Name: __________________________ Othello study guide questions ANSWER ON A SEPARATE SHEET TO GET CREDIT Act 1, scene 1 1. What is the setting of this scene? 2. Why doesn’t Iago like Othello? 3. To whom did Othello give Iago’s desired offie? 4. According to Iago, why is he a better candidate for lieutenant? 5. If Iago does not like Othello, why does he say he follows the man? 6. What private information concerning Othello does Iago have? 7. How does Iago use this information to his advantage? How does he try to use this information to hurt Othello in this scene? 8. Who is Brabantio? Why is he so annoyed to see Roderigo? 9. Why doesn’t Iago let Brabantio see him? Act 1, scene 2 1. The scene begins mid-conversation. What do you think was said before we pick up in Iago’s speech? 2. How does Iago try to show Othello that he’s loyal to him? 3. According to Othello, why did he marry Desdemona? 4. Who is Cassio? 5. What news does Cassio bring to Othello? 6. Who stops the brewing fight between Othello’s soldiers and Brabantio’s men? 7. Why do all the men eventually leave the scene? Act 1, scene 3 1. About what are the duke and senators worried at the start of this scene? 2. According to Brabantio’s claims to the assembled senate, how did Othello win Desdemona’s hand in marriage? 3. In his speech to the senators, how did he, Othello, and Desdemona fall in love? 4. Where does Othello admit he has spent most of his life? 5. What are THREE amazing life experiences Othello reveals in his tale? 6. Why does Othello think Desdemona fell for him? And why did he fall for her? 7. How did their courtship begin? 8. Othello tells them to send for Desdemona to back up his story. What does he say should happen if they are not satisfied? 9. To whom does Desdemona say she owes most obedience? Why? 10. What new honor is bestowed upon Othello? Why? 11. What favor does newlywed Desdemona ask of the duke? 12. What task does Othello give to Iago? Why do you think Othello picks Iago? What might Iago think of this job? 13. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? 14. How old is Iago? 15. Why is Roderigo so upset? 16. What advice does Iago give to Roderigo? 17. What is a second reason Iago reveals for his dislike of Othello? 18. What is Iago’s plan to bring down Othello? Act 2, scene 1 1. What is this new setting? Why have we “moved” locations? 2. Based on what you know of Shakespeare, how did the audience perceive this change in setting? 3. Which side wins? 4. The victorious men start arriving on shore. List the order of appearances of the men from this scene: 5. Who is Montano? 6. How does Cassio compliment Desdemona? 7. Tell about Iago’s relationship with his wife. 8. What does Iago think of women? 9. Do Othello and Desdemona seem like they are in love? Explain with references to the text. 10. What new lie does Iago tell Roderigo? Why? 11. How will it fit into his plan? Act 2, scene 2 1. What is the point of this short “scene?” Act 2, scene 3 1. What does Iago insinuate is the reason Othello left the men so early? 2. How does Cassio react to these suggestions? 3. Why does Cassio refuse Iago’s invitation to wine? 4. What happens when Cassio drinks? 5. What does Iago convince Montano about Cassio? 6. Why does Cassio get mad at Montano? 7. What happens when Othello arrives on the scene? 8. How is Cassio disciplined? 9. What most upsets Cassio about the situation? 10. What advice does Iago give to Cassio to regain his position? How will this fit into Iago’s plans? 11. Why is Roderigo upset now? 12. How is Iago’s wife Emilia necessary to Iago’s plans? 13. Do you think he will let Emilia in on his plans?