Age-related improvement in reproductive performance in a long-lived raptor: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study Julio Blas, Fabrizio Sergio and Fernando Hiraldo J. Blas, F. Sergio ( and F. Hiraldo, Dept of Conservation Biology, Estación Biológica de Doñana, C. S. I. C. Avda. Ma Luisa s/n, Pabellón del Perú, Apdo 1056, ES-41013 Sevilla, Spain. In numerous iteroparous species, mean fecundity increases with age. Such improvement has been explained by: a) progressive removal of inferior breeders from the breeding population (selection-hypothesis); b) delayed breeding of higher-quality phenotypes (delayed-breeder-hypothesis); c) longitudinal enhancement of skills associated with age per se (age-hypothesis); d) progressive improvement in the capability to conduct specific tasks facilitated by accumulated experience (breeding-experience-hypothesis); and e) increasing parental investment promoted by declining residual reproductive values (restraint-hypothesis). To date, there have been few comprehensive tests of these hypotheses. Here, we provide such a study using a long-term dataset on a long-lived raptor, the black kite Milvus migrans (maximum lifespan 23 yr). Kites delayed breeding for 1—7 yr and all measures of breeding performance increased linearly or quadratically up to 11 yr of age. There was no support for the delayed-breeder-hypothesis: superior phenotypes did not delay breeding longer. Superior breeders were retained longer in the breeding population, consistent with the selection-hypothesis. All measures of breeding performance increased longitudinally within individuals, supporting the age-hypothesis, while some of them increased with accumulated previous experience, supporting the breeding-experience-hypothesis. Some analyses suggested the existence of trade-offs between reproduction in the early years of life and subsequent survival, partially supporting the restraint-hypothesis. The pattern of age-related improvements in breeding rates observed at the population-level could be ascribed to the combined effect of the progressive removal of inferior phenotypes from the breeding population and the individual-level lack of specific skills which are progressively acquired with time and experience. It was also compatible with a longitudinal increase in reproductive investment. Results from previous studies suggest that different mechanisms may operate in different species and that age-related improvements in reproduction may be frequently promoted by the complex interplay between longitudinal improvements and changes in the relative frequency of productive phenotypes in the breeding population. Age-related variation in offspring production is a widespread pattern among iteroparous animals (Roff 1992, Stearns 1992). At the population level, changes in breeding performance generally follow a predictable age-related pattern which can be subdivided into four potentially progressive stages: 1) delayed onset of first breeding; 2) longitudinal increases in productivity along successive breeding episodes; 3) a fecundity-plateau in the middlelate stages of the life-cycle; and 4) a decline in fecundity among the older age classes (Newton 1989, Forslund and Pärt 1995, Martin 1995, Berube et al. 1999, Newton and Rothery 2002). In vertebrate taxa, the widely demonstrated age-related improvements in reproduction recorded during the early stages of life can be explained by five main hypotheses which generate different sets of predictions regarding intraand inter-individual variation in breeding success (details in Table 1). These five hypotheses are not always mutually exclusive and, in some cases, they share common predictions (Table 1). 1) The selection hypothesis proposes that age-related increases in breeding performance observed at the population level are a consequence of the progressive disappearance of individuals of lower phenotypic quality (disappearance of poor breeders). This leads to variation in mean reproductive output across age classes (Saether 1990, Forslund and Pärt 1995, Laaksonen et al. 2002, Moyes et al. 2006). 2) The delayed breeder hypothesis states that a staggered incorporation of good breeders into the reproductive pool may explain the initial age-related increases in breeding performance (Hamann and Cooke 1987, Lessells and Krebs 1989, Perdeck and Cave 1992). 3) The age hypothesis postulates an increase in reproductive output at the individual-level, resulting from progressive improvements in different skills not necessarily directly related to reproduction, but with a positive impact Table 1. Hypotheses explaining age-related improvements in breeding performance and their outcome predictions. Hypothesis Age-improvements in reproduction caused by: 1. Selection Progressive disappearance of poor breeders from the population 2. Delayed breeder 3. Age High quality individuals delay breeding more than lower quality ones Age per se improves skills that in turn enhance reproduction Predictions 5. Restraint Increasing experience (rather than age per se) promotes breeding skills which enhance reproduction Progressively larger terminal investment Explanatory variables in GLMMa Age at last reproductione Body size Sex Body size xsex Yearf Sex Age Age at last reproduction Age of first breeding Yearf Individual identityf Sex Age Age of first breeding No. of fledged young in first breeding attempt Body size Sex Body size xsex Yearf Sex Age Age of first breeding Breeding experience Yearf Individual identityf -j 193 (105, 88) Sex Age of first breeding Sex xage of first breeding Sex Age Age of first breeding Breeding experience Yearf Individual identityf Sex Age Age of first breeding Breeding experience Yearf Individual identityf Sex Age Age of first breeding No. of fledged young in first breeding attempt 171 (94, 77) 1a Higher quality individuals drop out of breeding population later 1b Superior breeders g are retained longer than inferior breeders in the breeding population Number of fledged youngh 1c Survival increases with increasing reproductive output in the early stages of life (opposite of 5a) Survival probabilityi 2a Higher quality d individuals enter the breeding population progressively later Age of first breedinge 2b Delayed breeders show Number of fledged youngh better reproductive output than non-delayed breeders of similar age (opposite of 4b) 3a Reproductive output increases longitudinally within individuals The reproductive output of the first breeding attempt is higher in older individuals Reproductive output increases with experience, while controlling for age —j 4b Delayed breeders show lower reproductive output than non-delayed breeders of similar age (opposite of 2b) Number of fledged youngh 5a Survival declines with Survival probabilityi increasing reproductive output in the early stages of life (opposite of 1c) 3b 4. Breeding experience d 4a nb Dependent variable in GLMMa No of fledged young in first breeding attempth Number of fledged youngh 264 (135, 129) Supportedc * 145 (74, 71) 56 (28, 28) 401 (211, 190) * 401 (211, 190) * 401 (211, 190) * 145 (74, 71) Table 1 (Continued) Hypothesis a Predictions Age-improvements in reproduction caused by: Dependent variable in GLMMa 5b Survival increases with age of first breeding (i.e. is higher for delayed breeders) Survival probabilityi 5c Longevity increases with age of first breeding (i.e. is higher for delayed breeders) Longevityk Explanatory variables in GLMMa Sex Age Age of first breeding No. of fledged young in first breeding attempt Age of first breeding nb Supportedc 145 (74, 71) * 51 (27, 24) * Explanatory and dependent variables employed in the GLMM models used to test the predictions of the hypotheses (see Methods). Sample size of the GLMM model. In parentheses are the sample sizes for males and females, respectively. Symbol legend: * =the prediction was supported by the results of this study. d In this prediction, ‘‘individual quality’’ is assessed independently of the breeding performance of the individual and may be measured as body size, body condition, plumage brightness or other independent measures decided on the basis of previous knowledge of the study system. This has the advantage of avoiding circular arguments. e GLMM with normal errors and an identity link function. f Random factor in the GLMM. g This prediction focuses directly on the breeding performance of the individual in previous years. ‘‘Superior breeders’’ are those that have already demonstrated to be so in previous breeding seasons. h GLMM with Poisson errors and an logarithmic link function. i Tested by means of a Cox regression (see Methods). j Tested by means of Friedman’s repeated measures ANOVA (see Methods). k Tested by means of a non-parametric correlation (see Methods). b c on it (e.g. foraging efficiency, access to resources or social dominance; Desrochers 1992, Gilchrist et al. 1994, Catry and Furness 1999). 4) The breeding experience hypothesis proposes that, independently of age, the actual performance of a reproductive attempt generates critical skills in breeding tasks (e.g. nest construction, incubation or chick rearing) that may improve future breeding success (Pyle et al. 1991, Fowler 1995, Chichon 2003). Finally, the reproductive improvements postulated at the individual-level may not only respond to abilities acquired through age and experience, but rather represent voluntary restraint. 5) Such restraint hypothesis links both the agerelated increase in productivity and the delayed age of first breeding to longitudinal changes in reproductive investment (Curio 1983, Reid 1988, Green 1990, Tavecchia et al. 2001, 2005). This hypothesis assumes a trade-off between current investment in reproduction and future survival or fecundity. As individuals age, a decline in their residual reproductive value primes gradual increases in their reproductive effort leading to improvements in reproduction. Overall, hypotheses 1 and 2 employ a cross-sectional approach to examine the population-level appearance and disappearance of phenotypes of different quality, while hypotheses 3—5 focus on longitudinal improvements in performance within individuals. To date, most of the tests of the five hypotheses were conducted on the smaller, shorter-lived species of a few taxonomic groups or tested only some of the hypotheses and not others (reviews in Saether 1990, Forslund and Pärt 1995, see for example Chichon 2003, Reid et al. 2003, Balbontı́n et al. 2007, Hatch and Westneat 2007 and references therein). Here, we provide a comprehensive test of the five hypotheses by means of a long-term cross-sectional and longitudinal study on a long-lived bird of prey, the black kite Milvus migrans. To date, detailed studies on age-related reproduction in raptors have been few and were mainly conducted on smaller-sized, shorter-lived species (Pietiänen 1988, Espie et al. 2000, Laaksonen et al. 2002, Newton and Rothery 2002, Arroyo et al. 2007). Furthermore, only a handful of these studies have tested hypotheses on longitudinal improvements in breeding rates (Espie et al. 2000, Laaksonen et al. 2002, Newton and Rothery 2002). Methods population was stable during the study period at around 500 breeding pairs. Breeding and natal dispersal distances are short (median 302 and 4800 m respectively) and extensive surveys strongly suggest the absence of emigration to other populations (Forero et al. 1999, 2002). Field procedures In all analyses, we employ reproductive data collected exclusively between 1989 and 1999. However, ringing activities started earlier in the following staggered manner: since 1964, as many nestlings as possible have been marked every year with metal rings. Since 1986, the nestlings were also marked with a white plastic ring with a black, threecharacter alphanumeric code, which can be read by telescope without disturbing the birds. In addition, since 1986, we used cannon nets and padded leg-hold traps throughout the study area to capture and mark adults with metal and plastic rings. Many of these birds had been metalbanded as nestlings before 1986, which subsequently allowed us to sample the breeding performance of all the age classes in the population. For each trapped adult we also measured body mass to the nearest 5 g, tarsus length to the nearest 0.1 mm, and wing length and tail length to the nearest 1.0 mm. Overall, up to 2000, 2367 nestlings were marked only with metal bands, and 4257 nestlings plus 1076 adults were marked with both metal and plastic bands. Since 1989, territories were searched intensively for banded kites, for a total of over 3000 individual detections. When a marked bird was detected on a territory, the area was visited several times to locate its nest, to assess whether laying took place and to record clutch size and the number of chicks raised to fledging age (40—45 d old). Pairs were classified as laying or non-laying only when their nests could be checked weekly during the incubation period. This ensured that we did not classify as non-laying females those that actually laid eggs but lost their clutch soon afterwards. In addition, when nests were located high on trees and the time for climbing them was judged to be excessive, visits were avoided altogether or minimized during the incubation and hatching period in order to avoid excessive disturbance. For these reasons, sample size varies somewhat between analyses. Individuals were sexed by molecular analysis of a blood sample (Ellegren 1996) or by multiple observations of copulation behaviour. Study area The study was conducted in a 430 km2 plot located in Doñ ana National Park (south-western Spain). The landscape was mainly characterized by seasonally flooded marshland, scrublands, grasslands, and mobile sand dunes along the sea shore (see Forero et al. 1999, 2002 for details). Study species The black kite is a migratory, medium-sized raptor. The maximum recorded lifespan is 23 yr (unpubl.). Sex roles are asymmetric during reproduction, with females performing most of the incubation and brooding while males provide most of the food for their mates and nestlings. The Estimates of individual quality, breeding performance, age of first and last breeding, experience and longevity As in other raptorial species, previous analyses on this population have demonstrated an association between breeding output and large female size or small male size (Sergio et al. 2007b and references therein). Therefore, we used body size as an estimate of individual quality, as expressed by the breeding potential of an individual (n = 53—70 individuals, depending on the analysis, see Results). Because univariate metrics have been criticized as measures of body size, we estimated size by means of the first axis (PC1, hereafter ‘‘body size’’) of a principal components analysis (Tabachnick and Fidell 1996) built using tarsus, wing and tail length (Rising and Somers 1989, Freeman and Jackson 1990). The PC1 explained 62% of the variation in size and had high positive loadings for wing length (r =0.87), tarsus length (0.52) and tail length (0.68). Breeding performance was expressed as: a) the probability of laying eggs (0 =does not lay any eggs; 1 =lays eggs); b) clutch size, defined as the number of eggs laid by a breeding individual (i.e. one that managed to lay at least one egg); and c) the number of fledged young, defined as the brood size of a nest at fledging age, including zerocounts (i.e. pairs that failed to raise any chicks to fledging age). We defined as age of first breeding the age when an individual first laid eggs, and as age of last breeding the age when an individual disappeared from the breeding pool of the population. An individual was estimated to have been removed from the breeding population when it was not observed anymore to hold a territory for three consecutive years. Because re-sighting probability is virtually one in this population (Forero et al. 1999), the probability that an individual could escape detection for three consecutive years is considered very remote (estimated at 0.001 based on Forero et al. 1999). Furthermore, no individual has been observed to re-enter the breeding pool of the population after two consecutive years of absence (unpubl.). Experience was measured as the number of successful reproductions (at least once chick raised to fledging) accumulated until the current breeding attempt (range 1—6). Longevity was available for a sample of 51 marked birds found dead during the course of the study. Statistical analyses and hypothesis testing In our population, gradual declines in breeding performance were observed after the age of 11 yr (Blas 2002). However, because many of the processes that promote agespecific declines in reproductive performance differ from those that generate age-structured improvements, senescence will be analysed in detail elsewhere. Therefore, the reproductive attempts of individuals older than 11 yr were excluded from all the analyses. To describe the general pattern of age-related improvements in reproduction, we built a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM, Littel et al. 1996) with year (as a random factor), individual identity (as a random factor), age, ageˆ2, sex and the interaction of age and sex as explanatory variables and the probability of laying eggs, clutch size or the number of fledged young as dependent variables (n =409—719 breeding attempts depending on the dependent variable employed in the analysis, see Table 2 for details). We tested predictions 1a—b, 2a—b, 3b and 4a—b (explained in Table 1) by means of GLMMs. Details on explanatory and dependent variables, sample sizes and model structure for all GLMMs are shown in Table 1. To test the predictions of the selection hypothesis and of the delayed breeder hypothesis, we followed the recommendations by van der Pol and Verhulst (2006) and built a GLMM with year (as a random factor), individual identity (as a random factor), age, ageˆ2, sex, age of first breeding and age at last breeding as explanatory variables and the number of fledged young as dependent variable. Under this approach, age of first breeding and age of last breeding are left in the model independently of their effect, in order to test for within-individual age effects in the presence of a selective effect (progressive incorporation or disappearance of phenotypes of different quality). Applications of this approach can be found in Nussey et al. (2006, 2008) and Balbontı́n et al. (2007). To explore the survival consequences of delayed breeding and its associated reproductive success (prediction 1c, 5a and 5b of Table 1), we related the probability of survival to the age of first breeding and to the number of fledglings produced in the first breeding attempt by means of a backward stepwise Cox regression (Cabezas et al. 2007) that accounted for age as a covariate (n =145 individuals available for analysis). To be conservative, we assumed that death occurred after three consecutive years lacking re-sightings. Table 2. GLMM regressions testing the linear and quadratic effects of age on: (a) the probability of laying eggs (n =247 males and 271 females); (b) clutch size (n =201 males and 208 females); and (c) the number of fledged young per territorial pair (n =353 males and 366 females) in a population of black kites in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). Random factors (year and individual identity) are only shown when their effect was significant. Variable Parameter estimate9SE F p 0.6990.23 —0.0490.02 —0.8190.66 8.77 6.61 — 0.003 0.033 — 7.85 — 0.006 — 15.43 8.06 3.41c — B0.0001 0.005 0.003 — a (a) Dependent variable: probability of laying eggs (n =518) Age Age2 (quadratic effect) Intercept (b) Dependent variable: clutch size (n =409)b Age Intercept (c) Dependent variable: number of fledged youngc (n =719)b Age Age2 (quadratic effect) Individual identityd Intercept a 0.0290.005 0.6890.04 0.3890.10 —0.0290.007 0.2190.06 —1.9490.31 GLMM logistic regression with binomial errors and a logit link function (Littel et al. 1996). GLMM multiple regression with Poisson errors and a logarithmic link function (Littel et al. 1996). c Number of fledged young per territorial individual: includes individuals which failed to raise any chick to fledging age (i.e. with zero fledged young). d Random effect, tested by means of a Z-test (Littel et al. 1996). b Unavoidably, we could not sample the longitudinal breeding performance of each individual for all ages (e.g. because some individuals died before others, or because breeding output could not be recorded in all years). For this reason, we tested prediction 3a (Table 1) of longitudinal improvements in breeding performance in two ways. a) Firstly, we used Friedman’s repeated measures ANOVA (Siegel and Castellan 1988) to compare the breeding output of the same individual across the age classes 2—4, 5—7 and 8—11 yr old (n =15—43 individuals, details in Fig. 2). b) Secondly, for each individual that was checked for reproduction in at least 6 yr of its life, we correlated breeding output with age (n =16—42 individuals, details in the Results section) and then assessed the preponderance of positive correlations (rs > 0.1) by means of a binomial test (Siegel and Castellan 1988). Finally, prediction 5c (Table 1) was tested by correlating the age of first breeding with the longevity of 51 individuals by means of Spearman correlation coefficient (Siegel and Castellan 1988). All stepwise models were built through a backward procedure where the least significant terms or interactions were sequentially removed until obtaining a minimal adequate model that only retained significant effects at the 5% probability level (McCullagh and Nelder 1989, Crawley 1993). All tests are two-tailed, statistical significance was set at a B 0.05, and all means are given 91 SE. Results Age of first breeding and pattern of age-related improvement in reproduction The mean age of first breeding was 3.590.1 yr (range 1—7, n =171), with no significant difference between the sexes (t169 =1.63, p =0.10). Most individuals initiated breeding within their first four years of life (83% of the cases), and only sporadically beyond five years of age (4%). All measures of breeding performance examined increased linearly or quadratically with age (Table 2, Fig. 1). Selection hypothesis Body size, sex and their interaction did not enter the GLMM with the age when an individual disappeared from the breeding population as the dependent variable, lending no support to prediction 1a (all F 52.99, n =37 males and 33 females, all p >0.05). There was instead support for prediction 1b: the age of last breeding was a predictor of breeding performance, while controlling for age and age of first breeding (Table 3). Therefore, for both sexes, superior breeders were removed progressively later from the breeding population. Finally, there was no support for prediction 1c: the reproductive output in the first breeding attempt did not affect subsequent survival probability (Cox regression, Wald x21 = 0.33, p =0.56). Figure 1. Progressive improvement in mean (9 SE) breeding performance with age in a cross sectional analysis conducted on a black kite population studied in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). (a) Mean probability of laying eggs (n =247 males and 271 females); (b) mean clutch size (n =201 males and 208 females); (c) mean number of young raised to fledging age (n =353 males and 366 females). Delayed breeder hypothesis Body size, sex and their interaction did not enter the GLMM with the age of first breeding as the dependent variable, lending no support to prediction 2a (all F 51.25, n =28 males and 27 females, all p >0.05). When controlling for age, delayed breeding led to poor Table 3. GLMM regression (with Poisson errors and a logarithmic link function) testing the effect of sex, age, age of first breeding and age of last breeding on the number of fledged young (n =135 males and 129 females) in a population of black kites in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). Random factors (year and individual identity) are only shown when their effect was significant. Age of first breeding and age of last breeding were retained in the model even if their effect was not significant, in order to test for within-individual age effects in the presence of a selective effect (Nussey et al. 2006, 2008, van der Pol and Verhulst 2006, Balbontı́n et al. 2007). Percentage explained deviance =20.8%. Variable Age Age of first breeding Age of last breeding Individual identitya Intercept a Parameter estimate9SE F p 0.0390.01 —0.0190.03 0.0290.001 0.0290.01 0.0290.15 9.60 0.16 4.35 2.07a — B0.01 ns B0.05 B0.05 — Random effect, tested by means of a Z-test (Littel et al. 1996). subsequent reproductive performance (opposite of prediction 2b, Table 4). x21 B0.10, p >0.05). On the contrary, there was no support for prediction 3b, because the reproductive output of the first breeding attempt was unrelated to age (GLMM, B = 0.0290.07, F153 =2.56, p =0.11). Breeding experience hypothesis When age, previous experience and the age of first breeding were simultaneously taken into account (prediction 4a), clutch size was exclusively related to experience, the number of fledged young was positively related to both age and experience and negatively related to the age of first breeding, while no variable entered the stepwise model with the probability of laying eggs as the dependent variable (Table 3, Fig. 3). The negative effect of the age of first breeding on the number of fledged young while statistically controlling for age (Table 4c) also supported prediction 4b. Restraint hypothesis Age hypothesis There was support for prediction 3a. Firstly, on average and independently of sex, all measures of breeding performance increased longitudinally through life (Fig. 2), but the effect was significant for the number of fledged young (Friedman’s repeated measures ANOVA: x22 =12.2, p =0.002), marginally significant for clutch size (x22= 5.1, p =0.08) and not significant for the probability of laying eggs (x22 =3.3, p =0.20). Secondly, for individuals checked for reproduction at least six times, there was a significant preponderance of positive correlations for the probability of laying eggs (22 positive correlation coefficients out of 31; binomial test: p =0.031), for clutch size (14 of 16; p =0.004) and for the number of fledged young (31 of 42; p =0.003). There was no difference between the sexes in the proportion of positive correlations for all the three estimates of breeding performance examined (all There was no effect of the reproductive output in the first breeding attempt on subsequent survival probability, which did not support prediction 5a (Cox regression, Wald x21 = 0.33, p =0.56). However, predictions 5b and 5c were supported: survival increased with the age of first breeding (B =0.5390.15, Wald x21 =11.9, p B0.001; —2 log likelihood =460.2, Global Score Wald x12 =12.3, p B 0.001), while longevity was positively associated with the age of first breeding (rs =0.44; n =51, p =0.001). Discussion As with previous studies on other raptorial species (Pietiänen 1988, Espie et al. 2000, Laaksonen et al. 2002, Newton and Rothery 2002, Arroyo et al. 2007) and birds in general (Saether 1990, Martin 1995), agerelated reproductive rates in our population showed a Table 4. GLMM regressions testing the effect of age, previous breeding experience and age of first breeding on: (a) the probability of laying eggs (n =149 males and 141 females); (b) clutch size (n =112 males and 112 females); and (c) the number of fledged young (n =211 males and 190 females) in a population of black kites in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). Random factors (year and individual identity) are only shown when their effect was significant. Variable (a) Dependent variable: probability of laying eggs (n =290) No variable entered the model (b) Dependent variable: clutch size (n =224)b Breeding experience Intercept Parameter estimate 9 SE (c) Dependent variable: number of fledged youngc (n =401)b Age Age of first breeding Breeding experience Individual identityd Intercept a F p 24.17 — B0.0001 — a 0.0890.02 0.7290.02 0.5890.24 —0.4190.16 0.2890.15 0.5390.20 —1.9490.31 14.47 4.51 7.58 2.54c — 0.0002 0.034 0.006 0.005 — GLMM logistic regression with binomial errors and a logit link function (Littel et al. 1996). GLMM multiple regression with Poisson errors and a logarithmic link function (Littel et al. 1996). c Number of fledged young per territorial individual: includes individuals which failed to raise any chick to fledging age (i.e. with zero fledged young). d Random effect, tested by means of a Z-test (Littel et al. 1996). b Figure 3. Progressive improvement in mean (9SE) reproductive performance with breeding experience in a black kite population studied in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). Breeding experience was measured as the number of successful reproductions (at least once chick raised to fledging) accumulated until the current breeding attempt. Figure 2. Progressive improvement in mean (9SE) breeding performance with age in a longitudinal analysis conducted on a black kite population studied in Doñ ana National Park (Spain). The data refer to individuals which were repeatedly sampled at least twice within each of three main periods of their life (corresponding to age classes 2—4; 5—7, and 8—11 yr old). Mean values were used for the repeated measures analyses: for example, if an individual was sampled when 6 and 7 yr old, the mean of the two breeding attempts was used to characterise its performance in the age-class 5—7. (a) Mean probability of laying eggs (n =38; 19 males and 19 females); (b) mean clutch size (n =15; 8 males and 7 females); (c) mean number of young raised to fledging age (n =43; 21 males and 22 females). typical pattern of deferred breeding early in life followed by gradual increases in productivity (see also Sergio et al. 2009). Of the five hypotheses we tested to explain this pattern, four received at least partial support while the fifth was rejected. Our results indicate that multiple factors such as age, experience and selection against inferior breeders may account for the observed increase in reproductive success with age. In particular, of the five tested hypotheses, there was no support for the delayed breeder hypothesis. If anything, high breeding performance was associated with an early age of first breeding, running contrary to the main expectation of this hypothesis. On the contrary, there was some support for the selection hypothesis: superior breeders persisted longer within the breeding pool of the population. This suggested the existence in the population of superior phenotypes capable of maintaining high levels of reproduction for a longer time-span and inferior phenotypes characterised by lower breeding rates and shorter reproductive careers. Overall, this hypothesis has been supported by some studies (Coulson and Porter 1985, Nol and Smith 1987, Wooller et al. 1990), but not by others (Forslund and Larsson 1992, Perdeck and Cave 1992, Hepp and Kennamer 1993, Wheelwright and Schultz 1994, Wiebe and Martin 1998, Balbontı́n et al. 2007, Hatch and Westneat 2007). Some authors have suggested that the selection hypothesis may be more relevant for short-lived species, characterised by high mortality rates which translate into marked declines in the frequency of poor-performers in older age-classes (Newton 1989, Forslund and Pärt 1995). However, there is increasing evidence that such mechanisms may be operating also in longer-lived species (Wooller et al. 1990, Espie et al. 2000, Laaksonen et al. 2002, Reid et al. 2003, Tavecchia et al. 2005, Moyes et al. 2006). Our results were also consistent with the age and experience hypotheses, where age-related improvements in reproductive rates are promoted by chronological age per se and by accumulation of previous breeding experience, respectively. Chronological age may progressively enhance the social dominance, foraging capabilities and the level of resource acquisition of an individual through life, while accumulated experience may improve breeding skills through previous practice and through enhanced familiarity with the territory and the partner. All these factors may be important in our population for the following five reasons. 1) Age per se was shown to promote earlier arrival dates from the spring migration, with positive cascading effects on the quality of the territory occupied, the time available to accumulate reserves for breeding, the precociousness of laying date and the final breeding output of an individual (Sergio et al. 2007a, b, 2009). 2) Older individuals were shown to be dominant over younger ones in physical contests over territories, which suggested a link between age and social dominance, which may ultimately translate into higher reproduction (Sergio et al. 2007a, 2009). 3) Age may promote improvements in feeding skills (Wunderle 1991), which in turn may promote higher breeding rates (MacLean 1986). Previous studies from this and other black kite populations suggest a close link between territory quality, foraging proficiency, nestlings’ provisioning rates and eventual breeding output (Sergio et al. 2003a, b, 2005, 2007a). 4) In our population, kites are site-faithful, and usually retain territories and partners through life or for many years (Forero et al. 1999). Experience may increase the familiarity with the partner, territory and hunting grounds, with potentially positive repercussions on offspring production, as shown in other species (Hepp and Kennamer 1992). 5) In this and other kite populations, inexperienced individuals are known to fail frequently to build a proper nesting platform, or to take longer to achieve it than older birds, with negative consequences for reproduction (Viñ uela 1993, Sergio and Newton 2003). The capability of nest construction is known to improve with experience in numerous avian taxa (review in Collias and Collias 1984). All the above is consistent with the idea that in this population both chronological age per se and previous experience may act in concert to generate the observed pattern of age-structured improvement in breeding rates. Finally, we found some evidence of a potential trade-off between a precocious age of first breeding and subsequent survival and longevity, consistent with the restraint hypothesis and as found in other long-lived animals (Green 1990, Roff 1992, Pyle et al. 1997, Tavecchia et al. 2001, 2005). Unfortunately, no direct estimates of parental investment (e.g. nest attendance, foraging effort) were available to better test this hypothesis. Furthermore, not all predictions of this hypothesis were supported and the low mortality typical of adult kites (unpubl.) should imply a relatively small decline in residual reproductive value for the age classes analysed here (2—11 yr old). The idea that young breeders show reproductive restraint in order to increase subsequent performance has received little empirical support (Newton 1989, Forslund and Pärt 1995, but see Pugesek 1981 and Weimerskirch 1992), and it is considered unlikely that this factor alone could contribute to the observed age-related improvement in reproduction, at least so early in life (Forslund and Larsson 1992). In conclusion, the pattern of age-related improvements in breeding rates observed in this population could be ascribed to the combined effect of the progressive removal of inferior phenotypes from the breeding population and the individual-level lack of specific skills which are progressively acquired with time and experience. Studies on other raptorial species have reported evidence of both longitudinal increases in performance (Laaksonen et al. 2002, Newton and Rothery 2002) and progressive removal of inferior breeders (Espie et al. 2000, Laaksonen et al. 2002), the two acting alone or in concert. Such results suggest that different mechanisms may operate in different species or populations (Wiebe and Martin 1998) and that age-related improvements in reproduction may be frequently caused by the complex interplay between longitudinal improvements and changes in the relative frequency of productive phenotypes in the breeding population. Acknowledgements — We thank F. G. Vilches, R. Baos, S. Cabezas, J. A. Donázar, M. G. Forero, G. Garcı́a, L. Garcı́a, M. Guerrero, and A. Sánchez for help in the field. R. Baos, J. Balbontı́n, G. R. Bortolotti, J. A. Donázar, M. G. Forero, W. D. Koenig, K. Martin, D. Serrano, J. L Tella and an anonymous reviewer kindly improved earlier drafts of this manuscript. 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