October 2015 Scholarship Bulletin New Hyde Park Memorial The Scholarship Bulletin includes local, national, and college scholarships. Many colleges have scholarships which will not be listed here. Students are encouraged to inquire at the office of financial aid at the colleges they are considering. Please be aware of deadlines. If a scholarship requires a transcript and letters of recommendations the guidance office needs 7 – 10 days to process the application. The Scholarship Bulletin can be found at the Naviance Family Connection website http://connection.naviance.com/nhpmhs and at New Hyde Park Memorial’s website http://www.sewanhaka.k12.ny.us/domain/2494 Scholarship AXA Foundation Achievement Scholarship Program The College of New Jersey Merit Scholarship Program for Out of State Students Boston University Trustee Scholarship Brooklyn College Scholarships Criteria A senior planning on attending a 2 or 4 year college and demonstrates ambition and selfdrive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in school, community or work related activities Top students with a combined critical reading and math score on the SAT of a 1300 or better may apply. Other factors such as service, leadership and/or talents will be considered. Trustee scholars typically rank in the top 5-10% of their class and demonstrate exceptional records of service and activity in their schools and communities More than 600 scholarships available annually Award $10,000 $25,000 Deadline December 15, 2015 Website www.axa-achivement.com $1,000 - $8,000 December 1, 2015 www.tcnj.edu Full tuition Scholarship December 1, 2015 www.bu.edu/admissions/apply/costs-aidscholarships/schoalrships/trustee/ Varies December 15, 2015 www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/admissions1 The Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need. 500 four year scholarships will be awarded ranging from $1,000 - $12,500 December 4, 2015 www.elks.org/enf/scholars. The Elks National Foundation Scholarships for Elks Families 250 four year, $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to the children and grandchildren of active Elk members who are seniors, going to college and who exhibit integrity, knowledge, and are community minded. Students must submit an original essay that demonstrates the political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage. $1,000 January 29, 2016 www.elks.org/enf/scholars. First Place: $5,000 Second Place: $1,000 Third Place: $500 January 5, 2016 www.jfklibrary.org Scholarship information is posted under the education link. Students are eligible to apply if they have a minimum GPA of a 3.3, are African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander or Hispanic American, have demonstrated leadership and have financial need. Students must submit a unique photo, piece of art work or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card. Two students who exhibit the potential to be outstanding teachers can be nominated for the award. Pending the appropriations of state funds 11 scholarships will be awarded to seniors from the Full tuition January 13, 2016 www.gmsp.org $10,000 scholarship and a $1,000 award for the high school $3,000 February 25, 2016 www.gallerycollection.com/greeting-cardsschoalrship.hrm December 15, 2015 http://nyspta.org/YourPTA/AwardsRecog_TwinP rojectsJenkins.cfm 2, $1,500 8, $500 December 13, 2015 http://www.highered.nysed.gov/kiap/precoll 2012 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest The Gates Millennium Scholars Program 6th Annual Create A Greeting Card NYS PTA Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Education New York State 2015 Scholarship for Academic Excellence Porter Merit Based Scholarship in Math and Science at Skidmore Skidmore College : Filene School of Music Competition 2016 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award 11th Annual JCSB Essay Competition at Stony Brook University Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award Class of 2016. Two for $1,500 and 8 for $500. Students will be selected by weighing scores from regents exams in English, algebra 2 and trig, global studies, U.S. History and two science regents. Students must attend a school in New York to receive the scholarship. For students who excel in the sciences and/or math. $15,000 a year annually January 15, 2016 www.skidmore.edu Strong academic and musically inclined high school seniors may apply. Graduating seniors who operate their own small business are eligible to apply. $15,000 a year annually January 15, 2016 www.skidmore.edu $1,000 - $10,000 December 18, 2015 www.nfib.com/yea The aim of the essay competition is to promote awareness and understanding of Japan in the United States and to help young Americans broaden their international horizons. Over the past two year students must have completed 50 hours of volunteer work and maintained a 3.5 or greater GPA. $3,000 for 1st place winners (3 will be selected) January 8, 2016 www.stonybrook.edu/japancenter $500 November 29, 2015 www.studentscholarships.org/volunteer.php