UW PARS > PAR DATA ENTRY > EXP CORRECTION DATA ENTRY To search by something other than the EmplID click on the down arrow Click on the item you want to use to search. Enter the Emplid, then click the Search button (or hit enter) Expenditure Correction Data Entry 1 The system will return all checks received by this employee for the current fiscal year and the last fiscal year, separated by employee record number. Click on the Emplid/Employee record number for the record that you want. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 2 The page will display all funding and associated earnings for this record. Percentage - enter a percentage – can use up to 4 decimals. Combination Code – click on the magnifying glass to see valid values: In the Begins with box enter a % sign followed by either the Org or part of a Project ID, then click on Look Up (or hit enter) Expenditure Correction Data Entry 3 The system will return all rows for the criteria that you have entered; click on the row that you want. The system will calculate the new earnings amount for the percentage that you have entered – adjust the percentage as needed to get to the dollar amount that you want. This is the earnings amount only; any fringe will be computed based on the percentage that has been entered for the earnings. If you have more account codes click the plus sign; enter the next percentage and account code; repeat as needed. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 4 Save the Record. The page will not save if the rows do not total to 100% for this record. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 5 You can now print a report with the data that you’ve entered, by clicking on ‘Run Expenditure Correction Report’ link. The page will not look like it is doing anything, but watch the top right corner for it to display ‘Saved’. Click on the ‘Go to Process Monitor’ link. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 6 Click the Refresh button until the Run Status changes to Success and the Distribution Status changes to ‘Posted’. Click on Details Expenditure Correction Data Entry 7 Click on View Log/Trace Expenditure Correction Data Entry 8 Click on the UWPAY067_.PDF The report will display as it was entered. Print report, sign, and send to the Payroll Office. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 9 To return to the data entry page, close the report. Click Return Expenditure Correction Data Entry 10 Click OK or Cancel Click on the ‘Go back to Exp Correction Data Entry’ link to enter another expenditure correction or click on another link to go to a different page. Expenditure Correction Data Entry 11