Recent Advances in NonMammalian Adrenal Gland Research 2008 Published by Research Signpost 2008; Rights Reserved Research Signpost T.C. 37/661(2), Fort P.O., Tnvandrum-695 023, Kerala, India Editor Anna Capaldo Managing Editor 5G. Pandalai Publication Manager A. Gayathri Research Signpost and the Editor assume no responsibility for the opinions and statements advanced by contdbutors ISBN: 978-81-308-0291-6 Contributors Rccordi Fiorenza Dipartimento di Biologia nimale e dell’Uomo, Università di Roma, ‘La Sapienza Viale delfUniversità 32, 00185 Rome, Italy Bacs Raquel Estación Biológica de Doñana, CS.I.C., vda. de Maria Luisa s/n., Pabellón del Peru, pdo 1056, 4 013 Seville, Spain Barrett Michele Department of nimal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Nj 08901 US Bias Julio Estación Bioiógica de Doñana, C.S.I.C., vda. de Maria Luisa s/n., Pabellón del Peru pdo 1056, 4101 3 Seville, Spain Capaldo Rnna Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Evolutive and Comparative Biology University of Naples “Federico II”. Via Mezzocannone 8 80134 Naples, Italy Carsia Rocco Department of Cell Biology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New jersey-School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, Nj 08084, US Castillo Songul Suren Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Zoology Section Istanbul, Turkey Chimenti Claudio Dipartimento di Biologia nimale e deIl’Uomo, Università di Roma, “La Sapienza’ Viale dell’Università 32, 00185 Rome, Italy Cox Robert M. Department of Biological Sciences Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755, US Crivellato Enrico Department of Medical and Morphological Research, natomy section, University of Udine Medical School, Udine, Italy C ntents Section 1 The Adrenal Gland - Chapter 1 Development and evolution of the adrcnal gland and its homologs in telcosts, anurans, chelonians and birds C/audio Chimenli and Fiorenza Accordi Section II The Steroidogenic Tissue - Chapter 2 Neuroendocrine regulation of amphibian adrenocortical cells by hormones, neurotransrnitters and neuropeptides F/aWe Sicard and 1-lubert Vaudty 31 Chapter 3 Adrenal steroidogenesis in reptiles: Insights from dispersed adrenocortical cells from Sceloporus lizards Rocco V. Carsia, Patrick J.Mcllroy, Robert M Cox Michele Barrett and Henry B. John-Aider 57 Chapter 4 Strcss in the nest: Causes and consequenccs of adrenocortical secretion in developing birds Julio Bias and Raquel Baos 89 Chapter 5 Metal pollution and the stress response Chelsea Ward 129 Chapter 6 Corticosteroids and the thyroid during amphibian tadpole metamorphosis MaryL. Wright 147 Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India Recent Advances in Non-Mammalian Adrenal Gland Research, 2008: 89-128 ISBN: 978-81-308-0291-6 Editor: Anna Capaldo 4 Stress in the nest: Causes and consequences of adrenocortical secretion in developing birds Julio Blas and Raquel Baos Estación Biológica de Doñana, C.S.I.C., Avda. de María Luisa s/n., Pabellón del Perú, Apdo 1056, 41013 Seville, Spain Summary During the last decade, a vast number of studies have considerably increased our understanding of the interplay between the ecology and the endocrinology of the stress axis in wild avian populations. A theoretical framework known as the ‘Emergency Life History Stage’ has been developed to explore the ecological bases of stress and underlying endocrine mechanisms. Despite a growing body of literature on the role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) function in adult birds, little research has been performed in birds during development, possibly due to the wealth of variability in developmental strategies Correspondence/Reprint request: Dr. Julio Blas, Estación Biológica de Doñana, C.S.I.C., Avda. de María Luisa s/n., Pabellón del Perú, Apdo 1056, 41013 Seville, Spain. E-mail: 90 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos within the Class Aves, and the lack of evidence that non-precocial species have functional stress responses before parental independence. A series of investigations on HPA function in nestling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) under natural conditions have provided novel insights into the proximate causes and ultimate fitness consequences of adrenocortical responses to stress in developing birds. The aim of this review is to provide an integrated summary of recent research on endogenous and exogenous factors affecting adrenocortical function using stork chicks as a study model. Among the endogenous factors that explain differences in HPA function, nestling age constitutes a prime source of variability, which is discussed here within the context of the Developmental Hypothesis. Superimposed on this ontogenic pattern, exogenous factors of ecological origin such as food availability, habitat and parental quality generate interindividual differences in baseline corticosterone (cort) secretion. These findings support the notion that nonprecocial nestlings can activate emergency responses to environmental perturbations despite their parental dependence for food and shelter, and suggest a role of environmental stressors in the preparation for fledging and independence. A second set of exogenous factors of concern for conservation biologists is the exposure of wild avian populations to environmental pollutants. Maximum levels of cort following capture and restraint were positively related to storks´ blood lead levels. This relationship was stronger in single nestlings than in birds from multiple-chick broods, suggesting a greater impact of pollutants on individuals additionally exposed to ecological stressors such as poor parental quality. With the aim of assessing the ultimate fitness consequences of individual variability in stress responses, the probability of survival and recruitment was modelled using information of a long-term study that accounted for all the factors described above. Survival and recruitment were negatively related to the magnitude of the adrenocortical response during development, providing the first empirical evidence for a link between stressresponse early in life and subsequent fitness in a wild, long-lived vertebrate. In the light of these findings, here we review the published literature on this topic and discuss the current state of knowledge regarding adrenocortical function in developing birds, highlighting study gaps and suggesting future research directions. Introduction Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of birds in response to environmental perturbations (e.g. inclement weather, decreased food availability, exposure to predators) results in the release of the main avian glucocorticoid, corticosterone (cort) into circulation [1]. Elevated cort triggers behavioral and physiological responses such as changes in locomotor activity and Stress responses in developing birds 91 foraging, decreased nocturnal oxygen consumption, lipogenesis and mobilization of body energy resources [2-6]. These responses redirect animals to a lifesaving state [7] allowing them to overcome the source of stress and recover homeostasis in the best possible physical condition. During the last decade many studies have considerably increased our understanding of the interplay between the ecology and the endocrinology of the stress axis in wild avian populations. A theoretical framework known as the ‘Emergency Life History Stage’ has been developed to explore the ecological bases of stress as well as underlying endocrine mechanisms [8]. Although the concepts may be widely applicable to all vertebrates, birds have been extensively used as models (e.g. [9]). However, despite a growing body of literature on the role of HPA function in adult birds, the causes and consequences of activation of stress responses in birds during development have received little attention until recently. One plausible explanation for such a research gap was the belief that nestlings suppress adrenocortical responses to stress during development, in order to avoid the deleterious effects of chronically elevated cort. Table 1 shows a comprehensive survey of experimental studies testing the consequences of systemic cort treatment during avian ontogeny. These studies indicate that early experimental exposure to high glucocorticoid levels often leads to behavioural and growth deficits in chicks: reduced cognitive ability and body condition, impaired immune defences and jeopardized survival (reviewed in [10, 11]). Under natural (i.e. non-experimental) conditions, a functional HPA axis may hypothetically lead as well to such negative consequences if young, not fully developed individuals are unable to adjust their physiology and behavior to unpredictable perturbations. This line of argument has been used to suggest that nestlings would have little, if any adrenocortical response to stress during development, and that parents would compensate the lack of response by expressing parental behaviours (e.g., brooding, feeding), thus ameliorating the effects of environmental perturbations. Only recently have field endocrinologists been paying more attention to the alternative possibility that nest-bound (i.e. non-precocial) chicks develop adrenocortical responses to stress under natural settings (e.g.. [11, 31, 32]). A number of studies demonstrate that despite the physical bound to a nest and parental dependence for food and shelter, the HPA axis can be functional during early stages of development. Among these studies, a series of investigations with nestling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) have provided novel insights into the causes [33-36] and consequences [36, 37] of adrenocortical responses to stress during development. Figure 1 summarizes the potential factors affecting the response to stress in developing birds. Environmental stressors (e.g. inclement weather, predators) are buffered by 92 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Table 1. Survey of experimental studies testing the consequences of systemic corticosterone elevations during avian ontogeny, on posthatching traits. Reports are organized by species and according to the type of manipulation: M (maternal treatment with exogenous corticosterone during laying); E (in ovo corticosterone injection) or Y (post-hatching treatment of young birds with exogenous corticosterone). The table also indicates the conditions (C = captive vs. W = wild settings) characterising the study. By default, the effects of experimental manipulations on different traits correspond to measures taken during post-hatching development (i.e. short-term effects). For traits measured after chicks independence, the study parameter is followed by the letters LT (long-term) within brackets. Significant (P<0.05) effects are indicated with asterisks (*), and full references are given in the literature section at the end of the chapter. parents in most avian species, but variability in parental attributes among species and individuals of a given species (e.g. nest attendance, feeding and brooding efficiency) cannot eliminate offspring exposure to a number of perturbations (e.g. food shortages, parasites, pollutants, sibling competition). In addition, the chicks´ capacity to activate emergency responses will depend on several Stress responses in developing birds 93 evolutionary and ontogenic factors, including developmental mode (e.g. altricial, precocial), age, and ecological modes (e.g. open vs. non-open nests). Despite repeated activation of the stress axis, or chronic exposure to high cort levels may have deleterious consequences on fitness (lower box in Figure 1, see also Figure 1. Factors affecting avian stress response during development. Summary of the potential factors affecting the adrenocortical response to stress in birds during development. Environmental stressors (e.g. inclement weather) are buffered by parents in most avian species, but variability in parental attributes among species and among individuals of a given species (e.g. nest attendance, brooding efficiency) cannot eliminate offspring exposure to a number of perturbations (e.g. parasites, famine, pollutants, sibling competition). In addition, chick capacity to activate emergency responses will depend on several evolutionary and ontogenic factors, including developmental strategy (e.g. altricial, precocial), age, and ecological modes (e.g. open vs. non-open nests). Short-term activation of HPA responses is adaptive, but repeated activation may lead to chronic corticosterone exposure, which has deleterious consequences on a number of performance measures. In addition, individuals show strong variability in their adrenocortical response to standardized stressors, and the resulting fitness consequences (lower box) remain largely unexplored. 94 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Table 1), short-term activation of HPA responses can have strong adaptive value, provided the critical role of cort on recovery and maintenance of homeostasis. In addition, individuals within a given population show strong variability in their adrenocortical response to standardized stressors, but the fitness consequences of such variability remain unexplored to a large extent. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive summary of recent research on the factors affecting the adrenocortical response to stress and its associated fitness consequences in birds during development, using white stork chicks as a study model. First, we will analyze the developmental factors that explain variability in baseline and stress-induced cort in stork chicks [34], putting the ontogenic pattern of HPA responses in context within the varied developmental strategies of birds. Secondly, we will show some of the exogenous, environmental factors [38] generating individual differences in the response to stress. Then, we will consider a second source of exogenous factors: exposure to environmental pollutants [35], and will assess the contribution of heavy metals and arsenic on HPA axis responsiveness. Finally, we will estimate the consequences [37] of interindividual differences in nestlings stress response on subsequent long-term fitness components. The study model The white stork (Plate 1) is a large (2200 to 4400 g) long-lived, monogamous wading bird that breeds from North Africa to northern Europe [39]. At Iberian latitudes it has a prolonged reproductive season (from February to July), and breeds solitarily or colonially in open nests. The chicks hatch after 33-34 days of incubation and show an altricial mode of development [40]: hatchlings are unable to thermoregulate or locomote, depend completely on their parents for food and shelter, and chicks stay in the nest during the 60-90 days of growth [41, 42]. However, as hatchlings show a loose downy plumage and open eyes, they may, depending on the classification, be considered as semi-altricial [43], or semi-altricial-1 [44]. Nestlings inhabit open nests, normally 1-2 m diameter platforms at the top of trees, poles or buildings, where there is little protection from the elements. Weather conditions represent a real environmental perturbation for young storks as they are known to have a strong effect on nestling mortality [45]. Thermoregulatory capabilities are not fully attained until nestling storks are about 20 days old [42], when chicks still have limited locomotor activity [46], and up to this age there is one adult permanently at the nest providing shelter. At 30-40 days of age storks are in the mid-point of development, they are able to stand up and walk around the nest. By the end of the nestling period chicks are almost totally covered by a definitive feather coat, fully able to move around the nest platform [46] and show increased rates of flight exercises Stress responses in developing birds 95 Plate 1. The white stork as study model. A couple of adult white storks (Ciconia ciconia) on the nest at a breeding colony in Spain (a), and a brood composed of three semi-altricial nestlings (b). Upon accessing the nest with a ladder (c), the adrenocortical response to stress is assessed through collection of serial blood samples (d) at fixed times. Before returning the chicks back to their nests, nestlings are given a plastic coded leg band (e) easily readable in the field with the use of spotting scopes (f). Subsequent monitoring of breeding and feeding grounds allows collecting information to assess survival and reproduction of the study subjects. Photographs courtesy of Julio Blas (a-c), Roger Jovani (d-e) and Gary R. Bortolotti (f). 96 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos [36, 41]. Adults leave nestlings unattended for long periods and may limit the activity at the nest during the day to feeding bouts [46], which decrease in frequency around fledging time, when nestlings reach 65-81 days old [36]. Nestling storks display specific behaviours to elicit food delivery from parents [47], and the intensity of begging behaviour is likely to increase with age, as young improve their motor skills. Although within-brood aggression rarely leads to fatal outcomes, the strongest expression of nestling aggressive behaviour is directed to unrelated, kleptoparasitic nestlings rather than to true siblings [41]. Average age of first breeding is 3.4 years, and maximum lifespan is more than 33 years under natural conditions [39]. The study population of white storks in Spain is located in two colonies. The southernmost colony (Sevilla) is located beside the Guadalquivir marshes by Doñana National Park, while the northernmost colony (Cáceres, 230 km away) is in a scattered oak forest surrounded by crop fields. The stork population is continuous between sites, and there is no evidence suggesting genetic differences between locales. However, the distance between colonies is large enough to ensure that there is no overlap in the use of habitat during the breeding season, as breeders usually feed near the nesting site [47]. The Sevilla colony has been intensively monitored during the last two decades. Annual monitoring included accurate nest counts, breeding outcome, and marking of most fledglings with plastic-coded leg bands easily readable at distance using spotting scopes (Plate 1, e-f), to determine survival, recruitment and dispersal of individuals. The same intensive monitoring was conducted within a radius of ca. 40 km, covering the marshes and surroundings of Doñana National Park. Assessment of nestlings´ adrenocortical response to stress is performed by means of a standardized capture and restraint protocol, whereby a baseline blood sample is collected within one minute following capture, and additional stressinduced samples are collected following physical restraint for 45 minutes. After accessing a nest with a ladder, storks are captured by hand and immediately brought down to the ground. The synchronized work of several workers allows simultaneous sampling of two birds per nest (the oldest and the youngest) in case of two- and three-chick broods (see [38] for further details on field procedures and blood sampling). Plasma cort is subsequently analyzed through radioimmunoassay following methods described in Wayland et al. [48]. Ontogenic factors Adult birds are known to modulate baseline and stress-induced glucocorticosteroid levels to meet the specific physiological and behavioral requirements associated with different life history stages. For example, during migration, birds elevate baseline cort to facilitate migratory fattening, while cort Stress responses in developing birds 97 stress response is reduced to avoid catabolism of skeletal muscle (Migration Modulation Hypothesis; [49-52]). During breeding, baseline and stressinduced cort levels are also modulated as a function of the different reproductive stages (e.g. mating, laying, brooding, [53, 54]), and specific adaptations such as the parental hyperphagia exhibited by brooding doves is facilitated by elevated baseline cort [55]. Among young birds, adrenocortical responsiveness to standardized stressors (such as human handling) seems highly variable during ontogeny depending on the species. While mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) can rapidly elevate plasma cort to acute levels in response to capture and handling soon after hatching [56], northern mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos), show little, if any, cort response to handling during life as nestlings [57]. Intermediate stages of responsiveness during development as nestlings, with age-related increases in stress-induced cort elevations, have been reported in American kestrels (Falco sparverius, [58]) and Magellanic penguins (Sphenicus magellanicus, [59]). Such interspecific variability has been postulated to reflect the species-specific life history strategy along the precocial-altricial spectrum [60], leading to the formulation of the Developmental Hypothesis [11, 34, 57, 61]. The Developmental Hypothesis is based on the following arguments: (a) because the physiological and behavioural capacity of a developing bird to overcome a perturbation depends on the degree of post-hatching parental dependence, the physical bond to a nest, and the capacity to thermoregulate, locomote and forage, young birds may be limited in their abilities to perform many of the adult-like responses to overcome stressful situations (see [60]). As a consequence, (b) an adult-like adrenocortical response to stress may expose young to chronic cort elevations, with potentially deleterious consequences for development such as reduced growth, inadequate thyroid function or reduced cognitive and competitive capabilities [11, 13, 15, 26, 62]. According to these arguments, the Developmental Hypothesis predicts that inter-specific variation in the adrenocortical response to stress of hatchlings reflects the speciesspecific degree of altricial development (Figure 2). Therefore, true altricial species such as northern mockingbirds that hatch almost naked, blind, unable to locomote or thermoregulate and that depend on their parents for food and protection, are expected to show little or no response to stress as nestlings (i.e. hyporesponsive period). At the other extreme of the developmental spectrum, precocial species hatch with sight, covered with down and are soon able to thermoregulate, locomote and feed independently of their parents, and therefore the hypothesis predicts full adrenocortical function in response to stressors such as human handling during early post-hatching stages, as occurs in 1-day old hatchling mallards [56] (see Figure 2). A second prediction that derives from the Developmental Hypothesis at the intraspecific level is a 98 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Figure 2. Developmental strategies of birds and the stress response. Avian developmental modes can be characterized as being precocial, semiprecocial, semialtrical or altricial, although these categories actually represent a continuum. Column A illustrates the physical appearance of hatchlings: a mallard (precocial), a gull (semiprecocial), a stork (semialtricial) and a sparrow (altricial). Column B describes some of the hatchling traits characterizing the developmental mode, including presence of feathers, independent motor and locomotor activity, feeding behavior and physical appearance. The Developmental hypothesis (C; grey arrow) predicts that hatchlings will show increased HPA functionality from altricial to precocial species. Numbers in column D refer to some published studies testing or discussing age-related variation in corticosterone levels according to developmental categories in a range of avian species (full references are given the Literature section and the end of this chapter, see also Table 2). positive association between the adrenocortical response to stress and nestling age. Although during early stages post-hatching non-precocial species are expected to show little response to stress, nestlings develop physiological and behavioral abilities useful in dealing with a perturbation, which may be modulated by the elevation of cort to acute levels. For example, studies performed on nestling seabirds show that cort elevation facilitates begging and aggression, two forms of adaptive responses to cope with food stress in early life [11, 24]. Therefore, at least in non-precocial species, the adrenocortical response to stress of nestlings is expected to increase with age, eventually reaching adultlike responses near fledging, when the young are able to show many of the adultlike behavioural and physiological responses in emergency situations. With the purpose of testing the Developmental Hypothesis, Blas et al. [34] investigated qualitative and quantitative changes in the adrenocortical response to stress associated to age in nestling white storks. These aims were Stress responses in developing birds 99 accomplished by evaluating the ability of nestlings to release cort in response to a standardized “capture-stress protocol” [79]. Based on the Developmental Hypothesis, they predicted that cort levels would increase above initial baseline levels more rapidly and/or more robustly with age, to eventually reach maximal adrenocortical responsiveness to capture and handling close to the age of fledging. Sixty wild white stork nestlings aged 24-59 days old were subjected to the standardized sampling protocol, and the time-course pattern of the response to stress was assessed through determination of circulating cort in blood samples collected at five fixed times during the 45 minute period following capture and restraint. Although age did not affect baseline levels and all the birds showed a positive post-capture increase in circulating cort, age had a positive effect on the relative increase from baseline titre, the recorded time to reach maximum level, and the stress-induced levels following 45 minutes of restraint (Figure 3-A). The time-course of the response was best fit to a Linear Model with a third-order function of handling time, and showed a strong effect of age. While very young nestlings (i.e. below 20 days old) displayed little response to capture, the response near fledging (i.e. after 50 days old) resembled the typical adrenocortical pattern widely reported in fully developed birds. These results concur with those found in other altricial and semi-altricial species, and suggest Figure 3. Developmental changes in the adrenocortical response to stress of white stork chicks. Light bars represent baseline corticosterone concentrations and dark bars represent stress-induced levels (mean ± standard error). As nestlings age (A) their adrenocortical response to stress (but not baseline values) increases until reaching maximum levels before fledging. Just prior to fledging (B), baseline levels show a sharp rise possibly triggered by a parental reduction of feeding rates. Modified from [34](A) and [36](B). 100 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos that non-precocial birds follow a gradual development of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The fact that HPA sensitivity to stress is functional suggests that young storks develop emergency responses of adaptive value and are able to overcome severe perturbations in spite of their parental dependence, at least during the last two-thirds of post-natal development. According to the Developmental Hypothesis, such gradual changes would allow nestlings to respond to perturbations as a function of the specific behavioural and physiological abilities of their age. With regard to the proximate basis for the age-pattern, three studies have provided evidence that the response to stress in altricial birds reflect changes within the hypothalamic-pituitary component of the HPA system, rather than a maturation of the adrenal glands [57, 59, 76]. Following intra-jugular injections of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), nestling mockingbirds, Magellanic penguins (Aptenodytes patagonica) and white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) showed cort levels several fold above the maximum elevations elicited by capture and restraint, indicating that the adrenal glands were functional and, therefore, that the maturation processes controlling the age-pattern of the response to stress take place within the hypothalamicpituitary portion of the HPA axis. Young white storks inhabit open nests, normally 1-2 m diameter platforms at the top of trees, poles or buildings, where there is little protection from the elements. Weather conditions represent a real environmental perturbation for young storks as they are known to have a strong effect on nestling mortality [45]. In cold weather, cort elevations may reduce oxygen consumption that lowers extended metabolic rate, and promote gluconeogenesis and mobilization of body energy stores as is known to occur in adults [2, 80, 81]. Furthermore, cort elevations modulate locomotor activity in adult birds [2, 3], and so increased locomotor activity of nestlings may allow them to select parts of the nest to avoid temperature extremes. The ability to regulate body temperature and locomote changes gradually with age. Thermoregulatory capabilities are not fully attained until nestling storks are about 20 days old [42]. This is the estimated age when HPA stress response starts to develop and although chicks still have limited locomotor activity [46], up to this age there is one adult permanently at the nest providing shelter. The lack or reduced ability of the younger age groups to show HPA stress response is hypothesized to be an adaptation [57, 59, 76], because their reduced skills to evade the perturbation may lead to chronically elevated cort levels, with detrimental consequences to growth and development [11]. At 30-40 days of age storks are in the mid-point of development, they are able to stand up and walk around the nest, and their HPA stress response is intermediate (Figure 3-A). By the end of the nestling period, young storks show a strong adrenocortical response similar Stress responses in developing birds 101 to adults of many bird species. At this age nestlings are almost totally covered by a definitive feather coat, fully able to move around the nest platform [46] and show increased rates of flight exercises [41]. Adults leave nestlings unattended for long periods, and may limit their activity at the nest during the day to feeding bouts [46], suggesting that nestlings are able to meet the challenge associated with weather as well as adults can. In addition to weather inclemency, the stress response associated with food deprivation constitutes another potential source of perturbation for altricial young. Several studies indicate that circulating cort elevates in semialtricial and semiprecocial nestlings in response to food shortages [59, 82]. The probability of food stress is expected to increase gradually as nestlings age because their energy demands along development increase with body mass. The physiological ability of nestlings to overcome a period of food stress may also improve with age, as increased body mass involves larger muscles and body fat stores which constitute the main source of energy under conditions of limited food supply, and mobilization of energy stores is facilitated by the elevated cort levels triggered by emergency situations [10]. Nestling storks also display specific behaviours to elicit food delivery from parents [47]. The intensity of begging behavior is likely to increase with age, as young birds improve their motor skills. Furthermore, experimental elevations of cort levels in seabird chicks have been shown to elicit begging behaviors [11, 24]. Therefore, the gradual maturation of the HPA responses to stress could parallel both increased exposure to food stress, and the capacity to accumulate and use body energy stores and perform begging behaviours. Despite the strong effect of age on the HPA response to stress, baseline cort levels in [34] were independent on the degree of postnatal development. Age-related increases in baseline cort have been reported in nestlings of some non-precocial species (e.g. [58, 61]) and this effect is often explained as a mechanism to facilitate the transition from nestling to fledging stages through the positive effects of elevated baseline cort on locomotor activity, food searching behaviours and learning processes that may be critical in the preparation for independence [75, 77, 83-85]. However, the elevations of baseline cort to facilitate fledging may occur just a few days prior to independence rather than following a gradual age-pattern, explaining why this and some other studies [57, 59, 86] did not detect such pattern. In fact, a study on pre-fledging white stork chicks (aged c.a. 45 to 81 days old) supports the role of baseline cort levels in the fledging process [36]. As fledging approached, cort levels in wild stork chicks showed a very marked elevation, with a 4-fold increase during the four days prior to nest abandonment [36]. By this time, baseline cort levels were similar to those recorded after 45 minutes of acute restraint in [34] (see Figure 3-B). However, rather than being endogenously programmed, elevated cort titres seemed to respond to food restriction induced 102 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos by parents, which decreased feeding frequency during the last days of the nestling period. Interestingly, baseline cort levels were negatively related to body condition and positively related to the rate of nestlings´ wing flapping [36], strongly suggesting that cort mediates adaptive behavioural changes in the preparation for independence (i.e. increased locomotor activity) and in response to compromised energy balance. In summary, studies on nestling white storks support that the ontogenic development of the HPA stress response is a gradual process fitting predictions of the Developmental Hypothesis, and also that modulation of baseline cort in response to changes in energy balance facilitates the transition from nestling to fledging stages. Ecological factors Despite the protective buffer effect of parental care, developing birds have to face environmental challenges such as adverse weather, parasites, predation attempts, changes in food availability and intense social competition with siblings (Figure 1). Chronic cort exposure may have detrimental effects on growth and development (e.g. [11, 13], see Table 1) but short-term elevations could be beneficial in overcoming these stressful situations. Furthermore, the behavioural response of nestlings to cort elevations triggered by some stressful events seems to be equivalent, rather than unrelated, to that of adults. A prime example is the response to food shortages. It is well known that adult birds increase cort secretion under food stress [87], which in turn promotes foraging activity and rate of ingestion [6]. Although nest-bound chicks cannot perform adult foraging behaviours, there is evidence that nestlings, like their parents, respond to food shortages by increasing circulating cort [31, 59, 82]. This hormonal response in turn facilitates begging behaviour [11, 24], the functionally equivalent response to foraging in mature birds. Another example of the parallels in adult and chick responses is how dominance and submission are modulated by cort levels. Recent work has shown that social hierarchies within a brood correlate with between-sibling differences in circulating glucocorticosteroids [61, 88-90], and that cort plays a major role in the aggressive behaviours of chicks [11]. In spite of the recent growing body of literature on the adrenocortical function of nestlings, most studies have focussed on ontogenic and developmental processes [57, 58, 61, 76] or to a specific proximate cause of stress such as food or sibling competition [24, 31, 82, 89, 90]. As a consequence, the potential sources of ecological stress affecting nestlings and their relative importance on the activation of adrenocortical functions have not been analysed comprehensively. Three main sources of ecological stress related to environmental, parental, and social factors may potentially activate the HPA axis of young birds. The Stress responses in developing birds 103 relative contribution of these factors was assessed in nestling white storks by determining their resting and stress-induced cort levels as a function of the quality of the rearing locale (colony), brood size (a proxi of parental quality) and nestling position within a brood hierarchy [38]. For many birds, one cannot easily distinguish between a parent´s ability to provide food and the quality of the territory in terms of food availability. Because the white stork is a colonial breeder without exclusive feeding territories, it was possible to discriminate between the effect of parental quality and local environment quality. The latter was tested by performing comparisons of two geographically separated colonies in Southern (Sevilla) and Western Spain (Cáceres). The Sevilla colony was located beside a marsh (one of the most productive habitats in the world, [91]), whereas the Cáceres colony was adjacent to a stream and crop fields. The availability of fish, amphibians and aquatic invertebrate prey (all of which normally constitute the main food resources for breeding white storks [47, 92]) is higher at the Sevilla colony. More importantly, the introduced American crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) is a plague in Sevilla marshes [93], and is a unique example of a super-abundant prey resource for the local community of breeding wading birds [94]. In fact, crayfish represents the only prey remain in 55% of white stork nests in Sevilla [92]. The extraordinary food supply has often been used to explain the population growth of white storks at the Sevilla colony even at a time when the overall Spanish population of white storks was declining [94, 95]. Previous studies in adults [96, 97] and nest-bound chicks [98] of other avian species indicate that circulating cort reflects differences in habitat quality, allowing to predict higher baseline concentrations in stork chicks from colonies located beside crop fields compared to marsh environments. In concordance with this prediction, resting cort levels were more than two-fold higher in Cáceres (crop) compared to Sevilla (marsh, Figure 4-a). The increased baseline cort of nestlings from Cáceres would promote behavioural and physiological changes of high adaptive value in response to periods of food shortage, as supported by diet restriction experiments in nestling seabirds [31, 82] and raptors [99], that promote begging and increased sibling aggression [11, 31]. The parental source of stress was tested by comparing baseline cort levels in nestlings that differed in the number of siblings within their brood. The sampled broods had one, two or three chicks and were similarly distributed between locales. Nests with different brood sizes at blood sampling did not differ in clutch size at the beginning of the breeding season [33], indicating a higher brood reduction in nests with singleton nestlings compared to two- and threechick broods, and therefore suggesting a positive association between the quality of a breeding adult and its reproductive output. Thus, a negative relationship between cort levels and brood size was predicted. As expected, 104 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Figure 4. Physiological stress and ecological factors. (A) Chicks reared in the less productive environment (crop fields) showed higher baseline corticosterone levels compared to nestlings reared beside wetlands (marsh), where food availability is higher for white storks. (B) Single chicks, reared in nests that suffered a strong brood reduction had higher baseline corticosterone titers compared to nestlings from two-and three-chick broods. Bars represent mean values ± standard error. Modified from [33]. nestlings from brood sizes of one showed higher resting cort levels compared to nestlings from two-chick and three-chick nests (Figure 4-b). Other studies have reported negative associations between nestling mortality in white storks and some measures of parental quality (such as the body mass of adults and their food delivery rate, e.g. [100]). A lower feeding efficiency among poorquality breeders would explain both the increased nestling mortality and the elevated cort in the surviving chick [101]. Furthermore, reduced nest attendance by parents would result in the developing young being more exposed to the elements, a factor known to elicit cort increases in birds [9, 102], and to contribute to nestling mortality in white storks [45]. In concordance with these arguments, experimental manipulation of brood size and food intake in nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) resulted in significant increases in baseline cort levels in the more stressed chicks [103]. With regards to social sources of stress, storks exhibit hatching asynchrony [100], a common phenomenon in non-precocial birds that leads to asymmetries in sibling mass within a brood and determine differential access to parental resources. The endocrine correlates of social stress was tested by comparing circulating cort between the oldest (senior) and the youngest (junior) sibling within the size hierarchies of broods. Contrary to initial expectations, brood Stress responses in developing birds 105 hierarchy could not explain variability in baseline or stress-induced cort values. This could be due to the small differences in body mass (less than 9%) among senior and junior siblings at sampling. An experimental study with American kestrels [75] demonstrated that hatching span greatly increased the difference in both baseline and acute cort levels between first- and last-hatched chicks, which may explain between-brood asymmetries in absolute cort titers. It is therefore possible that the lack of a relationship between hatching order and plasma cort in white storks derives from a more synchronous hatching in the sample of two- and three-chick nests. In summary, these results highlight the advantages of using nestling adrenocortical parameters as an indicator of parental and environmental quality. Environmental differences among locales were mirrored by baseline cort titres, which were two-fold higher in nestlings from poorer habitat, while small brood size, an indicator of inferior parents, was associated with elevated cort levels. Pollutants In vertebrates, abnormal glucocorticoid concentrations and impaired functioning of the HPA axis have been linked to exposure to different classes of pollutants [104-106]. Despite such impairment may occur in the absence of gross toxicological effects, and may be critical to developing individuals, little is known about the consequences of sublethal metal exposure on the adrenal systems in free-living birds [48, 107], particularly among altricial species [108]. A mine spill (the Aznalcóllar mine accident, [109]) occurred near a white stork colony in south-western Spain in 1998, providing an opportunity to study the effects of metal exposure on HPA function in stork nestlings. Two years after the spill, white stork chicks were concurrently sampled at this colony and at a reference site, allowing quantification of blood levels of heavy metals (zinc, copper, lead, cadmium) and arsenic, in order to examine its association to the adrenocortical response to stress in wild nestling birds [35]. Concentrations of copper, zinc, cadmiun and arsenic did not differ between locations, but unexpectedly, lead levels were significantly higher in nestling storks from the reference colony [35]. There were no significant relationships between heavy metals or arsenic and baseline cort concentration. However, maximum cort concentration was positively related to blood lead levels regardless of colony location, and singleton nestlings had higher levels of cort than nestlings from multiple-chick broods. In addition, the interaction between lead levels and brood size was also significant [35], suggesting that lead had a greater effect on the stress-induced cort of single nestlings than on those of multiple-chick broods (Figure 5). 106 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Figure 5. Blood lead levels and maximum corticosterone secretion. Effect of blood lead levels on the maximum corticosterone concentration recorded during a capture and restraint protocol performed along 45-minutes. Light dots and solid line indicate single nestlings while dark dots and dashed line represent nestlings from two- and three-chick broods. Modified from [35]. When working with wildlife, one major difficulty rests with the establishment of an absolute control condition when in fact the best option may be a reference population for comparison. The fact that nestlings from the reference colony far from the spill area had higher blood lead levels than storks sampled in the focal colony supports Norris’ argument [110] that the widespread distribution of many potential endocrine active substances makes it difficult, if not impossible, to find a true control population. Despite the higher average lead concentration in the reference colony, it is important to note that virtually all the sampled storks showed lead levels below the threshold value reported to cause sublethal effects in birds [111], with the exception of a single nestling from the reference colony [35]. Lead ranks second on the list of top 20 hazardous substances from the 2005 CERCLA Priority List [112]. The widespread use of lead arsenate as a pesticide in the early 20th century left a broad legacy of soil and groundwater contamination. Recent or past lead-shot hunting, mining and smelting activities, and industrial effluents are other sources of lead responsible to make this element one of the most common metals in contaminated ecosystems [113]. Exposure to lead is associated with neurobehavioral, hematologic, nephrotoxic and reproductive effects in humans Stress responses in developing birds 107 and other animals [114]. Experimental studies in mammals have shown both adult and developmental lead exposure to elevate baseline cort levels [106, 115, 116]; however, similar effects had not been reported on stress-induced response in either mammals or birds. The results in Baos et al. [35] showing a positive association between lead and the stress-induced response elicited after handling and restraint may be affected by other factors potentially correlated with lead (e.g., pesticide exposure) that may contribute to some degree to this result, calling for further experimental studies in order to establish a causeeffect relationship. Another finding in Baos et al. [35] was a steeper association between lead and the stress-induced cort response in birds from single-chick broods compared to multiple-chick broods (Figure 5). In a previous study, it was reported that single stork nestlings were reared in nests that experienced brood reduction, which suggested lower parental quality [38]. Reduced attendance by young or inexperienced parents may lead singletons to suffer from environmental stressors other than lead (e.g., a greater exposure to harsh weather conditions). This in turn may explain both their higher levels of maximum cort, and the reported stronger relationship between induced response to stress and lead. Regarding the latter finding, an experimental study on rats provides evidence that lead exposure and stress interact [115]. Furthermore, the fact that both stress and lead target brain mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic systems [117, 118] provides a biological basis for such an interaction. In birds, Di Giulio and Scanlon [119] reported that the highest plasma and adrenal concentrations of cort were observed in ducks receiving the highest level of dietary cadmium when they were food-restricted. Similarly, other study found significant correlations between renal cadmium concentration and the stress response of females common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) during the incubating period [48], when they are reported to fast, while no effects were detected in prenesting females. Other authors have reported adrenal hypertrophy and higher mortality rate in birds fed petroleum-contaminated food after being exposed to chronic, mild cold stress, suggesting an additive effect of both stressful factors [120]. In this sense, the results in Baos et al. [35] would support the argument that contaminants acting in concert with other non-specific stressors may have a greater impact on individuals or populations than would be elicited by either the contaminants or other stressors acting alone. The persistence of lead, combined with the sensitivity of the HPA axis to contaminant insult, suggest that exposure to this metal even at sublethal levels may cause delayed functional deficits later in development. Endangered species and/or populations exposed to additional stress factors (e.g., nutrition deficiency, parasitism etc.) would be of special concern. 108 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Finally, results from Baos et al. [35] also evidence that the stress induced response may be affected by environmental contaminants regardless of baseline cort levels, indicating that a handling and restraint protocol may be a better approach to assess the HPA axis function compared to a single hormone measurement following capture. In this sense, further field studies involving birds from contaminated sites are called for to determine the extent to which the adrenocortical response to stress of wild birds are affected by the exposure to pollutants, in addition to the long-term effects on survival and overall fitness. Fitness consequences It is well established that cort secretion in response to stress promotes changes in a number of physiological and behavioral traits (see references in Introduction). In addition, long-term exposure to chronic cort levels can have deleterious effects on numerous relevant functions (see Table 1). However, individuals within animal populations show a strong variability in their adrenocortical response to standardized stressors [121-123], and it remained unknown whether such natural variability in the response to stress (rather than exposure to stressors), exerts an impact on fitness. In a long-term field study, Blas et al. [37] tested whether individual variation in the glucocorticoid response to stress early in life had long-term consequences to unequivocal components of fitness: survival and reproduction. The concentration of circulating cort (both baseline and stress-induced levels) was determined in nestling white storks subsequently marked with plastic-coded leg bands easily readable at distance using spotting scopes (Plate 1-e-f). During the following five years, survival and recruitment of wild focal birds was monitored through intensive and extensive field surveys on a very large scale. To avoid the effects of differential exposure to uncontrolled sources of environmental perturbation, nestlings came from a single breeding colony that was intensively monitored during the previous two decades, and also five years following blood sampling. The same population monitoring was conducted within a radius of ca. 40 km, covering the marshes surroundings of the colony (i.e. Doñana National Park), this whole study area holding ca. 2,000 nests of white storks including all the colonies and the main feeding areas for the species. In addition, upon consultation of the national banding and resighting data bank at Estación Biológica de Doñana (which compiles information on storks banded across Spain and sighted elsewhere), the authors discarded the possibility of long-distance dispersers in Europe and Africa. A survival model, which considered all the other factors potentially affecting cort levels (e.g. brood size, age, sex, body condition) yielded a negative effect of stress-induced cort levels and a positive effect of nestlings´ body condition and age at sampling on the probability of postfledging survival (Figure 6). Stress responses in developing birds 109 Figure 6. Long-term survival and recruitment as a function of the stress response during development. The probability of postfledging survival and recruitment (ranging from 0 to 1, Y-axis) was negatively related to stress-induced corticosterone levels recorded during development in nestling white storks (X-axis). The probabilities of survival (upper line) and recruitment into the breeding population (lower line) represents model predictions for nestlings sampled at 45 days post-hatching. The survival curve was calculated for nestlings in good body condition (i.e. maximum condition scores recorded in the sample). Modified from [37]. Therefore, storks with increased cort secretion in response to stress as nestlings showed lower probability of surviving into adulthood. Although increased mortality among high glucocorticosteroid responders may suggest a potential for natural selection to operate on stress physiology, there is a general agreement that this force exerts its effects by maximizing reproduction of the adapted individuals, even at the expense of health and survival [124]. For this reason, the probability of recruitment of white storks into the breeding population was also analysed in Blas et al. [37]. Recruitment probability was negatively related to stress-induced cort levels and positively related to nestling age at blood sampling (Figure 6). With regards to the effects of nestling age on survival and recruitment, given that the assessment of developmental response to stress took place during two consecutive days, nestling age reflected variability in hatching date within the stork colony. Lay date has an almost ubiquitous association with parental quality in seasonal breeding birds, with good quality individuals 110 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos breeding earlier in the year [125]. Older, earlier-hatched nestlings may thus be the offspring of high-quality breeders, showing enhanced survival and recruitment as a result of better genes, better parental care, or both. The positive effect of body condition on survival was consistent with an intuitive notion that the physical condition of nestlings is also a major determinant on individual fitness, possibly linked to parental quality and/or timing of breeding [126]. Regarding the negative association between adrenocortical function and both survival and recruitment, the authors suggest two explanations assuming that the behavioural and physiological response to stress is consistent over time [123, 127-130]. First, high glucocorticoid-responders may trigger more often, or more robust emergency responses to other sorts of perturbations, not only during development but also later in life. In the long-term, frequent activation of the hypothalamous-pituitary-adrenal axis may lead to chronic exposure to elevated glucocorticoid levels, with deleterious consequences on growth and maturity, immune and reproductive function, brain function and cognitive abilities [9-11, 131], all of which may affect survival and reproduction. Second, according to a number of studies in fish, birds and mammals including humans, inter-individual differences in stress coping responses are key attributes defining personality types [127, 128, 132-134], and variability in natural populations is maintained through different payoffs on adaptive capacity and vulnerability to disease. In particular, proactive individuals typically show reduced glucocorticoid elevations, but high activation of the sympathetic axis that facilitates the “fight or flight” response to stress. On the other hand, reactive individuals are characterized by high glucocorticoid secretion but low sympathetic activation in response to stress that facilitate the “freeze and hide” coping strategy [127-130, 133]. The success of proactive vs. reactive coping strategies is postulated to vary as a function of population density and predictability of food resources, with proactive individuals being more successful when density is high and food is stable and abundant [130, 133, 135, 136], conditions that characterized the stork colony. The study colony of white storks had experienced a pronounced growth during the last 25 years, being one of the largest and densest in the world. In addition, the unique environment surrounding the colony (i.e. marshes of Doñana National Park) offered high predictability and abundance of food resources. The results regarding stork survival and recruitment, therefore, concur with a conceptual framework that predicts selection of low glucocorticoid responders, proactive phenotypes under similar environmental scenarios [133, 135, 136], and Blas et al. [37] provide a parsimonious evolutionary explanation for the reported link between fitness and adrenocortical function. The stork results are also consistent with studies conducted on laboratory rats establishing a positive association between stress response and mortality Stress responses in developing birds 111 risk [127]. However, the latter animal model (Sprague-Dawley rats, Rattus norvegicus) was artificially selected to develop spontaneous tumours in adulthood [137], and it remained unclear whether the association between the stress response and fitness was applicable to vertebrates outside a controlled laboratory setting, and more important, whether other critical components of fitness such as reproduction could trade-off the proposed benefits of a reduced glucocorticoid response on longevity. Despite other studies in wild populations of birds and reptiles had reported associations between baseline [138] or chronic [139] glucocorticoid levels and survival, this relationship was ultimately confounded by differential exposure to stressors among individuals, affecting circulating glucocorticoid levels. The stork study, hence provides the first empirical evidence of a link between the physiological response to stress early in life and both reproduction and survival in a vertebrate, and clearly indicates superior long-term fitness among phenotypes with reduced glucocorticoid stress-responses. Synthesis, research trends and future directions Results from studies with white stork chicks illustrate the usefulness of non-precocial nestlings as models to understand the interplay between the stress axis and life history, ecology, developmental biology and toxicology in avian populations. The wealth of variability in life-history strategies within the developmental spectrum of birds implies strong interspecific differences in numerous traits [60] and, therefore, research on the stress responses during avian development offers ideal conditions to understand hormone-behaviour relationships. Summarizing the available published evidence on nestling adrenocortical function constitutes a first step to formulating, testing and synthesizing hypotheses. However, despite a growing number of studies devises a promising future, considering that more than 7600 avian species of 148 families have non-precocial modes of development [39, 60], and given that only 41 species exist with basic information published on cort levels during early stages of life (see Table 2), this topics calls for additional research. A survey of the published studies reporting adrenocortical measures in birds during development (see Table 2) reveals a recent but very marked trend towards integrative approaches, aimed at linking stress physiology to ontogenic, behavioural, ecological and environmental variables (Figure 7). Traditionally, research had been conducted in poultry species (e.g. chicken, turkey, and mallard). Despite the fact that such studies represent a very valuable reference, results are constrained to the precocial mode of development, subjected to strong artificial selection and obtained under captive settings. These conditions make it difficult to extrapolate results to wild avian populations because (a) the study models have limited exposure to real environmental perturbations, (b) they only 112 Table 2. A survey of in vivo studies reporting adrenocortical measurements in birds during development. The survey is intended to be comprehensive as of January 2008, although a number of references focussed on poultry species have been excluded for simplicity. It is indicated the developmental mode (MOD: P=precocial, SP=semiprecocial, SA=semialtricial, A=altricial), the conditions characterising the study (COND: C=captive vs. W =wild settings), the measured adrenocortical parameter/s (PARAM: B=baseline corticosterone levels; A= Acute, stress-induced corticosterone levels; CBG= corticosterone binding globulins), the type of experimental stressor, when applicable (Hr= handling and restraint, Acth=adrenocorticotropic hormone, H=Heat, C=Cold, E=Electric shock, ET=Ether) and the tested associations (e.g. Age, Habitat quality, etc). Significant (P<0.05) associations with baseline, acute, or both corticosterone measures are indicated as letters within brackets (i.e. baseline=[B]; acute=[A]; both=[B,A]). Full references are given in the literature section at the end of the chapter. Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Table 2. Continued Stress responses in developing birds 113 Table 2. Continued 114 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Table 2. Continued Stress responses in developing birds 115 116 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos Figure 7. Frequency of corticosterone studies according to research topics. Frequency of original articles testing associations between non-precocial nestlings´ corticosterone levels and different research topics: A =Age-related changes (ontogeny and development); T = toxicology; F= Food-related stress (food quality and quantity); N = nutritional state (body condition, fat reserves, plasma chemistry); C=communication (begging, signal development); H= habitat and environmental quality (habitat structure, weather, anthropogenic pressure); I= Fledging and independence; P= Immune function and parasitism; L=long-term fitness components (reproduction, survival, sexually selected traits). The bars indicate number of original articles (taken from Table 2) and the filling colour (see legend) indicates significant associations with baseline corticosterone, acute levels or both. represent one extreme in the gradient of developmental strategies of birds, and (c) both captivity and domestication can strongly modify HPA function [67, 140]. This research trend is nonetheless changing fast, as illustrated in Figure 8 by the recent but exponential incorporation of new species along the last decade, which mostly correspond to non-precocial taxa. The incorporation of altricial, semialtricial and semiprecocial species has broadened our perception of the evolution and maturation of emergency responses during avian ontogeny, which constitutes one of the preferred study topics (Figure 7-A) and has allowed the formulation of novel hypotheses such as the Developmental [61], the Phylogenetic, and the Ecological-Ontogenic Stress responses in developing birds 117 Figure 8. Research trends on adrenocortical function during avian development. White bars represent the cumulated number of species with published references regarding corticosterone levels during development (baseline or stress-induced titres), according to the bibliographic survey shown in table 2. Grey bars indicate the cumulated number of studies performed under natural (i.e. non-captive) settings. Black bars show the cumulated number of original research articles performed in non-precocial species, (*sample for 2007 includes papers published or in press as of January 2008). [11]. The information available to date however, suffers from a strong heterogeneity that makes it difficult to perform formal multi-species comparative analyses. From a methodological perspective, only 50% of the studies involving non-precocial species incorporate standard, experimentally induced measures of cort responses. Within this set of studies, the preferred method to assess adrenocortical function is the capture and restraint paradigm (i.e. 92% of the reports compared to 27% including ACTH challenge), but the sampling times following capture- restraint are very variable among studies. Given the strong interspecies variability in physiological ranges of baseline and stress-induced cort, a reference value from adult, fully developed individuals could be the choice method to assess relative maturity of the HPA axis for comparative purposes, but such a reference is currently lacking in most species (but see e.g.[141]). One additional concern is the reduced sample size often used to describe the adrenocortical response of different age segments 118 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos along development. A limited number of observations and the choice of considering age as class factor in the statistical analyses may lead to negative results with low statistical power (e.g. [57, 76]), that increase the chances of committing Type II error (accepting the null hypothesis when it is false, i.e. failing to detect an age effect when it exists). This potentially misleading procedure could be solved by considering age as a covariate and/or by applying one-tailed rejection probabilities, provided that evidence to date strongly indicates that HPA function is a gradual process throughout development, and that circulating cort is expected to increase (rather than decrease) following short-term acute stress. With regards to studies linking the stress reactivity of developing birds to environmental factors, our survey shows a strong increase of reports performed under field conditions, with 74% of all the field studies having been published during the last 7 years (Figure 8, grey bars). All the surveyed field studies correspond to non-precocial birds (i.e. true nestlings), and this set of reports largely explains the growing number of species having published references on adrenocortical function during development. The fact that non-precocial taxa constitute 90% of the 41 avian species with published records on baseline or stress-induced cort during development makes it evident that wild nestlings offer a number of methodological advantages compared to adult birds and precocial young, which should be taken into account when planning a field study. For example, the geographical range of exposure to stressful stimuli in developing nestlings is much more locale. While free-moving adults and precocial young are normally exposed to modifying factors over a larger geographical scale, nestlings are physically bound to a nesting site and immediate vicinity, allowing a more precise identification of the challenges causing activation of the HPA axis (e.g. adverse weather, predation pressure, social competition). Also important, the lesser ability of nestlings to escape eases repeated sampling of the same individuals at different times as well as experimental manipulation of the nestlings´ environment, while avoiding many of the complex methodologies often associated with the capture and recapture of highly mobile precocial young and fully developed individuals. These advantages have only recently been taken into account by field endocrinologists, as indicated by the exponential growth in the number of original articles on non-precocial species published during the last decade (Figure 8, black bars), and the scarcity of field studies prior to this period. On the other hand, one concern for field studies is the potential exposure of wild populations to endocrine disruptive substances. Evidence that a broad array of contaminants can modify nestlings baseline and stress-induced cort is currently growing (Figure 7-T), and the widespread distribution of toxics even in apparently pristine environments [35, 110] Stress responses in developing birds 119 indicates that adequate selection of the study populations constitutes a growing challenge for field endocrinologists. The qualitative analysis of the papers surveyed in Table 2 also shows that variability in food quality and quantity is one of the most frequently studied topics (Figure 7-F). The pervasive associations between food availability and both baseline and acute cort levels is supported by observational and manipulative studies, and indicates that decreased food resources constitutes a mayor perturbation causing HPA responses in developing birds. The primary role of cort in the regulation of metabolism via glucose mobilization and fat depletion [10] would explain the associations with nutritional and conditiondependent variables (e.g. fat reserves, mass residuals, Figure 7-N) which are also tested in a relatively high number of the surveyed reports and often lead to significant associations (possibly when the study sample contains adequate variability in nutritional/condition levels). Such a relationship makes cort a good endocrine candidate to understand the proximate control of honest signalling and the expression of individual quality traits used in parentoffspring communication, a topic that behavioural endocrinologists are just starting to consider (Figure 7-C). After the pioneering work of Kitaysky and colleagues demonstrating a role of corticorterone in the regulation of begging behaviour in seabird chicks [24], the hypothesis has only been tested in five additional species (Tables 1 and 2), yielding mixed results. Very recently, this hypothesis has received additional support with the demonstration that morphological traits used in intraspecific communication of individual quality, such as colour development in the melanin plumage pattern of nestling barn owls [30] and carotenoid-dependent bright bare integument of sparrow chicks [28] also depend on cort levels. Clearly, the development of this hypothesis is devised as very promising in the near future. Despite the fact that few studies have tested the effects of habitat quality on adrenocortical function of nestlings (Figure 7-H), the environmental variables that are taken into consideration ultimately seem to exert their effects through changes in food availability (affecting feeding parameters, e.g. harsh weather, forest structure, anthropogenic disturbances), as is also concluded in the few articles that directly quantify food resources to characterize habitat structure [98]. Interestingly, food stress and the behavioural effects of cort elevations (e.g. increased locomotor activity) provide a physiological mechanism to better understand the parent-offspring conflict for independence (Table 2, Figure 7-I). At least in some species, the timing of nest departure and the concomitant cort elevations seem to be manipulated by parents through decreased feeding rates rather than just follow an endogenous clock [36], although divergence exists among studies (e.g. [142, 143] vs. [36, 77]). Experimental manipulations of food availability during the time prior to 120 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos independence (such as those performed in [144]) would provide a better answer for this topic that has only been studied in six species. Exposure to parasites can be a relevant proximate cause of stress to developing birds, which have to stay bound for a relatively long period into a nest environment that can offer ideal conditions for parasites. Our survey reveals, however, just a handful of studies testing associations between nestlings HPA function and parasitism, as occur with studies relating cort to immune function (Table 2, Figure 7-P). In adult vertebrates, cort is known to depress the immune system [10]. Among the few studies showing an association between nestling cort and prevalence or intensity of parasitism, it remains unknown whether the latter is a consequence of reduced immune function (aimed at fighting a primary stressor such as food deprivation, which elevates circulating cort) or an ultimate factor directly causing cort elevations. Both hypotheses are not mutually exclusive and require further experimental research. An additional research challenge will be to elucidate the long-term fitness consequences of individual variability in HPA function (Figure 7-L). To date, it is becoming established that experimentally elevated cort during development can have long-term consequences on a number of traits (Table 1), but only two studies have related interindividual variability in nestling HPA function to fitness components later in life: survival and recruitment in field conditions [37], and development of mating displays and breeding parameters in captivity [141]. Heritable variation is a fundamental requirement for evolution by natural selection, and despite HPA function has a genetic component [123] we have currently a very a poor understanding of the diversity of stress-responses among individuals of the same species, not to say the strength of repeatability across life-history stages. Such limitation is in part a consequence of the difficulty of maintaining long-term monitoring and sampling programs of the same individuals under natural settings. In this respect, the recent validation of novel method for the determination of corticosteroid levels in feather samples [173] provides a useful, non-invasive tool that will allow further research on this topic. Among the numerous advantages, this method will reduce sampling effort avoiding the undesirable effects associated to wildlife manipulation that may jeopardize the interpretation of results [174]. Finally, it is important to highlight that vast majority of studies assume a direct association between the concentration of total corticosterone levels and the behavioural and physiological responses, disregarding the biochemical mechanisms of actions that take in the plasma and target tissues (Figure 9). Circulating glucocorticosteroids are associated in a reversible manner with transport proteins (corticosterone-binding globulins, CBG), but only free steroids can enter their target cells [175]. Currently, most assays are Stress responses in developing birds 121 Figure 9. Mechanisms of action of circulating corticosteroids. Schematic representation of the adrenocortical response to stress and the mechanisms of action of circulating glucocorticoids in birds. In the upper part of the figure (A), upon perception of external or internal signals (e.g. perturbations) by the brain cortex, a number of hormones are released in a sequential pattern involving the hypothalamous and the anterior pituitary (see inserted legend). The adrenals, in turn, will respond releasing corticosterone into circulation, which triggers the behavioural and physiological responses that allow vertebrates to cope with the stressors and maintain homeostasis. A negative feedback loop shuts off the HPA pathway leading to corticosterone release. A vast majority of studies assume a direct association between the concentration of total plasma corticosterone levels and the behavioural and physiological responses, disregarding the biochemical mechanisms of actions that take place in circulation and at the cell level (empty white box). However (B), blood-borne carrying proteins (corticosterone-binding globulins, CBG) bind to circulating corticosterone, changing the amount of the active steroid fraction (i.e. free corticosterone) that enters the cell. Within the cell, the biological actions of corticosterone depend on the amount of receptors that allow DNA transcription and further translation into proteins. It will be interesting to see if the consideration of binding globulins and receptor numbers (in addition to total corticosterone levels) changes our current understanding of the response to stress in developing birds. 122 Julio Blas & Raquel Baos performed after extraction of plasma steroids with organic solvents, which release the steroids from their carriers and thus measure the sum of free (active) and bound (inactive) hormones. In addition, when free corticosterone enters the target cells, steroid action involves the binding of the hormone to its receptor. The hormone-receptor complex constitutes a transcription factor that binds to specific sites in the DNA allowing transcription of specific genes and subsequent translation into the proteins that will ultimately exert the specific physiological and behavioural effects. It will be interesting to see if the consideration of binding globulins and receptor numbers, in addition to total corticosterone levels, [141], [176][178] changes our current understanding of the response to stress in developing birds. Acknowledgements We are thankful to the coauthors, field and laboratory assistants that contributed to the original research articles carried out in the Spanish population of white storks. Fernando Hiraldo, Gary R. Bortolotti, Roger Jovani, José Luis Tella, Álvaro Ramos and two anonymous referees improved earlier versions of this chapter. J.A. Sencianes made the bird drawings for the figures. Funding was provided by CSIC-Fondo Social Europeo in an i3P contract to JB and a F.P.U grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to RB. References 1. Wingfield, J.C. and B. Silverin. 2002, Ecophysiological studies of hormonebehavior relations in birds, in Hormones, Brain and Behavior, D.W. Pfaff, et al. (Ed.), Elsevier Science, USA, 587-647. 2. 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