Online Services Web Standards: Accessibility Standards Working Group Terms of Reference Document control Version Date Author Comment 0.1 27/09/12 Victoria Jolliffe First draft 1.0 04/10/12 Victoria Jolliffe Minor revisions based on feedback from working group. 1.1 19/11/12 Victoria Jolliffe Governance model diagram updated and membership list removed. The Open University Online services November 2012 1 Background to The Open University’s web standards Web standards help The Open University manage its online brand and visual identity. By ensuring our sites adhere to our suite of technical and design standards we give our visitors a more consistent user experience, whilst at the same time reflecting our core values of openness and availability to all. Further information is available on the OU Web Standards website (, which contains information about all the standards and guidelines that must be followed when developing and delivering sites and services on The Open University's public, student and internal websites. The Accessibility Standards Working Group has been set up to create and maintain the OU’s standards for ensuring that internal and public-facing websites are accessible to a wide audience, in terms of the technologies used and the presentation of the sites’ content. 2 Governance The following diagram shows the overall web standards governance structure. The working groups shown above are only the current set of groups and it is anticipated that many more will be created to define standards around technical requirements, for example. As a standard is drafted it will be forwarded to the Standards Reference Group1 for consultation, before it is approved by the Digital Engagement team and then given final sign-off by the Digital Standards Sign-Off Group2. 3 Membership Membership of this group may change over time; the current membership is maintained on the Accessibility Working Group page on the Web Standards website: 4 Responsibilities The Accessibility Standards Working Group is responsible for four main workstreams: 1. 2. 1 Defining a common accessibility policy statement for the OU. Creating and maintaining a detailed general accessibility standard for the OU, as well as providing guidance for developers on putting the standard into practice. This group consists of representatives from each of the faculties and units, to ensure their requirements are adequately represented in the development of a standard. 2 This group’s membership comprises the CIO, the Director of Communications and the Director of LTS. Page: 2 The Open University 3. 4. Online services November 2012 Writing a pro-forma and associated procedures for accessibility statements for individual assets. Reviewing exemption requests from site owners from specific clauses in the Accessibility Standard, and providing advice on alternative methods where relevant. Page: 3