COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MINUTES FOR March 19, 2009 Student Services Building, Conference Rooms A “& B Senators Present: Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Ron Gaiz, Patrick Kelly, Robert Kennedy, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Joe Mueller, Meg Pasquel, Blaze Woodlief, Derek Wilson, JoEtta Scott, Erik Dunmire, Erika Harkins Senators Absent: Radica Portello Guests: Rinetta Early, Lilly O’Reilly Minutes I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. Approved as amended. II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of March 12, 2009. Approved as amended. III. Officers’ Reports President (Bellisimo): A letter from Golden Bell Award recipient Deborah Loft, declaring the award to be especially welcome, was read. It has been determined in consultation with Sen. Gaiz that speakers from the public can address an issue on the agenda before or after the Senate debate on that issue. They will be limited to two minutes. Senators may briefly respond to statements or questions posed by the public. Vice President: No report. IV. Committee Reports: a) Curriculum Committee (McKinnon): The committee has been hashing through repeatability issues, especially regarding courses in the fine and performing arts categories. Performing arts wants students to be able to repeat a transfer sequence class four times. There is evidence that this is done in other colleges, is covered favorably by state law, and is generally considered to be acceptable. Fine Arts is coming up with a slightly different formula. b) Community Education (Harkins): Again, the department is having major problems with registration. The Admissions and Records Department is losing their registration, sometimes forcing them to register again. c) Governance Committees: IPC (Bellisimo): The committee met yesterday and passed along recommendations for equipment and supplies to the Budget Committee. Members reviewed the computer science revitalization proposal, sending that to the budget committee as well. Suggestions were made to the revitalization team working on that, including a request for a time from for revising courses. The committee wants evidence that courses are being offered at the optimum time to attract students and that instructors have appropriate skills. Also, the IPC will ask for a definition of the quantitative and qualitative measure that will be used to indicate whether revitalization has been successful. They request a report in one year on how these benchmarks have been met. Budget (Gaiz, Wilson): The committee is still looking for ways to access the school budget on a large scale, in read-only mode in the computer system. V. Consent Agenda: No committee appointments. VI: Action Items. a) To Approve Letter to UPM Regarding UPM Newsletter Misstatements: Sen. Dougan said he had only intended to proceed with this motion if it received unanimous support from other Senate members. He said it would be unfair to send a letter representing an opinion of the board as a whole if any member held a contrary opinion. It had become apparent during the preceding week’s debate that Sen. Lutz would not vote in favor of this motion. So Sen. Dougan withdrew the motion, and said he would write to UPM as an individual Senator and union member. b) To Approve a 3-Year Revitalization and Discontinuance Procedure for Computer Science: Withdrawn. IPC will handle this. c) To Approve Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments Procedure (AP 4226): Passed. d) To Approve Appeals Process for Cancelled Units and Send to IPC: Passed. VI. Discussion a) Procedure and Legal Requirements for Class Time Lost Due to Construction (Wilson): This came up with the auto program moved into a smaller swing space and the fire department shut them down, forcing the cancellation of classes for a week. What is the responsibility of instructors when something like that happens? We need a process to deal with it. Sen. Gaiz notes that classes also are routinely cancelled due to power outages. He said the window, in Carnegie units, is 48 to 54 hours. If the number falls below 48, the class becomes untransferrable. Senators Bellisimo and Wilson said they would look into the Gold Book and Title 5 requirements. Guest Lillie O’Reilly, a student at IVC, said she had encountered a similar problem when an instructor became ill and missed classes. b) Meeting Six-Semester Completion Goal for Evening Transfer Students (Kennedy): Sen. Kennedy presented a report (attached) presenting an overview of how classes are scheduled. He limited the research to a transfer students’ point of view, using IGETC as a guide. Sen. Kennedy said the problem was not as severe as he had predicted, and the situation is improving with more 8 a.m. afternoon classes on offer. But, he said, some causes for concern do pop out. These include a need for attention to the 4 p.m. slot, the lack of afternoon English courses, and scheduling issues that make it difficult for students to take the next class in sequence. Sen. Wilson said this research illustrates the importance of examining things from the student perspective. Sen. Scott said that any process considered as a solution should include input from a representative of the counseling department. Sen. Kelly said departments need to make rational, studentoriented schedules and ask teachers to fit into them with minor adjustments, “rather than people just deciding when they want to teach a class.” The Senate embraced a suggestion from Sen. Scott that each department meet to review these needs, deans bring the results of those meetings to create an overview using Sen. Kennedy’s report as a guide, then have schedulers in Janice Austin’s department create a final overview using the Banner system. Sen. Wilson said the curriculum committee is technically in charge of the master schedule, but “we haven’t done it since I’ve been here.” c) AP 4250 Probation (Bellisimo/Early): Moved to action items for next week. d) BP 4321 Grade Chance (Bellisimo/Early): Moved to action item next week. Adjournment: 2:00 PM For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: michael Dougan,, X7336.