INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN I. Vision and Mission Statements II. Strategic Objectives III. Tactical Objectives IV. Financials V. Chapter Calendar of Key Events VI. Chapter Assessment Date: Chapter Name: Chapter No: Region: August 30, 2004 Columbus Chapter 1 4 IIE Chapter Operations Administrator: IIE Regional VP: Bisi Oyeyemi, IIE Headquarters Vito Wasniewski 2004 - 05 Chapter Officers: Bob Schroer, President / Treasurer Lynne Waldron, Vice President Russ Ballard, Event Coordinator Mike Devenney, Jobs Coordinator Chirag Modi, Webmaster / Newsletter Editor Brad Laser, Membership Director IIE National Office Holders: George Smith, Ph.D., P.E., Consultant, Fellow of the Institute, Senior VP, Technical Networking, Board of Trustees John Yesso, Technical Networking 1 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN I. Vision and Mission Statements VISION STATEMENT To build a chapter in which all IE’s in the Columbus area will want to be actively involved! MISSION STATEMENT Chapter No. 1 is: The first Industrial Engineering chapter formed within IIE That has within its membership recognized leaders in consulting, distribution, education, health care, industry, information technology, packaging, government, and IIE office holders Our Mission is to: S-t-r-e-n-g-t-h-e-n the field of Industrial Engineering, Enhancing professional growth of Chapter and Student membership, By bringing Senior Chapter members as well as Student Chapter members together Through social events, plant tours, conferences, speakers, financial support or any other way that meets the need. 2 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN II. Strategic Objectives Looking Ahead… Success during our 2004-05 year at continuing to strengthen our officers and core members should enable us to take advantage of other opportunities shown to us in the Chapter Activity Report guideline. Opportunities we could focus on from September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2009: 1. Be of greater service to our members Publicize chapter activities or member accomplishments to local media or periodicals Host a local conference or seminar (at least a half day in length) Improve our Job Service activity Improve our communication “links” to all members Job Opportunity – Social Networking “Schmoozes” 2. Expand our Officers base Continue to add Officers to our Leadership Team Provide financial support for a Chapter member to attend Leadership Training at the regional or national level Participation by a Chapter member in Institute sponsored Leadership Training at the regional or national level 3. Become more active in recruiting new members Identify students that have become chapter members (First Year Membership Growth) Seek out non-member or non-active Industrial Engineers in the Columbus area 4. Support the Institute Provide assistance to reactivate, revitalize, or improve another chapter Chapter member publication of an article in an IIE magazine or journal Member attendance at the IIE annual Solutions or Research Conference or a topical seminar Host a Regional Leadership / Chapter Management meeting 5. Look for Community Affairs to participate in Hospitals Schools Non-profit Organizations Veterans’ or Patriotic Societies Junior Achievement groups Boys and Girls Self Improvement Groups Churches Other 3 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN III. Tactical Objectives Next Years Plan… Chapter 1 Calendar of Key Events (see pages 7 and 8 of this plan) has been roughed in by our Leadership Team of six officers for 2004 and 2005. It is around this calendar that we focus and build our program year. This year has gotten off to a good start with two events already held during the summer, our normally inactive period, which reflects the energy, commitment and zeal possessed by the newly installed Chapter 1 Leadership Team. Opportunities to focus on from September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005: 1. Be of greater service to our members and future members Plan at least two events with a speaker (invite student chapter) Plan at least two events with a plant tour (invite student chapter) Plan at least two OSU student chapter “Schmoozes” event with a theme Offer anyone within our membership an opportunity to host their own event Look for opportunities to host joint events with other professional groups, i.e. APICS, ASQ, SWE and OSU Alumni Club to expand networking potential for members Grow our Job Coordinator service or member referral service Re-start our newsletter and enter the IIE Newsletter Competition Re-launch our Web Site 2. Strengthen our Officers ability to lead and grow the chapter Provide opportunities for them to plan - at board meetings - through e-mail and - phone conversations / conference calls Use the Chapter Activity Report as a Focussing Tool Use our Calendar of Key Events as a Planning Tool Apply for IIE Development Grant to provide funds to market our chapter to increase attendance and membership Use a “Sign In” form for each event Use an “Evaluation Form” at the close of each event Review our income and expense budget 3. Be more attentive to our membership roles Support our new Membership Director Review, update and publish our membership role Analyze and understand our membership role Track our membership role statistics and publish 4. Support the Institute Member participation in IIE sponsored events Chapter member publication of an article in an IIE magazine or journal Member attendance at the IIE annual Solutions or Research Conference or a topical seminar Chapter monetary donation of greater than $100 to the IIE foundation or Scholarship Program funds 4 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN IV. Financials Chapter 1 had a balance of $3,770.61 on September 1, 2003 and an ending balance of $2703.17 on August 31, 2004 for a change of $1,067.44 during the year. Past financial events for our 2003 – 2004 budget tracking year: Membership dues income amounted to $1,703 compared to $1,595 for the previous year or a gain of $108. Event income amounted to $445 against expenses of $1,032 + $22 or a difference of $609 that was covered by dues income. This difference is the student expense that we cover so they can attend our events for free. Our largest expense came from two large donations of $1,650 and $1,205 to the IIE Regional Student Conference held at The Ohio State University February 20 th thru 22nd. This was funded from our reserves and a senior membership fund raising campaign which raised the $1,205 in member donations. We also gave a $270 donation to the OSU IE Senior Banquet (Alpha Pi Mu) bringing our total OSU Student gifts to $3,125 for the 2003 / 04 event year. 5 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN IV. Financials (Continued) Future financial projections for our 2004 – 2005 budget tracking year: Our As of September 1st, 2004 we will have a beginning balance of funds within our Checking and two Certificates of Deposit totaling $ 2,703.17 Projected income Projected expenses We project an August 31, 2005 balance of 2,300.00 2,300.00 -----------$ 2,703.17 6 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN V. Chapter Calendar of Key Events Month Date Responsible Action Item 2004 IIE H.Q. Bob Schroer 15 17 Bob Schroer Schroer / Ballard 20 - 22 27 4 4 11 Schroer / Smith Bob Schroer Schroer / Ballard Ballard / Waldron Schroer / Ballard 9 Schroer / Ballard Bob Schroer 15 Russ Ballard May 15 - 19 Smith / Laser IIE H.Q. June 9 15 30 Bob Schroer Bob Schroer Lynne Waldron July 26 28 31 IIE H.Q. / Schroer Lynne Waldron Vito Wasniewski January February March Chapter Dues Check Issued ($522) Offer Assistance to University Regional Conference Host (at OSU this year) Chapter Activity Report due (CAR) Speaker / Dinner Joint Event w/ APICS & ASQ IIE Regional Student Conference RVP Chapter Presidents Conference Call Schroer / Waldron 16 27 Schroer / Ballard Schroer 27 27 Waldron Waldron 27 1 IIE H.Q. / Schroer Bob Schroer Alpha Pi Mu OSU IE Honors Banquet Tour of Honda Joint Event w/ SWE Officers Meeting Conference Call Officers Meeting Conference Call Submit new Officer Slate Form to RVP with contact information IIE Student Schmooze Event at Champps IIE Annual Conference Chapter Dues Check Issued ($521) Officers Meeting at “Hoggies” Annual IRS tax filing submission due Wyandotte Winery Tour & Wine Tasting Joint Event w/ OSU Alumni Club Audio Conference – Trends in Lean Enterprise Tour of Delphi / Dinner Joint Event w/ SWE Region IV Put-N-Bay Summer Activity Familiarize yourself with the reporting requirement and Chapter Activity Report (CAR) Officers Meeting Conference Call Create & Submit Chapter Plan & Budget for Next Year to Regional VP (due Sept 1st) Create & Submit Chapter Constitution to RVP Create & Submit Chapter By-Laws to RVP Audio Conference – The Power of Lean Chapter Plan due to Regional Vice President 27 Russ Ballard IIE Student Schmooze Event - “Interview Techniques” 30 IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($520 est) October 21 Lynne Waldron IIE H.Q. Tour / Dinner Event Audio Conference - Ergonomics November 18 Possible Event Date December 17 Newsletter Competition Entries Due April August September Chirag Modi 7 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN V. Chapter Calendar of Key Events (Continued) Month Date Responsible Action Item 2005 IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($520 est) 20 Russ Ballard IIE Student Schmooze Event 1 Bob Schroer Chapter Activity Report due (CAR) 17 Chirag Modi Speaker / Dinner Joint Event w/ APICS & ASQ 1 Bob Schroer IIE Officer Visit Request Due 8 Chirag Modi OSU Student Presentations Joint Event w/ ASQ Alpha Pi Mu OSU IE Senior Banquet Event Bob Schroer Hold elections for new officers Bob Schroer Submit new Officer Slate Form to RVP with contact information Mike Devenney Possible Event Date IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($520 est) IIE H.Q. IIE Annual Conference Possible Event Date Lynne Waldron Possible Summer Event Bob Schroer Annual IRS tax filing submission due Bob Schroer Officers Meeting – Goal to review Chapter Plan Possible Summer Event January February March Bob Schroer April 1 24 May 14-18 19 June 15 July August 31 Bob Schroer / Lynne Waldron Create & Submit Chapter Plan & Budget for Next Year to Regional VP September 1 Bob Schroer Chapter Plan due to Regional Vice President Possible Event Date Chapter Dues Check Issued ($520 est) ALL OHIO IIE EVENT Possible Event Date Newsletter Competition Entries Due 15 IIE H.Q. October November December 20 17 Chirag Modi 8 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS COLUMBUS, OHIO 2004 – 2009 CHAPTER PLAN VI. Chapter Assessment Reflecting Backward over the Past Year… The event year running from September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2004 will be most remembered for our support of the IIE Region IV Student Conference in February and the growth of our chapter officers in April. There was no tactical objective created within a five year plan for this past year but the objectives of prior year plans were still very much in the minds of the Chapter 1 officers. Chapter 1 has always been committed to staying connected with the OSU IE students and to that end we had two Schmoozes, supported their hosting of the IIE Regional Student Conference both financially and with participation as well as sponsoring a table at the spring Alpha Pi Mu Senior IE Honors banquet. We also provided tour sites and student event speakers. An objective that has been within this five year plan for many years has been to grow our officer’s staff. For the past year we only had two officers and no president declared. These two officers are still both active one taking over the role of President as well as continuing as Treasurer. The other officer still serves as Event Coordinator and OSU Student Chapter representative. We conducted a membership survey in January that helped to put us in touch with some of our members. Then in the spring of 2004 we had four members come forward to serve. These four individuals have taken over the roles of Vice President, Membership Director, Jobs Coordinator, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. These four individuals have brought much energy and many new ideas into the chapter. Summarizing our major goals for 2003-04 we planned: For two events with a speaker and we had one event with a speaker For two events with a plant tour and we had one tour event For two student chapter Schmoozes and we had two great Schmooze events To increase our chapter officers from two and we now have six We hit most of our major goals building a history to allow us to move forward. We will move forward by applying our tactical objectives to the future by building our Calendar of Key Events with our new Leadership Team. One thing the past year has taught us is that without the few events that we had and the survey taken we would have never gotten to meet three of the four new members who have come forward to serve our membership. It pays to “hang in there…” And, it is these four new officers working with our two existing officers that will take our Chapter to new levels of success not experienced here in Columbus for a long time. Our chapter will only be as strong as the officers assembled to lead it. 9