Design Working Group Meeting Minutes

Design Working Group, December 13th 2012
Design Working Group
Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2012
Next meeting:
Victoria Jolliffe,
Caroline Jeffreys,
Stuart Brown (Digital Engagement)
Guy Carberry (Student Services)
Jacques Roberts (MCT)
Peter Devine (LTS)
Sarah Davies (Library)
Simon Budgen, Matthew Rigby-Burr (LTS)
Tauseef Gill (IT), Linda Johns (HSC), Shailey Minocha (MCT)
1. Follow up on actions from previous meeting.
2. Continuation of discussion around 'OU patterns' - follow up on responsive designs and
grid formats.
3. Discussion of brand values.
4. Designing for mobile - formation of a Design sub-group.
5. AOB
Agenda points 1
Terms of reference has been amended as per discussions at last meeting.
Colin Morris has been approached but Vicki will chase
KMI have not responded, VJ to follow up
PD to share NorthGuide, before next meeting.
Agenda point 2
Group reviewed the designs sent round by Linda Johns based on applying existing sites
to a grid. There was a long discussion around the design and our thoughts, here are
some highlights
o AM, Should be similar to ICE, GC said they should be aligned
o We need to consider how the grid will work with other media.
o PD said that OU Anywhere currently has lots of black, if we lost the Apple design
aspect, what will we be left with? What would make it look an OU site? AM
suggested that we should think about this after we’ve worked out our designs.
o PD asked if we were looking at a grid system how that would work in Moodle. He
was aware that LTS had some real difficulties trying to implement a grid (was it a
grid or was it ICE? Can’t remember) and were unable to do it because of the way
Moodle constructs pages on the fly.
o JR said we need to be aware that the design is to be used by non-developers
who may not understand it.
o JR pointed out there was software available which would allow us to see page
resizing per device. (Masonry Library Technology)
o VJ asked, are we agreeing the grid design
Design Working Group, December 13th 2012
GC said to remember the horizontal rhythm of the page and the baseline grid as
well as the vertical grid.
PD when considering the pattern, look at font size, large fonts maybe challenged
in smaller design
 AM mobile will scale
VJ, what order are we considering designing for devices, GC advised
 Mobile
 Tablet
 Laptop
 Desktop
JR 960 grid system design would draw in 1024 (?)
GC said this was very narrow and asked if it scaled up. JR suggested not.
JR suggested we find the sweet spot in width
GC Should we remove the developer aspect, that is create the design and then
provide the developers to work with it?
SB Do we provide the solution, or thoughts to an agency?
 GC thought that was a good idea (VJ & CJ to follow up with Ian Roddis)
SB suggested we should set down design challenges
PD asked if we would use internal design agency. VJ suggested that an external
agency would provide a clear unbiased view. Group decided in first instance we
would got external for help, but may come to internal to build
PD so what is our question to the agency?
 SB some challenges we know, team to collate out thinking. Then pick
companies following tender process.
 GC get proof of concept we can then agree or challenge
Agenda point 3
VJ suggested this might help us add cost benefit to the design
PD asked what monetary value does the logo bring
Agenda point 4
GC Will need to consider responsive options, which are:
o Transform to fit each device
o Complete separate build for just mobile
o Only 1 web design – like it or not
o User choice – similar to google.
PD remember the user experience
JR bear in mind technology
Agenda point 5
Intranet template – GC/CJ table for next meeting.
Summary of actions
VJ chase Colin Morris and KMI
PD share NorthGuide
SB/CJ to follow up with Ian and progress tender process.
Design Working Group, December 13th 2012
Table intranet template for next meeting