Math 8 Lesson Plan 8 Scientific Notation

Sewanhaka High School
Mrs. Lidowsky, Principal
Math 8
Mr. Long, Teacher
H.W. #8: Ditto
DO-NOW #8:
1) Order the following set of numbers from least to greatest. Verify your answer by graphing on a number line.
Out of the following set of numbers, determine which are rational and which are irrational.
2) The mass of a molecule of penicillin is 10-18 kilogram and the mass of a molecule of insulin is 10-23 kilogram. How
many times greater is the mass of a molecule of penicillin than the mass of a molecule of insulin?
Topic: The Number System
Main Idea: Scientific Notation
) had to go all over NYS to do a survey for a
social studies census project. The questions asked within
the survey were:
1) How many people like the Yankees better than
the Mets?
2) How much money does the best player on the
Yankees make a year?
3) How many women in the NYS like sports cars?
What the last question has to do with the survey, I
don’t know. I leave that up to you.
Here are the answers that (
) found out:
1) 100,000,000,000.00000
2) $8,621,000.00
3) 14,000,000.00000
Question: What form of
numbers are the answers to
questions 1, 2, and 3 written in?
Question: How can I write
these large numbers in order to
lessen the chance of omitting a
zero or misplacing the decimal
Statement: Let us convert the
previous numbers from
_________ form to
___________ notation.
Question: Can you come up
with a rule for changing a
number from __________ form
to ____________ notation?
We can write these numbers in ____________ notation. ___________ notation is
when a number written is expressed as a ___________ of two f________ors. The
first __________ is equal to or greater than _____ but less than _______ and the
second factor is a power of ________.
________________ Notation
_____________ form
100,000,000,000.0000000 ______________ (move the decimal point _____
spaces to the __________)
____________ (move the decimal point _____ spaces
to the __________)
14,000,000.00000000000 ______________ (move the decimal point ____
spaces to the _______)
For the first ___________, move the decimal point from the ________ to the
_______ to form a number between ______ and ______, (the number could be ____
but not ______ ). For the second ________, form a power of ______ by counting
the number of ________ the ________________ to the ________. This power of
_____ will be written in ___________ form.
Question: Can you come up
with a rule for changing a
number from scientific
notation to standard form?
Move the ________________ to the _______ “x” number of __________
indicated by the ______________ of the power of ____________.
Question: Express 2.483 *
105 in standard form.
Move the __________ in 2.483 to the ____________________ because ______
is the _________________ in the power of _______ factor. The new number in
______________ form would be __________________.
Question: How would you
express a decimal,
.000000595, in ___________
Answer: Move the _____________ to the _____________ spaces until the first
___________ is a number between ___ and ______. The second ___________
is written as a power of ________ and your ______________ will be
______________ because you moved to the _________.
FINAL ANSWER:______________________
Question: Write 4.16 * 10-3
in _____________ form.
Answer: Multiplying by a negative power of ______ moves the _______ to the
_________ “x” number of __________ depending upon the absolute value (the
number of spaces that number is from zero on a number line) of the _____________________.
FINAL ANSWER:______________________
1) Express 4.882 * 105 in
standard form.
2) Express 1.19 * 10-5
in standard form.
3) Express 2,085,000,000 in
scientific notation.
4) Express 0.054 in
scientific notation.