, & Reta Herrera will serve as
Box Tops
Filter boxtops must
be turned in before
the start of Fair.
Boxtops can be
collected all year,
but are to be
turned in between June 1 and the first
day of Fair. NAPA & WIX contribute 25¢
per boxtop.
Safeway continues to sponsor the
Savings Bonds for the Champion 4-H
Record Books. Each year Safeway, Inc.
and the Burns Safeway Store donate 12
Saving Bonds to the 4-H members with
Champion Record Books. We appreciate
their continued support of the 4-H
2010 Fair Judges
Dogs Jeremy Green
Tracy George
John Demick
Scott Jensen
Ken Patterson
Reta Rae Weisgram
Clothing, Fiber
Paty Jager
Arts, Scrapbook
Suezi Conlee
Leather, Photo, Art Marley Winkelman
Volunteers Needed
Does your club need a community
service project? We need volunteers to
clean the 4-H Building before the Fair.
Please call the Extension office if you
can help. Fair clerks and volunteers are
always needed. Call 573-2506 and
volunteer today!
Working Ranch Horse Show
The working Ranch Horse Show will be
held September 5th at 9 am at the
Fairgrounds. Roping, Riding and
Herding will performed. Registration
materials are at the Extension Office.
4-H Achievement Night
We will hold 4-H Achievement Night on
October 6th.
Gold Medals,
Year Pins,
Checks, will
be the
will also take
4-H members are encouraged to bring a
canned food item for the Harney County
Food Bank.
Thoughts for Competition
* Have a performance goal - never to
beat someone else’s goal.
* Respect and learn from competitors
more skilled than yourself.
* Don’t criticize other competitors,
officials, or judges.
* Do your best. And Have fun!
* Be relaxed, it is one day in a lifetime of
Parents, be sure to support your child in
doing their best and accept that we all
make mistakes. It’s OK for a 4-Her to
make a mistake because each one is a
learning experience from which he or
she can grow. Don’t turn it into a
negative that handicaps the 4-Her in the
future. Perfection and winning are not
the most important things about a 4-H
Brian & Bev
LaFollette &
Sterling Savings Bank have donated cash
awards to Grand Champion & Reserve
Grand Champion Market Beef, Sheep, &
Swine; cash award to Grand Champion
Beef, Sheep & Swine Showmanship.
Cash awards will be presented on
Sunday, September 12th during the 4-H
Award Ceremony.
Carcass Viewing
We need your Social Security number on
file for Fair Awards. Thanks to those of
you who have already brought in your
Carcass of Merit results will be available
in the office 2 weeks following fair.
There will be no viewing of carcasses.
Awards Ceremony
Buyer Thank You’s
The Fair Awards Ceremony will be
Sunday, September 12th, at 3:00 p.m. in
the Show Arena. Encourage all to
A copy of
the thank you note send to your buyer
must be on file in the Extension Office to
receive your check at 4-H AWARDS
NIGHT. (Make a copy for your record
Flag Raising & Lowering
Please have the flags up by 7:30 a.m.
and down by 7:30 p.m. The flags need
to be folded and returned to the 4-H
Exhibit Building. The flag raising on
Wednesday will be held at the beginning
of the Dog Show. On Thursday and
Friday the flag raising will be public with
the pledges recited during the livestock
exhibitors meeting. Please encourage
your 4-Hers to record this on their
permanent record sheet
Premiums & Record Book
We will hand out premium monies and
Record Books by levels of 4-H. The
following will help.
Juniors -Crystal & Georgia
Intermediates- Joanna C. & Connie Cox
Seniors- Karen Morgan & Reta Rae
4-H members may pick up premiums
and Record books by last names: Fred
Pelroy will serve as gate keeper.
4:15 pm.
4:30 pm.
4:45 pm
5:00 pm
Building Monitors
Flag Raising & Lowering
Flag Raising Flag Lowering
Frisky Fleas
PB & H
Superior Beef
Rough Riders Rawhide &
Crane Chops
Pigskin Paradise
Clubs have been assigned a block of
time to monitor the 4-H Exhibit
Building. More 4-Hers are needed to
monitor the 4-H building during the Fair.
This is a great and easy community
Check the sign up sheet at the 4-H
Friday 10th
10:00 -12:30 Crazy Cookers
12:30 - 3:30
Knitting & Crochet
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Iron Chefs
Saturday 11th
Noon- 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Bits & Pieces
Sunday 13th
Noon - 3:00 pm Click-its
Diamond Leatherbusters
4-H Camp
Campers and Counselors
had a great time at
Camp. Attending from
Harney County were:
Beau Carlon
Bryce Goss
Christopher Parry
Dallon Higgins
Jake Blackburn
James Obradovich
Kalib LaChapelle
Kyle Robey
Mitchel Steinbeck
Sam Williams
Ty Reid
Tyler Thomas
William Bates
Woodrow McConnellll
Zane Bailey
Alexis Dickie
Carli Feist
Cassidy Reid
Cassie Patterson
Caylyn Gilmer
Claire Hammond
Gaby Gibbon
Grace Johnston
Halle Robertson
Isobel Bradach
Jennifer Osgood
Jourdyne Parry
Julia Kaminski
Kayla Mims
Kirsten Moss
Layle Bennett
Lexi Mace
Mackenzie Moulton
Madison Carson
Madison Hoke
Molllie Banton
Monica Thomas
Morgan Cooley
Nichole Biggs
Nicol Gahley
Parker Landon
Sabrina Clark
Summer Anderson
Tanya Kringlund
Taylor Draper
State Fair SHOWS
At the 4-H Dog Show, Kathleen
Dickenson & Victoria Cross qualified to
represent Harney County at the State
Fair 4-H Dog Show.
Emily Reynolds, Kim Jones, & Julee
Withee will show their rabbits.
Chrissy Moon & Brandi Carlon, were
selected to represent Harney County at
State Fair 4-H Horse Show.
Maria Thompson, Katherine Tracy &
Carolann Tracy qualified to give their
presentations at State Fair.
A Big
4-H Camp Counselors:
Kenny Withee
Brandon Klawitter
Dallas Root
Jake White
Tanner Titus
Ty Higgins
Wyatt Taylor
Anna Reid
Bekah Titus
Cassidy Corrigan
Courtney Carlon
Emily Reynolds
Julee Withee
Meghann Gini
Camp Nurse: Mel Thomas
Helpers – Lyn Biggs &
Michele Steinbeck
4-H Agent - Shana Withee
Carolann Tracy, Tanya Williams &
Katherine Tracy will model their
garments at the 4-H Fashion Revue
during 2010 State Fair.
Good Luck to them!
Harney County Extension Office
450 N Buena Vista
Burns, OR 97720
Non-Profit Organization
Stall Request Due
Stall Fees Due
BBQ Fees Due
26- Sept. 6 State Fair
Gold Medal
Letters of
Stall Fees are due
BBQ Fees are due
6th -12th
11 Buyer Appreciation BBQ
Fair Awards
Gold Medal
4-H Achievement
Awards & auction
Fair Evaluation