Feral pigs facilitate hyperpredation by golden eagles and indirectly cause the decline of the island fox Gary W. Roemer1, Timothy J. Coonan2, David K. Garcelon3, Jordi Bascompte4 and Lyndal Laughrin5 1 2 3 4 5 Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA Channel Islands National Park, 1901 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA 93003, USA Institute for Wildlife Studies, PO Box 1104, Arcata, CA 95518, USA Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC Apdo. 1056, E-41080 Sevilla, Spain Santa Cruz Island Reserve, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA Abstract Introduced species can compete with, prey upon or transmit disease to native forms, resulting in devastation of indigenous communities. A more subtle but equally severe effect of exotic species is as a supplemental food source for predators that allows them to increase in abundance and then overexploit native prey species. Here we show that the introduction of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) to the California Channel Islands has sustained an unnaturally large breeding population of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), a native predator. The resulting increase in predation on the island fox (Urocyon littoralis) has caused the near extirpation of three subspecies of this endemic carnivore. Foxes evolved on the islands over the past 20,000 years, pigs were introduced in the 1850s and golden eagles, historically, were only transient visitors. Although these three species have been sympatric for the past 150 years, this predator–prey interaction is a recent phenomenon, occurring within the last decade. We hypothesize that this interaction ultimately stems from human-induced perturbations to the island, mainland and surrounding marine environments. INTRODUCTION After habitat loss, biological invasions are now considered to be the most destructive force driving the loss of global biodiversity (Vitousek et al., 1997). Invasions of islands have been particularly detrimental, causing high rates of extinction of indigenous fauna world-wide (Atkinson, 1989). Theory predicts species turnover rates to be naturally higher on nearshore islands because of higher colonization rates by a continental biota that is more closely linked (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967). Anthropogenic impacts to continental ecosystems could also influence nearshore islands, causing a higher rate of species extinctions than expected under more natural conditions. Consequently, the biota of continental islands may actually face a more diverse array of threats than does the biota of oceanic islands because of regional connectivity with a continental ecosystem that is being continually disrupted by anthropogenic forces. Here we describe an unexpected tri-tropic interaction on a continental archipelago that appears to be driving All correspondence to: Gary W. Roemer, Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8003, USA. E-mail: groemer@nmsu.edu an insular carnivore towards extinction. We provide evidence that the presence of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) has facilitated hyperpredation by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and indirectly contributed to the decline of three subspecies of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis), a carnivore endemic to six of the eight California Channel Islands. A form of apparent competition (Holt & Lawton, 1994; Holt, 1997), hyperpredation occurs when an introduced prey, well adapted to high predation pressure, indirectly facilitates the extinction of a native prey by enabling a shared predator to increase in population size (Courchamp, Langlais & Sugihara, 1999). We suggest that feral pigs acted as an abundant food that enabled mainland golden eagles to colonize the Channel Islands, increase in population size and overexploit the unwary island fox. The increase in predation pressure caused rapid population declines in three subspecific populations of the fox. This premise is supported by: (1) comparative demographic data that show that fox populations were at high density prior to eagle colonization and declined thereafter; (2) a decrease in the survival of foxes that coincided with an increase in eagle presence on the islands; (3) physical evidence amassed at 28 fox carcasses that shows that predation by eagles was the principal cause of fox mortality; (4) the lack of other potential mortality agents including micro- and macroparasites; and (5) a mechanistic model that links the pig population to the decline in foxes. We further hypothesize that the ultimate cause of this interaction stems from historic, human-induced perturbations to the islands, to the mainland and to the surrounding marine environments that collectively contributed to the decline of the endemic island fox. Table 1. Estimates of the parameters used to calculate time to extinction, Te(n0), for each of three island fox populations found on San Clemente, San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands, California METHODS 1 Study area Island foxes are found on the six largest of the eight California Channel Islands located off the coast of southern California (Moore & Collins, 1995). Basically a westward extension of the Santa Monica Mountains, the northern Channel Islands are clustered together and are separated from the mainland (30 to 44 km) by the Santa Barbara Channel. The three southern islands lie at greater distances from the mainland (32 to 98 km), and are separated from each other by deepwater channels. The California Channel Islands are characterized by a Mediterranean climate, with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Differences in microclimate among islands and sites can be substantial. The prevailing northwest winds exert a cool, wet marine influence on northwest coasts, and the lower temperate zone location can result in sunny, dry southern slopes. Annual precipitation is variable, owing to the influence of the El Niño– Southern Oscillation phenomenon, that brings occasional periods of heavy winter rains, or alternately, periods of drought. Mean annual precipitation at Stanton Ranch, Santa Cruz Island, for 1904–93 was 501 mm (Junak et al., 1995). The southern islands are typically drier; mean annual precipitation on San Clemente Island is 160 mm (Kasaty, 1978, cf. Keegan, Coblentz & Winchell, 1994). Population monitoring and time to extinction We annually censused fox populations on large trapping grids on two northern islands, San Miguel and Santa Cruz (1993–99), and on two southern islands, Santa Catalina (1989 and 1990) and San Clemente (1988–97) using a capture–mark–recapture approach (Roemer, 1999; Coonan et al., 2000). Population size was estimated by first assessing fox density on the trapping grids using program CAPTURE (White et al., 1982) and then multiplying average density times island area (Roemer et al., 1994). Foxes were also trapped along road transects on all islands in 1998 to compare nightly capture success [(# of foxes captured/# of available traps) × 100%]. We estimated the time to extinction [Te(n0)] and the probability of population persistence for three fox populations with adequate data using the approach of Foley (1994) (Table 1). Parameter Te (n0 )1 K N0 rd vr vre ρ San Clemente San Miguel Santa Cruz 381 1264 682 –0.017 0.027 0.018 0.463 5 577 17 –0.562 0.314 0.443 0.17 13 1540 232 –0.433 0.037 0.037 0 Te(n0), in years was estimated with the following equation (Foley, 1994): Te ( n 0 ) = 1 e 2sk 1 − e −2sn − 2sn 0 2srd ( ( ) ) where n = log N, k = log K, r = log R and N, K and R are population size, carrying capacity and growth rate, respectively. n0 is calculated from the last estimate of population size for each subspecies (N0), K is estimated by multiplying the largest density recorded for a subspecific population times the total area of the island where the subspecies is found and rd is estimated as the mean of rt. s = rd/vre, where vre = vr(1 + ρ)/(1 – ρ), ρ being the Pearson correlation between rt and rt+1. For details see Roemer (1999). Vital rate estimation and identification of mortality agents Annual survival probabilities were estimated using the program MARK (White & Burnham, 1997). Island foxes are extremely easy to capture, so we assumed that trapping returns would be representative of the sex and age class distribution of the population at large (Crooks, 1994; Roemer et al., 1994). Fox populations were censused on each trapping grid following a birth-pulse and the total number of pups captured during each census was considered to be the reproductive output for that year. Because island foxes are territorial (Roemer et al., 2001), we estimated fertility by assigning pups to particular females based on their respective capture locations, on the female’s reproductive condition (i.e. lactating) and on whether females and pups were captured in the same trap simultaneously (Garcelon et al., 1999). Where available, paternity assessments made through molecular genetic analyses were also used to estimate fertility (Roemer et al., 2001). We used the estimates of survival and fertility to parameterize a Lefkovitch matrix, a projection model that can be used to predict changes in population growth over time (Lefkovitch, 1965), for each of three island fox populations (Table 2). Survival and fertility data were collected for five definable age classes: Age class 0 (pups), Age class 1 (juveniles) and Age classes 2–4 (young adults to old adults). Each matrix, however, was reduced to a two-sex, stage-based model. That is, both sexes and all adult age classes were combined, yielding three stages: pups, juveniles and adults (Table 3). The matrices were reduced because survival did not differ between the sexes, nor did it differ among the adult age classes, but it was significantly different among pups, juveniles and adults combined (Roemer, 1999). Further, island foxes are predominantly monogamous and fertility was significantly different between juveniles and adults (Roemer, 1999; Roemer et al., 2001). We then conducted an analytical sensitivity analysis of the vital Table 2. Minimum, mean and maximum estimates of stage-specific vital rates (VR)1 for three island fox populations. Mean vital rates for the San Miguel and Santa Cruz fox populations were derived from estimates measured prior to the population declines (1993 and 1994), whereas for the San Clemente fox population these means were estimated from data collected across all years (1988–97). Sample sizes are given in parentheses VR min P0 P1 PA f1 f2 fA 0.40 0.55 0.49 0 0 0 San Clemente mean max 0.53 0.71 0.69 0.13 0.30 0.37 1.00 0.87 0.80 0.35 0.50 0.89 min (150) (263) (521) (105) (172) (265) San Miguel mean 0 0 0.30 0 0 0 0.53 0.73 0.75 0.30 1.41 0.92 max 0.74 0.82 1.00 0.31 2.33 3.00 min (64) (73) (93) (32) (21) (17) 0 0.2 0.16 0 0 0 Santa Cruz mean 0.45 0.92 0.69 0.84 1.08 1.38 max 0.75 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.16 3.00 (37) (41) (27) (8) (17) (5) 1 Survival probabilities are for pups (P0; Age class 0), yearlings (P1; Age class 1) and adults (PA; Age classes 2–4). The fertilities are for yearlings (f1; Age class 1), young adults (f2; Age class 2) and adults (fA; Age classes 3 and 4). Fertilities (Fx) used in all matrices were calculated as follows [Fx = (fx)(Px–1)]. Table 3. Lefkovitch matrices for each of three island fox populations: San Clemente, San Miguel and Santa Cruz. Fx = (fx)(Px–1), where fx is the fertility of stage x and Px–1 is the survival probability of the preceding stage. See Table 2 for stage-specific estimates of fertility and survival growth rate; (3) to determine the vital rates that contributed most to the observed declines (Caswell, 1989; Horvitz, Schemske & Caswell, 1997; Roemer, 1999). We implemented two radiotelemetry studies to eluci- Lefkovitch Matrix F1 F2 FA P0 0 0 0 P1 PA San Clemente 0.07 0.21 0.53 0 0 0.71 0.26 0 0.69 San Miguel 0.16 1.03 0.53 0 0 0.73 Santa Cruz 0.38 0.99 0.45 0 0 0.92 0.95 0 0.69 Santa Cruz Island, 32 foxes were radio-collared and captured or located every 2 or 3 days from January to December 1994 (Roemer, 1999). After December 1994, foxes were located twice each month until the end of the study in September 1995. On San Miguel Island, 15 foxes were radio-collared and monitored daily from November 1998 to July 1999. Physical evidence at the carcass sites and field necropsy were used to infer the cause of death of 21 foxes on Santa Cruz. Seven foxes found dead on San Miguel were necropsied at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of California, Davis. Survival of all radio-collared foxes was estimated with the Kaplan–Meier procedure with staggered entry (Pollock et al., 1989). We serologically assayed for five potentially lethal canine diseases when the fox populations were in decline and compared seroprevalence with a previous assay conducted when all fox populations were at high density (Garcelon, Wayne & Gonzales, 1992). We also serologically assayed for heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis), a parasite with potentially lethal consequences to canids (Strickland, 1998), and conducted a fecal parasite survey across the entire range of the fox in 1998. The disease and fecal parasite assays were conducted at the Washington Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory. Serological assays for heartworm antigen were performed using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PetChek®, Idexx Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine, USA; Roemer et al., 2000). 0.69 0 0.75 rates composing the matrix elements and compared elasticities among populations. Elasticities represent the influence of proportional changes in life stage parameters on population growth rate, λ (Caswell, 1989). When elasticities are calculated for the elements of a projection matrix they sum to one (de Kroon et al., 1986). These elasticities represent the proportional contribution of each matrix element to the total elasticity of λ and provide valuable information regarding the relative effect of different life stage parameters on population growth (Caswell, 1989). However, vital rates are embedded throughout the matrix elements of a projection matrix (Noon & Sauer, 1992). For example, stage-specific fertilities (Fx) are the product of the average reproductive output of that stage multiplied by the transition probability from the previous stage [Fx = (fx)(Px–1)]. Furthermore, reproductive output may be a complex composite of many life stage parameters (Doak, Kareiva & Klepetka, 1994; Wisdom & Mills, 1997). To elucidate the effects of stage-specific vital rates on population growth, we calculated the elasticity of λ to the vital rates themselves rather than to the elements of the matrix. Although the elasticities of vital rates are calculated on the same proportional scale, and like the elasticities of matrix elements can be directly compared (Wisdom & Mills, 1997), the sum of the elasticities of the vital rates does not equal one (Caswell, 1989). The objectives of the sensitivity analysis were: (1) to compare demography of three island fox populations, two that had declined (San Miguel and Santa Cruz) with one that had not (San Clemente); (2) to identify the vital rates predicted to have the greatest influence on fox population Distribution of eagle sightings on the Channel Islands We explored the temporal and spatial distribution of eagle sightings on the Channel Islands using observations of golden eagles collected over the past 35 years. These data represent the absolute number of sightings reported by knowledgeable individuals who were conducting research or management activities on the islands unrelated to our study. These anecdotal sightings are not biased by research specifically aimed at determining the distribution and abundance of golden eagles which, if included, could have falsely suggested an increase in golden eagle presence on the islands when none may have occurred. Thus we feel these sightings represent actual changes in the presence of golden eagles over time. Modelling the effects of predation by golden eagles Golden eagles have been observed feeding on freshly killed piglets (Roemer, 1999), have been implicated in the mortality of foxes (Roemer, 1999; see below), and both piglet and fox remains were found in a golden eagle nest on Santa Cruz Island (see below). Because of these observations, we investigated whether predation by eagles alone could have caused the fox population declines and whether the presence of feral pigs may have facilitated predation on foxes by sustaining an unnaturally large eagle population. To explore this potential tri-trophic interaction we estimated predation rates of golden eagles from a time–energy budget and incorporated these estimates into a simple, but realistic predator–prey model of hyperpredation. We first estimated the standard metabolic rate (SMR; W kg–1) of a 4.0 kg golden eagle from environmental data measured on Santa Cruz Island from June 1995 through July 1998 (Hayes & Gessaman, 1980): SMR = 1.163 (6.1168 – 0.6 W – 0.0793 Ta – 0.955 × 10–3 IR + 0.1284 U) where W is body mass (kg), Ta is ambient temperature (°C), IR is incident radiation (W m–2) and U is wind speed (m s–1). These estimates were then incorporated into a time–energy budget to determine daily food consumption (DFC; g bird–1 day–1) (Stalmaster & Gessaman, 1984; Collopy & Edwards, 1989). Wet-matter intake was 54.6 g kg–1 day–1 based on the consumption of captive golden eagles (Fevold & Craighead, 1958) and wet-matter energy of a mammal was assumed to be 6.03 Kj g–1 (Collopy, 1986). Average DFC was 461 g bird–1 day–1 (± 15) for an actively foraging 4.0 kg golden eagle resident on Santa Cruz Island. This estimate compares favourably with DFC estimates (range 250 to 570 g bird–1 day–1) for other eagles, including golden eagles, where daily intake was directly measured (Fevold & Craighead, 1958; Love, 1979; Stalmaster, 1987). Island foxes on Santa Cruz Island average 1.93 kg (± 0.25, n = 279; G. W. Roemer, unpublished data) and assuming 30% wastage (Brown & Watson, 1963) a 4.0 kg golden eagle could consume 124.6 foxes yr–1 provided it was feeding exclusively on foxes. A single breeding golden eagle would require an additional 7.6 foxes based on adding the average energetic requirements of a nestling eagle (Collopy, 1986). We then used these estimates of predation rate in the following hyperpredation model (Courchamp et al., 1999): dF F = rF F 1 − KF dt dP P − = rP P 1 − KP dt F − (µ E + µb Eb ) αP + F nb nb αP αP + F (µ nbE nb + µb Eb ) Where dF/dt, dP/dt, rF, rP, F, P, KF and KP represent the change in population size, intrinsic growth rate, initial population size and carrying capacity of the fox and pig populations, respectively. µnb, µb, Enb and Εb are the predation rates and number of non-breeding and breeding eagles, respectively. Parameter estimates and initial conditions are given in Table 4. Because we had no data on relative prey consumption by eagles, but we knew that eagles ate both foxes and piglets, we modelled prey preference (α) of eagles for pigs by setting this value at 3, 1 or 0.33. In other words, if the relative abundance of prey is equal, eagles kill three pigs for every fox when α = 3 and kill three foxes for every pig when α = 0.33. Fox populations grow in a single pulse in April of each year. Pigs can produce piglets in any month of the year but, on average, do not reproduce for 3 months each year on the Channel Islands (Baber & Coblentz, 1986). Therefore, we assumed that for 3 months each year piglets were unavailable as a food source. The eagle population was modelled in a simple, step-wise fashion. We started with two breeding eagles and every year they produce a single offspring. The eagle population grows to a total of seven eagles, two breeding and five nonbreeding individuals, which is the minimum number of eagles observed on Santa Cruz Island in 1999. Because we assume this is the maximum number of eagles the island can support, and that only a single pair breeds, our estimates are probably conservative. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fox population declines In 1993 all subspecific populations varied in size from several hundred to over 1000 foxes (Roemer et al., 1994). Fox density on San Miguel and Santa Cruz averaged 7.1 (± 1.1) foxes/km2, capture success (mean = 25.7% ± 3.7) was high, and estimated population sizes were 350 and 1312 adult foxes, respectively (Fig. 1(a)). Table 4. Parameter estimates and initial conditions1 for the hyperpredation model used to simulate the effects of predation by golden eagles on two prey, island foxes and feral pigs, on Santa Cruz Island, California. Parameter Value Reference rF rP µnb µb F P KF KP Enb Eb 0.32 0.78 124.6 foxes/year 132.2 foxes/year 1312 foxes 3517 pigs 1544 foxes 5000 pigs 0 to 5 2 Coonan et al., 2000 Caley, 1993 See Methods See Methods Roemer, 1999 Sterner, 1990 See footnote See footnote See footnote See footnote 1 rF was estimated from serial estimates of population size when the San Miguel fox population showed positive growth. Predation rates (µnb and µb) were calculated from energetic estimates of food consumption. F was the capture–recapture estimate of fox population size for Santa Cruz Island in 1993 and P was a capture–recapture estimate of the pig population size on Santa Cruz Island in 1988. KF was determined by multiplying the highest recorded density of foxes (6.2 foxes/km2) on Santa Cruz times island area (249 km2). KP was set to 5000. The number of non-breeding eagles (Enb) was initially set to 0 and limited to 5. The number of breeding eagles (Eb) was held constant at 2. Fig. 1. (a) Temporal trend in population size and (b) the probablity of population persistence for each of three island fox populations: San Clemente (SCL), Santa Cruz (SCR) and San Miguel (SMI). The estimates of T e(n0) used to generate the population persistence probabilities are given in Table 1. By 1998, mean density had dropped to 0.8 (± 1.0) foxes/km2, capture success (mean = 4.3% ± 1.9) had decreased sixfold and population size on both islands had plummeted (Fig. 1(a)). Only 15 adults were known to be alive on San Miguel in 1999, with an estimated 133 foxes remaining on Santa Cruz. Capture success in 1998 on nearby Santa Rosa Island was also low, suggesting that fox populations had declined on all three northern Channel Islands (Table 5). In contrast, fox populations on the southern islands remained relatively stable. Mean density on Santa Catalina and San Clemente averaged 5.5 foxes/km2 (± 2.0) and mean capture success in 1998 on all three southern islands was nearly eight times greater than that observed on the northern islands (Table 5). San Clemente’s fox population has decreased over the past 10 years, but the decline has not been steep (Fig. 1(a)). Table 5. Total number of trap nights, number of individuals captured (N), total captures and capture success (%) in 1998 on all six California Channel Islands harbouring fox populations Island Northern Channel Islands San Miguel Santa Rosa Trap nights N Total captures Capture success 876 21 49 5.6 132 9 10 4.8 Santa Cruz Southern Channel Islands San Nicolas San Clemente Santa Catalina 756 17 22 2.9 80 80 76 33 26 20 33 29 20 41.3 36.3 26.3 The San Miguel and Santa Cruz fox populations are estimated to have a 50% probability of persistence within the next decade, whereas the San Clemente fox population has an estimated 80% probability of persistence for the next 100 years (Fig. 1(b)). These data show that the declines are currently restricted to the northern Channel Island fox populations and that these three subspecies meet the criteria of ‘critically endangered’ (Mace & Lande, 1991). Vital rate estimates and demographic modelling of the fox populations Survival rather than fertility is predicted to have the greatest influence on λ (Fig. 2(a)). From 1993 to 1997, annual survival of foxes on San Clemente (mean = 0.67 ± 0.14) did not differ (Mann–Whitney U-test, U = 8.0, P = 0.62) from years prior to 1993 (mean = 0.64 ± 0.03), but was higher (Wilcoxon matched-pairs test, Z = 1.85, P = 0.07) than annual survival of foxes on the northern islands (mean = 0.38 ± 0.23; Fig. 2(b)). Survival of foxes of all stages declined precipitously over time on both San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands (Maximum Likelihood test, P < 0.05, Fig. 2(b)). Average annual fertility was also low (range = 0.13 to 1.9 pups/female) in all island fox populations (Roemer, 1999). Change in fertility over time approached statistical significance in the San Clemente (Kruskal–Wallis test, H = 16.2, d.f. = 9, n = 40, P = 0.06) and the Santa Cruz (H = 10.6, d.f. = 5, n = 20, P = 0.06) fox populations, but not in the San Miguel fox population (H = 1.8, d.f. = 4, n = 16, P = 0.76). In general, survival had changed more than fertility had during the period of decline for both the San Miguel (P0 > PA > P1 > FA > F2 > F1) and Santa Cruz (P0 > PA > FA > P1 > F1 > F2) populations. These results show that the northern island fox populations (a) 1 0.9 0.8 Elasticity 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 f1 f2 fA P0 P1 PA Vital rate Fig. 2. (a). The elasticity of λ to different vital rates for the San Clemente (black bars), Santa Cruz (hatched bars) and San Miguel (white bars) island fox populations. Stage-specific vital rates are defined as in Table 2. (b) Average (± SD) apparent survival of foxes of all age classes for the same islands. have experienced a simultaneous decline in survival across all age classes that has precipitated the declines in population size. Mortality agents of radio-collared foxes Survival of radio-collared foxes on Santa Cruz Island dropped from 1.0 in the first 9 months of study to 0.21 (± 0.08) in the next 17 months (Fig. 3). A total of 21 fox carcasses were discovered. Evidence from the carcasses suggests golden eagles were the primary cause of mortality. Typically eagles leave talon holes with contusions in the integument and surrounding tissue, they frequently deglove limbs to expose muscle tissue, and often eviscerate their prey. Talon holes were found in 13 (61.9%) carcasses. Seven carcasses (30%) had talon holes with associated muscle hematomas, indicating the animals were alive at the time the talon holes were made, and the other six carcasses (28.6%) had holes in their skulls. These latter wounds would have been fatal if inflicted while the fox was alive. Of those carcasses that had limbs (n = 17), 15 (88%) had been degloved and all carcasses but one were eviscerated. Feeding eagles damage fragile bones such as the vertebrae, ribs and scapulae, and may break the diaphyses of limb bones (Hockett, 1989, 1991). Ninety percent of the carcasses exhibited damage to bones typical of a raptor feeding pattern (Roemer, 1999). Golden eagle feathers were found at six (28.5%) different carcasses. Finally, all foxes died when investigators were absent from the study site. This pattern would be expected if the mortalities were a result of a wary predator disturbed by human presence (Isbell & Young, 1993; Roemer, 1999). Cumulative survival of the radio-collared foxes on San Miguel Island was also low (0.23 ± 0.08) and necropsy evidence suggested that a large raptor killed five of seven foxes found dead. Golden eagle feathers were found at two of the carcass sites and fox mortality was clustered in the fall when eagles were observed. In sum, of 28 foxes found dead on two islands, 24 (86%) showed signs of being eaten by a large raptor, 18 (64%) showed signs of being killed by a large raptor, and golden eagle feathers were found near eight (29%) carcasses. Feathers from other species were not found at any carcass site. Disease and parasite surveys There was no concordance between pathogen prevalence and the geographical pattern of fox population declines. Most notably, we did not detect canine distemper virus in any of the fox populations assayed, and parvovirus decreased between sampling periods (Table 6). Of the Table 6. Seroprevalence (%) of microparasites assayed in six island fox populations in 1988 (Garcelon et al., 1992)1 and three fox populations assayed between 1994 and 1997 (this study). N is the number of individuals sampled Year/Island 1988 San Miguel Santa Rosa Santa Cruz San Nicolas San Clemente Santa Catalina 1994–97 San Miguel Santa Cruz San Clemente N Pathogen2 CDV CPV CAV LVC LVI 23 34 29 46 42 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 35 59 7 50 5 96 97 0 72 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 57 50 50 0 0 0 4 0 0 95 58 76 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Reproduced by permission from the Journal of Wildlife Diseases. CDV = canine distemper virus, CPV = canine parvovirus, CAV = canine adenovirus, LVC = Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola, LVI = L. i. serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. 2 Fig. 3. Mean cumulative survival (thick line) and upper and lower 95% confidence intervals (thin lines) of adult radio-collared foxes from August 1993 to September 1995 on the west end of Santa Cruz Island, California. pathogens assayed, these two would be expected to have the most devastating impact on island fox populations (Nicholson & Hill, 1984; Williams et al., 1988; Garcelon et al., 1992). Canine adenovirus, which primarily affects pup survival, appears to be enzootic (Garcelon et al., 1992). Conceivably, rabies could have caused the declines, but no rabid or otherwise sick foxes were observed during the study period, as might be expected (Roelke-Parker et al., 1996; Sillero-Zubiri, King & Macdonald, 1996). We detected heartworm antigen in four of the six populations, including all three northern islands, and on one southern island (San Nicolas) where the fox population has not declined (Roemer et al., 2000). Overall seroprevalence among adults from the four populations that tested positive was 72% (n = 124) in 1988 and 78% (n = 80) in 1997–98; heartworm was not detected in any of the pups (n = 33) assayed. Although heartworm may have contributed to the mortality of older foxes, it was not detected in pups, seroprevalence did not change over time, and one apparently infected fox population did not decline (Roemer et al., 2000). We found little evidence of gastrointestinal parasites in our fecal surveys (Table 7), and of the parasites discovered none would be expected to cause high mortality in adults (Bowman & Lynn, 1995). These results suggest that neither micro- nor macroparasites were a major factor in the recent fox population declines on the northern islands (Roemer, 1999; Roemer et al., 2000). In conclusion, predation by golden eagles is the only mortality factor that is consistent with the simultaneous decline in fox populations on three islands spanning 85 km of ocean. Eagle sightings and the recent colonization of the northern Channel Islands Golden eagle sightings have increased on the northern islands where foxes are in decline, but have not changed Table 7. Percent occurrence of different parasites, or their eggs, in the faeces of island foxes collected from all six populations in July and August 1998. N is the number of individuals sampled N ISO Northern Channel Islands 33 San Miguel 12 Santa Rosa 4 100 Santa Cruz 25 20 Southern Channel Islands San Nicolas 22 32 San Clemente 18 28 Santa Catalina 15 46 Pathogen1 ANC TOX MES SAR NEO 42 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 20 9 0 0 1 ISO = Isospora sp., probably I. canis, ANC = Ancylostoma sp., TOX = Toxascaris sp., MES = Mesocestoides sp., SAR = Sarcocystis sp., NEO = Neospora sp. on the southern islands where fox populations are comparatively stable (χ2 = 22.1, P < 0.0001; Fig. 4). We believe the recent increase in golden eagle sightings on the northern islands and the difference in the number of eagle sightings between the southern and northern islands is a consequence of golden eagles colonizing Santa Cruz Island sometime in the early 1990s. Evidence that eagles were eating foxes first surfaced in 1994 on Santa Cruz (Fig. 3). In November 1997 a group of two adult golden eagles and two juveniles was observed flying together on Santa Cruz. One of the adults transferred a snake, in mid-flight, to a begging juvenile that was presumed to be its offspring (C. Collins, pers. comm.). This observation was later corroborated in September 1999 when a large, recently active golden eagle nest was discovered. Nest measurements and eggshell analysis confirmed that it was a golden eagle nest (B. Latta and S. Sumida, pers. comm.). Observations of resident raptors have been recorded for the Channel Islands since 1895 (Kiff, 1980) and the 1999 nest represents the first breeding record for golden eagles. Nest remains included the bones of two island foxes, five feral piglets and three bird species. Concurrent helicopter and ground surveys identified 7 to 60 Number of eagle sightings 50 40 30 22 20 10 10 8 6 2 2 1 1 0 Pre–1970 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1994 0 1995–1999 Period Fig. 4. Number of golden eagle sightings on the northern (white bars) and southern (black bars) Channel Islands from before 1970 to December 1999. 15 different golden eagles, with the possibility for four breeding pairs on Santa Cruz Island (GWR & LL, pers. obs; B. Latta, pers. comm.). The hyperpredation model The hyperpredation model predicts that in the presence of a large pig population, an asymptotic population of seven eagles could cause the extinction of the Santa Cruz fox population in 6.7 to 11.5 years depending on prey preference (Fig. 5). If foxes were the only prey item available, the model predicts that five eagles could have extirpated the fox population in only 4 years. Thus island foxes alone could not have sustained an eagle population as large as that observed on Santa Cruz Island. Pigs, or some other abundant food, would have been necessary to explain both the number of eagles observed and their duration on the island. Because there are no pigs on San Miguel, we used a single predator–single prey model to explore eagle–fox dynamics on this island. This model suggested that a single eagle could have caused the extinction of the San Miguel fox population in 6.2 years. This population was driven to near extirpation in 6 years (Fig. 1(a)). There was no evidence that golden eagles were breeding on San Miguel and given that San Miguel is much smaller than Santa Cruz (38 km2 vs. 249 km2) it is likely that breeding eagles would have been detected. Eagles were observed on San Miguel only in the fall, when juvenile eagles would be dispersing, and foxes were killed in the fall during periods when eagles were sighted. These observations support the premise that foxes alone could not support a breeding eagle population and that some other abundant food, like pigs, was necessary. The model results are consistent with eagles being the sole cause of the near extinction of the San Miguel fox population whereas pigs are necessary to explain why eagles could reproduce on Santa Cruz Island and subsequently cause the decline of all northern island fox populations. Although there are alternative prey species on Santa Cruz (e.g., seabirds) these species are only seasonally abundant. Feral pigs are the only prey on Santa Cruz that represents a year-round food source for eagles that would also be abundant during the eagle reproductive season. Our interdisciplinary approach supports the premise that hyperpredation on foxes by eagles was facilitated by the presence of feral pigs and caused the decline in foxes on the northern Channel Islands. A question that remains unanswered is whether eagles were regularly 8 5000 Eagle 4500 7 4000 Pig 6 5 3000 4 2500 2000 3 Number of eagles Numbers of foxes or pigs 3500 1500 2 1000 Fox 1 500 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Year Fig. 5. Trend in the fox, pig and eagle populations on Santa Cruz Island predicted from the hyperpredation model. Our time unit is a day and we plotted population size every 90 days. The regular peaks in fox population size are due to modelling growth as a single pulse each year. Ratios (pigs:foxes) of predator preference (α) for the prey are 3, 1 and 0.33. Time to extinction for the fox populations given these preferences was 11.5 years, 8.7 years, and 6.7 years, respectively. commuting from the mainland, in a sense spilling over from a larger region with all sorts of prey (Holt, 1984), or whether most of the eagles were resident on the island. The discovery of the first golden eagle nest on Santa Cruz confirms that at least some eagles were breeding there, but because golden eagles historically never bred on the islands (Kiff, 1980) they must have come from the nearby mainland. Despite this fact, the number of eagles on Santa Cruz Island alone was considerable. From November 1999 to June 2000 a total of 13 golden eagles were live-captured and translocated from Santa Cruz to distant locales as part of a conservation strategy initiated by Channel Islands National Park (Coonan, 2001). In August 2000 one of us (GWR) observed three golden eagles, two adults and one subadult, in territorial display on the western end of Santa Cruz Island. Thus within 10 months’ time, during a period when the fox population was extremely low (Fig. 1(a)), 16 golden eagles had resided on Santa Cruz Island, more than twice as many eagles as we modelled (n = 7; Fig. 5). It seems likely that eagles are moving from the mainland to the islands and those that colonize the islands are moving among them. Island foxes evolved on the Channel Islands over the past 20,000 years (Wayne et al., 1991), pigs were introduced to the islands in the 1850s (Junak et al., 1995) and, at least within historic times, golden eagles were only transient visitors (Fig. 4). If these three species have existed in sympatry for the last 150 years why has this interaction occurred now? We hypothesize that the current perturbation is unique and due to historical anthropogenic factors that degraded the health of the island, mainland and marine ecosystems. This complex interaction ultimately increased the vulnerability of island foxes to extinction. Island foxes are extremely docile and unlike most canids are active during the day (Laughrin, 1977; Crooks & Van Vuren, 1995). As with other island species that have been decimated by novel predators (Diamond, 1989), island foxes evolved without high predation pressure and therefore are most probably not vigilant towards avian predators. This lack of predator vigilance may have been exacerbated by a reduction in vegetative cover on the islands resulting from 150 years of European agricultural practices that included overgrazing by livestock and feral herbivores (Minnich, 1980; Power, 1980; Van Vuren & Coblentz, 1987; Junak et al., 1995). This reduction in vegetative cover probably made island foxes especially vulnerable to avian predation. Environmental degradation of the marine environment also impacted the islands. Pesticide manufacturers based in Los Angeles released large amounts of organochlorine contaminants into the nearshore environment off the Palos Verdes peninsula in southern California (Stull, Swift & Niedoroda, 1996). This source of contaminants contributed to the extirpation of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on the Channel Islands by the late 1950s (Kiff, 1980) and its influence continues today. Bald eagles reintroduced to Santa Catalina Island cannot reproduce without human intervention and some adult birds have even died as a direct result of organochlorine poisoning (Garcelon et al., 1989; Garcelon & Thomas, 1997). Bald eagles are primarily piscivorous and mostly forage over aquatic habitats (Stalmaster, 1987), thus they are not expected to be a significant predator of the island fox. Moreover, bald eagles are territorial (Stalmaster, 1987), are aggressive towards conspecifics and other raptors (Garcelon, 1990; Perkins, Phillips & Garcelon, 1996) and would probably compete with golden eagles for food (Halley & Gjershaug, 1998) and nest sites. With at least 24 breeding pairs of bald eagles previously resident on the Channel Islands (Kiff, 1980) it is highly probable that bald eagles acted as a deterrent to golden eagles and that their extirpation paved the way for colonization of the islands by golden eagles. Subsequent to the extirpation of the bald eagle on the Channel Islands, protection of the golden eagle was conferred in 1962 by an amendment to the Bald Eagle Protection Act (US Code Service, 1999). Golden eagle populations are now increasing or are stable across most of the western US, except in coastal southern California where increasing urbanization has reduced golden eagle habitat (Harlow & Bloom, 1989). Increasing numbers of golden eagles in the western US, together with increasing encroachment in southern California, may have displaced mainland eagles to the Channel Islands. CONCLUSIONS Although the Channel Islands were never physically connected to North America (Junger & Johnson, 1980), the islands and the mainland are inextricably linked. Anthropogenic impacts to the islands, the mainland and the surrounding marine environment appear to have contributed to the current conservation crisis on the islands. As human pressure reinforces the connectivity between ecosystems, novel impacts will continue to arise, disrupting ecosystem processes and causing new conservation concerns (Estes et al., 1998). If resource managers are to avert the impending extinctions of the fox and enhance the ecological integrity of the Channel Islands a regional approach to conservation will probably be a necessity (Soulé & Terborgh, 1999). This approach will minimally need to include golden eagle translocation, feral pig eradication, bald eagle reintroduction and the captive propagation and release of island foxes (Coonan, 2001). Acknowledgements We thank all of the dedicated field assistants, especially J. Howarth and K. Rutz. B. A. Sabo and P. Trail identified the feathers found at fox carcasses and L. Munson performed the necropsies on fox carcasses from San Miguel. S. Spaulding and R. Lauston found the eagle nest and B. Latta led its exploration. T. Boyle provided the environmental data for Santa Cruz Island. We thank P. Collins for suggesting the potential inter- action between bald eagles and golden eagles. The National Geographic Society, Canon Inc., the National Park Service and the Institute for Wildlife Studies provided funding. At the time of this work, J.B. was a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a center funded by NSF (Grant DEB-94-21535), the University of California at Santa Barbara and the State of California. J. A. Estes, M. Gompper, R. D. Holt, A. J. MacInnis, C. Vilà and an anonymous reviewer improved earlier versions of the manuscript. G.W.R. wishes to thank R. K. Wayne for his support and guidance throughout this research and in the genesis of the final manuscript. REFERENCES Atkinson, I. (1989). Introduced animals and extinctions. In Conservation for the twenty-first century: 54–75. Western, D. & Pearl, M. C. (Eds). New York: Oxford University Press. Baber, D. W. & Coblentz, B. E. (1986). Density, home range, habitat use, and reproduction in feral pigs on Santa Catalina Island. J. Mammal. 67: 512–525. Bowman, D. D. & Lynn, R. C. (1995). Parasitology for veterinarians (6th edn). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. Brown, L. H. & Watson, A. (1963). The golden eagle in relation to its food supply. Ibis 106: 78–99. Caley, P. (1993). Population dynamics of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a tropical riverine habitat complex. Wildl. Res. 20: 625–636. Caswell, H. (1989). Matrix population models: construction, analysis and interpretation. 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