Aim: How is American political culture unique? • What is meant by political culture? • What do you believe are the key elements to American political culture? • de Tocqueville on American democracy (see outline) • Effect of “waves of immigration” on political culture?? Aim: How is American political culture unique? Do Now 1. What is meant by political culture? 2. What does American political culture emphasize as important? 3. What hasn’t successive waves of immigration changed American political culture? Aim: How is American political culture unique? • How do we know Americans share these beliefs (in political culture)? • How do we explain behavior inconsistent with these beliefs? • Why so much political conflict in U.S. history? (if we have a shared political culture) • What about economic values? (see outline) Aim: How is American political culture unique? Do Now: 1. What are some characteristics of American political culture? 2. Do American attitudes regarding capitalism impact American political culture? Explain. 3. If there is such a thing as American political culture, how does one explain the level of conflict throughout United States history? Aim: How is American political culture unique? Do you agree with the following statements: (Poll results) • “It is entirely the fault of man himself if he cannot succeed” • “The fact that some people have so much more money than others shows there is an unjust condition in this country that ought to be changed.” Aim: How is American political culture unique? • How would the previous poll questions likely be answered in Sweden? • Why do Americans respond in this way? • Comparing America with other nations (See outline and polling data) Aim: How is American political culture unique? BASED UPON POLLS REVIEWED IN CLASS: How do Americans compare to counterparts in other democracies? • Patriotism • Religious attitudes • Economic views • Confidence in Institutions Aim: How is American political culture unique? What are some sources of American political culture? -Revolution (liberty) -Religious pluralism -Protestant (Puritan) work ethic/participant culture -Child rearing practices (equality, freedom) Aim: How is American political culture unique? • How do we know the sources of political culture are important? Did the Revolution really make a difference?…or would the attitudes grown up in response to something else? • Which factor do you believe has had the greatest influence? Aim: How is American political culture unique? WHAT IS THE CULTURE WAR? • Not based on “class consciousness” • Money is not at stake • Compromises are almost impossible • Conflict is more profound • ORTHODOXY V. PROGRESSIVENESS • War over values • Private and public morality • Key issues: Abortion, Gay rights, Drug use, school prayer, Pornography Orthodox v. Progressive • • • • Orthodox Morality is as important or more important than selfexpression Constant From God an Nature Clear and unchanging Progressive • Personal freedom is as important or more important than certain moral traditions • Circumstances change • Individual preferences should be considered Aim: How is American political culture unique? MISTRUST IN GOVERNMENT • What are the causes of the rise in mistrust? (since 1960s) • Is this a mistrust of government institutions or specific political leaders and policies? • 1980s – stabilizes – why? • Iran-contra affair?? • Early 1990s – mistrust on the rise again – why? Aim: How is American political culture unique? POLITICAL EFFICACY • Internal efficacy • External efficacy • Which has been declining since the 1960s? Why? Aim: How is American political culture unique? • What is the trend in regard to Americans and trust in their government? Explain. • What is the trend in regard to Americans and their sense of political efficacy? (both internal and external efficacy) Explain. • Should the growth of mistrust and the decline in external efficacy be matters of concern? (If yes, should it be a major concern?) • Who has greater trust in its institutions – U.S. citizens or Europeans counterparts? • Who has a greater sense of political efficacy – U.S. citizens or European counterparts? • Go over foreign policy poll results (reading) Aim: How is American political culture unique? DO NOW: • What is political efficacy? • What is internal efficacy? • What is external efficacy? • Review polling results (Figure 4.2) CHANGES IN POLITICAL EFFICACY Aim: How is American political culture unique? • Political tolerance is necessary to democracy. Even though most Americans support the notion of tolerance in theory, many would want to deny political rights to one group or another. (Examples?) • If that is the case, why aren’t more groups oppressed in our system? • Civic Auditorium Example from textbook (surveys, chart) TOLERATION AND MORALITY Changes in Levels of Political Tolerance, 1930-1999 Changes in Levels of Political Tolerance Most Americans say that they would vote for a qualified woman, African-American, Jew, or homosexual from their party for President. • Do you think this is true? • Have Americans really become more tolerant? • Or is the display of greater tolerance in polls an example of people saying what is politically correct to pollsters?