Equality and diversity ... making it happen The Open University Equality Scheme 2012-2016 Equality, Diversity and Widening Participation Action Plan - 2012/13 Published: September 2012 (External version) If you would like to receive the information in this plan in an alternative format to meet your needs, please contact the Equality, Diversity and Information Rights Team. Tel: 01908 652867/652566 Minicom: 01908 653074 Email: strategy-equality@open.ac.uk 2 Measure of success Evaluation method Provide independent assurance that the University’s equality duties are being met by integrating equality into the development of individual audits where relevant. Delivery of the audit plan. Audit opinions and recommendations. Consider whether a specific equality and diversity audit will be beneficial over the next couple of years. Outcome from individual audits. Audit opinions and recommendations. To instruct all course development staff to familiarise themselves with the BDU e-learning accessibility policy/criteria and review existing and new BDU e-learning developments against the policy. Accessibility guidelines produced and implemented. Check that each member of solutions and development teams are aware of guidelines. Monitor the uptake by clients of optimum accessibility being built into courses. Testing of existing product ranges as part of regular review cycles. 3 Include Equality in the review of consultant. Associate Lecturers recruitment processes – particularly for learner support roles. Open and fairer recruitment of appropriate learning advisors and consultants, open to a larger pool of skilled candidates available for recruitment. A policy in place by August 2012 which is monitored every 6 months to promote an inclusive approach to recruitment. Ref Action 4 Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 2 1 Audit Business Development Unit (BDU) 3 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Brief all authors, subject matter experts and critical readers for courses in development to comment on aspects of equality and diversity to ensure that consideration of Equality and Diversity (E&D) is embedded throughout course development. All new courses are developed with due regard for representation of diversity and promotion of equality in images, case materials, language and accessibility. That E&D features in all stages of quality assurance of content and functionality. Check each author, subject expert or critical reader is instructed to address and appraise E&D. Testing of existing product ranges for E&D as part of regular review cycles. We are providing teaching and assessment of overseas students recruited by our collaboration partners. Therefore we will include clauses in our new operations partnership handbook (circulated to partner institutions) to cover aspects of E & D. We will request reasonable adjustments to be made by the partner institutions. For example see action point from 2011/12 regarding building access which we may also include in the revised handbook. Plus provision for accessible teaching / assessment, accessible services provided fairly to all disabled students by our partners. We will audit the compliance of our requests to the partner institutions. This will be part of the annual partnerships review. Monitoring and evaluating by the Global Partnerships team, by garnering feedback plus observations by staff / Associate Lecturers when travelling to the partner institutions. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 6 5 Business Development Unit (BDU) Work on the development of three level 0 modules for presentation in September 2013. Successful delivery of modules on time. Successful delivery of modules on time. Redevelop Professional Development module as an Open Educational Resource (OER). To produce the current Professional Development Module in Widening Participation in an OER format. Successful delivery of module as an OER by May 2013. Successful delivery of module as an OER by May 2013. 8 Maintain the sustainability of the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning. Maintain the current level of subscriptions and move the journal online to keep costs down but maintain quality. When current subscriptions are maintained and the journal is cost neutral. Analysis of number of subscriptions to journal and cost of the journal to CIC. 7 Work towards completion of new access curriculum for September 2013 presentation. 9 Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships Action Measure of success Evaluation method Production of annual report by November 2012. Completion of annual report. Completion of annual report. 1 Improve satisfaction of disabled students studying on CIC produced modules through the development of an inclusive curriculum on the new level 0 modules, to be introduced in September 2013. Higher rates of satisfaction expressed by disabled students. Comparison of end of module survey for new level 0 modules with Openings modules. 3 Reduce the ethnicity attainment gap by embedding of English as an Additional Language provision in level 0 and level 1 modules. Higher levels of attainment by Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students than there is currently on Openings and level 1 modules. Pre- and Post- comparison of data on attainment for BME students. Recruit a total of 8,544 Access to Success students, on substantially reduced fees, to Opening modules in 2012. When students recruited stand at 8,544. Analysis of student numbers. Develop an Open University (OU) ethics policy, in collaboration with other units, grounded in our equality and diversity principles. Ethics policy agreed by the ViceChancellor’s Executive (VCE) (Autumn 2012) Ethics policy addresses all key ethical issues. Feedback from VCE Feedback from staff on application of the policy. Renew OU message house, values and message bank annually to ensure inclusivity. Messages are inclusive and reflect our commitment to Equality and Diversity (E&D), Diversity of case studies and proof points. Peer review and feedback from external stakeholders. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Recruit to target on Access to Success in 2012/13 11 12 13 Produce annual report on Widening Participation achievements from across academic units in the Open University. 10 Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships 15 14 Communications 5 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Ensure that equality analysis is fully embedded in Evidence of equality analysis for project management framework used by unit staff. significant change projects. Project documentation and progress reports. Determine and deliver stakeholder engagement plan to influence governmental decisions over the coming year which could significantly reduce our WP income. £37 million funding continues in 2013/14. Government decisions and funding letters from the department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) / Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). Increase the proportion of younger academic staff A project tasked with identifying a strategy for improving the proportion of younger academic staff has been established. Mike Dutton, Faculty of Business and Law is currently leading this project, which includes all key stakeholders. Project outcomes will continue to be monitored by Curriculum and Qualifications on behalf of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) who has been identified as the ‘Champion’ for this objective. Successful completion of the project including the implementation of a range of new initiatives that have been piloted and tested. The population of young academic staff will continue to be monitored on a regular basis. Human Resources Workforce age statistics. 17 Review of briefs, content and feedback from external stakeholders. 18 Secure £37 million Widening Participation (WP) allocation to continue to enhance our ability to widen participation and access. Ensure that diversity is explicitly included in Diverse images/videos captured briefings for image selection and new image/video and shared through OU capture. communications. 16 Communications 4 19 Curriculum and Qualifications Office 6 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ensure that the underpinning principles of the Curriculum Strategy 2009 – 2014 and the Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015 that promote equality of opportunity to access the OU curriculum are reflected in Faculty business plans and associated key performance measures are monitored in line with these principles.* Continue to monitor faculty key performance indicators for identified priority groups at the Pro-Vice Chancellor faculty visits. Curriculum and Qualifications will also manage the relationship between the access project and faculties to ensure all equality and widening participation objectives are achieved. Achievement or progression towards agreed targets for new registrations, attainment and module completion for all priority target groups. Faculty key performance indicators produced by Curriculum and Qualifications. Reduce the gender pay gap A project being led by Human Resources is tasked with identifying a strategy for reducing the gender pay gap amongst academic and research staff has been established. This project will include all key stakeholders. Project outcomes will continue to be monitored by Human Resources on behalf of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) who has been identified as the ‘Champion’ for this objective. The University’s gender pay gap reduces for internal academic/research staff. This measure will continue to be monitored on a regular basis. Human Resources – Workforce gender pay statistics Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 21 7 20 Curriculum and Qualifications Office Action Measure of success Evaluation method Provide leadership in embedding equality scheme objectives in Faculty curriculum activities by monitoring Business plans for 2012-2013 from units for which Pro-ViceChancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) has Planning and Resource Officer responsibility.* Continue to review faculty business plans to ensure equality and diversity objectives are sufficiently identified; including the impact of curriculum activities. This will be supported by the introduction of the new equality and diversity scheme; including the equality analysis section in the unit business plan. Therefore it will continue to become necessary to review faculty plans in this way to ensure equality objectives and implications have been taken into account. Progression of faculty related equality scheme objectives towards attainment of specified targets. Monitor the progression of equality objectives through established University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and compare faculty plans with previous years. Implement a photo ID policy for women wearing religious headwear which obstructs the face. No complaints received. Estates complaints log. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 22 Curriculum and Qualifications Office 9 23 Estates 8 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Review campus accessibility guides for the Open University (OU) premises/campus for visitors/staff/students. Completion of review by end November. The reason for the review is for visitors/staff/students and respond appropriately to enhance the experience of disabled people using OU premises/campus: - deliver a report by mid December. - engage disabled people. Respond to feedback from engagement with disabled staff and students Updated campus accessibility guides published Report of the review. Individual accessibility needs of users of new premises/refurbished premises/temporary locations are met in full before users occupy buildings. Disability log which displays ongoing accessibility/disability requests. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 2,6 Implement a new procedure for accommodation moves to take into account requirements for disabled users prior to any building moves and/or refurbishments. 1. Engage all people affected in building moves/refurbishments to identify individual access requirements. 2. Gather and respond to feedback from disabled people involved in office moves/refurbishments. 3. Introduce a specific question in the Estates Customer Service Survey related to meeting the needs of disabled staff in office moves/refurbishments. 4. Deliver training to workspace planning staff involved in office moves/refurbishments. 97% of disabled staff completing the Estates Customer Service survey feel their accessibility needs were met in full before, during and after office moves/refurbishments. Disabled staff/student feedback. Estates Customer Survey which has a question “Do you feel Estates meet the needs of staff with a disability within your Unit/Department”. 25 2,6 24 Estates Action Measure of success Evaluation method Work with appropriate University units to identify dissatisfaction (and underlying reasons) for students with disabilities on Arts modules, using current data on complaints and student feedback. Analysis of data complete and reasons for dissatisfaction identified. Survey statistics. Collate and disseminate Arts Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students' attainment and completion research from appropriate University units, to appropriate Faculty staff for identification of areas for action. Work with appropriate units to better collate and analyse BME attainment and completion rates on key Faculty modules (including possible issues of language, assessment format, and use of technology), and disseminate results to Faculty colleagues. Analysis complete and results disseminated, enabling action to be taken to address attainment and completion gap. Comparison of student data. Monitor demographic data for key Arts modules 2012-13 across nations and level following introduction of new funding regime With particular focus on gender, age, socioeconomic group, ethnic origin, and disability, analyse demographic data for new and continuing students on key Arts modules across nations and levels to identify impact of new funding regime upon diversity of, and access for, Arts students. Analysis complete, and possibly action for curriculum changes identified. Comparison of student data. Work with colleagues in Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum (CIC) on development of Access to Success module. With appropriate colleagues in CIC, develop Arts contribution to new Widening Access to Success module. Successful contribution of Arts material for new module. Material ready for module presentation in 2013. Review and modify instructions for all Critical Readers and developmental testers on Production courses with reference to Equality and Diversity and their guidance – this work has been carried forward from 2011/12 and is expected to be completed by Autumn 2012. Completion of revised instructions and guidance for all Critical Readers and developmental testers on Production courses. Evidence that the modified templates are being used on all production courses by end of May 2013. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 4 27 28 3 29 2 26 Faculty of Arts 30 Faculty of Business and Law 10 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Re-structure Level 1 curriculum to provide more coherence and clearer study pathways, which should improve retention in all modules which should have a positive impact on disabled students. Improved retention and progression for disabled students. Retention and progression for key groups. Completion rates for Certificate of Higher Education. Changes to the curriculum at Level 1 will be informed by the work of the University SeGA (Securing Greater Accessibility) Project led by the Institute of Educational Technology (IET). Curriculum changes meet the key criteria for accessibility set by SeGA Project. Evaluation of curriculum changes to assess whether they have successfully delivered the desired outcomes (Stage Gate). Ensuring our Qualification Online environments meet SeGA requirements. Positive student feedback. IET student surveys linked to above. 2 Implement a reorganisation of the student support structure to provide subject-specific Curriculum Support Teams, including specific guidance for the support of equality groups and promoting Widening Participation. Successful implementation of the Curriculum support Teams (CSTs) in ways that maintain inclusivity and enhance student satisfaction. Evaluation of the CST implementation programme to assess whether it successfully delivered the desired outcomes. 4 Lead and participate in the University-wide project to develop and pilot new initiatives directed at facilitating and encouraging the recruitment and retention of a higher proportion of younger academic staff (aged <35) by the Central Academic Units (CAUs). Successful completion of the project including a range of new initiatives that have been piloted and tested. A decision by the University to rollout some or all of these initiatives. Piloting of the short-listed initiatives to test their feasibility and efficacy in supporting Objective 4. 7 Review the starting salary for applicants with the recruiting manager. The Staffing Manager has agreed all starting salaries after ensuring no gender bias by checking comparable roles in the Faculty. Analysis of starting salaries of all new appointees to ensure that there are no adverse gender differentials. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 36 35 34 33 32 31 Faculty of Business and Law 11 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Identify the key documentation. Staff apply equality and diversity principles in their work. Fair, efficient and effective practice is followed in staff recruitment. Evaluation of revised recruitment documentation to ensure that this fully conforms to Equality and Diversity policies and guidelines. Feedback received from applicants regarding the recruitment procedure. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Undertake a review of the Staffing page on the intranet to ensure this documentation is easily accessible and visible. Curriculum Manager as member of the universitywide Offender Learning Group. Information to feedback into module production and presentation and concerns/issues of the faculty to feed into the Offender Learner Group. Consistency of support where possible in terms of materials and tuition. Feedback from prison tutors and from students. To continue to monitor and improve attainment rates amongst the two target groups on all undergraduate Business and Law courses to within target differential bands by 2012. To use the opportunity of the work to redevelop the Level 1 curriculum (business) to investigate more closely the obstacles in assessment that may be adversely impacting attainment rates amongst the two target groups. Any obstacles in assessment are removed and attainment rates amongst the two target groups show some improvement. Measure attainment rates amongst the two target groups, before and after changes to the assessment regime for the new Level 1 curriculum. Reduction in completion gap for low SES students by 2%. Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and monitoring of student data in 2013 /14. 38 To develop a shared understanding of the complex issues in supporting offender learners during module presentation. 39 9 37 Faculty of Business and Law Continuation from 2011/12: Improve performance of SocioEconomic Status (SES) students on Level 1 Language Studies modules. Implementation of new assessment framework in level 1 language modules for 2012/13 presentations. 40 Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS) 12 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS) Completion of articulation of ‘Communication and Collaboration’ statements for each level with examples. Mapping to each module. Use of pilot survey with wider sample of ALs to identify areas of most need. Evaluation of English Language demands of one FELS Level 1 module – E100. Identification of key resources to support study skill progression to be available on relevant Qualification online site. Increased guidance for Associate Lecturers in tutor notes. Increased awareness and skills of ALs in supporting English language development. Reduction in attainment gap of 2% by 2014 for low SES and BME students at Under Graduate level and BME students a Post Graduate level. Evaluation through student tutor feedback and analysis of tutor marked assignment comments, the latter to take place 2012/13. Continuation from 2011/12 Improve attainment of low SES students through increased support for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. Clear guidance for all tasks involving ICT and ICT skills development on Qualification online websites. ALs to be aware of the guidance and to be encouraged to proactively highlight to students. Completion of Level 1 ICT Scholarship project, publication of report and implementation of any actions arising from the findings of this project. Use Information Literacy (IL) module activities mapping carried out by the Library to identify guidance and activity gaps that need addressing across both Department of Languages (DoL) and Childhood Youth and Education Programme (ChYE) modules. Reduction in attainment gap of 0.5% for low SES students by 2013. Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and analysis of attainment scores. 42 41 Continuation from 2011/12 Increase completion and attainment of low SES and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students on all Education and Childhood and Youth Programme Committee (ChY) undergraduate and postgraduate modules through increased focus on English language development. 13 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 1 Report for consideration of Childhood Youth and Education Programme (ChYE) Programme Committee by April 2013. Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and analysis of completion rates in 2014 onwards. 2 Reduce the difference in satisfaction with overall study experience between disabled and non-disabled students on language courses. Continue to work with module teams to analyse how well the materials meet accessibility guidelines. Make low cost changes for improvement where possible and plan for higher cost changes. Action plan for longer term actions. Increase in disabled students’ satisfaction by 2014/15.1 Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and analysis of satisfaction rates. 3 Reduce the difference between the proportion of White and Black students obtaining a ‘good pass’ on modules at Levels 2 and 3. All module teams to analyse relevant data as part of the annual review process and to offer comment. Commission small-scale Scholarship project to investigate possible reasons for the difference in FELS. Action plan following report. Report completed. Action plan completed and implemented for 2013/14. Improvement in achievement of Black students on levels 2 and 3 of at least 2% by 2014. Report for consideration of Programme Committees by April 2013. 2 Raise awareness of Securing Greater Accessibility (SEGA) throughout the faculty and continue implementation of Securing Greater Accessibility on all FELS curriculum. Focus on ensuring that module design includes sufficient consideration of accessibility issues. Advising module teams on Accessibility at REPO3 (course specification plan report) stage and during the production process eg when selecting external websites as module resources. Development of spreadsheet to audit trail Accessibility issues through the production process. All modules going to first presentation from 2013 onwards have accessibility audit trail available. Existence of audit trail for those courses. figures too low to set valid quantitative target 44 Agreed action plan for 2013/14 Reduction of gap in completion and progression of at least 5% by 2015. 45 Investigation of social and personal factors which impact on student progress on WBL modules and how these might be mitigated. Analysis and dissemination of good practice on E105. Action plan following the reports; actions to be formulated following analysis of student cohorts in 2012/13 in relevant qualifications. (Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum Partnerships funded Scholarship activity). 46 Improve completion and progression of students from low Socio-Economic Status (SES) groups studying work-based learning modules at Level 1. 43 Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS) Evaluation method Contribute staff time as appropriate to these projects, set up feedback lines from staff involved to ensure that Head of Planning and Resources and the Dean are fully apprised of the actions the Faculty can and should take to enable the University to achieve its equality objectives. The Faculty will have considered and taken appropriate steps in line with the recommendations of the University projects. Self-reflection. Audit user and carer involvement to identify good practice and to create Faculty strategy. A member of the Nursing Department has been tasked to lead on this work – no further details as yet. Audit under way. Audit report completed and strategy developed as an outcome. Improve completion and attainment of low socio-economic status (SES) students at level 1. Use existing data more effectively in new IAG and student support, including Curriculum support Team (CST) priorities if HSC is early adopter, to identify and support Widening Participation (WP) students (and vulnerable students in general). Reduction of overall gap to 10.2% (Open University target). IET WP statistics and module statistics. Continue to promote recruitment of younger academic staff where possible as currently only 1.6% of academic staff are under 35. To continue to balance the recruitment of more experienced staff at Senior Lecturer and professorial grades with early career staff such as Research Assistants. Age demographic of academic staff over 5 year period. Take into account other factors which affect the profile, such as disproportionate number of leavers in a particular group etc. 50 Action To evaluate the impact of the new merit award process on the categories of staff obtaining awards. After the second round in autumn 2012 of the new Evaluation undertaken. merit award process an evaluation on staff gaining merit awards, increments and discretionary points will be undertaken to see if the desired effect of the change has been met. A trend analysis of the last two years will be evaluated against the original analysis which highlighted the problem for support staff in particular. Ref Measure of success 51 Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 4&7 Monitor and engage with University projects on proportion of academic staff under 35 and gender pay differential. 47 Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS) 4 49 48 Faculty of Health and Social Care (HSC) 15 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Seek to improve low progression from level 1 to level 2 in qualifications based in HSC Department by 5%. Utilise new opportunities to provide clear Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and appropriate support for pathways including use of Qualifications Online to develop a stronger academic community. Meeting target. Analysis of student progression data from Institute of Educational Technology (IET) including module flow information on module profiles. Embed model of good practice for tutor feedback on Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) throughout the Faculty teaching – model based on Mirabelle Walker’s research for Centre for Open Learning of Mathematics, Science, Computing and Technology (COLMSC) Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). Work with staff tutor line managers and Associate Lecturers (ALs) to encourage discussion and staff development around the model using existing materials and with the support of the central academic teams. Evidence of forum discussion and staff development events plus evidence of improved feedback detected in monitoring process. Monitoring reports/evidenced staff development events. The Faculty is committed to the implementation of the Securing Greater Accessibility Project (SEGA) project. Comply with the SEGA report requirements for the AD lead and the Faculty accessibility specialist as specified in the Deliverable document 3b and ensure that the Faculty has appropriate leadership in ensuring implementation of SEGA. Audited trail of actions/briefings and workshops tba. Review and report via Faculty Committees and sub-committees. Evidence of implementation in stagegate documents and module materials. Improved satisfaction and attainment levels for students with disabilities. The Faculty is committed to supporting the development of the new access modules. Engage with the process of consultation and provide staff resource for module production. Audited trail of attendance at workshops and responses to consultation plus nomination of HSC academic/s for membership of access module teams. Review and report to Faculty Executive. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 53 54 Work with module teams to influence tutor guidance and briefing of monitors in line with the tenets of the research findings. 55 2 52 Faculty of Health and Social Care (HSC) Action Measure of success Evaluation method Enable socially disadvantaged and underrepresented students to access and be successful in Higher Education (HE) level study in the Open University (OU) via the Access to Success (ATS) route. MCT will play a key role in ensuring this by leading and working with the team that will create the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) module. This will involve colleagues in Student Services, Science and the Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum (CIC). Production and presentation of a cost-effective module and evaluation of student outcomes. Survey and analysis of statistical evidence across both the Access and Level 1 modules to identify improvement. Support actively the University’s commitment to the Athena SWAN Charter, specifically to: Attainment of bronze status. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Support University achievement of the Athena SWAN Bronze status. Identify Departmental Champions who will lead towards the attainment of silver status, initially for at least 2 of the 4 MCT Departments. 3 Champions in place and progress towards upgrading of status made. External assessment. The establishment of mentoring programmes across the Faculty, and a formal record of achievements within each Department. Targeting all Level 1 and all new Level 2 modules to have an Accessibility Guide in place by 2012/13. Guides will be available to students. Use of Guides as a module resource. MCT will review the performance of low (SES)/Black and minority ethnic (BME) students Review attainment across 2 key nominated awards to identify differences between low socioeconomic status (SES)/Black and minority ethnic (BME) students and their cohorts, leading to the building of measures to improve performance initially at level 1 but feeding through to the undergraduate MCT curriculum. Identification of issues impacting on student performance in 2 curriculum areas to be agreed. Improvement in the overall indicators for the nominated awards. 58 MCT will contribute to the development new access curriculum in Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); & develop accessibility guide and induction material. 57 7 An increase in students from a low socio-economic background progressing to further study at the OU. 59 3.5 Level 1 and Access Level 1 review in MCT will focus on ensuring consistent & effective Level 1 learning experience & improving progression after year 1 where issues identified. 56 Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology (MCT) 17 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Develop a better understanding of gender balance across all levels of engineering students by considering comparators in the employment and Higher Education Institute (HEI) sectors. Raised awareness of the gender balance across the Engineering Programme. Provision of a comparison between OU and others within the HEI sector. Analysis of survey and trend data. Development of promotional materials to address any apparent gender imbalance. Participation in the Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS)-based English competency project via the inclusion of TU00 My digital life, to gain better understanding of appropriate materials and activities within the Open Access environment. MCT acts upon feedback from the project outputs and disseminates best practice across the curriculum. Student Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) and End of Module Assessments (EMAs) assessed, together with tutor materials and a single set of module materials. 1. Contribute to CST implementation and Access to Success development. 2. Work with the CIC project team to profile Science qualifications and provide academic support for any discussions with Further Education Colleges with a view to promoting Science degree take-up by one or more Colleges in the future. Completion and progression rates improve for all groups, leading to improved student satisfaction and achievement of learning goals. Low socio-economic status (SES) recruitment rates improve. University completion, progression and WP data. Contribute to University level submission for Athena SWAN award in 2012, and submit a Faculty Department for an award in 2013. This will include auditing practice on recruitment, promotion and merit awards for academic staff. Awards achieved. Based on Athena SWAN action plan criteria. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 2 3 MCT will review English language competency with a view to improving student’s employability skills. 61 8 60 Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology (MCT) 7 63 Improve recruitment for low SES, and completion and progression rates, by getting students onto right modules, without widening differentials for WP groups 62 Faculty of Science Action Measure of success Evaluation method Renew Project Juno Practitioner status and, if possible, achieve Champion status. Current status renewed; Champion status achieved. Based on Project Juno criteria. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 7 Improve BME and Low SES completion and attainment rates, especially at Level 1 Set up Faculty Equality and Diversity Group to ensure use of best practice and undertake equality analysis. Contribute to Council for Science and Technology implementation and Access to Success development. Differentials continue to reduce, leading to improved student satisfaction and achievement of learning goals. University Widening Participation data. 2 Continue to develop appropriate study resources for students with visual and hearing impairments. 1. Make more mathematically and symbolically rich text available to students with visual impairments. 2. Develop use of Elluminate by those with hearing impairment. Satisfaction levels among specified student groups. Survey data. 2 Raise awareness of SeGA (Securing Greater Accessibility) principles in the Faculty and continue to support implementation Ensure appropriate leadership so that module teams give appropriate consideration to accessibility issues at design stage All modules going to first presentation from 2013J onwards have accessibility audit trail Audit trails available 67 66 65 2,3 64 Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Science 3 5 WP priorities The Faculty is reviewing the use of forums on its modules with the aim of developing a revised Faculty policy and guidance on the use of forums in modules to have greater consistency across qualifications. One aim is to encourage students who lack confidence to participate and develop their confidence. Larger numbers of students who engage with the forums. Students becoming more confidence in participating in forums. Feedback from ALs about use of forums. Review numbers of students who participate in forums. 68 The action plan for 2012/13, as set out in this section, contributes to the five priority groups of: completion, attainment, student satisfaction and student achievement of stated learning goals. Each action covers a number of the five stated priority groups and for this reason they are not listed individually for each item. 19 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 5 WP priorities Refreshing UG curriculum starting with Level 1. There is a greater focus on developing module materials and assessment strategies which are accessible to students with a wide range of individual circumstances and educational backgrounds. Improved completion and progression rates for students studying on these modules. Analysis and evaluation of statistical information on student cohorts and review student and AL feedback. 3 5 WP priorities The Faculty is reviewing its tuition strategy (tutorials) to provide greater consistency and choice for students across the Faculty’s modules. The Faculty has undertaken pilots this past year to access student response which was positive. This initiative will benefit all students by providing a flexible range of tutorial opportunities. Increased number of students who take part in tutorials. Students benefit from tutorials and there should be an improvement in completion rates. Review numbers of students participating in tutorials and also student feedback. 2 5 WP priorities As part of the Securing Greater Accessibility initiative, (SeGA) the Faculty is enhancing support to module teams on developing accessibility strategies for new modules at stage 3. In addition the Faculty is developing an accessibility strategy across its qualifications to ensure greater consistency for students. This initiative will be beneficial to students with circumstances that require greater flexibility, e.g. disability, illness, caring responsibilities. Provide more consistency across qualifications and improve advice provided to students in the module information. Students with disabilities are able to make informed choices about qualifications to study. Fewer requests from students about providing accessible materials during their study of the module. 3 5 WP priorities Assessment Innovation Group is progressing in its work to develop a range of more inclusive assessment methods and practices for the Faculty’s modules including employability. Improved completion and progression rates for students studying on these modules. Evaluate statistical information on student cohorts. 72 71 70 3 69 Faculty of Social Science 20 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Review the University’s standard terms and conditions and include a new generic clause to support the implementation of the Equality Act 2010 and the University’s Equality Scheme. The aim is to achieve this by the end of 2011/12. Evidence of equality clause in all relevant contracts, using University standard terms. Conditions reviewed and used consistently. Embed guidance to help further implementation. Develop case studies and training during 2012/13. The template is used on relevant projects. Review of key projects. With regard to the Financial Sustainability Strategic Priority, liaise with Human Resources to ensure that change process is well managed and units supported during the implementation phase of any changes to structure, systems and process. Any required change is successfully implemented. Units adopt new systems and processes and resources are managed using consistent and appropriate methods across the University. a) Sponsor leadership mentoring for ethnic minority staff. a) Number of ethnic minority staff completing the programme. b) Proactively engage and support the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff network by: i) consulting with network on type of support and ii) exploring the possibility of regular meetings with HR & network chair iii) Exploring the provision of professional facilitation for key network events. c) Conducting qualitative research to assess progress since previous research. d) Enhancing and promoting cultural diversity staff learning and development. b) Type and frequency of support agreed with BME staff network. a) Ethnic minority staff satisfaction via staff survey show increased staff satisfaction. b) Feedback from BME staff network. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 75 74 73 Finance 5 76 Human Resources (HR) c) Qualitative research completed and progress identified. d) Positive feedback received from attendees; Decrease in discrimination cases. c) Identified progress agreed by BME network. d) Evaluation of feedback; Monitor number of discrimination cases. Action Measure of success Evaluation method i), ii), iii) and iv) Participate in the project group and provide expertise and support where appropriate. i), ii), iii) and iv) Staff policies and practices amended, where appropriate, to support the project groups aims and objectives. a) Identify relevant initiatives in the sector and evaluate appropriateness for OU. b) An increase in women achieving senior roles. c) Completed equality analysis of academic promotion/appointment procedures; support appropriate faculties in their application for the Athena Swan Bronze Award. d) Detailed understanding of pay gap issues across categories and grades. a) Potential initiatives considered, resource issues weighed and take any actions forward. b) Annual EDMG workforce statistics. c) Barriers to progression for women identified; staff policies and practices support the achievement of the Athena Swan Bronze Award. d) Analysis will be able to drive forward appropriate action plans for remedial measures. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 7 Increase the proportion of internal academic staff aged 35 and under by supporting faculties to: i) Review recruitment arrangements, guidance and training to identify and address age bias. ii) Review structure of job roles to create opportunities for younger academics. iii) Promote positive attitudes towards younger academics. iv) Develop clearer career paths for younger academics. a) Understand best practice in addressing the gender pay gap. b) Respond to the identified barriers to progression of women to senior roles. c) Consider changes to procedures and guidelines in relation to recruitment and selection, promotions, discretionary increments, career breaks and maternity leave. d) Increase pay transparency. 78 4 77 Human Resources (HR) 22 Action Measure of success Evaluation method i) Research and initial development of policy and guidance for staff with caring responsibilities started. ii) Encourage feedback from management and staff who access the policy. i) Research completed. a) Sponsor leadership mentoring for disabled staff. a) Number of disabled staff completing the programme. b) Proactively engage and support the disabled staff network by: i) consulting with network on type of support and ii) exploring the possibility of regular meetings with HR & network chair iii) Exploring the provision of professional facilitation for key network events. c) Conducting qualitative research to identify and address barriers to staff satisfaction (disabled staff). d) Enhancing and promoting existing resources for managers in supporting disabled staff and making reasonable adjustments. b) Type and frequency of support agreed with disabled staff network. a) Disabled staff satisfaction via staff survey show increased staff satisfaction. b) Feedback from disabled staff network. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Support the E&D Team to improve equality policy and guidance for staff by: i) Ensuring policy and guidance is easily accessible. ii) Evaluating to ensure effective implementation. 6 ii) Positive feedback from managers and staff; monitor grievances for staff related to caring issues. 80 9 79 Human Resources c) Qualitative research completed, barriers identified and actions developed. c) Actions agreed by disabled staff network. d) Existing resources reviewed and promoted. d) Disabled staff satisfaction via staff survey show increased staff satisfaction. 23 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Support the Equality and Diversity (E&D) Team to improve equality monitoring information by: i) Embedding revised questions at point of staff recruitment. i) religion/belief and sexual orientation - monitoring form amended to reflect additional characteristics; maternity - new HR IT system will require data to be captured. ii) The statistics will show that the data is being returned for the added characteristics; annual reminder to staff and managers to update information. i) Annual Equality, Diversity Management Group (EDMG) workforce statistics report will identify if meeting targets. Respond to any requests from the Equality and Diversity (E&D) Team or Equality and Diversity Management Group, (EDMG) to support work with the Central Academic Units. Reports submitted to Equality and Diversity Team. Feedback from Equality and Diversity Team and EDMG. 2 Usability and accessibility testing will continue in 2012/13 as this is an ongoing requirement as technology develops and changes. Changes made to materials as indicated in our reports to the developers. Direct follow-up to confirm status of recommendations from project leads’. 8 1) E and D data made available in a more user friendly way for programme committees in 2012. 2) Additional data to provide an element of progression to be made available to programme committees in 2012. 3) IET have agreed to take over responsibility for sourcing and making Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data available in 2013 for programme committees working with the Information Office on the specification. Data delivered in new format and progression data included. HESA data provided for 2013 reports. Feedback from programme committees. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 8 ii) Encouraging and enabling staff to update information regularly. 81 Human Resources ii) Annual EDMG workforce statistics report will show increase in percentages. 84 83 82 Institute of Educational Technology (IET) Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Institute of Educational Technology (IET) Programme Director to continue to encourage fuller New opportunities for using annual module and stagegate 4/5 review reports demographic data identified and based on exemplars now available. These will form implemented. a basis on which to explore better use of data. Programme Director will also investigate the possibility of combining several years’ worth of data to produce more robust data. Through annual module and stagegate 4/5 review reports. 2 Embed key Securing Greater Accessibility work into IET as part of our business. Continue to implement the Securing Greater Accessibility (SeGA) plan, facilitate the SeGA Coordinating Group, and Accessibility Practitioners Group. This will be checked and reported on a monthly basis within IET and at the SeGA Co-ordination Group monthly meetings. 2 Increase the satisfaction of disabled students Specific target for 12/13 will be to maintain satisfaction of disabled students with the overall quality of the module at 82%, leading to an increase in the satisfaction to 84% in 14/15. Through assessment of whether the specific 12/13 targets have been met. Analysis to support the development of the new widening participation strategy. Specification for analysis required met. Consultation with stakeholders in the WP strategy. All new systems will achieve the standard. Feedback from Testing process. 87 86 85 8 88 Information Office Review code development standards to ensure new systems are continuing to be reviewed for compliance with accessibility standards when designed by referral to the Compliance test. 89 Information Technology (IT) 25 Measure of success Evaluation method Ensure the new Desktop Optimisation rollout plans for OU staff take heed of accessibility standards; validate the proposed screen against Accessibility Design principles. All PCs with the new desktop will conform to standards. Spot check against a sample number of PCs. Ensure the new Out of Hours scheme for IT staff conforms to any Equality and Diversity (E&D) principles. Scheme takes account of staff needs and circumstances as evidenced by completed equality analysis. Feedback from staff after implementation. Reviewing testing process and procedures to ensure compliance design standards are continuing to be met in Systems Development via an improved structured testing approach. All new systems development follows the new testing process. Random sample of system designs. Verify that due regard has been given to individual characteristics in the management of potential and active research and enterprise collaborations. By working with partners already assessed by the funding body and no additional E&D issues arising. Project meeting discussion as and when required and if further action is required, discussion at management board. If no issues arise, then the E&D team in KMi can be satisfied the actions have been taken. 93 Demonstrate that due regard is given to individual characteristics in any development of user interfaces for learning and/or research technologies. Technology meeting discussion and awareness of any issues. Technology meeting discussions as and when required and if further action is required, discussion at management board. If no issues arise, then the E&D team in KMi can be satisfied the actions have been taken. Ref Action 94 Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 92 91 90 Information Technology (IT) Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) Action Measure of success Evaluation method Continuing promotion of accessibility issues to Faculties, Learning & Teaching Librarians and Library Assistants so issues are discussed throughout the module development cycle. Accessibility issues will also be raised through the Chair of JIBS (JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) assisted Bibliographic dataserviceS), who is a member of the Library Services staff. As a national group this has greater weight to influence publishers. High percentage of REPO3s (course specification plan report) which are signed off have had the support of a Learning and Teaching librarian. Ongoing support of specialist Librarians for module teams. Check with Librarians to see how many of the signed-off REPO3s they have been involved with. Set baseline figure so that future improvements can be calculated. Working with three key publishers to enhance accessibility of e-resources on the publisher’s databases to reduce the need for conversion by the Open University Library Services at a later date. Discussions and recommendations to have taken place with all three key publishers. Agree way forward with at least one of these publishers. Regular updates will be provided by the Content & Licensing Team to track progress. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Analysis of feedback from students with a disability. Comparisons with previous years re: quantity and type of feedback. 97 96 A new Library Services Intranet website is being Feedback from students with a developed and it will provide information on disability. This will include both services for students with disabilities so all positive and negative comments. members of staff will be able to refer to up-to-date information as and when needed. Work is being undertaken to improve the ability to access Library Services resources via mobile devices for non Broadband users. This will open up access to The OU’s Library resources to some developing countries who have limited Broadband access. Track the numbers of page accesses from mobile phones. Once base data is available track annually to measure trend changes. 98 2 95 Library Services Increase in the number of web pages accessed via mobile devices. 27 Action Measure of success Evaluation method The Open University is hosting an m-libraries conference on 24-26 September 2012. We will, for the first time, be providing live streaming of the keynote speeches, thereby opening up free access to the conference to individuals who are unable to physically attend the conference ie, prohibited by travel, cost, disability, illness, religion, caring responsibilities, etc. Feedback from conference attendees, including those who physically attended the conference and those who attended remotely. Analysis of feedback from conference attendees. This information will be used to improve future conferences, including ways to improve accessibility-related issues. Work around improving the gender balance of interview panels will continue in 2012-13. Achievement of at least 85% gender balance of interviews achieved in 2012-13. Percentage to be calculated by HR team on annual basis. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 100 7 99 Library Services Ensure that the work to create a prototype for a new online interface for Open University students is developed for student testing in accordance with usability and accessibility guidelines to ensure that it does not disadvantage disabled students. Students taking part in the prototype testing provide positive feedback. Data from user testing exercises/surveys. 5 Ensure that all staff in the Unit are aware of any support that the University provides for staff in any of the “protected characteristic” groups that might be applicable to their circumstances e.g. Staff Network, Aspire Leadership Mentoring, Prayer space, reasonable adjustments, etc. 100% of staff in the unit are made aware of the support available as reported in Career Development and Staff Appraisal (CDSA) documentation. Line managers are asked to feedback to confirm that this was completed at CDSA. 102 Monitor the demographic profile for Teaching Award nominees over the past three years against gender, age, disability and race and compare to overall OU demographics to ensure nominees reflect the staff profile. An anonymous report on the findings of the monitoring will be produced for review by the National Teaching Fellowship/OU Teaching Awards Panel. Analysis of data supplied by Human Resources and LTQ Office. 101 2 103 Learning, Teaching and Quality Office (LTQ) 28 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Complete the updating of LTS's Accessibility Policy in consultation with the Institute of Educational Technology (IET) and Disabled Student Services, ideally working towards a single Open University policy document. Accessibility policy document updated. Module team decisions consistent with policy. 2 Work with the Stagegate review to ensure that clearer and more focused information about the accessibility of qualifications and modules is addressed as part of the specification process. Stage-gate process includes clear specification which includes accessibility compliance. Post-project reviews. 2 Work with IET, Disabled Student Services (DSS) and Student Services to ensure that information about accessibility of qualifications and modules is available to both prospective and continuing students. Agreement between the units on what information is required. Sources of information identified. Information made available to students and prospective students as part of qualification and module descriptions. The task for LTS is to provide appropriate information on what LTS will deliver. 2 Develop a single University website on behalf of Securing Greater Accessibility (SeGA) that will contain all guidance and information about accessibility. Site available with comprehensive content. The task for LTS is to work with colleagues in IET to deliver the site. 2 Embed the use of the new Design Reviews and Asset and Accessibility lists in module development. Design reviews conducted consistently across module development projects. Post-project reviews. Analysis to better understand the profile of new undergraduate disabled students. Analysis delivered by 31/12/12. Review progress as part of Management Surgeries (Monthly sub unit meetings). Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 2 104 Learning, Teaching and Quality Office (LTQ) 108 107 106 105 Learning and Teaching Solutions (LTS) 1 Maintain an average of 3.3% new disabled undergraduates each year from 2012/13 to 2015/16. 109 Marketing Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Continue to ensure that disabled students are proportionately included as part of overall marketing campaigns and materials. Maintain the proportion of disabled students. Add Key Performance Indicator (KPI) proportion of disabled students to unit dashboard and review regularly as part of normal management review. 1 Maintain an average of 3.3% new disabled undergraduates each year from 2012/13 to 2015/16. Working with the Communications unit on Media relations and Government relations activity to support delivery of this objective. Maintain the proportion of disabled students. Add KPI proportion of disabled students to unit dashboard and review regularly as part of normal management review. 1 Maintain an average of 3.3% new disabled undergraduates each year from 2012/13 to 2015/16. Building an asset bank that includes stories and testimonials from disabled students to support campaigns activity. + Annual review of image bank to ensure images are representative of the UK population. Enhanced asset bank implement by 31/12/12. Review progress as part of Management Surgeries (Monthly sub unit meetings) + Critical review by Marketing Communications, liaising with the Equality and Diversity Team. Continue to develop guidelines and monitoring arrangements to ensure content commissioned for online purposes meets usability and accessibility standards. Results to usability and accessibility tests will show Open Media content meets the required standards. Usability and Accessibility testing using real user experience data and feedback from users with disabilities. Continue to monitor the online demographics of existing Open University Open Media Platforms and 3rd party platforms containing OU content. Research will show appropriate reach to target audiences. Hitwise Experian data analysis. Work to actively expand representation of diverse characteristics in the Open Media Unit talent pool for generating audio visual material. Feedback at Career Development and Staff Appraisal (CDSA) reviews around working practices relating to objective. Evaluate through individual CDSA reviews. 111 Maintain an average of 3.3% new disabled undergraduates each year from 2012/13 to 2015/16. 112 1 110 Marketing 114 115 2 113 Open Media Unit (OMU) 30 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ensure new partner platforms meet OU’s demographic requirements. Research will show appropriate reach to target audiences. Market Research and Hitwise Experian data analysis. Ensure job titles and descriptions on adverts reflect the role accurately to encourage the widest field of applicants ensuring a workforce that is gender balanced with appropriate skills. Increase the proportion of male applicants to 25%. Analysis on applications at the time of advertising will ensure constant review of documents to meet % increase. Investigate the possibility of the relevant partnership Embassies providing briefings to the International Development Office (IDO) for all staff and their colleagues. Promote awareness of cultural diversity and business etiquette in the contact of International business. Embed briefing meetings into IDO processors and into staff training records. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 116 Open Media Unit (OMU) Review recent students characteristics and looking Ensure fundraising publications at underrepresented groups with regard to new represent particular priority groups fundraising markets and publications. identified by the University. Complete an Equality Analysis in 2013. 118 119 . 117 Open University Development Office (OUDO) Consider and propose appropriate changes required in Quality Assurance Agency Action Plan that ensure alignment with institutional priorities and make sure that student voice is included in Equality and Diversity data. All actions will have been considered and changes/ improvements implemented as required in action plan and as approved by Senate and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee. Review Quality Assurance Agency action plan to ensure that all changes have been effected, eg check that meetings with students from partner institutions have been carried out. 120 Open University Validation Services (OUVS) 31 Evaluation method Encourage all staff to complete online Diversity modules and attend "Understanding cultural diversity" workshop. All new members of staff will complete the online Diversity modules during induction. Quality and Partnerships Managers will have attended the Understanding cultural diversity workshops. Check training records to ascertain completion records for all new staff and Quality and Partnerships Managers. Identify champion to work closely with IT analysts on Vantage projects so that student data from partner institutions can be included in replacement for Valencia. Data on partner institutions’ students will be held on Open University system and will enable accurate reporting on Equality and Diversity statistics to Curriculum and Validation Committee (CVC). Verify that staff are not using OUVS bespoke database and data and certificates are produced on OU system. Accurate Equality and Diversity data will be reported to CVC. Liaise with Human Resources (HR) to ensure that change process following unit merger is facilitated for staff; to ensure structure and resources are adequate for new role and that individuals’ needs and past arrangements are not adversely affected. Change process is planned and change is fully effected. New unit structure and objectives are in place and staff on/returning from maternity leave, transgender staff, staff with caring responsibilities and all staff affected by changes are supported. Survey staff to ensure that individual needs and priorities, eg flexible working, have been maintained and not adversely impacted by merger of new unit. 8 Submit alternative arrangements for digitisation of Council for National Academic Awards database. Validation Services complies with legal duty to protect the privacy of fully transitioned individuals. Check that interim measures approved by Equality Office are no longer necessary. 124 Action 8 Review annual monitoring and reporting process to ensure equality and diversity principles and values are promoted through work with partner institutions. Annual Monitoring forms will request additional Equality and Diversity data from partner institutions. Additional Equality and Diversity data will be reported to Validation Committee and Curriculum and Validation Committee Ref Measure of success 125 Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 122 123 8 121 Open University Validation Services (OUVS) 32 Evaluation method Obtain and evaluate institutions’ equality and diversity policies during Annual Information Request exercise. Partner institutions will provide copies of equality and diversity policies. Partner institutions’ equality and diversity policies will be examined to determine whether they correspond with The Open University’s policies. Promote equality, diversity and accessibility principles and values to our partners through the Validation Service website. Feedback from Communications will indicate that external visitors clicked on OUVS’s website link to the Open University’s Equality and Diversity pages. Ask Communications to advise on traffic on website at regular intervals. Achieve Athena SWAN bronze accreditation for the University, which will demonstrate that the OU has a solid foundation for eliminating gender bias and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff. Bronze accreditation gained. Bronze accreditation gained. Introduce collection of additional equality data on individuals submitting bids for external research funding Equality data collected. The data will be available for use in evaluation processes. Consolidate collection of equality data on Equality data collected. Postgraduate research students in order to consider if any equality groups are adversely affected by processes relating to the postgraduate student journey. The data will be available for use in evaluation processes, and will be considered by the Research Degrees Committee. 130 Action Produce Code of Practice (CoP) for Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, building on foundation of Draft CoP for Mock REF. Evaluation of appeals received with, relating to selection process. Ref Measure of success 131 Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 127 9 126 Open University Validation Services (OUVS) REF selection processes carried out in accordance with guidelines set out in CoP. 129 128 Research School Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Review information to postgraduate research Information required is provided to students to ensure that students know what students in a clear and accessible support is available in response to a wide range of format. individual needs and circumstances. Feedback from students will be evaluated to identify any issues. One of the measures contained in the Strategic Plan 2012-15 is the monitoring of student numbers, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. We will report quarterly to VCE on this measure, and advise suitable action if the targets are not met. Numbers of students from disadvantaged groups meet or exceed targets. Suitable action is taken if the targets are not met. Quarterly reports to VCE will identify whether targets have been met. Proposed developments to make Disability and Additional Requirements profile writing more efficient and to provide better information to Associate Lecturers on how they can support individual disabled students to succeed in their studies. More succinct Disability and Additional Requirements profiles; Associate Lecturers more aware of disabled student support available. Review in 2013 to measure whether student complaints have reduced and that there is a corresponding fall in referrals to the Disability Advisory Services team. Delivery of the Open University in Scotland strategies for widening access and retention in order to meet Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council strategic priorities. Delivery of activities articulated in detail in the Open University in Scotland Outcome Agreement signed with the Scottish Funding Council. Meeting agreed outcomes and targets Quantitative and qualitative methods depending on objective. Delivery of the Open University in Wales Widening Access strategy objectives in order to meet Welsh Government and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCE) strategic priorities. Delivery of activities articulated in detail in the corresponding action plan and the strategic priorities for Widening Access in Wales. Meeting SMART targets set within action plan Quantitative and qualitative methods depending on objective. 132 Research School 133 Strategy Office 135 136 2 134 Student Services 34 Action Measure of success Evaluation method 2 Disability Resources Team with one-off funding will produce synthetic voiced DAISY digital talking books as new accessible alternative format provision for a further 45 modules. At least 140 modules will be available in DAISY format to disabled students. Advertised provision on Services for disabled students’ website. 2 Develop a training package for regional/national Learner Support staff which covers mental health awareness; the impact of mental health difficulties on students who access Information, Advice and Guidance services; reasonable adjustments we need to make to our service; profile writing for students with mental health difficulties; suicide awareness and working with the guidelines, by June 2012. The package will be available by June 2012 and delivered at Cluster groups in October / November. Staff will be asked to complete an evaluation form to evaluate the material. The package can then be amended as appropriate. 2 Disability Resources Team will reduce the time it takes from request to receipt of specialist equipment loaned to disabled students. Assistive technology, lending, specialist Loans will reduce from 4.5 to 3 months at point of equipment supplied to students. Interim loans will reduce from three weeks to nine days to point of delivery to student. Comparison of student data and operational records. 1 Reconfigure the Services to Disabled Students website (external) in conjunction with Learning Design and Technology. Improved clarity and navigation, accurate information support and how to access it, more video clips. Monitor feedback received via mechanism on the website. 9 Ensure all Student Recruitment and Financial Support staff are aware of the 2010 Equality Act and the changes around protected characteristics through staff induction, training for new and existing staff and centre briefings. 100% of staff have been briefed on the 2010 Equality Act and obtained a score of 80% or higher in the 2010 Equality Act quiz. 100% of new staff completed the Diversity e-learning module as part of their induction training. One-to-one and Career Development and Staff Appraisal meetings. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 141 140 139 138 137 Student Services Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ensure all project and programme planning includes completion of an Equality Analysis which has been discussed and agreed with the Equality and Diversity Team, and any recommendations have been acted upon. All project and programme plans submitted include an Equality Analysis which has been agreed and approved by the Equality and Diversity Office. Projects and programmes do not adversely impact on staff/students with protected characteristics. Project checklist and feedback at management team meetings. Implementation of Access to Success Route for students from low socio-economic groups for 12/13 including a review of the Community Partnerships Programme and decisions about the most effective way forward. Student recruitment and progression targets achieved. Data provided by Information Office. 1 Ensure priority groups but particularly disabled students and those with caring responsibilities, are catered for in the expenditure of the Access to Learning Fund. Access to Learning Fund spending priorities are reviewed and focus on advancement of equality is incorporated in the assessing guidelines for staff. Review spending priorities and associated staff guidelines to ensure that disabled students and carers of disabled people are favoured by Access to Learning Fund decisions. Corporate and Individual Records for Customers and Enquirers (CIRCE MI) 9 Ensure methods used to communicate with all students encourages involvement and participation and students particular needs are addressed to allow genuine dialogue. Communication with students is identified as good or excellent for all frontline staff in the quality monitoring framework. For new students any individual requirements will be identified and the student record updated as standard. Quality monitoring through the quality framework, oneto-one and Career Development and Staff Appraisal meetings. Support successful implementation of Access to Success route for priority groups (for the Open University). Applications for the Access to Success route are assessed within agreed service levels Queries for the Access to Success route are handled to the same service standards as other new framework student groups. Quality monitoring. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 143 144 145 Access to Success programme 146 9 142 Student Services 36 Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) Data provided by Information Office. 8 Improve equality monitoring information. Ability to identify and count students with caring responsibilities - to be taken forward as part of the Widening Access and Success Strategy 20122015. Data provided by Information Office. 9 Improve equality policy and guidance for staff and students. Action plan for students with caring responsibilities Actions identified in Widening to be taken forward as part of the Widening Access and Success Strategy Access and Success Strategy 2012-2015. implemented. Reporting to/Monitoring by Widening Participation Management Group. 3 Reduce the ethnicity attainment gap. Information, Advice and Guidance staff to work closely with Community Partnership Managers to better understand the experience of black learners. By reducing the difference between the proportion of white and black students obtaining a ‘good pass’ on modules at levels 2 and 3 from 28.8% in 2009/10 to 25.8% by 2014/15. Comparison of student data. Further work is being designed to take forward the Black and Minority Ethnic attainment recommendations in 2012/13 through involving the Associate Lecturer community. Engagement of key stakeholders in the initial development of the project and consultation process. Active and resource support for larger project to take forward the Black and Minority Ethnic attainment recommendations including production of resources. Firm project plans in place to take forward the creation of new staff development and support resources. Receive feedback from stakeholders involved in the developmental project work, obtain support for project resourcing. Evaluation of resources once in use with users. 151 Markers established on Valuing Our Integrated Customer Experience (VOICE) and baseline figures produced. 148 Currently being finalised through Widening Access Numerical indicators. and Success Strategy due to go to ViceChancellor Executive in June 2012. 149 Reduce the ethnicity attainment gap for Black and Minority Ethnic students with low socio-economic status 150 3 147 Student Services 37 Action Measure of success Evaluation method WP To engage with the Department of Employment and Learning’s emerging HE and Widening Participation Strategies and develop the Open University in Ireland’s response to these in terms of plans, in partnership with other stakeholders where appropriate, to ensure that prospective students within more disadvantaged socioeconomic groups are given support in terms of aspiration, attainment and access to higher education. Open University in Ireland provision reviewed in light of new strategic framework. Review of SMART objectives in plans WP To work with colleagues in the Department of Employment and Learning, with colleagues at Milton Keynes, Department for Business, Innovation and skills (BIS) and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to develop a clear transfer plan for Widening Participation resources for Northern Ireland students to new devolved arrangements. Resources are transferred at comparable level to 2011/12. Review of SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable or Agreed, Realistic, Timely or Trackable) objectives in Plans. Continuing adherence to Northern Ireland legislative requirements with regard to Fair Employment, Equality and Diversity. Legal compliance, effective monitoring arrangements, reports to Equality Commission for Northern Ireland submitted according to deadline. Ongoing. Advance worldwide educational opportunities through membership and participation of the British Council and the Commonwealth of Learning. Increased engagement and support provided by the Open University. Records of engagement and partnership activity. Champion the University’s Aspire Leadership Mentoring programme for minority staff. Participation in key programme events. Records of participation and engagement. Ref Equality WP objective objective no (if applicable) (if applicable) 154 153 152 Student Services 156 155 University Secretary’s Office 38 WP objective (if applicable) Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ensure equality issues are considered as appropriate by the People and Culture Steering Group. Evidence of due regard through equality analysis and reporting. Documentation of steering group meetings. Develop a communication campaign to implement the University’s revised equality scheme, particularly with respect to individual responsibilities. Awareness of the scheme and what it means to individuals in practice is high. Evaluation survey and additional in-depth discussions/interviews. Ref Equality objective no (if applicable) Review of guidance and briefings/training completed by Sept 2012. Template for equality analysis in Vice-Chancellors Executive (VCE) papers and project management by Dec 2012. Evidence of equality analysis in papers to major committees. Feedback on guidance and training. Evidence of templates being used. Sample of committee papers from major University committees. 1 to 9 Implement new arrangements to formalise the reporting relationship between the Equality and Diversity Management Group and the Senior Accountable Executives for agreed equality objectives. Robust reporting arrangements in place that ensure accountability and adequate support. Feedback from Senior Accountable Executives. 8 Implement religion/belief and sexual orientation monitoring for staff and students so that advice, guidance and support can be more effectively targeted. Achieve at least 40% for staff declaration by Dec 2012. New registration questions in place for 2012/13 student intake. Equality monitoring data available in April 2013. Review of amended student registration questions. 158 159 Improve processes to provide greater assurance on compliance with public sector equality duty and Section 75 (Northern Ireland) in relation to equality analysis of policy and strategy. 160 Feedback from Senior Accountable Executives. Annual progress reports and scrutiny of those reports by the Equality and Diversity Management Group. 161 Provide support to appointed Senior Accountable Senior Accountable Executives Executives in establishing projects and task groups are satisfied with support to further agreed equality objectives. available. Sufficient and appropriate action is taken to deliver equality objectives. 162 1 to 9 157 University Secretary’s Office WP objective (if applicable) Action Measure of success Evaluation method Ref Equality objective no (if applicable) Implement online community background monitoring for staff in Northern Ireland to improve efficiency in gathering and reporting that information. Available on staff self-serve system by Dec 2012. Review of questions on staff self-serve system. 9 Develop and implement policy and guidance to ensure the University provides appropriate and consistent support to students during pregnancy and maternity. Improved policy and guidance in place by Dec 2012. Feedback during development process. Student feedback. 9 Develop and implement policy and guidance to ensure the University provides appropriate and consistent support to students in relation to observation of their religion or belief. Improved policy and guidance in place by June 2013. Feedback during development process. Student feedback. Provide assurance on equality analysis for policy papers presented to Strategic Planning and Resources Committee. Evidence of equality analysis in papers. Sample of committee papers reviewed. To encourage staff nominations from underrepresented groups, i.e. ethnic minority, younger and disabled people in the 2012 elections to the Senate and its Committees to better match the University's profile in these areas. The new governance website launched in autumn 2011 gave governance a greater visibility which should help encourage greater participation by all staff groups including under represented groups. Better comparison of Senate membership with all OU staff for gender, disability, age and ethnic origin. Analysis of annual statistics. To reinforce the need for all committee papers to be considered for equality impacts. Information on this is already included on the governance website. Papers to high level governance committees include an equality impact statement. Analysis of content of high level governance committee papers. 168 To provide further information about alternative formats for committee papers and respond to requests as appropriate. Number of requests satisfied. Analysis of requests and any action taken. 167 166 165 164 163 8 169 University Secretary’s Office 40