83 Does local feeding specialization exist in Eurasian badgers? Eloy Revilla and Francisco Palomares Abstract: Several local populations of the otherwise trophic-generalist Eurasian badger (Meles meles) have been defined as specializing locally on temporally variable food resources such as earthworms (Lumbricus spp.), olive fruits (Olea europaea), or young rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), owing to a lack of correlation between resource availability and use. However, theoretical models predict that temporal variation in resources reduces the probability of diet specialization. To understand the relationship between temporal resource variability and local feeding specialization, we studied temporal variation in diet composition and diversity (using fecal analysis), the availability of a temporally stable key resource, and the relation between consumption and availability of rabbits (key prey) and invertebrates (secondary prey) for a badger population previously described as specialized on young rabbits. We found strong variations in the use of different resources (including young rabbits) and in diet diversity among seasons and years. The main food resource was young rabbits during winter and spring, fruits in autumn, and reptiles in summer. Diet diversity was inversely related to consumption of young rabbits and directly related to consumption of secondary prey (invertebrates). Consumption of rabbits (both young and adults) was correlated with their abundance in the field, with a type 3 functional response in the consumption of young rabbits, which is typical of a generalist to whom alternative prey are available. There was no relationship between the abundance of invertebrates and their consumption. Our results show that badgers in the study area were not locally specialized, therefore care should be taken when referring to a population as specialized without an adequate test of the predictions. Résumé : Plusieurs populations locales du blaireau eurasien (Meles meles), aux habitudes alimentaires ordinairement généralistes, sont reconnues comme des spécialistes de ressources alimentaires temporaires variables, telles que les vers de terre (Lumbricus spp.), les olives (Olea europaea) ou les jeunes lapins (Oryctolagus cuniculus), parce qu’il n’y a pas de corrélation entre la disponibilité de ces ressources et leur utilisation. Cependant, les modèles théoriques prédisent que la variation temporelle des ressources réduit la probabilité de la spécialisation du régime alimentaire. Pour comprendre la relation entre la variabilité des ressources et la spécialisation alimentaire locale, nous avons étudié la variation temporelle de la composition et de la diversité du régime (par analyse des fèces), la disponibilité d’une ressource importante stable et la relation entre la consommation et la disponibilité de lapins (proies principales) et d’invertébrés (proies secondaires) chez une population de blaireaux connue comme spécialisée dans la consommation de lapins. Nous avons trouvé d’importantes variations dans l’utilisation des différentes ressources (y compris les lapereaux) et la diversité des aliments selon la saison et l’année. Les lapereaux sont la ressource principale en hiver et au printemps, à l’automne, ce sont les fruits et, en été, les reptiles. La diversité dans le régime est inversement proportionnelle à la consommation de lapereaux et directement proportionnelle à la consommation des proies secondaires (invertébrés). La consommation de lapins (jeunes et adultes) est en corrélation avec leur abondance selon une réponse fonctionnelle de type 3 dans le cas des lapereaux, ce qui est typique d’un organisme généraliste qui a accès à des proies de rechange. Il n’y a pas de relation entre l’abondance des invertébrés et leur consommation. Les blaireaux de notre site d’étude ne sont donc pas localement des consommateurs spécialisés, ce qui souligne l’importance de ne pas considérer une population comme spécialisée sans avoir éprouvé l’exactitude des prédictions. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Introduction A species or population is considered more specialized than others if its diet breadth is narrower than theirs (Begon and Mortimer 1986; Futuyma and Moreno 1988). However, because a quantitative measurement of diet breadth is difficult to obtain (Feinsinger et al. 1981), a second criterion is frequently used, which is a comparison of resource use and availability. In this case, a more generalist species varies its intake of alternative prey in response to fluctuations in their . E. Revilla.1 Department of Applied Biology, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Avenida Maria Luisa s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain, and Department of Ecological Modelling, UFZ (Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle), Permoserstraße 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany. F. Palomares. Department of Applied Biology, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Avenida Maria Luisa s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain. 1 Corresponding author (e-mail: revilla@ebd.csic.es). abundance. However, even using both criteria, distinguishing between the extremes of the specialist–generalist continuum may be very difficult. Allopatric populations of generalist species may specialize by means of behavioral responses (i.e., behavioral specialization) to variation in abundance of prey, hence reducing their diet breadth (Futuyma and Moreno 1988; Partridge and Green 1985; West-Eberhard 1989). Behavioral specialization in a population is characterized by overuse of the key resource independently of its availability, and with few, if any, possibilities of reversal to the original generalist pattern (Futuyma and Moreno 1988). These specialists should cope with resource scarcity by using alternative mechanisms (other than increasing their food spectrum), such as allocating more time to searching for the key prey or increasing their energetic efficiency (e.g., Ward and Krebs 1985; Fietz and Ganzhorn 1999). The Eurasian badger, Meles meles, is a territorial carnivore with a broad distribution in the Palearctic (Long and Killingley 1983; Lüps and Wandeler 1993). It is considered a trophic generalist (Roper 1994; Roper and Mickevicius 1995; Neal and Cheeseman 1996) because it uses a wide variety of food resources (e.g., Skoog 1970; Ciampalini and Lovari 1985; Pigozzi 1988; Rodríguez and Delibes 1992; Roper and Mickevicius 1995; Kauhala et al. 1998). Badgers exploit areas of their territory with some degree of spatiotemporal predictability, following a foraging strategy of searching within a restricted area (clumped resources; Mellgren and Roper 1986). Within this conceptual framework, local feeding specialization has been reported for several badger populations and for different resources such as earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) (Kruuk and Parish 1981), olive fruits (Olea europaea) (Kruuk and de Kock 1981), and young rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) (Martín et al. 1995). In all these cases, local feeding specialization is defined as the stable use of a main resource and the absence of a correlation between the use of this resource and its availability (even when there are wide fluctuations in abundance; Kruuk and Parish 1981; Martín et al. 1995). However, theory predicts that the use of resources with a high degree of temporal predictability can lead to specialization (Wilson and Yoshimura 1994), therefore the question of how badgers in these specialized populations cope with temporal variability in the main resource is still unanswered. In this paper we aim to answer this question for a population of badgers in southwestern Spain, where they have been reported as specializing on young rabbits (Martín et al. 1995; Fedriani et al. 1998). We consider two alternative hypotheses about how the diet of badgers is affected by temporal variation in the availability of the main food type. If badgers specialize locally on young rabbits, then we can predict that they will show stable resource use even when the abundance of the principal resource fluctuates (between seasons and years). The use of other secondary prey will also be relatively stable, as will diet diversity. However, if we consider that badgers in the area are not locally specialized (as in most of their geographic distribution; Roper 1994), when one of several resources was very abundant, it would be a key resource for badgers whilst it was available. When the abundance of the key resource drops, animals should switch to other available resources (e.g., O’Mahony et al. 1999). Thus, with seasonal or interannual variations in resource availability there should be fluctuations in resource use, while the use of secondary resources should depend on the availability of the key resources (e.g., Hanson and Green 1989). Diet diversity should be inversely proportional to the use of key resources and directly proportional to the use of secondary resources. To test these alternative hypotheses we studied the diet of badgers in the Doñana area of southwestern Spain and recorded seasonal and interannual variation in diet, the existence of key trophic resources fitting the pattern of variation, and trophic diversity. We also studied the availability of the key trophic resource and one secondary resource (rabbits and invertebrates, respectively; defined after Martín et al. 1995) and the relationship between their availability and their use by badgers. Methods Study sites and badger populations The study was carried out in Doñana National Park, Spain, in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. The climate is subhumid with mild wet winters and hot dry summers. The main study area, Coto del Rey, is located in the north of the National Park and includes a large patch of Mediterranean scrubland adjacent to marshland and dominated by mastic shrubs (Pistacia lentiscus) and cork oaks (Quercus suber). The Mediterranean scrubland is surrounded by plantations of Pinus pinea, pastureland, dehesa, and marshland (for more details see Revilla et al. 2000, 2001a). This area holds the highest density of rabbits in the Doñana area. We also studied the diet of badgers in the Reserva Biológica. The Reserva study site is drier (because of a lower water table), with the vegetation dominated by xerophytic bushes, mostly Halimium sp., Genista sp., and Rosmarinus sp., and pine plantations (Revilla et al. 2000). During the period of study, rabbit density in the Reserva was far lower than in Coto del Rey (20-fold; E. Revilla, unpublished data). The Reserva site is located west of that in Martín et al. (1995), which was characterized by its proximity to marshland, and so by a higher density of rabbits. Badger density in Coto del Rey was three times higher than in the Reserva (0.67 and 0.23/km2, respectively; Revilla et al. 1999). We studied the badgers’ diet by means of fecal analysis. We collected feces from latrines surrounding the diurnal resting places (setts) used by badgers (Revilla et al. 2001b). Discovery of setts was facilitated by daily location of radio-collared badgers in both areas (44–88% of the estimated annual population in Coto del Rey and 38% of that in the Reserva were marked during the study; Revilla et al. 1999). This also allowed most of the collected fecal samples to be assigned to badger territories (five territories in Coto del Rey and three in the Reserva). We took special care not to disturb badgers during the collection of feces (which was usually done when the badgers gave up using the sett). We collected 1258 badger feces in Coto del Rey between January 1995 and November 1997, while in the Reserva the study period was between March and November 1997, with a total of 114 fecal samples collected. © 2002 NRC Canada Table 1. Percentages of prey occurrence, dry mass, and ingested biomass in the diet of Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) in Coto del Rey (CR) between January 1995 and October 1997 and in the Reserva Biológica (RB) between April and October 1997. Percent occurrence a Percent dry mass Percent biomass Type of prey CR RB CR RB CR RB Young rabbits (19.8) Other rabbits (14.1) Small mammals (12.1) Carrion (55.3) Birds (17.3b or 45c) Reptiles (19.4) Amphibians (15.8) Invertebrate larvae (12.0) Invertebrate imagoes (2.5) Fruits (20.4) Fungi (40.0) Otherd Non-nourishing material 35.7 31.2 9.6 3.3 5.9 19.9 27.2 35.2 85.5 31.1 2.4 3.5 70.0 8.8 12.3 10.5 0.9 4.4 36.8 78.1 62.3 95.6 17.5 38.6 0.9 50.0 27.0 15.2 1.2 0.5 1.0 1.6 3.2 7.2 22.9 14.2 0.6 0.6 5.0 5.0 5.1 1.1 0.1 0.3 3.0 14.4 12.2 38.7 7.3 6.9 <0.1 6.8 37.3 15.5 1.03 4.3 1.8 2.8 3.5 6.0 4.6 20.2 1.7 0.8 — 8.2 7.1 1.0 0.5 0.6 8.0 19.1 11.3 8.3 12.4 23.0 0.6 — Note: The total number of faeces analysed was 1258 and 114 for CR and RB, respectively. a Numbers in parentheses show the correction factor. b Passerines. c Anseriformes. d We used the value for the most similar resource (e.g., carrion-correction factor for fish). Fecal analysis In the study of the badgers’ diet we followed the analytical procedures used by previous authors (Kruuk 1989; Rodríguez and Delibes 1992; Martín et al. 1995; Revilla and Palomares 2001). We present the results as percentage of occurrence, percentage of dry mass, and estimated biomass ingested. We calculated our own correction factors (see Table 1) for most of the trophic resources used by badgers in Doñana National Park during a feeding trial conducted on a captive badger from the studied population (carried out at the Centro de Recuperación de Fauna Silvestre of Doñana National Park, Spanish Ministry of Environment). We grouped food types following taxonomic criteria and the foraging method used by badgers in their food-gathering. We distinguished between young rabbits (classified as those with milk teeth in their jaws) and subadult and adult rabbits (with permanent teeth, and by comparison with a reference collection). Badgers obtain young rabbits by digging them out of warrens, while other age classes are only accessible as carrion or as ill individuals during recurrent outbreaks of myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease (Rogers et al. 1994). We also distinguished between larvae and imagoes of invertebrates. Larvae that are consumed (mostly of dung beetles) live underground and so are also dug up by badgers. Carrion was composed of ungulates and the group referred to as “other” consisted of fish and human refuse. Other food types are shown in Table 1. Non-nutritive material was mostly of vegetal origin and considered to have been accidentally ingested (it was not considered in the estimations of biomass). Prey abundance Rabbit abundance was estimated by line-transect sampling (Buckland et al. 1993; Palomares et al. 2001; Revilla and Palomares 2001) carried out in randomly selected areas within the Mediterranean scrubland habitat. Transects ranged from 1100 to 2040 m in length and were surveyed slowly (ca. 1.5–2.5 km/h) on foot at dusk (from 15–20 min before sunset to 25–30 min after sunset), the best time of the day to conduct rabbit censuses in Doñana National Park (Villafuerte et al. 1993). We grouped observation distances of rabbits in 10-m intervals and truncated the distance at 50 m. Because rabbits could move prior to detection, grouping improved the robustness of the density estimator. The truncation distance and grouping options were decided after three pilot samplings. Transects were always the same, did not follow any track or road in the study area, followed a straight line, and were always walked by the same observer. Rabbits were counted every season from winter 1995 to autumn 1997. Rabbit densities were estimated using the program TRANSECT (Burnham et al. 1980). For further details on methodology and on rabbit abundance over time and between habitats see Palomares et al. (2001) and Revilla and Palomares (2001). During 1996 and 1997 we livetrapped rabbits to determine the proportion of breeding females (a female was considered breeding when lactating and (or) pregnant; for details on rabbit livetrapping see Calzada 2000). In total we captured 129 female rabbits (Table 3; Calzada 2000). The seasonal density of females (number per hectare, calculated by dividing the rabbit density by 2 (the sex ratio in rabbit populations is 1:1); Calzada 2000) was multiplied by the seasonal proportion of breeding females. The value obtained was used as an index of the number of rabbit litters per hectare. During 1996 and 1997 we also counted every young rabbit (after emergence from the warren, n = 176) and ill rabbit (individuals affected by myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease, n = 71) seen in the field during standard fieldwork (i.e., with a constant effort throughout the year, mostly during © 2002 NRC Canada radio-tracking). For the sightings of young rabbits we subtracted 19 days (average time spent inside the warren; Calzada 2000) from the sighting date to ensure that the sighting was allocated to the season of birth. We calculated the proportion of sightings of young rabbits in each season by dividing the total for the year. Following the same procedure we calculated an index of the number of ill rabbits in the field using the proportion of sightings of ill rabbits. To obtain a relative index of abundance of invertebrates (mostly beetles) we counted the signs of activity (sand piles produced by larvae and imagoes of dung beetles), imagoes, and dung piles (horse dung and cow pats) in transects distributed in every habitat in Coto del Rey. Transect width was 1 m and length was divided into 50-m sections. In total we sampled 21 different transects (for a total of 91 times) with 1430 sections (i.e., 7.17 km2), counting 9580 signs of activity, 224 imagoes, and 1249 dung piles. Transects were sampled in spring and summer 1996 and in winter (except for those in flooded marshland), spring, and summer 1997. Data analysis Analysis was performed using season as the temporal unit (winter: January to March; spring: April to June; summer: July to September; autumn: October to December). Variations in the frequency of occurrence of each type of prey in Coto del Rey were analyzed with multiway analysis of frequencies using general log-linear models (procedure CATMOD in SAS; SAS Institute Inc. 1990). Thus, the unit of analysis was badger scats and the response variable was the presence or absence of the prey considered. We fitted the complete models (i.e., considering all the interactions) using season and year as independent variables. The level of significance of post-hoc comparisons was assessed with Bonferroni correction. To define the importance of trophic resources in the characterization of seasonal fluctuations in the badgers’ diet we grouped seasons using an UPGMA cluster analysis (using squared Euclidean distances with the CLUSTER procedure in SAS; Romesburg 1990; SAS Institute Inc. 1990). The sets of values of the proportions of consumed biomass (untransformed) of each type of prey were used as the characteristics for defining groups for each season, year, and area of study (considering both Coto del Rey and the Reserva). Then we performed a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, GLM procedure in SAS with type III sum of squares) using the grouping classification obtained in the cluster analysis as an independent variable, and beginning with the simplest hierarchic classification (i.e., two groups) until a significant model was obtained. As dependent variables we used the angular-transformed biomass values for each type of prey. For defining the most important trophic resources we analysed the univariate significant contribution of each type of prey to the final multivariate model and the degree of partial correlation between them. We used Shannon’s diversity index (H′ ) to estimate variations in diet diversity. A first measure was calculated using the seasonal proportion of ingested biomass for each of the territories where we collected feces. A diversity value was also calculated using the proportion of biomass estimated for each fecal sample. This second measure can be used as an indicator of diet diversity in the short term (one or a few foraging sessions). The influence of the different types of prey on seasonal diversity was analyzed using a multiple regression, where H′ was the dependent variable and the proportions of ingested biomass of each type of prey (after angular transformation) were the predictors. The model was fitted with the predictors in decreasing order, according to the strength of correlation between the dependent variable and each predictor, and following backward elimination of the nonsignificant ones. The pattern of temporal variability in rabbit abundance has already been studied for the Coto del Rey population during most of our study period (Palomares et al. 2001). The three indexes of invertebrate abundance in Coto del Rey were analyzed with general linear models (GLM procedure in SAS). As factors we used the type of habitat, season, and year, and as dependent variable the log-transformed index value for each 50-m section. Results Diet and its variations The resources used by badgers in Coto del Rey showed a high degree of taxonomic diversity, which is in accordance with the results of previous studies (Martín et al. 1995; Fedriani et al. 1998). Animal prey ranging from scavenged horse and cattle carcasses to dwarf shrews (Suncus etruscus), amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, Mollusca, earthworms, scorpions, Scolopendridae, Crustacea, Diplopoda, Isopoda, and up to 10 different orders of insects were found. Fruits, bulbs, seeds of Graminae, and fungi were also included in the badgers’ diet, as well as small amounts of human refuse. Young rabbits were the most important prey, accounting for more than 37% of ingested biomass, followed by fruits with 20% of ingested biomass (mostly dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) nuts and wild pears (Pyrus bourgeana)) and older rabbits with 15% of biomass. Invertebrates (larvae and imagoes) accounted for about 11% of ingested biomass (Table 1). The diet of badgers in Coto del Rey was characterized by marked seasonality and interannual variation affecting all prey types (Fig. 1). Consumption of young rabbits varied significantly among years and seasons (Fig. 1, Table 2). Consumption of older rabbits, fruit, and invertebrate larvae and imagoes also varied among years, seasons, and their interaction (Fig. 1, Table 2). In the Reserva badgers also had a broad trophic spectrum. Fungi, amphibians, fruits, and invertebrates in that order were the most important prey types (Table 1). As we only had information for three seasons we did not analyze variability (but see Fig. 1). Key trophic resources The simplest classification obtained in the cluster analysis (two groups) was not significant (MANOVA Pillai’s trace = 0.989, P > 0.05). In the case of the next most simple classification, i.e., three groups, the multivariate model was significant (Pillai’s trace = 1.982, P < 0.01). These groups were defined by winter and spring in Coto del Rey, winter and spring in the Reserva, and summer and autumn in both areas. Only 4 of the 11 types of prey considered in the analysis were significant; in order of importance these were young rabbits, fruits, fungi, and reptiles (F[2,11] = 53.55–4.45, P < 0.04 in all cases). The matrix of partial correlation between © 2002 NRC Canada Fig. 1. Proportions of biomass of the main prey types ingested by Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) in Coto del Rey, Doñana National Park, Spain (a), and the Reserva Biológica (b) according to season (winter (WI), spring (SP), summer (SU), and autumn (AU)) between 1995 and 1997. The numbers above the graph show the number of feces analyzed for each season. (a) Proportion of biomass 1.0 156 151 182 115 137 73 WI SP SU AU WI SP 110 62 117 55 89 WI SP SU 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1995 SU 1996 AU 1997 (b) Proportion of biomass 48 21 1.0 27 Young rabbits Other rabbits Fruits Invertebrate imagos Invertebrate larvae Other 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 WI SP SU 1997 Table 2. Results of log-linear models for the frequencies of occurrence of prey types in the diet of badgers in Coto del Rey, Doñana area, Spain, for the effect of year, season, and their interaction. Years χ[2 ] 2 Seasons Interaction P χ [23] P χ [26] P Maximum-likelihood contrasts 1995 < > 1996, significant differences between all seasons 1995 < > 1996, summer different from the rest, winter < > spring summer < > autumn 1996 < > 1995 = 1997, winter < > summer = autumn 1995 < > 1996 < > 1997, summer different from the rest summer = autumn < > winter = spring 1995 < > 1996 = 1997, summer different from the rest Young rabbits 10.81 <0.005 148.01 <0.0001 31.71 <0.0001 Other rabbits 38.41 <0.0001 131.85 <0.0001 34.53 <0.0001 Fruits Amphibians Invertebrate larvae Invertebrate imagoes Reptiles Birds Fungi 6.49 69.28 92.75 0.98 20.46 1.82 6.79 0.0389 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.611 <0.0001 0.4033 0.0335 118.94 44.55 36.55 33.89 58.94 1.62 7.31 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.656 0.0627 56.07 24.28 20.69 18.69 26.85 19.80 6.36 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0021 0.0047 0.0002 0.003 0.3842 © 2002 NRC Canada Fig. 2. (a) Variations in diet diversity (calculated with Shannon’s diversity index, H′ ) in Coto del Rey (•, average (±1 SE) seasonal proportion of ingested biomass for the territories where we collected feces; 0, average (±1 SE) proportion of biomass estimated for each faecal sample (for the sample size see Methods and Fig. 1). (b) Relationship between H′ (estimated seasonally for the different badger territories) and percent biomass of invertebrate imagoes (•) and young rabbits (0), with their respective trend lines. (a) 2.0 Diet diversity 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 WI SP SU AU WI 1995 SP SU AU WI 1996 SP SU AU 1997 Season and year (b) 2.0 Diet diversity 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 Percent biomass dependent variables a showed significant correlation between young and older rabbits (R = –0.72, P < 0.01) and between fruits and invertebrate imagoes (R = –0.73, P < 0.01). These results indicate that in Coto del Rey, rabbits characterize the diet of badgers during winter and spring, and in the Reserva, fungi characterize the diet of badgers during the same seasons and fruits, reptiles, and invertebrate imagoes during summer and autumn. Trophic diversity The general linear model for the trophic-diversity value calculated for badger territories in Coto del Rey, with season and year as independent variables, was significant (F[11,22] = 5.33, P < 0.001; Fig. 2). Main effects of year and season were significant (F[2] = 9.36, P = 0.001, and F[3] = 8.19, P < 0.001, respectively), but not the interaction. Diversity was lower in 1996 than in 1995 (least-squares means 0.90 and 1.38, respectively; Fisher’s protected least significant difference (LSD), P < 0.001). H′ during summer was significantly larger than during winter and spring (least-squares means 1.46, 0.98, and 0.95, respectively; LSD, P < 0.001). In the analysis of the influence of prey type on seasonal diversity we included invertebrate imagoes, young rabbits, invertebrate larvae, reptiles, and older rabbits (in that order) © 2002 NRC Canada Revilla and Palomares Table 3. Rabbit densities (number/ha), percentages of breeding females (pregnant, lactating, or both), and percentages of young and ill (mostly myxomatous) rabbits over the year in the Mediterranean scrubland in Coto del Rey, and the total number of rabbits used in calculating the percentages. Season and year Rabbit densitya Percentage of breeding femalesb Percentage of young rabbits seen per year Percentage of ill rabbits seen per year Winter 1995 Spring 1995 Summer 1995 Autumn 1995 Winter 1996 Spring 1996 Summer 1996 Autumn 1996 Winter 1997 Spring 1997 Summer 1997 Autumn 1997 Total 29.30 39.35 21.20 7.00 5.20 12.45 3.30 2.00 8.00 21.26 3.46 4.01 — — — — — 85.7 70.0 0.0 68.8 69.2 42.4 20.0 27.8 129 — — — — 20.7 66.6 4.5 8.1 43.1 55.4 0.0 1.5 176 — — — — 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 8.7 87.0 4.4 0.0 71 a Data for 1995 and 1996 are extracted from Palomares et al. (2001). For more information see Calzada (2000). b in the multiple-regression model (Spearman’s rank correlation with H′ was positive for all, between R = 0.70 and R = 0.32, except for young rabbits, which was negative: R = –0.64). From this initial model, only invertebrate imagoes and young rabbits remained in the final model (Fig. 2), which took the form H′ = 0.026 arcsine(invertebrate imagoes) – 0.007 arcsine(young rabbits) + 1.047(adjusted R2 of the final model = 0.65, F[2,31] = 31.90, P < 0.001). The general linear model for the trophic-diversity value calculated with the percentages of biomass of each prey type in faeces was significant (F[11,1242] = 10.07, P < 0.0001). Season and year had significant effects (F[2] = 21.70, P < 0.0001, and F[2] = 9.77, P < 0.0001, respectively), but not their interaction. Intra-faeces diversity was higher in 1995 than in 1996 and 1997 (0.50 versus 0.39 and 0.43, respectively; P < 0.023). Values in winter and spring did not differ significantly from each other, while both differed from summer and autumn, and finally, summer and autumn differed from each other (H′ = 0.38, 0.34, 0.56, and 0.48, respectively, for winter, spring, summer, and autumn; LSD, P < 0.045 in all cases). To compare trophic diversity in Coto del Rey and the Reserva we repeated the same analysis for winter, spring, and summer 1997, but included territories in the model to control local variability within the two subpopulations (F[14,298] = 7.81, P < 0.0001). Territory and its interaction with season had significant effects (F[4] = 13.01, P < 0.0001, and F[8] = 5.04, P < 0.0001, respectively), but not the main effect of season (F[2] = 1.51, P = 0.2225). Territories in Coto del Rey were separated from those in the Reserva in all cases (range 0.37–0.52 in Coto del Rey and 0.77–0.88 in the Reserva; LSD, P < 0.015 in all comparisons). The interaction was due to different patterns of seasonal diversity for territories in both areas: in Coto del Rey trophic diversity increased significantly from winter to summer, while in the Reserva, trophic diversity was significantly higher during winter than during spring and summer. Key prey: rabbit availability and use Rabbit abundance varied seasonally, with maximum densities in spring and minimum densities in summer–autumn (Palomares et al. 2001; Table 3). There was a reduction in rabbit numbers after the winter of 1996. Reproduction occurred mostly in winter and spring and disease outbreaks in spring 1997 and summer 1996 (Table 3). Grouping data by season, and using the same bibliographic data on rabbit reproductive activity as Martín et al. (1995) for measuring young rabbit availability, we were unable to find any relationship with total ingested biomass of rabbits (i.e., grouping together young and older rabbits) or with ingested biomass of young rabbits only (R = 0.20, P = 0.56, and R = 0.02, P = 0.95, respectively). Nor was there a relationship between rabbit density and total biomass of rabbits, biomass of young rabbits, and biomass of non-young rabbits in Coto del Rey (Figs. 3a–3c). We also compared rabbit consumption with more direct measures of rabbit availability: the proportion of young and ill (myxomatous) rabbits sighted per season and an index of the density of rabbit litters (number per hectare). In these cases there were clear relationships between the estimated resource availability and the amount of resource used, which explained 65–71% of the variance in the case of young rabbits and 87% in older rabbits (for linear regressions see Figs. 3d–3f ). For young rabbits, the data showed a good fit with a sigmoidal function (adjusted R 2 = 0.98, F[3,6] > 45.25, P < 0.005, for both measures of availability), showing that badgers switch to young rabbits when densities exceed 1.5 rabbit litters per hectare (Figs. 3e and 3f ). Secondary prey: invertebrate availability and use We compared the abundance of signs of activity and dung piles (both the observed and the least-squares means predicted by GLMs) with seasonal consumption of invertebrate imagoes, invertebrate larvae, and the two summed, and compared the abundance of beetles with consumption of inverte© 2002 NRC Canada Fig. 3. Relationship between rabbit biomass ingested by badgers and different measures of rabbit availability in Coto del Rey, on a seasonal basis. (a) Total ingested rabbit biomass fitted to rabbit density during 1995, 1996, and winter, spring, and summer 1997. (b) As a, but considering only young-rabbit ingested biomass. (c) As a, but considering only non-young-rabbit ingested biomass. (d) Non-young-rabbit ingested biomass in relation to the proportion of sightings of ill rabbits during 1996 and winter, spring, and summer 1997. (e) Proportion of young-rabbit ingested biomass in relation to the density of rabbit litters. (f) As e, but considering the proportion of sightings of young rabbits. Proportions were angular-transformed. (a) (b) 1.4 Arcsine (% of young rabbit biomass) Arcsine (% of total rabbit biomass) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0 10 20 30 0 40 10 No. of rabbits/ha Arcsine (% of non-young rabbit biomass) Arcsine (% of non-young rabbit biomass) (c) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 10 20 30 40 (d) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 50 Arcsine (% of young rabbit biomass) Arcsine (% of young rabbit biomass) (e) 1 2 3 4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Adj. R2 = 0.774, F[1,5]=21.550 P= 0.006 Y= 0.136 +0.301 · X Adj. R2 = 0.162, F[1,9]=2.938 P= 0.121 0 0.2 Arcsine (% of mixomatose sightings) No. of rabbits/ha 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 40 No. of rabbits/ha 0.8 0 30 2 Adj. R = -0.028, F[1,9]=0.728 P= 0.416 2 Adj. R = 0.290, F[1,9]=5.032 P= 0.051 0.9 20 5 No. of rabbit litters/ ha 2 Adj. R = 0.721, F[1,5]=16.472 P= 0.010 Y= 0.202 + 0.215 · X brate imagoes. In none of these comparisons was there a significant correlation (R < 0.69, P > 0.196 in all cases). However, the three indexes of invertebrate abundance showed variation between habitats, seasons, and years (F > 4.40, P < (f) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Arcsine (% of young rabbit sightings) Adj. R 2 = 0.724, F[1,5]=16.710 P= 0.009 Y= 0.0913 +1.136 · X 0.0001, for the three models). Signs of activity were more abundant in Mediterranean scrubland, pine plantations, and pastureland, while values were lowest in marshland (F[5,63] = 19.83, P < 0.0001). Seasonal abundance reached a maximum © 2002 NRC Canada in winter and a minimum in summer (F[2] = 3.51, P = 0.036). There was no difference between years, and interactions were not significant (F < 2.05, P > 0.157, in all cases). Beetles were more abundant in Mediterranean scrubland and pine plantations (F[5,82] = 7.42, P < 0.0001), especially during spring and summer (F[5] = 13.02, P < 0.0001), with lowest values during winter. Year had no significant effect in the model (F[1] = 1.17, P = 0.282). Abundance of dung piles varied between seasons, years, habitat types, and the season by habitat interaction (F > 2.70, P < 0.04, in all cases). Dehesa, pastureland, and pine plantations were the habitats with the highest density of dung piles. The seasonal maximum occurred in winter and the minimum during summer, except in marshland, where the maximum also occurred in summer. The density of dung piles was significantly lower in 1996 than in 1997. Discussion According to the hypothesis of local specialization, consumption of the main prey should be relatively stable, without significant variation in the use of resources over time (Kruuk and de Kock 1981; Kruuk and Parish 1981; Martín et al. 1995). In the case of badgers in Coto del Rey there is strong seasonal and interannual variation in the consumption of not only young and older rabbits but also of other resources. The role of young rabbits as the prey that characterizes the diet of badgers in Doñana National Park was corroborated for winter and spring in Coto del Rey, while fungi were the most characteristic food in the same seasons in the Reserva, fruits during autumn in Coto del Rey, and reptiles during summer in both areas. Therefore, the apparent role of young rabbits as the only key resource in Coto del Rey over the whole study period (as can be interpreted by collapsing Table 1) is the result of grouping together seasons and years when the main resources differed. The variations in the use of resources were followed by similar variations in seasonal diet diversity (Fig. 2). Consistent with the hypothesis of a lack of local specialization, diet diversity was inversely related to the use of the main resource (young rabbits) and directly related to the use of a secondary prey (invertebrate imagoes). This pattern of variation is also apparent at a smaller temporal scale (intra-faeces diversity), which is probably a reflection of individual behavior during one or a few foraging bouts. Furthermore, significant differences in diversity between Coto del Rey and the Reserva during the same seasons show that even at small spatial scales (the two areas are separated by only 8 km), the functional responses of badgers can vary according to local conditions. Consumption of both age classes of rabbits in Coto del Rey can be predicted from their availability in field. In the case of young rabbits, the relationship between consumption and abundance resembles a prey switch, with a type 3 functional response (Figs. 3e and 3f ), which is characteristic of generalist predators for which alternative prey are available (Murdoch and Oaten 1975). This prey switch would explain the lack of a relationship between the use of invertebrates and their abundance in the field, and the inverse relationship between consumption of young rabbits and diet diversity. Therefore, we may conclude that badgers in Doñana National Park responded to temporal variations in the availability of the main trophic resource as we may expect for a generalist species. Nevertheless, badgers in this area have been previously regarded as specializing locally on young rabbits, owing to the lack of correlation between rabbit use (badgers consume rabbits in the summer also) and an index of rabbit availability taken from the literature (Martín et al. 1995). Given that rabbits can breed year-round whenever protein-rich grass is available (Rogers et al. 1994), and therefore in wet summers, we may expect that badgers ate rabbits during summer in years when the rabbit breeding season was prolonged from spring to summer and breeding began earlier in autumn. Consequently, the results obtained by Martín et al. (1995) could also be interpreted as a temporal functional response (i.e., consumption of rabbits in summer) because the availability of rabbits was not measured during their study. Additionally, when we used the same bibliographic data on rabbit abundance (which represents population density including adult rabbits) as Martín et al. (1995), we failed to detect any correlation. We detected the relationship between resource use and availability only after using a clear definition of both age classes of rabbits and their actual availability in the field. Badgers can use only two fractions of the rabbit population, one defined as litters (young rabbits before emergence) and the other as ill subadult and adult rabbits, and only when they are available in the field. Therefore, defining prey types correctly from the point of view of the predator is very important. Independently of the degree of specialization, animals have a rank of preferences among their prey. Whenever possible, they maximize the use of preferred prey, mostly by means of behavioral responses (such as using search images, switching habitat use, or changing foraging tactics; e.g., O’Donoghue et al. 1997, 1998a, 1998b). Thus, by interpreting behavioral flexibility and preference ranking as effects of local specialization we confound optimization models on foraging with theoretical evolutionary models on feeding specialization (e.g., Fedriani et al. 1998). The first deal with the choices made by individuals among a spectrum of alternative prey (Stephens and Krebs 1986), while the second analyze why that spectrum includes those particular prey instead of being wider or narrower (e.g., Wilson and Yoshimura 1994). Optimalforaging models can only be taken to predict the evolution of an optimal diet (i.e., behavioral specialization) by supposing that the optimal decision becomes genetically fixed (Futuyma and Moreno 1988). In contrast, models that include genotypespecific resource preferences and fitness may differ from models of optimal-foraging theory, such as those that predict specialization on a sufficiently abundant but less profitable resource (Futuyma and Moreno 1988). As we stated above, behavioral flexibility is more marked in trophic generalists, while a ranking of preferences among prey types is common to most predators (Begon and Mortimer 1986; Begon et al. 1990). In summary, populations (e.g., Thompson 1998), and even individuals (e.g., Beaudoin et al. 1999), may specialize locally on one or a few preferred prey. However, to constitute a specialization the pattern has to be consistent throughout time and (or) the life of individuals, despite variability in prey abundance. This local or individual behavioral special© 2002 NRC Canada ization might also occur in carnivores (Kruuk 1986; Vargas and Anderson 1998, 1999). However, misinterpretation of the behavioral flexibility of predators and the use of shortterm studies without considering temporal variability can lead to a false impression of local specialization. Animals may have only one prey type available, making the distinction even more difficult. This is especially true for mammals because their high behavioral flexibility in terms of alternative prey (and their spatiotemporal fluctuations) makes it difficult to test many of the predictions of theoretical models (e.g., O’Donoghue et al. 1997, 1998a, 1998b; O’Mahony et al. 1999), and means that the existence of local specialization is very unlikely. The distinction between specialist and generalist predators is important for interpreting their role in many ecological processes (such as predator–prey relationships or population and community dynamics). In the case of the badger, its complex variation in social organization is generally explained by the key importance of trophic resources and their variations in spatiotemporal availability (reviewed in Woodroffe and Macdonald 1993). Therefore, care should be taken when referring to a population as locally specialized without making an adequate contrast between predictions. Acknowledgements This research was founded by the Direción General de Investigación Científica y Técnica and the Direcíon General de Enseñanza Superior (projects PB94-0480 and PB97-1163) and sponsored by Rover España. E.R. was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. Fieldwork was conducted with the permission of Doñana National Park (Spanish Ministry of Environment) and Agencia de Medio Ambiente (Junta de Andalucía). The Centro de Recuperación de Fauna Silvestre, Doñana National Park, allowed and helped with the feeding trial. C. Arcocha, J. Ayala, A. Devenoges, J. Calzada, G. Chapron, K. Elsner, N. Fernández, A. Flores, G. Lariccia, M.A. López, A. Meijers, J.M. Pérez, J.C. Rivilla, C. Rodríguez, A. de Roos, and V. Salvatori helped with field and (or) laboratory work. Lively discussions with and (or) comments from B. Blake, J. Calzada, M. Delibes, J. Goszczyñski, R. Delahay, J.M. Fedriani, N. Fernández, P. Ferreras, K. 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