INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED SOUTH JERSEY SENIOR CHAPTER NO. 132 - AREA 1 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 2004 - 2005 Paul Robert Siebeneicher, II, CMfgE, CSI, F.IIE 143 Canterbury Road Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054-1421 Landline: Faxline: Cellphone: Email: 856-365-5292 856-365-5294 609-352-1957 TO: The South Jersey Senior Chapter No. 132 IIE Board of Directors FROM: Paul Robert Siebeneicher, II, CMfgE, CSI, F.IIE DATE: August 23, 2004 SUBJECT: IIE SOUTH JERSEY SENIOR CHAPTER NO. 132 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN IIE MISSION The mission of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Incorporated is to provide leadership in the field of Industrial Engineering, enhancing the capabilities of its members and to represent the members of the Industrial Engineering profession. The IIE South Jersey Senior Chapter No. 132’s mission is to fully support the Institute of Industrial Engineers’ leaders and programs, the Industrial Engineering Profession at large and its members through continuous improvement processes and programs under the guidance of its Constitution and By-laws. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (LONG TERM) MEMBERSHIP Increase our membership by 10% per year through retention of current members and recruitment of new members. Continue IIE Student Outreach Program: o Plan and conduct an IIE Area I Career Quest© Workshop; o Provide IIE Students with Co-Op and Internship opportunities through Chapter Network; o Host IIE Students at Chapter Technical Dinner Meetings; o Provide Student Mentors by matching Senior Members with Student Members; o Provide Students with Career Development support through Resume Critiques; o Support Student Chapters through contributions and active participation. Plan and implement a Communications Program that reaches every SJCIIE Member a minimum of two (2) times a year, utilizing Email, Telephone and Mail. Plan and conduct a Public Relations Program to promote the benefits if IIE Membership to South Jersey Industry Senior Management and to promote the benefits of continued employment of South Jersey Chapter IIE Members as industrial engineers with their companies. PAGE 1 OF 8 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 2 OF 8 PROGRAMS Provide programs of interest to our Members designed to enhance their professional capabilities. Plan and conduct Technical Programs to meet regional businesses' and communities’ requirements and invite them to participate. Plan activities that provide opportunities for students and business leaders to learn of each other's needs and support continuing education programs to acquire the skills and technology to meet identified needs. NEWSLETTER & WEBMASTER Inform our Members of Chapter activities, professional development information, and news of Members with timely publication of our IIESJC Newsletter. Plan and publish South Jersey Chapter No. 132 Newsletter. Expand uses of the Internet to improve communication and services to our the General Membership. ENGINEER’S WEEK & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Serve the local community and improve the public image of the Industrial Engineering profession through community affairs projects. Plan activities for Engineers’ Week and participate in Engineers Week locally and regionally. Plan activities for Future Cities Competition and support students locally. Plan activities to support IIE Student Programs in South Jersey and Region 2 TREASURY Operate the South Jersey Chapter with fiscal integrity, completing monthly financial reports to the SJCIIE Board of Directors and to the General Membership through the Chapter Newsletter. Invest surplus funds safely to generate additional income. Complete Annual Financial Report and submit to IIE Headquarters for IRS Filing in a timely manner. TACTICAL OBJECTIVES SOUTH JERSEY SENIOR CHAPTER NO. 132 Follow the SJCIIE Constitution & By-laws. Follow the guidelines for Chapter Operations outlined in the Chapter Activity Report. Improve performance on the Chapter Activity Report previous year’s Gold Award. Present awards to South Jersey firms and Chapter Members that have made outstanding strides in productivity, or industrial engineering promotion and/or support. Continue to maintain joint collaboration with other IIE Chapters and other professional societies (ASQ, APICS, Engineers Club of Philadelphia, etc.) to increase membership-networking opportunities and reduce Chapter expenses. This will be accomplished through continued use of joint meetings and increased sharing of communication literature. Continue to reach out to local IIE Student Chapters and continue support of the IIE Area I Student Regional Conference. Directly support businesses and the community at large through volunteer nonprofit activities that provide guidance and services to address concerns. Directly support IIE Student Members regionally through career workshops, career counseling, career days mentoring, internships, etc. 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 3 OF 8 MEMBERSHIP Retain existing General Membership and recruit new IIE Members through the active effort lead by Membership Growth & Membership Retention Committees. Each Member shall be contacted for input to Chapter and Institute services and invited to participate in a IIESJ Chapter activities. Begin compiling a list of companies with potential interest in or use of industrial engineering practices. Chapter will capitalize on the list for outreach, fundraising, membership growth and job placement. Seek support of South Jersey Industry through: 1. Payment of dinner meeting expenses for IIE Members. 2. Purchase of advertisements in the Chapter Newsletter and/or Program & Membership Directory. 3. Sponsorship of dinner meetings and plant tours. 4. Payment of IIE dues for Members. 5. Sustaining IIE Memberships. 6. Purchase of materials for distribution during Engineer’s Week. 7. Payment of fees for continuing education courses. 8. Sending IIE Board Members to National IIE Conference, Seminars and Workshops. PROGRAMS Hold up to six (6) business meetings and two (2) plant tours for the upcoming program year. The dinner meetings will focus on Industrial Engineering topics and topics of interest to other professional societies and the plant tours will be at manufacturing/transportation/distribution facilities using Industrial Engineering techniques. Continue development of collaboration with other IIE Senior & Student Chapters and professional societies for increased networking opportunities and expansion of career knowledge. NEWSLETTER Publish our monthly newsletter following the guidelines outlined by the IIE Chapter Newsletter Competition, improving our performance level at the Gold Award. Mail program announcements to area newspapers to meet their schedules for publication prior to the programs inviting the general public. WEBMASTER Improve the IIE South Jersey Senior Chapter No. 132 Website with pertinent information, attractive graphics, and links to other websites, which might be of interest to our Members. Maintain the IIESJC Website with monthly updates. ENGINEERS’ WEEK Expand our outreach to local schools through the Engineer’s Week Activities, contributing financially with awards and providing judges for competitions. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Publish job opportunities in our monthly newsletter and maintain a file of members who are actively seeking employment; networking members to those seeking to hire. Expand use of the Internet to aid employment of our IIE Members. Extend co-operative efforts with other IIE Chapters and professional societies to increase awareness of job openings and networking opportunities. 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 4 OF 8 CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS Review current IIESJC Constitution & By-laws and identify changes that need to be made to improve the operations of the Chapter and insure its operations are within the Constitution & By-laws. Make recommendations for changes to the IIESJC Board of Directors and if approved, communicate it to the General Membership for their knowledge and approval. PUBLIC RELATIONS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Conduct at least one community project using IE techniques, which will improve operations of a non-profit organization and promote industrial engineering. Issue press releases inviting other professional societies and the general public to attend IIESJC Programs. TREASURY Establish a Fiscal Budget and manage Chapter activities within that budget. SUBMITTED BY: Paul Robert Siebeneicher, Paul Robert Siebeneicher, II, CMfgE, CSI, F.IIE President - IIE South Jersey Senior Chapter No. 132 2004 - 2005 IIE South Jersey Senior Chapter No. 132 Attachments: o Fiscal Management: 2004 – 2005 Budget - Page 5 of 8 o Planning: Important Activity & Deadline Dates - Page 6 of 8 o Technical Meetings: Program Agenda as of August 23, 2004 - Page 7 of 8 o Leadership: Officers & Directors Listing - Page 8 of 8 August 27, 2004 Submittal Date 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 5 OF 8 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2004 - 2005 BUDGET Treasury Balance at start of Fiscal Year (05/31/04)……………………… $1,611.86 Revenues Income from Membership Dues Rebate (49 x $15)…………… $ 735.00 Interest ($500 x .03)……………………………………………….. $ 15.00 Monthly Meetings (7 Mtgs. x 14 Attendees) $20………………… $1,960.00 Directory/Newsletter Advertisement…………………………. $ BOD 50/50 Income (12 x $20)……………………………... $ 240.00 Grant from Campbell Soup Fund……………………………. $1,600.00 Total…………………... 00.00 $4,550.00 Expenses Monthly Meetings {[7 Mtgs. X 15]}$20…………………….. $2,100.00 Newsletter (Postage)….…………………………………….. $ Board Meetings {[12 Mtgs. X 10]}$6………………………… $ 720.00 Community Services, Future City, Engineer’s Week…………… $ 200.00 Membership/Program Directory……………………………… $ 75.00 Member Services…………….……………………………… $ 75.00 Student Programs and Support at Chapter Meeting…………… $ 800.00 40.00 Supplies, Miscellaneous……………………………………………. $ 300.00 Total…………………... $4,310.00 Projected Treasury Balance at Fiscal Year End (May 31, 2005)…………. $1,851.86 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 6 OF 8 IMPORTANT ACTIVITY & DEADLINE DATES June - 2004 01 - IIESJC BOD Meeting - New Board 01 - New Officers Communicated to IIE July - 2004 06 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 01 - New Officers Posted on Website August - 2004 03 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 25 - Chapter Strategic Plan Drafted 31 - IIESJC BOD Meeting (September) 31 - September Newsletter Deadline September - 2004 01 - Chapter Strategic Plan Due to AVP 22 - Technical Dinner Meeting October - 2004 01 - October Newsletter Deadline 05 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 20 - Technical Dinner Meeting 30 - Career Quest© Workshop November - 2004 01 - November Newsletter Deadline 02 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 17 - Plant Tour December - 2004 07 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 30 - January Newsletter Deadline January - 2005 04 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 19 - Technical Dinner Meeting February - 2005 01 - February Newsletter Deadline 01 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 15 - Chapter Activity Report Due 16 - Technical Dinner Meeting March - 2005 01 - March Newsletter Deadline 01 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 15 - Nominations Committee Meeting 16 - Plant Tour April - 2005 01 - April Newsletter Deadline 05 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 20 - Technical Dinner Meeting 30 - Nominations Closed May - 2005 01 - May Newsletter Deadline 01 - New Officers Elected 04 - IIESJC BOD Meeting 19 - Technical Meeting 2004-2005 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN CONTINUED PAGE 7 OF 8 IIE SOUTH JERSEY CHAPTER NO. 132 PROGRAM AGENDA FOR THE 2004-2005 PROGRAM YEAR As of August 23, 2004 DATE TOPIC RESPONSIBILITY THEME LOCATION ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9/15/04 10/20/04 11/17/04* ISO 9000 Joint Meeting with ASQ Masapollo Continuous Improvement Adelphia (Back-up is Human Factors Engineering) McGowan Lean Concepts & Six Sigma Siebeneicher Quality Inn Ward Career Dev. Student Night (Back-up is Continuous Improvement) Plant Tour Wrotny Technology Metrologic (Back-up is to be determined) Blackwood DECEMBER HAS NO PROGRAM SCHEDULED 1/19/05 Lessons Learned from Toyota Fung Quality Practices Quality Inn Eliminating Your Own Position Drevik Engineers Week Quality Inn (Back-up is IE Learning on the Internet) Siebeneicher Plant Tour – NVR Ryan Homes Wrotny Automation Delanco (Back-up is Nine West) Dickel Process Improvement Quality Inn Process Planning Tools (MES) Masapollo/Garcia IE Principles Quality Inn (Back-up is Mfg. With ASQ & SJMCA) Masapollo Plant Tour - Joint Meeting with ASQ (Back-up is ASQ Sponsored Speaker) 2/16/05* 3/16/05* 4/20/05* Modern Day Root Cause Analysis Ball (Back-up is IT Refresher for IEs) 5/18/05* Fung ________________________________________________________________________________ * = Date or Program not firmed up yet TBD = Location to be determined