1. Lend Lease Act - A US Policy where the US agreed to send weapons, supplies and rent bases for money.
2. Manhattan Project - Codename of project to build the world's first atomic bomb.
3. Neutrality Acts - The US wanted to Avoid policies that had led to United States involvement in World War 1, so
they passed these bills.
4. GI Bill of Rights - provide economic aid to veterans.
5. FDR Good Neighbor Policy - Wanted to improve relations with Latin America.
6. Appeasement- Great Britain and France allowed Germany (Hitler) to expand its territory.
7. Isolationism - highlighted cultural achievements of African Americans.
8. "Arsenal of Democracy"- Before entering World War II, the United States acted as the “arsenal of
democracy” by providing much of the weaponry needed to fight the Axis powers.
9. Racial Prejudice/Nativism- A major cause of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
10. Korematsu v. United States (1944) - The United States Supreme Court decision concerned Limiting Civil
Liberties(Individual Freedom) During Wartime . America sent Japanese Americans to internment camps.
11. Pearl Harbor- Brought the US directly into World War 2.
12. Kamikaze- Japanese pilots flew their airplanes in to American ships. Ancient Japanese Code of
Honor(Bushido) , Samurais
13. Pearl Harbor- Germany and Japan achieved important military successes in Europe and Asia
14. President Truman Atomic Bomb- President Harry Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs because an
invasion of Japan would result in excessive casualties.
15. 2 Superpowers emerged- A result of WW2 is that the US and Soviet Union emerged as the world's two
16. Island Hopping- US Strategy in Japan. The Japanese defended their islands fiercely and both sides suffered
many casualties.
17. Navajo Indians- these code-talkers radioed vital messages from island to island . The Japanese
were unable to unable to understand the rare Navajo language.
18. Nuremberg Trials - The Primary Purpose of the Nuremberg Trials following was to determine the guilt or
innocence of individuals responsible for the Holocaust and war crimes.
19. War Crimes Trials- Nuremberg Trial and courts at Tokyo showed that government officers and individuals can
be held responsible for wartime atrocities against civilians.