XXX Division June 1, 2012 – May 31 2013 Strategic Plan and June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013 Initiatives (Goals) For year ending May 31, 2013 Mission Statement To xxxx. Vision Statement The xxxx. Purpose Develop, maintain, and disseminate a body of technical knowledge. Provide a forum for technical networking. Be perceived as the voice of the technical specialty. Support IIE’s mission, provide member value, and promote the discipline. Leadership Goal A Division whose activities inspire members to seek leadership positions, generate new ideas, expand the body of knowledge and increase the division’s impact in addressing (words to the effect of the division goal). Three-year Objectives Have a Board: with all members having been elected to a full term in contested elections, with at least 25% participation from industry and at least 25% participation from academia, and with at least 30% of newly elected members having not previously served on the board. Current Year Initiatives Hold formal elections with six contested races to fill vacant board terms: President – Elect (xx year term) President (xx year term) Honorary Past President (xx year term) Board Member – (xx year term) Board Member – (xx year term) Board Member – (xx year term) Lead Responsibility: President Board and Officer Operations Goal A fully engaged Division Board meeting at least quarterly, including an in-person meeting at the annual conference. Three-year Objectives Have a Board consisting of full term members that has met at least quarterly (once in person) during the most recent 12 months. Current Year Initiatives Endorsement of this strategic plan Lead Responsibility: Town Hall Meeting Hold a minimum of 3 conference call board meetings Lead Responsibility: President Prepare strategic plan, goals and policies and procedures consistent with the IIE Schedule. Lead Responsibility: President Enroll a slate of candidates for the division’s yearly election of officers Lead Responsibility: Board Operational Performance Goal An engaged, well organized division leadership and an active growing division membership. Three-year Objectives 80% participation of board members in professionally run board meetings with agenda’s published at least 2 days in advance and minutes circulated within seven days of a meeting. Preparation and board review of quarterly metrics on division performance. Professional/faculty membership of at least XXX with a previous year membership growth of at least 10% and a student membership of at least XXX with a previous year membership growth of at least 10%. Nominate a minimum of 2 people per year for Institute Awards. Current Year Initiatives Hold a minimum of three well-organized conference call board meetings. Lead Responsibility: President and Secretary Define division performance metrics and begin tracking Lead Responsibility: Board Member to be assigned by President Nominate Division Members for IIE awards Lead Responsibility: President and Nominating Committee Membership Health Goal A membership actively engaged in the division. Three-year Objectives A minimum of one eNewsletter sent to the membership each quarter. A minimum of one announcement sent to all members of the LinkedIn group per quarter. A minimum of one webinar per quarter A minimum of xx IERC and xx Applied Solutions sessions at the Annual Conference Establish a division award to be presented annually at the conference. Current Year Initiatives Create a Division Web Page Lead Responsibility: Communications Committee Send two eNewsletter to the Division membership. Lead Responsibility: Communications Committee Send four announcements to all members of the LinkedIn group. Lead Responsibility: Communications Committee Present at least four webinars Lead Responsibility: Division Track Chairs Present full IERC and Applied Solutions tracks at the Annual Conference Lead Responsibility: Division Track Chairs Division Programs Goal Division programs which inspire the membership, directly contributes to addressing (some goal for the division). Three-year Objectives A minimum of one xxx special project A minimum of one project which furthers the documentation and dissemination of technical knowledge regarding xxx division. Current Year Initiatives Initiate a project to have the IIE Annual Conference XXX. Lead Responsibility: Program Committee Any others?