Elements Principles Handout

Name:_________________________________________Mr. Vedder
The Elements of Art
There are typically seven elements of art that can be found in most
art works. These elements are the building blocks of art. Without
them, art cannot exist. Artists use these elements as a "visual
alphabet" to produce all kinds of art forms. The way in which
elements are organized is referred to as the Principles of Design.
1. Line is the most basic element of art; a continuous mark made
on a surface can vary in appearance (length, width, texture,
direction, curve). Five varieties of lines: vertical, horizontal,
diagonal, curved & zigzag
2. Shape is two - dimensional (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
and encloses space - geometric, man-made or free form.
3. Form is three-dimensional and encloses space and takes up
space -geometric, man-made or free form.
4. Color is produced when light strikes an object and reflects back
in your eyes. This element of art has two properties:
Hue -the name of a color (ex. - red, yellow. blue)
Intensity -the purity and strength of a color (ex- bright red or dull
5. Value -the lightness or darkness of a color
6. Space is defined and determined by shapes and forms.
Positive space is where shapes and forms exist; negative
space is the empty space around shapes and forms.
7. Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object smooth, rough, soft, etc. Textures may be actual (felt with touch
- tactile) or implied (suggested by the way an artist has created
the work of art -visual).
Name:_________________________________________Mr. Vedder
The Principles of Design
The Principles Of Design refer to the organization of a work of art.
Each Principle interprets how an artist uses the Elements of Art,
composition and design to express their feelings and ideas.
 Rhythm and Movement
The words Rhythm and Movement are often associated with music, dance and
sports. Art has rhythm and movement, a visual rhythm, a rhythmic movement.
We think of steady marching rhythms, drum beats and the pulsing sound of the
bass on the radio as types of rhythms. The darting of soccer players, the graceful
flow of ballet dancers and the artful dodging of basketball players emphasize
 Balance
As humans we experience the need for Balance in our everyday life. Balance is
also important to a work of art. A balanced artwork leaves the viewer feeling
"visually comfortable". On the other hand, a work that is not balanced creates a
sense of visual stress.
 Proportion
The word "Proportion" means one part in relation to another. Proportion
reinforces the idea that we see and have opinions about the relationships
between one thing compared to another. Artists use their sense of Proportion to
make statements or express a particular feeling about a subject in a work of art.
 Variety and Emphasis
Variety keeps life interesting. Imagine if everything in your life was the same, day
in and day out. Artists understand the importance of Emphasis in their work.
Usually one part or area is given more detail to enhance that section.
 Harmony and Unity
"Harmony" in music results in pleasing tones to the ears. "Harmony" in art results
from a combination of related Elements of Art creating a pleasing work for the
eye. "Unity" infers that the work of art is presented as a " whole". When a work of
art has "Unity", the viewer sees the work as a whole, not in separate sections.