EPA 2013 ROA Online System – tips and template

EPA – Educator Role 2013
2013 Report of Accomplishment (ROA) for SOARS.
See Instructions here for how to use the NEP Online System to assist you in
your preparation of your ROA and things to consider when in SOARS .
Pay attention to only 3 tabs within SOARS Report of Accomplishment (ROA)
The following text box contains the basic instructions under the Summary tab
section as stated in SOARS. The NEP Online System
reports can assist you
with what was done. See page 5 for detailed instructions for this.
Step 1: Narrative Summary
Report of Accomplishment Summary
Write a brief summary of your work in this program area during the past year.
This is an opportunity to share what you feel are the highlights of your work.
Potential Outline:
- Situation
- What was done
- What difference was made
Consider 4 Plan of Work Areas (PWA) listed in the illustration above when completing
Actual Time Spent.
PWA1. Individual – Time spent in Direct Education
PWA2. Family intervention – Time spent delivering indirect education
PWA3. SNPA, Wellness Committees, Worksite interventions
PWA4. Community Collaboration, HEAL MAPPS, Pantry Assessments
In this section educators will complete a professional development report based
on the plan that was submitted during the POW process. EPAs discuss this with
supervisors. You can report trainings done in 2013 and produce a report there.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Three reports from the NEP Online System are used by EPAs:
1. Contacts by Ethnicity for SOARS Report
a. Data labeled as Direct are from series of sessions and single sessions
and will list with the “OSUES lead person for this group”
b. Data labeled Indirect are only for Public Events and will list with the
“OSUES staff person who is responsible for event.”
Note: This will look different than statistics in the ROA Detail as that report pulls
statistics from the Staffing area within the education record. See sample with #3.
Login to NEP Online System
Click on Reports on left side of home page
Be sure to select the 2013 Fiscal Year as the system defaults to 2014.
1. Select this report first with a left click.
Left click on “Open with” to see the file.
The file will appear as a CSV type.
Your first action is to
do a “Save as” an
Excel Workbook in a
location of your
EPA – Educator Role 2013
The next 2 pages give explanations regarding the data in this report and what is needed
for SOARS. Read this first to understand the source of the data in this report and how it
relates to SOARS .
Use of NEP Online System to help report contacts in SOARS 2013
SOARS Education Contacts are
interactions with people.
There are four types:
1. Direct Individuals - Contacts that
are made directly with individuals
through Extension programming.
(e.g. face-to-face meetings,
telephone consultation, or email
responses that involve
educational content or
a. “Direct Individuals” is the
Contact Type to select in
b. OSUES Staff persons
entering indirect contacts
(not made by volunteers) Enter in SOARS selecting
another “Direct Individuals”.
This means you will have 2
“Direct Individuals” entries
NEP Online System
Data for this SOARS Reporting is found in NEP
Online in the “Ethnicity for SOARS” Reports –
Generate this report only one time each year
after all data is in.
In the Ethnicity for SOARS Report, the data only
represents face-to-face meetings. See “Direct” in
the Contact Type column D. All “Direct”
numbers are summarized and shown in one row
by program for each person who was listed in
NEP Online as a Lead person. The source of
the numbers is the “OSUES Lead Person for a
group”. These numbers include all extended
delivery done by teachers (Community Staff
The “Indirect” numbers shown next to your name
may not reflect contacts made by volunteers but
rather made by you, an OSUES Staff person. In
that case, follow the instructions here to the left
under b.
In the Ethnicity for SOARS Report produced in the NEP Online System, the data that is
indicated as “Indirect’ is for Public Events only and not for Displays or Ed Materials sent to
home or site. All “Indirect” numbers are summarized and shown in one row for each OSUES
staff person and program. The source of these numbers is the “OSUES staff person who is
responsible for event” listed in each Public Event.
2. Indirect Volunteers - Contacts that
are made indirectly through trained
Extension Volunteers.
If you are reporting numbers for
indirect contacts made by
volunteers, select the “Indirect
Volunteers” Contact Type.
If you supervised Volunteers in the delivery of
Public Events, their numbers are shown next to
your name (as the person responsible for the
event) in the rows marked “Indirect” in the NEP
Online Ethnicity for SOARS Report.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
3. Media - Contacts made through
the media (e.g newspaper articles
in which case the readership for
the paper is counted).
4. Other - includes website
"sessions" or "visitors" (not "hits")
NEP Online System
These types of contacts are not generally
tracked in the NEP Online System.
These types of contacts are not tracked in the
NEP Online System.
If you do not train or supervise volunteers, go to page 5. If you do, proceed here:
In SOARS, add number of New Trained Volunteers in 2013
Enter the number of volunteers who receive specific training for the work they do with
Extension. Examples include 4-H Leaders, Master Gardeners, etc.
Training Volunteers to assist with education delivery in SNAP-Ed would go here.
Report here the total number of new volunteers during 2013. The total individuals
trained during the year will be reflected in the “Extension Volunteers” section of SOARS
ROA Narrative “What will be done and who will be reached?”
In SOARS, add number of Other New Volunteers in 2013
Enter the number of volunteers who assist with Extension programming but do not
receive special training in order to fulfill their volunteer roles. Examples include
infrequent volunteers who staff information tables, or help set up for an event.
Volunteers who help in NEP Offices go here.
Your name
The total numbers of
Volunteers who help in
NEP Offices go under
Other Volunteers.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Back to the NEP Online System
Follow these instructions to reformat the “Contacts by Ethnicity” report for readability.
1. Select All Cells - left click in the upper left corner cell.
Select all cells
Text area will turn blue
To Wrap Text, right click the mouse within the blue part of the workbook and then
left click to select “Format Cells” from the temporary menu.
a. Left click on the “Alignment” tab.
b. Left click  “Wrap text” (about midway down the page).
c. Left click “OK.” The display in the workbook will now show all information
entered into each cell.
Entry of contacts into SOARS is straight forward from this report.
Back to the NEP Online System for #2.
2. Produce the ROA Unit
Detail All OSUES Persons
report to prepare your
summary. It lists all of the
education statistics where
you were listed as a staff
person in the record.
1. Save the file as an Excel Workbook
a. Select the office button, (top left corner of screen).
b. Hover over “Save As” and left click Excel Workbook
c. Choose location for the document.
d. Name and date the file
EPA – Educator Role 2013
e. Left click “Save”.
2. Wrap Text - Follow the instructions at top of this page to reformat the report by
wrapping text for readability.
3. Delete Rows - You must delete row 1 in order for other formatting functions to
work. The title of your report will remain as the document name at the top of the
screen. Next delete the blank row 2 in this report document.
a. Right Click in the row number cell.
b. Left click “Delete”
c. Repeat this for any blank row that is between data rows.
4. Freeze Top Row (Keeps the top title row as you scroll through report rows)
a. Left click on the row number cell in row 1 to highlight the row. (This should be
the row with your column titles. If not, return to instruction #3 and 4).
b. Left click the “View” tab from the main menu bar.
c. Left click “Freeze Panes” down arrow.
d. Left click “Freeze Top Row”.
5. Individual Column Width Adjustment (Helps readability)
a. Place the cursor on the horizontal line between two column letter headings
and to the right of the column you wish to resize (i.e., the line between
columns A and B will adjust the width of column A).
b. Left click, hold and drag the column to the desired width.
c. Repeat for columns with cells that have a lot of words (for example, the
Agency, Education Delivery Location, Audience Type, and Group Name).
6. AutoFit Row Height (useful once you have expanded column widths)
a. Select all cells by left clicking in the upper left corner cell.
b. Left click on the Home tab from the main menu bar.
c. Left click on the Format Cells drop down arrow.
d. Left click on AutoFit Row Height
7. Sort The Data
a. Select all cells by left clicking in the upper left corner cell.
b. Left click on the Data tab from the main menu bar.
c. Left click on Sort icon.
d. In the pop-up, look to the right and Left click  My data has headers
e. Select a “Sort by” column. (Best to first to sort by Education Delivery
f. Note: You must not be using a filter when you want to use the Sort function.
See instruction #11 “To Remove Filters” prior to sorting.
8. Expand The Size Of The View
EPA – Educator Role 2013
a. In the lower right corner of the Worksheet are controls.
b. Left click on
to increase the size.
9. Set-up Filtering In Title Row (This will help with project data filtering.)
a. Select all cells by left clicking in the upper left corner cell.
b. Left click on the “Data” tab from the main menu bar. Left click “Filter.”
c. Drop down menu arrows have now been added to each column heading.
d. To apply a filter, left click on the drop down menu arrow in the Project Areas,
Column P. This is useful when trying to summarize data by project area for
the ROA narrative summary.
e. Left click on the  (Select all) to deselect the entire set of data.
f. Left click on the desired filter criteria for the column selected. An example is
to left click on anything in the list with a 4 indicating Adults all Ages and Youth
All Ages Project Area listings.
g. Left click “OK”. See only the data that has a 4 selected. To go back, click on
select again. Left click “OK” again to see all data.
10. To Remove Filters
a. Select all cells by left clicking in the upper left corner cell.
b. Left click on the “Data” tab from the main menu bar.
c. Left click “Filter.” Drop down menu arrows have now been removed from each
column heading.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
11. Set-up Summing Using Filters
a. Make note of the first group
name appearing in row 2 of the
b. Apply Filter to selected column
titled “Group Name” by left
clicking on the drop down menu
c. In the drop down menu, left
click on the  (Select all) to
deselect the entire set of data.
d. Then left click on the  first
“Group Name” in the drop down
menu. If the site is not the
same as in row 2, then go back
and Sort by site name and
begin the filtering again. If you
sum the first selected site, then
sums will be available under all
filtering situations.
e. Left click
f. Left click the Formula tab from the main menu bar.
g. Left click in the cell just below first column that has numbers. (Column L, # of
h. Left click on AutoSum, then “Enter” key on your keyboard.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
i. Bold the text in the total cell (Go to Home tab and click
j. Move curser to the lower right corner of the total cell until a black plus sign
k. Left click on the black plus sign and drag from that cell through to the end of
data sum cells. Then let go. Totals should appear to the right. Delete the
totals in columns that are not needed (such as key messages).
Additional filter icon
Now, go back to the Group column filter and left click on the additional filter
m. In the drop down menu, left click on the  (Select all) to select the entire set of
n. Left click
o. Once you do the above, the summing totals will work for all rows of data.
p. You can now filter for specific data and have totals for that data (For example,
filter up a specific site and see all totals for that site).
General Tip: Remember to left click on the save icon frequently while you are
reformatting report documents.
Save icon
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Now that you have prepared and reformatted reports from the Nep Online System, it is
time to prepare a narrative summary in this Word file. When this summary is complete,
you will copy and paste the finished text into
Find the information in your ROA report from NEP Online and copy and paste to
fill in the blanks in the template sentences here as often as needed for the various
audiences listed below and the types of sites you are reporting on. Prepare the
total ROA narrative draft in this document, then copy and paste the full narrative
into SOARS.
Narrative Summary (Template for SOARS)
My position is
working at the
Extension Office.
Sample: My position is an Education Program Assistant 1, working full time in the Lane Extension
Office at .90 FTE SNAP-Ed, at .10 FTE SNAP-Outreach.
Copy and paste the following statement to inform the reader what time period your
information represents:
This summary reflects my work during the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2013
(October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013)
Create a summary for each program that applies to your work.
Select a Program to title each section:
SNAP-Ed Program Education Delivery
EFNEP Program Education Delivery
SNAP-Outreach Program
Healthy People and Behaviors
Individual – Time spent in Direct Education
A. Healthy Eating and Activity
Use filter in Column
P of your “ROA
Detail” report to
summarize data for
each Project Area.
Project Area 1 Focus: Families - Pregnant and Parenting Teens.
I used
Curricula at
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 2 Focus: Families – Parents and other adults, Adults – all ages.
I used
Curricula at
Public Housing Sites.
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 2 Focus: Families, Adults – Disabled.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
I used
Curricula at
Community Sites.
I delivered
sessions to
groups, reaching
direct education contacts.
participants, resulting in
Project Area 4 Focus: Families - Adults all ages with youth all ages.
I used
Curricula at
Public School Sites.
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 5 Focus: Families – English Language Learners.
I used
Curricula at
Public School Sites.
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 8: Seniors – Older Adults (60+).
I used
Curricula at
Senior Center Sites.
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
direct education contacts.
participants, resulting in
Project Area 12: Youth - In School - Pre Kinder and Kinder:
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
resulting in
direct education contacts.
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 13: Youth - In School – 1st and 2nd Grade:
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
resulting in
direct education contacts.
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 14: Youth - In School – 3rd through 5th Grade:
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
EPA – Educator Role 2013
I presented
resulting in
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
direct education contacts.
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 15: Youth - In School – Middle School (6,7,8 Grade):
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
resulting in
direct education contacts.
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 16: Youth - In School – Mixed Grades and Ages:
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
resulting in
direct education contacts.
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 17: Youth - In School – High School
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions in
classrooms, reaching
resulting in
direct education contacts.
I presented
sessions in
classrooms and trained teachers presented some
of these sessions extending the reach to a total of
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 16: Youth - Afterschool – Mixed Grades and Ages:
I used:
Curricula at
Public Schools, (3 Public Schools)
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
Project Area 16: Youth – Summer Programs – Mixed Grades and Ages:
I presented
sessions to
groups, reaching
participants, resulting in
direct education contacts.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Healthy People and Behaviors (Continued)
B. Food Safety/Food Preservation
Food Safety education is included in all NEP delivery involving food.
C. Volunteer Programs
Project Area 10: Train the Trainer - Volunteers
At the OSU Extension office, I presented education sessions to train
volunteers resulting in who went on to reach the target audience at community sites
with SNAP-Ed educational messages and food tastings. Trainings resulting in
direct education contacts with volunteers.
SNAP-Ed Volunteer contributions:
Hours reported for FFY2012
Prep and clean- Education
Extended Education
up Hours
Delivery Hours Delivery by trained
Extension Volunteers
Total FTE
This reflects time efforts to prepare for and assist with direct education delivery and to
staff public events. See the Volunteer Staff report in the Online System to find this data
for your Unit.
Project Area 11: Train the Trainer - Community Staff (Extenders)
Public School sites, I presented education sessions to train
teachers who extended SNAP-Ed lessons to youth. Trainings resulting in
direct education contacts with school personnel.
SNAP-Ed Community Staff contributions:
Hours reported for FFY2012
Prep and clean- Education
Extended Education
up Hours
Delivery Hours Delivery by trained
teachers in schools
Total FTE
This reflects time efforts to prepare for and assist with direct education delivery
and/or extend sessions using SNAP-Ed materials and to staff public events. See the
Community Staff report in the Online System to find this data for your Unit.
Healthy Families and Homes (Indirect Delivery)
Family intervention – Time spent delivering indirect education
Create a summary for each program that applies to your work.
Select a Program to title the section:
SNAP-Ed Program Education Delivery
EFNEP Program Education Delivery
SNAP-Outreach Program
Use filters in your
“ROA Detail” report
to summarize data
for each Project
Area, Audience, or
site type.
Project Area 2 Focus: Families – Parents and other adults, Adults – all ages.
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Education materials were sent home with the youth reaching at least
adults in the
home resulting in
indirect contacts.
WIC sites, I sent materials to the office reaching
Project Area 4 Focus: Families - Adults all ages with youth all ages.
Public School sites, I provided face to face educational contacts at
Public Event(s) reaching
Food Pantry sites, I provided face to face educational contacts at
Public Event(s) reaching
Head Start sites, I set up displays reaching
Project Area 12: Youth - In School - Pre Kinder and Kinder:
Project Area 13: Youth - In School – 1st and 2nd Grade:
Project Area 14: Youth - In School – 3rd through 5th Grade:
Project Area 15: Youth - In School – Middle School (6,7,8 Grade):
Project Area 16: Youth - In School – Mixed Grades and Ages:
Project Area 17: Youth - In School – High School
Public School sites, I set up displays reaching
Public School sites, I sent materials to the school reaching
Public School sites, I provided face to face educational contacts in the lunch
room at
Public Event(s) reaching
Healthy Schools and Worksites
SNPA, Wellness Committees, Worksite interventions
Locally, needs were determined while meeting with community collaboration partners.
Describe briefly if this applies to you.
Healthy Communities
Community Collaboration, HEAL MAPPS, Pantry Assessments
Describe briefly if this applies to you.
After you have used portions of the template to fill in information based on the report of
your effort by project area, finish by editing the list of the education delivery for the
federal fiscal year into a readable format that makes sense to you. Summarize and
consolidate the information as much as possible. Copy and paste into SOARS.
Evaluation Report
Copy and paste this statement into the evaluation area if needed.
’s Faculty ROA for Evaluation and Impact Reports.
Professional Development
EPA – Educator Role 2013
Check out the User Training Report in the Online System to see if any of this
information is useful in reporting your Professional Development in SOARS.
To Wrap Text, right click the mouse within the blue part of the workbook and then
left click to select “Format Cells” from the temporary menu.
a. Left click on the “Alignment” tab.
b. Left click  “Wrap text” (about midway down the page).
c. Left click “OK.” The display in the workbook will now show all information
entered into each cell.
For questions, concerns, and assistance with this process of using NEP Online to assist
you with SOARS entry, please call or email Jill Mills at: Jill.Mills@oregonstate.edu
541-737-8839 (Campus office) or 541-870-5413 (cell)