Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Applicant: STRI IACUC protocols are valid for three years. Please submit this form to at the end of each year of your project.
Project title:
Name of principle investigator(s):
STRI IACUC protocol number:
Annual Report Period (date)
Please provide a brief summary of your project results, focusing in particular on methodology
that was successful or unsuccessful, and recommendations you have for researchers using similar
methods in the future.
Please report the total number of animals used in your study and describe the nature of their use
(modify the table or add notes below as needed).
Common name
Scientific name
Number of
Description of use
(behavioral tests, genetic
samples, etc)
Were there any injuries or mortalities among your study animals? If so, how did they happen? Do
you have suggestions on how this could be avoided in the future? Please explain.