Pete & Mary Pattee Memorial Award One $500 scholarships will be awarded to the outstanding 4-H member who is an 11th or 12th grade student in Gilliam County. A member may receive the award only one time, however, they may apply more than once. The award may be used at any accredited post high school training course, college or university. In addition, a memento will be awarded and their name will be inscribed on the rotating trophy. Application Requirements: 1. Notify the Gilliam County Extension Office by August 5 if you are going to apply for this award. 2. Complete a summary of all of your 4-H activities as an intermediate and senior 4-H member. See sample format. Application must be computer generated and turned into the Gilliam County 4-H fair office by 10 am on Monday of fair. Application available online at 3. Two letters of recommendation completed by adults other than parents. Possible contacts include: 4H leader, teachers, Extension agent, minister, employer, or neighbor. Please submit letters to the 4-H office by 10 am on Monday of fair. 4. Participate in Pete & Mary Pattee Award interviews. Basis for the award: PROJECT RECORDS (20 POINTS) 1. Completeness 2. Accuracy 3. Neatness 4-H ACTIVITIES (60 POINTS) 1. Participation 2. Achievement 3. Leadership 4. Citizenship INTERVIEW (20 POINTS) 4. 5. 6. 7. Personality Appearance Ability to Speak Poise Pete & Mary Pattee Memorial Award Interview Score Sheet Participants= Name __________________________________________________________ Award presented to the outstanding 4-H member based on the following criteria! RECORDS - 20 points 1. Completeness 2. Accuracy 3. Neatness 4-H ACTIVITIES - 60 points 1. Participation 2. Achievement 3. Leadership 4. Citizenship INTERVIEW - _______________________Points Club, Regional, State, & National _______________________Points 20 points 1. Personality 2. Appearance 3. Ability to Speak 4. Poise _______________________Points Total Points ___________________ Comments: ___________________________________________ Judge=s Signature Pete & Mary Pattee Memorial Award Application Name Phone Mailing Address Years in 4-H School Grade completed ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4-H project(s) completed Number of years Major awards received 4-H PARTICIPATION Year County Events Attended Year Regional Events Attended Year State Events Attended (summer conference, state committees, state fair participation (exhibits or contest), etc. Year National Events Attended 4-H ACHIEVEMENT Year Awards & Achievements Earned - County Year Awards & Achievements Earned - Regional, State, & National .4-H LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES Year Role (Explain responsibilities) CITIZENSHIP 4-H Year Community Service Activity Number of hours NON - 4-H Year Community Service Activity Number of hours