May 2010 4-H Newletter

Harney County 4-H
May 2010
Wild West Days at Lake Creek 4-H Camp
4-Her’s from Harney and Grant County will join the fun at the Lake
Creek 4-H Western Camp July 6-10. Outdoor learning, campfires, new
friends, hiking, crafts, flag ceremonies, traditions and nature
experiences will be just a few of the adventures at 4-H Camp.
Camp registrations will be sent out to 4-Her’s in the 4th through 6th
grades. Cost for camp is $190. The 4-H Leaders Association will pay
½ of the registration if you sold raffle tickets. Be sure and get your registration in early as
space can be limited. Our older 4-H members are excited and have been attending trainings to
become your counselors for camp. Head to your closets and find your “Western” outfit and
join us at the Lake Creek 4-H Wild West Camp July 6-10th .
OSU 4-H Summer Conference June 23rd -26th
Each summer, Oregon State University hosts the State 4-H Summer Conference, designed for
youth in grades 7-12. Conference participants come from around the state to
Corvallis for awards, interviews for trips, fun, leadership training, new friendships,
and to attend a wide range of exciting classes taught by OSU faculty, community
volunteers, and 4-H Leaders. This year the registration is a paperless brochure
posted on the State 4-H Website. Copies of the registration form are due back in the
Harney County Extension Office by June 1st. Cost is $200 + 30 for transportation.
The 4-H Leaders Association will provide ½ the registration fee for 4-H members
who sold 4-H Fundraising raffle tickets. The bus will be leaving Burns on June 23rd,
6:00 am at the High School. We will be traveling across the state in a bus picking up
4-H members. Last year this was a blast. Visit, for bus routes and
schedules, dress code, packing list, activity schedule and more. An orientation
session will be held June 14th, 6-7 pm for participants and one parent/adult. We will
discuss dress code, packing list, activity schedule, bus routes and more.
4-H Science Camp
Five full days of science experiments, rocket launching, forest ecology, and more will
be held the week of August 9-12 at the Harney County Court house. Cost is $80.00
per member. The morning classes will be led by older youth and adult instructors,
as well as Shana Withee, Harney County Extension Agent. A field trip to the Hot
Springs is part of the learning experience planned. The 4-H Science Day camp is
sponsored by the OSU Extension Service with support from the 4-H Leaders
Association and a generous grant from the 4-H Foundation.
Agriculture, 4-H Youth, Family & Community Development, Forestry, and Extension Sea Grant Programs. Oregon State University, United
States Department of Agriculture, and Harney county cooperating. The Extension Service offers its programs and materials equally to all
Fair Volunteers
It’s not too early to think about volunteering at Harney County Fair. We are in need
of volunteers to clerk, assistance with the Buyer’s Appreciation BBQ, and
herdsmanship judges. We are looking for a 4-H group to volunteer to clean the 4-H
building the weekend before Fair. This would be a good community project for
your record book. Call today and volunteer at 541.573.2506.
Looking for a new experience and want to learn even more? Volunteer to help in the
4-H Building at State Fair. Some funds are available to help with costs and you can stay
free in the 4-H Dorm on the state fairgrounds. Contact Shana for more information.
State Fair 4-H Judging is held on August 23rd, 24th, & 25th. You can volunteer for just one day.
Record Books are Due August
4-H Presentations and 4-H Contest Days
4-H members interested in giving a presentation at the 4-H Contest Days
can plan to present your presentation on July 21st at 9:00 am at the Elks
Lodge. We will have judging cards set up in the back of the lodge, for
4-H’ers interested in doing them. Ribbons and awards will be presented
during the 4-H Awards Ceremony during County Fair.
Japanese Host
Harney County will host eight Japanese Exchange students and one chaperone, arriving in July.
The youth will be staying with local families for a month learning new customs, experiencing
new things, and making friends. 4-Her’s hosting this summer are; Gage Cook, Megan Curtis,
Nichol Gahley, Trinton Delange, Madison Hoke, Madison Hutchinson, Kalib LaChapelle and
Tyler Thomas. Michael & Lani Ribeiro will be hosting a chaperone. We wish them a fun and
educational experience. Thanks to Edie Neccochea, Monica McCanna, and Ben McCanna for
coordinating this program.
Llama Show
A 4-H Llama show will be held at Ann Sheeters on July 10th.
Contact Ann for more information.
The State Fair Qualifying Horse Show will be held July 24th at
the Harney County Fairgrounds. Show begins at 7:00 a.m. with a Judge’s
meeting. Registration forms can be picked up at the Extension Office. Forms
need to be returned to our office by July 23rd, so that paperwork can be
finished for the show.
4-H State Qualifying Dog Show
The 4-H State Qualifying Dog Show will be held on June 19th at the Harney
County Fair grounds. All members are encouraged to participate in this event.
You may pick up entry forms at the Harney County Extension Office.
4-H State Fair Qualifying Rabbit Show
The State Fair Qualifying Rabbit Show will be held July 24th at the Harney County
Fairgrounds. If you are interested in qualifying for State Fair, plan to attend this fun event.
4-H Record Book Are Due August 3rd
It’s time to finish up your 4-H record book. Books are due in our office
by August 3rd . Records can be picked up from your leader or at the Extension Office.
4-H ‘ers must complete a record book to participate at the County Fair. Record book help
session will be held at the Extension Office 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on July 22, 27, & 28.
4-H Record Book Judges
Remember that each 4-H Club is to have an adult volunteer read 4-H Record Books during the
judging, August 5th & 6th. Sessions start at 8 a.m. with a short training. There is even an
evening session. Older youth are encouraged to come and help with the 4-H Record Book
Judging on Thursday, August 12th. All judging will occur in the Courthouse Basement
Meeting room.
Fashion Revue
The 4-H Fashion Revue will be held on Wednesday, July 21st. We will start at the
Senior Center at 12:00 p.m. for a fashion show and then judging at 1:00 pm at the
Elks. We finish up with an evening performance for the public at 6:00 p.m. at the
Elks. Contestants can compete in sewing, crocheting/knitting, and creative arts
Fashion Revue. Best Performance situations are;
*Juniors – 1st Day of School
*Intermediates – Favorite Sport *Seniors – Job Interview. See you there.
Participate in a new contest called “Ready to Wear”. Participants may combine newly
purchased clothing with up to two items or accessories they already own for a “Total Look”
including shoes and accessories. Newly purchased items must make up at least half of the
items in the outfit. Cost of newly purchased clothing is limited to a total of $25 or less. (This
is a great opportunity to Reuse, Redo & Recycle. Check out our local thrift stores for items.)
State Qualifying Entries
If you are planning to send 4-H projects to the State fair, you need to have them into the
Extension Office by July 29th. Projects will be judged and selections will be made for State
Qualifying. 4-H’ers will then be notified if their projects are going to State Fair. Please have all
items marked with name, county and level.
4-H Horse Show – August 19-24
4-H Livestock Shows – August 30-Spetember 3
4-H Fashion Revue – September 4 & 5
4-H Dog Show – August 28 & 29
4-H Rabbit Show – September 2
Presentations – September 4 & 5
Baby Sitting Training
The 4-H Babysitting training will be held at the Harney County
Courthouse on June 28th -30th, 9 am to 12:00. Cost is $10.00. This
training is open to fourth grade an older youth. If interested call the
Extension Office and register now.
Replacing Rabbit Cages at Fair
After 30 years of hard use, Harney County Fair’s rabbit cages have fallen
apart. Each 4-H club is asked to donate $30.00 towards the purchase of new
cages. This will qualify for community service, so make your donation now. Thank you….
The 4-H market lamb & swine tagging will be held on June 15th,
2:00 -7:00 pm at the Harney County Fairgrounds. Breeding projects
can be tattooed. Breeding registration paper work is due the 15th.
Money Maker for 4-H Clubs
4-H Clubs are invited to come out to the Rim Rock Recycling Center and volunteer
on Friday or Saturday of the week. The club members collect the recycling from the
cars and take it into the center. All pop cans that are collected that day are given to
the club for volunteering. This is a good way to make some extra money for your
club, and also have community service done for your 4-H records. Your money could
be used to sponsor 4-H members who need registration fees, or you could donated to the
new rabbit cage project at the Fair. Contact Dustin Parnell at 573-3070 and set a date now.
Reminder about Fundraisers
All 4-H clubs interested in doing fundraiser must first (prior to the event) fill out an Intent to
Fundraise Form, and turn in to the office for approval.
Natural Resource 4-H Science Camp
Grant County is sponsoring a Natural Resource 4-H Science Camp June 15-18, 2010. The
camp will be at Lake Creek Camp in Logan Valley at the base of
the Strawberry Mountains. This camp is designed for Northwest
youth who have completed the 6th grade through the 12th grade and
have them interact over a 4 day period with professionals in
various natural resource fields. The camp offers a variety of
activities and classes. This year we will be offering: fly fishing,
horseback riding, overnight hike, camp fires, horse shoes, volley
ball, star gazing, community projects, and building bat houses.
Types of classes we will be offering will be Native American
Beading, Fly Tying, Archery, Wildlife Biology, Outdoor Cooking,
Range, Geology, and Fishery. Cost $50. Information is available at
the Grant Extension Office. 541-575-1911.
4-H Members Enjoy “Leadership Gone Wild”
Thirty 4-H members from Harney County enjoyed the Eastern Oregon Leadership
Retreat this year. Harney County was the host county, and with some help and
donations, was able to take members from 6 counties on a road trip to Portland.
4-H’ers enjoyed the road trip with stops at Arlington, John Day Fossil Beds,
Maryhill Museum, Stonehedge, Vista View Point, Multnomah Falls, and then
overnight educational experience at the Oregon Zoo, and OMSI.
Members from Harney County include; Kenny Withee, Heather Ketscher, Kathleen
Dickenson, Julee Withee, Nick Withee, Holly Buck, Zach Moore, Andy
Chamberlain, Mark Ruggles, Sarah Kling, Shasta Kling, Chrissy Moon, Joci
Cate, Zach Bailey, Jacob Steinbeck, Courtney Carlon, Ty Higgins, Alex Sell,
Catrina Male, Heather Delmater-Read, Chase Patterson, Morgan Corrigan, Mary Dorroh, Bryn
Tummonds, Tony Mims, Andrew Snyder, Maria Obradovich, Thomas Cain, Peter Cain, and
Tanner Titus. A thank you to the chaperones, Karen Moon, Angie Ketscher, Michelle
Steinbeck, Dag Robinson, Rachel Robinson, Harmony Cushing, and Shana Withee for making
this trip possible.
Flat Lucky
The State Fair Committee is very excited to introduce you to the newest
member of our 4-H family, Flat Lucky. Take Flat Lucky with you on all
your exciting adventures and document them with a digital camera.
Pictures can be uploaded directly to face book Flat Lucky’s escapades will be compiled in a collage at
State Fair. More information and Flat Lucky downloads can be found at
4-H Leaders Training
Whether you have been a 4-H Club Leader for one year or twenty you may want to take an online e-learning course. This course helps to get leaders acquainted with basic information about
4-H volunteer duties. To take the course just go to the following website and follow the
directions: There are four modules, each
taking about 15-20 minutes to complete. The modules are interactive and self-paced. Take time
to remind yourself about the great opportunity 4-H is for today’s youth.
A thought I would like to leave with you has to do with “Ethics. As a kid you are taught by
your parents to treat other people’s stuff better than you do your own. When you borrow
something to return it in as good or better shape than you borrowed it. As an adult you look
back on the little things that your parents taught and realize that it was all part of making you
who you are. These life lessons are things that you as a 4-H’er can use. Think about what you
can do that will make a difference in someone’s life or in your own. You may hear me talking
about the “Pillars of Character” in the future, which are Trustworthiness, Respect, Fairness,
Responsibility, Caring and Citizenship. Always remember it’s the little things we do in life that
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4-H Casting Call
National Council is looking for stories about young people who are changing the world now…
not waiting to become adults. 4-H is about to launch a new national brand campaign. One that
refocuses our message and image on the incredible young people that are 4-H – young people
who are stepping up to today’s challenges and making an impact now. We need your amazing
stories of how 4-H members or clubs you know did something out of the ordinary or exhibited
leadership in your community. We are looking for recent examples that show just how
indispensable 4-H is in your area. Check out the online form at the website.
2010 Fair Theme
Home Grown, Homemade & Ranch