Sewanhaka Central High School District Elmont Memorial High School Mrs. Guerrero World Language Teacher Curriculum Mapping for AP Spanish using the National Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core Standards Objectives /Goals Students will be able to learn about September Spanish short films “Momentos Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) de Estacion” Spanish culture “Hispanic immigration in the United States” & how the Hispanics communicate using technology. Spanish Literature Chapter 1 “El Decimo” Chapter 2, 3 Un Oso y un amor Spanish vocabulary “Las Relaciones Personales” Spanish structure “The present tense, Ser and Estar, Gustar and similar verbs” Chapter 1, el preterito, el imperfect, el presente perfecto, el pluscuamperfecto. Spanish reading selections “La Importancia del Espanol en los EE UU.” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish speakers destination “United States” Essential Questions Content Skills Assessment Activities Resources and text selection for the Unit ¿Cuál es tu estado civil? ¿Cuál es tu estado emociaonal? ¿Cómo es tu personalidad? ¿Cómo son tus relaciones personales? Que sientes? ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿Por qué el cortometraje se llama “Momentos de Estacion”? ¿Cómo es el Español en los Estados Unidos? ¿Conoces a los famosos Latino Americanos? ¿Por qué? :”A in click de distancia” ¿Cuál es la corriene latina en los estados Unidos? Conoces a alguien que se haya Ganado la loteria? Te has encontrado con algun animal peligroso alguna vez? Student Introductions Introduce scoring rubrics Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Strategies for dialogues pp. 1-3, Reading Comp. pp. 3943,44 Short dialogues p.4 Long dialogues p.19,20 Short narratives pp. 12-13, Long Narratives p.29,30 “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 1, el preterito, el imperfect, el presente perfecto, el pluscuamperfecto. “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 1 “El Decimo” Chapter 2, 3 Un Oso y un amor Assign group Project “ 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Quiz on preterito and imperfect Test “el Decimo”, preterito and imperfect Quiz present perfect and pluscuamperfecto Test: Vocabulary and reading selections. Promocional) Group presentation (La inmigracion en los EE.UU.) Essay exam Research paper (una comunidad latina, una celebracion hispana, un lugar para el arte y la cultura promocional) Summarize Short films Acting out a scene from the Short film Communicative activities: dialogs, group activities. Sketches, charades, in pairs., interviews, surveys Practica: listening, reading activities, and fill in the blanks, matching, writing letters of their own to la Dra. Corazones, then classmate will write letters of response. Conducting a poll to determine the number of students who have moved out of their parents’ homes and to another city to attend college. Debating the pros and cons of living close to home. “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor Viajando por Imagina Vocabulary “Las Relaciones Personales” October Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language Students will be able to learn Spanish short films “Adios Mama” Spanish culture “Juchitan” the women city. Spanish Literature “Aqueronte, Jose Emilio Pacheco” Spanish vocabulary “The City Life” Spanish structure “The preterite, the imperfect, the preterite vs. the imperfect. Spanish reading selections “te gusta viajar?” Spanish Latin Artists and their ¿Qué actividades en la ciudad? ¿Que gente hay en la ciudad? ¿Dónde esta la iglesia? ¿Para que sirven los medios de comunicacion? ¿Quiénes son los profesionales de los medios? ¿Qué hacen el cine y la televisión? ¿Qué hace la prensa? ¿Estamos informados o hipnotizados por los medios de comunicacion? ¿Cómo es Mexico? ¿Quiénes forman parte de Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Informal Writing p. 144-145 Strategies for dialogues pp. Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.4 Long dialogues p. Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Tests Rosa, Un oso y un amor, el presente perfecto, Pluscuamperfecto Project Presentation Test: short stories And “Imagina” cultura. Brochure (Travel Itinerary) Group presentation (selecciona tres lugares que quisieras visitar en Mexico) Essay exam Teacher Summarize Short films Acting out a scene from the Short film Write a different ending to the film. Communicative activities: dialogs, group activities. Sketches, charades, in pairs., interviews, surveys Practica: Listening, reading activities. Fill in the blanks, matching, writing letters Compare practices in Mexico vs. United “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook (Comparisons) personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Mexico” Spanish Flash Culture “Taxco la ciudad de los ciclistas” Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Encrucijada” Spanish culture “ Los Ritmos del Caribe” Spanish Literature Chapter 4,5 Continuidad de los Parques y Un Oso y un amor. Chapter 6,7 Jacinto Contreras y Nosotros no. Continuidad de los parques y los Perfectos. Spanish vocabulary “La Influencia de los Medios” Spanish structure Chapter 2, los adjetivos, demonstrativos, posesivos. Pronombres, posesivos, demonstrativos y comparaciones. “The preterite, the imperfect, the preterite vs. the imperfect. Spanish reading selections “te gusta viajar?” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Mexico” Spanish Flash Culture “Taxco la ciudad de los ciclistas” la Galeria de creadores de Mexico? ¿Por qué el cortometraje se titular “Adiós mamá? ¿Por qué hay una locura en bicicletas en Down Taxco? ¿Quiénes son las mujeres de Juchitan? ¿Quién fue Frida y Diego Rivera? ¿Quién es Jose Emilio Pacheco? ¿Cómo es El Cribe: Cuba, Puerto Rico, y la Republica Dominicana? ¿Qué es el Coqui? ¿Conoces la galleria de creadores del Caribe? ¿Cuáles son los ritmos del Caribe? Por que el cuento se titular “Continuidad de los Parques? En tu opinion, por que se llama “Cajas de carton” el cuento? Cual es el regalo que recibe Francisco Contreras? Cual es la moraleja del cuento “Nosotros, no” Gramatica”-Chapter 2, los adjetivos, demonstrativos, posesivos. Pronombres, posesivos, demonstrativos y comparaciones. “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 4,5 Continuidad de los Parques y Cajas de Carton Jacinto Contreras recibe su paga extraordinaria. y Nosotros no. “Imagina” Vocabulary “The City Life” Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (Aventuras en el Caribe) (Mi Comunidad) Reflection paper on movie. Students write the script for a play, soap opera, documentary or talk show. States (Compare the description of Juchitan to their previous ideas about what constitutes a matriarchal society. Listen to excerpts from several Spanish artists and discuss the genre of each song and the instruments used. Watch music video clips for students to analyze the lyrics, critique the video and find meaning of the song. Write a police story And read the story to the class. Students will discover the mystery. Write an e-mailed Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor Spanish-speaking countries. November Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “En el Rincon de Venezuela” Spanish culture “ La herencia de los mayas ” Spanish Literature Chapter 8,9 “No oyes ladrar los perros” y “El arbol de oro” Chapter 10, 11 “Jaque Mate en dos Jugadas” y “La Viuda de Montiel” Spanish vocabulary “Generaciones en movimiento” Spanish structure Chapter 3, el presente progresivo. “ Reflexive Verbs and Subjunctive” Spanish reading selections “La carretera Panamericana” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Centroamerica” Spanish Flash Culture “El turismo en Nicaragua” ¿Quién es Gines S. Cutillas? ¿Quiénes fueron las hermanas Mirabal? ¿De qué trata “In the Time of the butterflies”? ¿Cuáles son las etapas de la vida? ¿Qué son las generaciones? ¿Cómo son tus parientes? ¿Cómo es la personalidad de tu familia? ¿Cómo es tu vida familiar? ¿De qué trata el cortometraje: “El Rincon de Venezuela? ¿Cómo es Centroamerica: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, y Panama? ¿Quiénes forman parte de la galeria de creadores de Centro America? ¿Por qué el turismo es un aporte y un desafio? ¿Cuál es la herencia de los mayas? Por que le preguntaba el padre constantemente a Ignacio si oia ladrar a los perros? Describe el arbol. Por que tiene rayos a su alrededor? Que hay en el arbol? Que tiene que ver el titulo del cuento “Jaque Mate en dos Jugadas”con el Juego? Que es Jaque Mate? Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Informal Writing p. 146-147 Formal Writing p. 152-155, 156-157, 158-159 Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.5 Long dialogues p. Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 3, el presente progresivo. “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 8,9 “No oyes ladrar los perros” y “El arbol de oro” Chapter 10, 11 “Jaque Mate en dos Jugadas” y “La Viuda de Montiel” History on “Dia de los Muertos” “Imagina” Vocabulary -Generaciones en Movimiento 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up Quiz on presente progresivo and reflexive verbs. Proyecto (Odisea por Centro America) Group presentation (La Cultura Maya) Essay exam Teacher Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (La Panamericana) Tests on short stories. Summarize short stories and, Short films Acting out a scene from the Short film Communicative activities: dialogs, group activities. Sketches, charades, in pairs., interviews, surveys Practica: Listening activities, reading activities, fill in the blanks, matching, writing letters Prepare oral presentations about their own families, using photographs or other visual aids Debating “Brecha generacional” For oral practice, in groups students will give short presentations on Mayan influence in the following areas: la astronomia, la comida, la lengua espanola, la religion, la arquitectura. Tell an anecdote about their families “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. December Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Raiz” Spanish culture “ La Cordillera de los Incas ” Spanish Literature Chapter 12,13 Cartas de Amor Traicionado y Emma Zunz. Chapter 14,15 Rima LIII y Me gusta Cuando Callas Spanish vocabulary “Las riquezas naturales” Spanish structure “The Future tense and the conditional. Chapter 4, Presente de Subjuntivo Spanish reading selections “La selva amazonica biodiversidad ¿Sabes los nombres de estos animales en espanol? ¿Qué es la ecologia? ¿Por qué es importante saber de leyes y derechos? ¿Qué fenomenos naturales existen? ¿Qué hay en la naturaleza? ¿Por qué el cortometraje se titular “Raiz”? ¿Por qué debemos preservar la selva amazónica? Teniendo presente el titulo del cuento, “La viuda de Montiel” De que crees tu que trata el cuento? Cual seria la reaccion de Analia al conocer al autor de las cartas? Que harias tu si una Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Speaking p. 201202,203,204,205,206 Informal Writing p. Formal Writing p. Formal Oral Presentation pp. 223224, 225-226, 227228, 229-230, 231232 Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.5 1. Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after Test Presente del Subjuntivo Test, quiz (Lecturas y poesias) Proyecto (revista de ecoturismo) Group presentation (La Selva Amazonica) Essay exam Teacher Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (Oswaldo Guayasamin) Proyect #2 “Mi Futuro” “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook curativa?” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela” Spanish Flash Culture “La flora y la fauna del valle del rio Mindo” persona tratara de danar tu reoutacion o la reputacion de uno de tus amigos? Que sentimientos piensas que va a tartar de expresar el poeta al usar estas palabras? A quien le habla el poeta en este poema? Me gustas cuando callas. Que relacion parece tener el poeta con esta persona? Long dialogues p. Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 4, Presente de Subjuntivo “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 12,13 Cartas de Amor Traicionado y Emma Zunz. Chapter 14,15 Rima LIII y Me gusta Cuando Callas Video “La Navidad en los Paises de Habla Hispana” Assign project “Las Posadas” “Imagina” Vocabulary -Las Riquezas Naturales listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor January Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Un Pedazo de Tierra” Spanish culture “Espana – Confluencia de Civilizaciones” Visitemos Espana! Spanish Literature “Chapter 16, 17 Adolescencia y Proverbios y cantares XXIX Read “Dona Perfecta” Spanish vocabulary “Nuestro Mundo” Spanish structure “The Present Subjunctive, The Passive Voice” Chapter 4, Presente Perfecto Subjuntivo Spanish reading selections “Espana Nueva Ola de Inmigrantes” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Espana” Spanish Flash Culture “Quien quiere ser millonario?” ¿Qué cambios te gustaría hacer para el futuro? ¿Habrán mas problemas y soluciones en nuestro futuro? ¿Cuáles son las tendencias futuras? En que piensas cuando ves la palabra adolescencia? Piensa el autor sobre la adolescencia de una manera positiva? Te gustaria a ti poder regresar a las partes del camino o epocas por las cuales ya has pasado? Que piensas que nos esta tratando de ensenar el poeta en Proverbios y Cantares, XXIX? Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Speaking p. Informal Writing p. Formal Writing p. Formal Oral Presentation pp. Reading Comp. pp. 45,46,47 Short dialogues p.7 Long dialogues p. 21,22,23 Short narratives pp. 14-15 Long Narratives p. 31 “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 4, Presente Perfecto Subjuntivo “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 16, 17 Adolescencia y Proverbios y cantares XXIX Read “Dona Perfecta” “Imagina” Vocabulary “Nuestro Mundo” 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Semester Exams (AP practice Test) Turn in Journal writing for the semester Quiz Presente Perfecto Subjuntivo Test: Poemas e Historias cortas. Proyecto (La arquitectura de Espana) Group presentation (Visitemos Espana) Essay exam Teacher Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (Espana Nueva ola de Inmigrantes) Proyecto 2 Artistas de Espana “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. February Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Heritage and Destiny ¿Cómo es España? ¿Quiénes forman parte de la galeria de creadores modernos de España? ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? En Pantalla ¿Quién es Gabriel García Marquez? ¿Qué significa en el cortometraje “Un pedazo de tierra”? En que piensas cuando oyes la palabra Despedida? En tu opinion como es el tono del poema Despedida? Que tono tiene el poema “Selecciones de Versos Sencillos” ? Es pesimista? Optimista? Misterioso? Dramatico? Explica tu respuesta. Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Speaking p. 201202,203,204,205,206 Informal Writing p. 148-149 Formal Writing p. Formal Oral Presentation pp. Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.5 Long dialogues p. Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a Test El Futuro and the Futuro Perfecto, conditional, Conditional Perfect Tests on Reading selections. “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Cuando piensas en una rosa blanca, que ideas te vienen a la mente? Pureza? Inocencia? Paz? Si una persona te hace algun dano, es justo tartar de desquitarse? Explica tu respuesta. Gramatica”-Chapter 5, El Futuro, El Futuro Perfecto, The Conditional, The Conditional Perfect” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 18 & 19 Despedida y Cancion de Jinete, Versos sencillos. “Imagina” Vocabulary -Nuestro Mundo report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor March Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Happy Cool” Spanish culture “Lima: el encanto de la historia! Conozcamos Perú! Spanish Literature “La Intrusa”por Pedro Orgambide Spanish vocabulary “La tecnología y la ciencia” Spanish structure “Summary Present Subjunctive” Spanish reading selections “La ciudad redescubierta” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Perú” Spanish Flash Culture “Perú Rock Opera” Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Hiyab” Spanish culture “Rompecabezas de maravillas” Visitemos Chile! Spanish Literature “La mejor tinta” por Armando Valladares Spanish vocabulary “Creencias e idiologías” Spanish structure “Uses of se”, Uses of the infinitive” Spanish reading selections “Chile: dictadura y democracia” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Chile” ¿Quiénes son los cientificos de hoy? ¿Cómo a mejorado la ciencia en cuanto a inventos? ¿Cuáles son los avances de la technología?¿por qué los cientificos estudian el universo y la astronomía? ¿De qué se trata el cortometraje “Happy Cool”? ¿Cómo es Perú? ¿A quiénes presenta la Galeria de creadores del Perú? ¿Qué es Machupichu? ¿Quién es Pedro Orgambide? ¿Qué significa el valor de las ideas? ¿Cuántos gobiernos hoy día respetan las leyes, la libertad y los derechos humanos? ¿Qué es la política? ¿Quiénes son la gente que luchan por sus creencias e idiologías? ¿Qué representa la amenaza y la seguridad de un país? Con que pretext se celebrant los San Fermines? Cuanto dura la celebracion? Que es una Oda? Puedes pensar en alguna oda que has leido en Espanol o en Ingles, De que se trata? Puedes adivinar lo que va a decir el poeta sobre el tomate? Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Speaking p. 201Informal Writing p. Formal Writing p. 160,161,162,164,165166,167-168 Formal Oral Presentation pp. Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.5 Long dialogues p. 32 Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 6, El Imperfecto “Abriendo Paso Lectura” Chapter 22,23 oda al Tomate y la fiesta de San Fermin. Chapters 24, 25 Fernando Botero y La Tomatina. Read: “Bodas de Sangre” “Imagina” Vocabulario -La Technologia y la Ciencia” -Creencias e idiologias” 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Tests Conditional perfect and El Imperfecto. Test: Poems Proyecto (El Misterio de las lineas de Nazca) Group presentation (Conozcamos Peru) Essay exam Teacher Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (“Machupichu La ciudad redescubierta”) Brochure “La celebracion del dia de una comunidad" Proyecto (Visitemos Chile) Group presentation (Conozcamos Peru) Essay exam Teacher Assessment Created tests/quizzes Research paper (“Chile: dictadura y democracia”) Reflection paper on movie “Machuca” “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor Spanish Flash Culture “El uso de las bicicletas” April Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) Students will be able to learn Spanish short film“El hombre que volaba un poquito” Spanish culture “Historia y Naturaleza! “Viaje por Bolivia y Paraguay” Spanish Literature “La Mirada” por Juan Madrid Spanish vocabulary “El trabajo y las finanzas” Spanish structure “The Present Subjunctive, The Passive Voice” Spanish reading selections “Recursos naturals: Una salida al mundo” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Bolivia y Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. Por que piensas que Botero pinta a las personas de manera gruesa? Cual es la opinion de Botero sobre los cuadros de figuras estilizadas? Has participado en una Guerra de comida? En que consiste la fiesta de la Tomatina? Como responden los bunolensesa? ¿Qué es un Hiyab y por qué se usa? ¿Que pasa en el cortometraje HIYAB? ¿Cómo es Chile? ¿Quiénes forman parte de la galeria de creadores de Chile? ¿Por qué el gobierno de Chile incentiva el uso de las bicicletas? ¿De qué trata Machuca? ¿Tenía Chile una dictadura y democracia a la vez? ¿Quién es Armando Valladares? ¿Qué es el mundo laboral? ¿Qué tiene que formar parte de la economia de un país? ¿Cuáles son las profesiones en el mundo de las finanazas? ¿De qué trata el Journal Writing “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination“ Speaking p. 207,208,209,210, 211, 212, 213-214 Informal Writing p. Formal Writing p. 169-171,172-174 Formal Oral Presentation pp. 233234, 235-236,237238,239-240,241-242, 245,246,247,248 Reading Comp. pp. Short dialogues p.5 Long dialogues p. 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening AP Spanish Practice Test test: el imperfect, pluscuamper fecto, Conditional perfecto. Summarize Short films Acting out a scene from the Short film Communicative activities: dialogs, group activities. Sketches, charades, in pairs., interviews, surveys Practica: Listening activities, reading activities, fill in the blanks, matching, writing letters Research Madidi National Park and write e-mails to friends describing what they have seen and done at the park. Describing a job interview they have had. Write a newspaper “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Paraguay” Spanish Flash Culture “El gran carnaval de Oruro” cortometraje “el hombre que volaba un poquito”? ¿Cómo es Bolivia y Paraguay? ¿A quiénes nos presentan la Galeria de Creadores de Bolivia y Panama? ¿Cómo es el gran carnival de Oruro? ¿Por qué los recursos naturales son una salida al mundo? ¿Quién es Juan Madrid y de qué trata su cuento? Short narratives pp. Long Narratives p. “Abriendo Paso Gramatica”-Chapter 6, del conditional “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina” Vocabulary El Trabajo y las Fiananzas. source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing article. Imagina Web site Web site Tutor Summarize Short films Acting out a scene from the Short film “AP Spanish Preparing for the Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. May Common Core Students will be able to learn Spanish short film “Espiritu ¿Que te gustaría hacer en las vacaciones? ¿Que vas ha ahcer en tu Journal Writing “AP Spanish 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening students will listen 1. AP Spanish Practice Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) deportivo” Spanish culture “Diversiones para todos” Exploremos Montevideo y Buenos Aires! Spanish Literature “El beso de los dragones” por Wilfredo Machado Spanish vocabulary “Las diversiones” Spanish structure “Si clauses” Spanish reading selections “Fin de semana en Buenos Aires” Spanish Latin Artists and their personalities. “Galeria de Creadores” Spanish destination “Argentina y Uruguay” Spanish Flash Culture “Cruzar 9 de Julio” tiempo libre? ¿Que significa tener un espiritu deportivo? ¿Cómo es Argentina y Uruguay? ¿Quiénes son los personajes que nos presenta la galería de creadores? ¿Por qué cruzar la calle 9 de Julio puede ser todo un desafio? ¿Cómo es pasar un fin de semana en Buenos Aires? ¿Quién es Wilfrido Machado y de que habla su cuento “El beso de los dragones”? Preparing for the Language Examination“ practice exercises from reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Watch video life of Frida Kahlo Assign project: “El arte de Espana” &” Spanish Painters” “Food Network Star” to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of Tests : AP Spanish Test (May 6th) Turn in journal writing for the semester Communicative activities: dialogs, group activities. Sketches, charades, in pairs., interviews, surveys Practica: Listening activities, reading activities, fill in the blanks, matching, writing letters Teach students the basic steps of Tango Having students making predictions. Writing a travel article entitled Fin de Semana en…using visual presentation. Writing a microcuento and presenting it to the class. Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site Web site Tutor authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. June Common Core Standards Reading (Standards 1.2; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1,) Writing (Standards 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.1,3.2; 4.1, 4.2; 5.1) Speaking and Listening (Standards 1.1, 1.3; 2.1,2.2; 3.2; 4.1; 5.2) Language (Comparisons) ¿De qué trata “La Casa de los Espiritus” ¿Sabes que estudiar para el examen final?. Present Research Projects “El Arte de Espana” “Spanish Painters” “Food Network Star” 1.Interpretive Mode: Listening Students will listen to reports, and authentic sources, such as news, radio shows, and TV programs on a daily basis in class and at home. In addition students will listen to songs, news reports, documentaries, and interviews. 2.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Speaking Debate panel discussions after listening to a report, song, or any other listening source. Simulated phone conversations to PostAssessment Final Exam “AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examinatio n“ “Abriendo Paso Gramatica” “Abriendo Paso Lectura” “Imagina espanol sin barreras” Textbook Teacher Hand-outs, and Power Points Descubre CD Imagina Web site compare and contrast. 3.Interpretive Mode: Reading Read newspapers and magazine articles, as well as literature. 4.Interpersonal and Presentational Modes: Writing Journal writing is used as a warm-up activity, e-mails to friends, diary entries. Formal writing projects. Synthesis of authentic listening and reading sources, such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, in an essay of 200250 words. 5. Culture: Differences and similarities among different cultural aspects of many Spanish-speaking countries. Web site Tutor