Technology Planning Committee December 14, 2006 Meeting Summary Agenda

Technology Planning Committee
Technology Planning Committee
December 14, 2006
Meeting Summary
Present: Susan Andrien, Win Cottle, Victoria Coad, Steve Dodson, Harriet Eskildsen, Andy Haber,
Andrea Hunter, Rick Sapanaro, Ingrid Schreck, Jessica Sutter, Michael Ransom
Guests: V-Anne Chernok, Dir of Modernization, Doug Berman, Sungard
Agenda Review/Approve
Review of Action Items/Unfinished Business
Banner Implementation
Policy Development—Acceptable Use
Rollover Plan
Shell DE Plan--EEIF
Meeting Wrap Up
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Meeting Summary
Agenda Review
Agenda was approved.
Approve Minutes
Minutes from November 30, 2006 were approved.
Review of Action Items/Unfinished Business
Unfinished business was reviewed.
V-Anne Chernok reported on modernization. New buildings will be constructed for Fine Arts and
Science/Math/Nursing/IT (Data center). A learning resources building will be constructed at IVC.
All classrooms will be smart classrooms with wireless access.
There may or may not be extra money left over for other construction but that has not yet been
A usergroup consisting of students, faculty, and staff in February of next year will gather information.
Banner Implementation
Dec 14, 06
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Technology Planning Committee
Doug Berman reported on the Banner implementation. The project has been entitled COMET, thanks to
Chris Edmondson’s creative naming. The project is on time.
Payroll will also go live with Banner in Jan 2008.
Training in Finance started in November and will go live March 08.
The Banner Student (student registration and online payment) will also go live in March 2008.
Faculty will begin training in February 2008. Eric Dunmire is the faculty rep on the training committee.
Antelope Valley College has a Luminis portal “guest” example for a sneak preview.
Media Services requests that Doug Berman contact them about a third party product that can tie
equipment scheduling and inventory tracking to Banner.
Rollover Plan
To be discussed next time.
Policy Development
To be discussed next time.
Meeting Wrap Up
Action Items
Student Use Policy Workgroup will make recommended changes.
Andrea will ask the Student Services Committee to get information on technology needs.
Members will review the DE/TAL EEIF and the @One DE Plan for future discussion.
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
 Student Domain
 Rollover Plan
 Outsourcing of IT
 Comcast
 “Shell” DE Plan DE/TAIL
 Google Partnership
 Review of Tech Committee Webpage
 New Officers
 Goals for Spring 07
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