Aridity influence on vegetation patterns in the middle Ebro Valley (Spain): evaluation by means of AVHRR images and climate interpolation techniques Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano1,2*, José M. Cuadrat-Prats3 and Alfredo Romo4 1 Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC (Spanish Research Council), Campus de Aula Dei, P.O. Box 202, Zaragoza 50080, Spain 2 Unit for Landscape Modelling, University of Cambridge, Sir William Hardy Building, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge, CB2 1QB, UK 3 Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Zaragoza. C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12. 50009. Zaragoza. Spain. 4 Laboratorio de Teledetección. Departamento de Física Aplicada I. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Valladolid. 47071. Valladolid. Spain * e-mail: ABSTRACT. This paper analyses the role of climatic aridity on the spatial differences of vegetation activity and its inter-annual variability in a semiarid region of the North East of the Iberian Peninsula. The vegetation activity was quantified by means of a monthly NDVI database from NOAA-AVHRR satellite images (1987-2000) at 1 km2 of spatial resolution. Coefficients of variation (CoV) from temporal NDVI series were also calculated. The greater temporal variability of NDVI was recorded in areas with low vegetation cover (steppe and dry farming lands), whereas the lowest temporal variability of NDVI was recorded in the irrigated lands and forests located in the most humid areas. There is a strong and negative relationship between the CoV and the NDVI distribution, but we recorded important differences among land uses. Using maps of annual precipitation and temperature obtained by means of a regression-based method, we studied the influence of aridity on spatial patterns of NDVI and CoV values. The results show the high influence of aridity on the spatial distribution of vegetation activity in the Middle Ebro Valley. Aridity causes a general decrease of NDVI and an increase of CoV. Nevertheless, non-linear relationships between aridity and NDVI and CoV were recorded for the whole of the study area and for the different land uses. The relationships between aridity and vegetation patterns in the semiarid region studied are discussed in depth. KEY WORDS. Remote Sensing, NDVI, Temporal variability of vegetation, regressionbased interpolation, land cover types, Mediterranean region. 1. Introduction Arid and semiarid regions of the world are highly sensitive to human-induced climate and/or land transformation (Nicholson and Farrar 1994; Nicholson et al. 1998; Evans and Geerken 2004). In these regions, lack of water is the main constraint for vegetation development (Hadley and Szarek 1981; Le Houreou 1984). In the semiarid areas of the Mediterranean region there is high ecological uncertainty related to the consequences of possible climatic change during the twenty-first century. Some climatic models show an important decrease in water availability in this area (Houghton et al. 2001; Jones et al. 1996), which could cause dramatic consequences for natural ecosystems and dry farming. The semiarid regions of southern Europe are ecotones where the impacts of climate change can be identified early (Lavorel et al. 1998). Knowing the influence of climate on vegetation in these regions is very important to determine the possible consequences of climatic change on vegetation characteristics. Remote sensing is an useful tool to analyse the vegetation dynamic on local (Ringrose and Matheson 1991), regional (Nicholson et al. 1990), or global scales (Lucht et al. 2002; Kawabata et al. 2001; Kogan 2001) and to determine the impact of climate on vegetation (Wang et al. 2001 and 2003). Several studies have shown that interannual differences in vegetation parameters are mainly driven by water availability (Farrar et el. 1994; Santos and Negrin 1997; Weiss et al. 2004; Sannier and Taylor 1998; Maseli et al. 1992; Groten 1993; Al-Bakri and Taylor 2003). Ichii et al. (2002) analysed the relationships between precipitation and vegetation activity, quantified by means of remote sensing, on a global scale and found the highest correlation in the arid and semiarid regions of the world in South Africa, Australia and Central Asia. Moreover, other studies have shown by means of remote sensing that interannual variability of vegetation activity in semiarid regions is higher than in humid and sub-humid regions (e.g., Wang et al. 2003; Tucker et al. 1991). Also deserts and herbaceous covers were found to have the highest variability (Fang et al. 2001, for China). Nevertheless, in the semiarid regions of southern Europe there are few studies on the relationships between climatic conditions and vegetation cover quantified by means of remote sensing (e.g., González-Alonso et al. 1995 and 2001; Ascaso 1997). This paper analyses the spatial patterns of vegetation activity and its temporal variability in the Middle Ebro Valley, a semiarid Mediterranean region located in the North East of the Iberian Peninsula, where the transformation of vegetation cover due to human activity has been intense (Frutos, 1976). In the Middle Ebro Valley, there are agricultural areas with an important economic, social, and environmental interest (Martí 1992; Austin et al 1998). Also, there are some natural areas modified by humans (steppes) with great landscape diversity and biological richness (SuárezCardona et al. 1992; Pedrocchi 1998) and forests located in the boundaries of their climatic limitations (Braun-Blanquet and Bolós, 1957). Understanding the influence of climate on the spatial distribution of vegetation cover and vegetation activity is very important, mainly for the areas where climate change is predicted during the Twenty-first Century. These studies may help determine possible structural and functional modifications of vegetation, corresponding to the present climate models. The study presented here has been done in a region highly humanised and prone to soil degradation (Lasanta, 2003), that may be affected by some of the problems related to global change. 2. Study area The Middle Ebro Valley is one of the most arid regions of the Iberian Peninsula (Figure 1). The vegetation activity in this region is highly determined by the water availability (Braun-Blanquet and Bolos 1957; Austin et al. 1998). The vegetation cover is low due to aridity, poor soils and frequent droughts (Guerrero et al. 1999; Vicente-Serrano, 2004). Lithology is characterised by millstones and gypsums (Peña et al. 2002) that contribute to aridity because soils poorly retain the water (Navas and Machin 1998). Relief determines the climate since the Valley is surrounded by mountainous chains that cause continental climatic characteristics and important dry conditions (Cuadrat 1999). In the centre of the Valley the annual precipitation is less than 350 mm. Moreover, throughout the study area there is a negative water balance (precipitation – evapotranspiration), which is very important in the central areas (> 900 mm). Temperature has an important seasonality. Frost periods are frequent in winter, which limit, noticeably, the vegetation development. In the centre of the valley the winter average temperature is 10º, but minimum temperatures below –10 ºC are frequent. In summer, the average temperature is 24 ºC, although maximum temperatures above 40 ºC are also frequent. Seasonal differences of precipitation are less important, although the dry season is usually recorded during summer months. The landscape has for centuries been highly determined by human land use, which has substantially altered the natural vegetation (Frutos 1976; Pinilla 1995). During the second half of the twentieth century, the transformations affected large areas due to the creation of irrigated lands (Frutos 1982) and land abandonment caused by the extensification policies of the European Union (Errea and Lasanta 1993). At present, the dominant land uses are steppes (mosaic of shrubs and pastures) (25.7%), dry farming areas with herbaceous cultivations (21.4%), and the mosaic of both these previous land uses (13.6%). Coniferous forests (mainly Pinus halepensis) cover 7.9% of the total surface of the study area. Moreover, an important percentage of the study area has been transformed to introduce irrigation (20.8%) (Figure 1). 3. Methods 3.1. Remote sensing capability to ecosystems monitoring We used remote sensing to analyse the influence of climate on vegetation activity and its interannual variability. The use of remote sensing to analyse vegetation activity is based on the spectral properties of vegetation, which absorbs an important percentage of electromagnetic energy in the visible region and reflects a high percentage in the near-infrared region (Knipling 1970). Due to these properties, different vegetation indices based on combinations of red and infrared bands can be calculated. The most widely used is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Tucker 1979). High NDVI values indicate high vegetation activity due to the strong relationship of this index to radiation absorbed in photosynthetic processes (Gallo et al. 1985). But NDVI is also highly related to net primary production, vegetation cover and leaf area index (Sellers 1985). The NDVI presents some problems for vegetation analysis due to the fact that relationships between NDVI and biomass or vegetation cover are often not linear (Choudhury et al. 1994; Gillies et al. 1997). Nicholson et al. (1990) indicated that the NDVI is a poor indicator of vegetation biomass in areas with high vegetation density. The soil background may also affects NDVI in semiarid regions because as the percentage of vegetation cover decreases the signal become increasingly contaminated by the soil reflectance (Huete and Jackson 1987). Nevertheless, in arid and semiarid areas in which the vegetation cover is not dense, several studies have shown the strong relationship between NDVI and vegetation biomass, vegetation cover and vegetation activity (i.e., Tucker et al. 1981; Gutman 1991; Diallo et al. 1991; Fuller 1998). The NDVI is obtained from different satellites, but due to the elevated temporal frequency and the spatial resolution, the NOAA-AVHRR images are widely used in NDVI calculation (Gutman 1991; Gutman et al. 1995; Ehrlich et al. 1994). The AVHRR sensor registers radiometric data in the red and infrared spectral regions. The spatial resolution (1.1 km at nadir) reduces radiometric problems caused by soil (Jasinski 1990) or topography (Burgess et al. 1995). The NDVI data used in this paper were created in Spain by the LATUV (Remote Sensing Laboratory of Valladolid University) at local area coverage resolution (LAC, 1 km 2 of grid cell size). The images are received daily, calibrated (Kaufman and Holben 1993; NOAA 2003) and atmospherically corrected based on a modification of the 5S code (Tanré et al. 1990) using standard atmospheric measures for ozone absorption and molecular dispersion. For water vapour a method based on brightness temperatures of channels 4 and 5 is used (Illera et al. 1997). Later, the NDVI is obtained and geometrically corrected (Illera et al. 1996a). Residual atmospheric errors are reduced with the creation of monthly indices using the Maximum Value Composite method (MVC) (Holben 1986). The method is based on the selection of the maximum monthly NDVI from the daily images because the maximum values are recorded under optimum atmospheric and observation conditions: near Nadir, low aerosols and free of cloud (Gutman, 1989). The NDVI data set used in this paper has been extensively applied in the Iberian Peninsula for numerous purposes: identification of droughts (González-Alonso et al. 2000 and 2001), yield productivity and natural vegetation monitoring (Vázquez et al. 2001), or forest fire danger (Illera et al. 1996b). We obtained one NDVI image per month from 1988 to 2000. For analysis, we selected the months between April and September, a period when vegetation is active in the different land-uses. We used the monthly NDVI data for each month, but also calculated annual values to summarise the vegetation activity between April and September. For this purpose we used integrated NDVI values during the season (ΣNDVI) because these values are highly related to net primary production (Tucker et al. 1981; Tucker and Sellers 1986; Prince and Tucker 1986). Integrated values were calculated following a trapezoidal approximation from monthly data (Justice and Hiernaux, 1986; Samson, 1993). Each annual value is obtained by means of the sum of the monthly NDVI values between April and September. The average of monthly (NDVI) and annual (April to September) values (ΣNDVI) were obtained for each pixel of 1 km2. Moreover, coefficients of variation (CoV) at monthly and annual time scales were calculated to determine the temporal variability of NDVI following Weiss and Milich (1997). Coefficient of variation is a simple statistic calculated from the average and the standard deviation of the NDVI series in each pixel. This statistic has been widely used to determine the spatial differences of temporal variability in the vegetation activity of different arid and semiarid regions of the world (i.e., Tucker et al., 1991; Milich and Weiss, 1997; Fang et al. 2001). The CORINE land cover map of the study area (CLC, 1989), reclassified to 12 categories, was used to determine the role of different land uses in spatial patterns of NDVI and CoV. For this purpose, we calculated the dominant land cover for each pixel of 1 km2, using a mode criterion (each pixel of 1 Km2 was assigned to the land cover type that represents the higher percentage of surface within the pixel). The classes used in this study were: 1: Dry farming areas (herbaceous), 2: Dry farming areas (permanent), 3: Dry farming areas (mosaic of herbaceous and permanent), 4: Irrigated lands, 5: Leafy forests, 6: Coniferous forests, 7: Steppes (shrubs and pastures) and 8: Mosaic of dry farming areas and steppes. 3.2. Continuous aridity mapping To determine the role of aridity on the spatial patterns of NDVI and CoV we used precise climatic maps to take into account the climatic spatial differences caused by topographic and geographic factors. For this purpose we used the mean monthly precipitation from 159 and the mean monthly temperature from 72 weather stations. Random sampling was carried out on the original data set: seventy-percent of the data was used for interpolations and the remaining was reserved for subsequent test. There are several methods to obtain continuous climatic surfaces over the territory (Isaaks and Strivastava, 1989; Goovaerts 1997; Borrough and McDonnell, 1998). In this paper we have used regression-based methods by means of independent geographic and topographic variables. Regression methods are based on the creation of dependence models between climatic data and geographic and topographic variables. The climatic data in a location where information is not available is predicted according to: z ( x) b0 b1P1 b2 P2 ... bn Pn Where z is the predicted value in point (x), b0,...,bn are the regression coefficients and P1,...,Pn are the values of the different independent variables in point x. The relationship between climatic data and geographical and topographical variables has been widely analysed in the scientific literature (Basist et al. 1994, Daly et al. 2002). These relationships may be used to create empirical models that predict the climatic data from geographic and topographic variables. In this paper, to map precipitation and temperature we have used an approach similar to that of Agnew and Palutikof (2000), which mapped mean temperature and precipitation in the Mediterranean Basin. The independent variables used in this paper can be consulted in Vicente-Serrano et al. (2003). They were obtained from a digital elevation model of the study area at the same spatial resolution as the NDVI images (1 km2). Results obtained from regression models are inexact. The predicted values z(xi) do not coincide with the climatic data obtained in the weather stations. There is a known error in the prediction (residual). To improve the climatic maps and to correct this known error we interpolated the residuals (Ninyerola et al. 2000; Agnew and Palutikof, 2000; Brown and Comrie, 2002) by means of splines with tension (Mitasova and Mitas, 1993). The sum of prediction and residual maps modifies the initial results of the model and real climatic values are obtained in the location of weather stations. To validate the models and to know the final quality of the maps we used different accuracy statistics (See Vicente-Serrano et al. 2003) by means of 30% of the weather stations that were retained to validate the models. To obtain a general measure of aridity we calculated an Aridity Index (AI) based on the ratio between the mean precipitation and temperature maps on monthly and annual time scales by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This index has been widely used for climatic classification (Köppen 1923; UNESCO 1979) and aridity quantification (De Martonne 1957; Korzun et al. 1976; Botzan et al. 1998). Low values of the index indicate higher aridity. Relationships between the AI, the NDVI and the CoV were measured by means of a non-parametric correlation coefficient (Rho-Spearman) because it is more robust than parametric coefficients, it is not affected by outliers and its use is convenient when relationships between variables are not linear (Siegel and Castelan, 1988). 4. Results 4.1. Spatial distribution of aridity The results of the regression models obtained for precipitation and temperature are shown in Table 1. In general, the models have a great quality, with high percentages of variance explained and low errors in the predictions in relation to the range of spatial variability of precipitation and temperature over the territory. Table 2 shows the results of validation. In general the models have a high quality. The mean absolute error is less than 6 mm for monthly precipitation maps and less than 0.8 ºC for maps of monthly mean temperature. Annual maps (April to September) also show a high quality. The agreement index (Willmott’s D), which scales with the magnitude of the variables retains mean information and does not amplify outliers (Willmott, 1981), also shows values higher than 0.86 in all cases, but in general the values are higher than 0.90. This indicates a high agreement between measured and predicted data in the weather stations reserved for validation. Figure 2 shows the spatial distribution of the averaged Aridity Index (AI) between April and September. Important spatial differences are observed, mainly related to the relief distribution, which determines the spatial distribution of precipitation and temperature. Aridity is more intense in the centre and east of the study area, where low precipitation and high temperatures are recorded. In the North, close to the Pyrenean range, the most humid conditions are shown as a consequence of high precipitation and low temperatures. In the southeast, close to the Mediterranean Sea and also corresponding to a Mountainous area, the conditions are also humid. 4.2. Spatial patterns of NDVI Vegetation activity has an important seasonality. The highest vegetation activity is recorded in the months of April and May. In spring the highest NDVI values are recorded in the north of the study area, corresponding to forests, steppes and dry farming areas. In June, as a consequence of the start of the summer dryness, vegetation activity decreases and the mean NDVI decreases dramatically in dry farming areas and in steppes. However, spatial diversity is very important and it is caused by the presence of irrigated lands and some forested areas. Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of the NDVI average from 1988 to 2000. The spatial differences are very important. Large areas located in the centre of the Valley have low values that indicate low vegetation activity and net primary production. Higher values are recorded in the forests of the north and the south-east and the irrigated areas (NDVI > 2.8). There are important differences in the NDVI values related to the spatial distribution of land-uses. The lowest NDVI average is recorded in the dry farming areas (1.98), whereas the highest values are recorded in the irrigated lands (2.74), leafy forests (2.75) and coniferous forests (2.33). 4.3. Spatial patterns of CoV Monthly differences are important, but values are higher during the summer months. In spring, high CoV values are recorded, mainly in the dry farming lands and steppes. During the summer the most important pattern is the low CoV values recorded in the irrigated lands and forested areas. The irrigated lands show lower CoV values than dry farming areas in all months. The forests also show low CoV values, although leafy forests show a lower variability than coniferous forests, mainly in spring. Moreover, independently of the monthly differences, the land uses characterised by a lower vegetation cover such as the steppes and the dry farming areas are located in the driest regions of the centre of the Valley, which correspond to the highest CoV values. The areas with the highest interannual variability of the NDVI values are the dry farming lands and the steppes (Figure 4). Also some areas modified by irrigation in the 1990s show a high variability. These areas have been eliminated for subsequent analysis to avoid perturbations caused by abrupt changes in land uses. Irrigated lands show a low interannual variability and this is also observed in the forests located in the north and the south of the study area. Also the small patches of coniferous forests located in the centre of the Valley have lower CoV values than surrounding dryfarming lands and steppes. In relation to the averages in the different land-uses, the dry farming lands show the highest CoV averages (0.10), whereas the irrigated lands (0.074), leafy forests (0.070) and coniferous forests (0.078), show lower values. The steppes show medium CoV values (0.085). 4.4. Relationships between NDVI and CoV Figure 5 shows the relationship between the spatial distribution of NDVI and CoV for the whole study area. Irrigated lands are not shown because irrigation alters importantly the relationship. There is a clear negative relationship between both variables, which indicates that areas of high NDVI values have lower CoV values than areas of low NDVI. Nevertheless, the relationship between these two parameters is not linear. A negative exponential relationship is recorded, which indicates that areas with low NDVI values coincide with spaces in which a high interannual variability of NDVI is recorded (CoV values higher than 0.15). Between NDVI values of 1.5 and 2.5 there is a high CoV range. Over 2.5 this range is reduced but there is not a decrease of the CoV values proportional to the NDVI increase. Over NDVI values higher than 2.5 the CoV is not sensitive to NDVI increase. The relationship between NDVI and CoV is negative and statistically significant (Rho = -0.59, p < 0.001). 4.5. Aridity influence on the spatial patterns of NDVI Figure 6 shows the relationship between the spatial distribution of mean NDVI and the Aridity Index (AI). Grey points indicate irrigated lands, which are mainly located in sectors with high aridity (AI < 2.6) but, in general, show high NDVI values. The irrigation modifies the relationship between aridity and vegetation productivity. For this reason higher NDVI values than expected by climatic conditions are recorded in irrigated lands. In the other land-uses the relationship between the spatial distribution of the AI and the NDVI is clearly positive (Rho = 0.74, p <0.001) but not linear. Between 1.5 and 3 NDVI values the relationship between both variables is positive and linear. Over 3, although the magnitude of the AI increases, the NDVI values remain constant. The relationship indicates that the spatial distribution of the NDVI is highly determined by aridity, mainly in areas with low water availability. Figure 7 shows the average NDVI and AI for the different land-uses. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the different land-uses is highly related to the spatial distribution of aridity, with the exception of irrigated areas. The mean values of AI correlate the mean NDVI values corresponding to different land-uses (R2 = 0.96). These results are confirmed when relationships between aridity and NDVI values are analysed independently in the different land-uses. Important differences are found (Figure 8). The positive and significant relationships between the AI and the NDVI are dominant and significant in the different land-uses. The exceptions are the irrigated lands, where correlation is negative (Rho = - 0.40). In the dry farming areas, the relationship between NDVI and AI is more linear than in the other land-uses. In this land-use the AI range is low (from 1.5 to 4). In the most humid areas (AI values higher than 4), however, other land-uses are located, such as leafy and coniferous forests. The non-linear relationship between NDVI and AI found throughout the study area is caused by the NDVI values in some forested regions where the AI is higher than 4. Over this threshold the NDVI is not sensitive to the AI increase. These patterns are also recognised analysing the NDVI-AI relationships on a monthly time scale. The monthly relationships between NDVI and the AI are positive and significant with Rho coefficients higher than 0.52 in all cases, with a maximum of 0.75 in May. Table 3 shows the monthly Rho-values between the NDVI and the AI in different land-uses. Results are similar to those found on an annual scale, the positive and significant correlations prevailing in the different land-uses with the exception of the irrigated lands, where correlations are negative. This indicates that independently of the monthly phenological differences in vegetation activity, aridity is a critical factor to explain the spatial differences in the NDVI values each month in the land-uses of the middle Ebro Valley. 4.6. Aridity influence on the spatial patterns of CoV Figure 9 shows the relationship between the spatial distribution of the AI and the annual CoV values. Irrigated lands have been indicated separately as in NDVI analysis because these areas have small CoV values corresponding to high aridity conditions. In the other land-uses there is a negative and significant correlation between the spatial distribution of the AI and the CoV values (Rho = -0.40, p <0.001). However, in this case the relationship is not linear either. In the most humid areas, only low CoV values are recorded, and in the driest areas, the range of CoV values is high but the highest CoV values (> 0.10) are only recorded in the most arid regions. Figure 10 shows mean values of CoV and AI for the different land-uses. The relationship is negative, the opposite of what is observed for the relationship between NDVI and AI. More favourable moisture conditions favour the low interannual variability of the NDVI. The spatial distribution of land-uses and their associated CoV values is also highly determined by aridity (R2 = 0.74). Only the irrigated lands show a different behaviour (low CoV values corresponding to high aridity), which provides evidence that irrigation reduces the inter-annual uncertainty in the net primary production in the most arid regions. Figure 11 shows the relationships between the AI and the annual CoV values for different landuses. In general, the clearest relationships between these two parameters are recorded in natural vegetation areas such as leafy and coniferous forests and in the steppe areas covered by pastures and shrubs. In these land-uses, there is a negative exponential relationship between the spatial distribution of the AI and the CoV values, which indicates that in the most humid areas the CoV is low, whilst the highest values of CoV are recorded exclusively in the driest areas. The dry farming areas show a higher dispersion that indicates a high uncertainty in the CoV values as a function of the AI, although the relationship is negative and statistically significant. In irrigated lands the relationship is positive and also statistically significant. On a monthly time scale the relationships between the AI and the CoV is similar to that shown annually. The monthly correlations in the different land-uses show a similar behaviour than annually: positive correlations between AI and CoV in the irrigated lands and negative in the rest of land-uses. Likewise, the correlations are higher in natural vegetated areas (forests and steppes) (Table 4). 5. Discussion and conclusions Our data show the influence of aridity on the spatial distribution of monthly vegetation activity and of annual vegetation productivity and its interannual variability in the central Ebro Valley (NE Spain). Evidence has been provided about how the use of AVHRR images has a high potential for spatial and temporal analysis of vegetation activity by means of NDVI, allowing us to have continuous spatial data, which can then be included into GIS to establish relationships with other climatic and geographic variables. Moreover, the GIS have also been very useful to estimate continuous climatic data from point measurements so as to provide greater knowledge about the spatial variability of the climatic elements on monthly and annual time scales. The spatial differences in the NDVI and CoV values in the central Ebro Valley are very important. In general, the areas of high vegetation activity correspond to forests and irrigated lands, whereas the dry farming lands and the steppes located in the centre of the Valley show low NDVI values. The poor substrate (gypsums and milestones), the high aridity and the scarce vegetation cover of the central areas explain these low values. The CoV distribution shows the opposite pattern because the temporal variability is high in the dry-farming areas and the steppes and low in forests and irrigated lands. There is a negative and significant relationship between the spatial distribution of the NDVI and CoV values both in the whole study area and in the different land-uses. This indicates that areas of low NDVI values, which imply low vegetation cover and activity, also have the problem of a high interannual uncertainty in vegetation activity and net primary production. Therefore, the availability of grazing resources for livestock and crop productions vary extraordinarily among years, which cause important economic problems in these areas (Frutos, 1976; Martí, 1992; Austin et al. 1998). Moreover, the high interannual variability of the NDVI identified in the areas characterised by a low vegetation cover could be indicative of possible degradation problems. The high interannual variability of the vegetation cover might be indicative of non-adaptations to climatic characteristics, which would be caused by the modification of the primitive landscape by humans (Puigdefábregas 1995). When human activity alters the natural vegetation cover, the system may become more vulnerable to climatic variability, and the frequent drought periods that affect this region (VicenteSerrano and Beguería, 2003) could set off degradation processes (Hill and Peters 1996; Pickup 1998). This paper has also provided evidence about the fact that in the Middle Ebro Valley the spatial distribution of NDVI is mainly determined by the spatial distribution of aridity. This has also been observed in other semiarid regions of the world, where the main limiting factor for vegetation activity is soil moisture availability (Le Houerou, 1984; Bonifacio et al., 1993). Nevertheless, we must indicate that the middle Ebro Valley is a region in which vegetation cover has been highly altered by humans for centuries. Despite the important centuries-old human-induced land cover change (deforestation and land-intensification), the NDVI values have experienced few changes regarding the potential climatic characteristics. The single exceptions are irrigated lands, where transformation causes a significant increase of NDVI values regarding the climatic characteristics. This fact provides evidence that aridity is the main limiting factor to explain the present distribution of the different land-uses in the middle Ebro Valley. Climatic control of the spatial patterns of NDVI has been observed in other semiarid regions (Malo and Nicholson, 1990; Farrar et al. 1994; Liu and Kogan, 1996; Weiss et al. 2004). Nicholson et al. (1990) have indicated that in the Sahel and in East Africa spatial patterns of NDVI are highly related to the spatial distribution of annual precipitation. These authors have also shown a high relationship between the spatial distribution of NDVI and precipitation in regions in which annual precipitation oscillates between 200 and 1200 mm. Over 1200 mm, they indicated that NDVI is not sensitive to precipitation increase. Some other authors have also shown that the NDVI is not sensitive to high precipitation values. This causes relationships between NDVI and precipitation to be not linear but log-linear (Poccard and Richard, 1996; Santos and Negrín, 1997). This has also been observed in the middle Ebro Valley monthly and annually. Over a threshold of 3.5 in the AI the NDVI is non-sensitive to the increase in moisture availability. This could be explained by the differences in the water-use efficiency by the distinct vegetation covers (Le Houerou, 1984), but also by the spatial differences in precipitation values. In the most humid areas, the high precipitation cannot be absorbed entirety by soil. High precipitation causes an increase of the aridity index, but this does not necessarily involve an increase of the water availability because in the areas that receive the highest precipitation there is a significant superficial runoff, which is not used by vegetation to increase activity and net primary production. Moreover, in forested regions and areas with high vegetation cover, the relationship among vegetation parameters such as the leaf area index and the net primary production and the NDVI is, on occasion, not linear (Gillies et al., 1997; Choudhury et al., 1994) because the NDVI saturates before the maximum biomass is reached (Carlson et al., 1990). The NDVI can be a poor indicator of vegetation biomass when a high density of the vegetation cover is recorded. When the surface is totally foliated saturation can be reached, which causes absorbed radiation and NDVI to remain constant while the leaf area index increases in subsurface vegetation layers. In such cases, the surface and low leaf reflectivity is attenuated when the surface is totally darkened by the superficial leaves (Carlson and Ripley, 1997), which causes the relationship between the NDVI and the net primary production in dense forested areas to be not linear but log-linear (Spanner et al., 1990). This could imply that in the most humid regions the high humidity favours vegetation activity, but this is not well shown by the NDVI. Nevertheless, and independently of the NDVI saturation over certain AI thresholds, the results obtained in steppes and dry farming areas indicate that in non-forested regions the main constraint to explain the spatial and temporal variability of the vegetation activity is aridity, independently of monthly phenological differences. The land-uses located in the central regions of the Ebro Valley are near their boundaries of ecological distribution due to the important aridity that characterises the climate and the frequent and intense droughts (Vicente-Serrano and Beguería, 2003). In general, vegetation located near its boundaries of ecological distribution is more vulnerable to climatic variability (Fritts, 1976). Different studies have shown that in areas affected by extreme climatic conditions the response of vegetation to interannual climatic variability is very high (Milich and Weiss, 2000; Salinas-Zavala et al. 2002). The dominant herbaceous formations and shrubs with little developed root systems cannot muffle the soil water decrease during dry periods. For this reason, these areas will have important interannual differences in NDVI values (Milich and Weiss, 1997), which are highly determined by the soil water availability (Reed, 1993). The creation of irrigated lands in the middle Ebro Valley generates some environmental and socioeconomic problems related to soil degradation and salinisation and social conflicts related to the water availability (Lasanta et al. 2001; Herrero and Aragüés, 1988; Embid, 2003). However, irrigation importantly increases the final crop productions and also reduces significantly the interannual uncertainty in the vegetation productivity. The NDVI values in irrigated lands increase noticeably in relation to the potentiality, depending on aridity conditions. Irrigation makes the relationships between AI, NDVI and CoV the opposite of what is observed in the other land-uses. In the most arid areas, higher temperatures are recorded, and these favour vegetation activity when there are no restrictions of water availability. Few studies on the productivity in irrigated lands using remote sensing have been carried out, but Millington et al. (1994) and Srivastava et al. (1997) in Pakistan and India, respectively, have indicated that irrigation reduces the interannual variability of NDVI in comparison to non-irrigated lands due to less dependence on precipitation variability. The results obtained in this paper, where the important role of aridity on vegetation has been shown, provide evidence about the high sensitivity to the climatic change processes exhibited by the semiarid Mediterranean regions. In the Mediterranean area, the present climatic models predict a precipitation decrease greater than 15% and a temperature increase higher than 3 degrees in the second half of the twentieth century (Houghton et al. 2001). Moreover, an increase in the temporal climatic variability is also predicted (Katz and Brown, 1992). This would cause a very important increase of aridity conditions, a decrease of the vegetation activity and the net primary production as well as an increment of the temporal variability and uncertainty about vegetation productivity. Moreover, soil erosion and degradation processes could be reinforced by climatic change and even the spatial distribution of land-uses could be affected. Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the projects: “Caracterización espacio-temporal de las sequías en el valle medio del Ebro e identificación de sus impactos” (BSO2002-02743), “Variabilidad climática y dinámica forestal en ecosistemas de ecotono” (REN2003-07453), “El papel de las sequías en los procesos de modificación ambiental en el semiárido aragonés: evaluación mediante imágenes de satélite de alta resolución espacial y Sistemas de Información Geográfica” (CGL200504508/BOS) financed by the Spanish Comission of Science and Technology (CICYT) and FEDER, and “Programa de grupos de investigación consolidados” (grupo Clima, Cambio Global y Sistemas Naturales, BOA 48 of 20-04-2005), financed by the Aragón Government. Research of the first author was supported by postdoctoral fellowship by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Spain). We would like to thank to Dr. D.A. Ravetta and the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. 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Spatial distribution of annual CoV values. Figure 5. Relationship between the NDVI and annual CoV. Irrigated lands are not shown. Figure 6. Relationship between the annual aridity index (AI) (April-September) and the mean NDVI values. Grey points indicate irrigated lands. Figure 7. Average values of the NDVI and AI for the different land-uses Figure 8. Monthly relationships between the spatial distribution of AI and the NDVI in the different land-uses. 1: Dry farming areas (herbaceous), 2: Dry farming areas (permanent) , 3: Dry farming areas (mosaic of herbaceous and permanent), 4: Irrigated lands, 5: Leafy forests, 6: Coniferous forests, 7: Steppes (shrubs and pastures) and 8: Mosaic of dry farming areas and steppes. All correlations are statistically significant (< 0.01). Figure 9. Relationship between the spatial distribution of the annual AI and the annual CoV values. The irrigated lands are indicated independently (in grey colour). Figure 10. Average values of CoV and AI in the different land-uses. Figure 11. Monthly relationships between the spatial distribution of AI and the CoV in the different land-uses. See codes in figure 8. Table 1. Results of regression models for monthly precipitation and temperature PRECIPITATION April May June July August September R2 0.70 0.58 0.62 0.42 0.67 0.66 Corrected R2 0.69 0.56 0.61 0.39 0.65 0.64 Error St. 7.38 8.08 7.36 4.00 6.32 8.01 TEMPERATURE R2 0.77 0.84 0.78 0.59 0.53 0.56 Corrected R2 0.76 0.83 0.76 0.57 0.52 0.54 Error St. 0.65 0.57 0.67 0.90 0.92 0.88 Table 2: Accuracy measurements for temperature and precipitation maps. RMSE: Root Mean Standard Error, MAE: Mean absolute error. April May June July August September Annual RMSE 6.14 5.92 7.33 3.00 4.41 6.75 20.4 Precipitation MAE Willmott’s D 4.02 0.94 4.32 0.92 5.86 0.86 2.26 0.90 3.46 0.94 5.07 0.93 17.15 0.96 RMSE 0.60 0.69 0.73 0.93 0.87 0.71 0.67 Temperature MAE Willmott’s D 0.47 0.94 0.57 0.94 0.56 0.92 0.76 0.87 0.70 0.87 0.62 0.90 0.55 0.92 Table 3: Correlation (Rho-Spearman) between AI and NDVI values in the different land uses. See codes in figure 8. ** Significant correlation (99 %), * Significant correlation (95 %). April May June July August September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.65** 0.36** 0.54** -0.12** 0.51** 0.82** 0.59** 0.65** -0.15 0.55** -0.21** 0.72** 0.82** 0.73** 0.64** 0.04 0.37** -0.41** 0.79** 0.84** 0.65** 0.41** 0.22** 0.18** -0.18** 0.76** 0.65** 0.51** 0.42** 0.21* 0.40** -0.43** 0.82** 0.77** 0.60** 0.44** -0.32 0.49** -0.43** 0.83** 0.80** 0.62** 8 0.71** 0.79** 0.67** 0.40** 0.53** 0.52** Table 4. Correlation (Rho-Spearman) between AI and CoV values in the different land uses. See codes in figure 8. ** Significant correlation (99 %), * Significant correlation (95 %). April May June July August September 1 -0.33** -0.16** 0.12** 0.04 -0.21** -0.25** 2 -0.10 0.24** 0.27** 0.64** 0.23** -0.03 3 -0.24** -0.20** -0.05 0.18 -0.16** -0.31** 4 0.37** 0.52** 0.53** 0.47** 0.27** 0.00 5 -0.30** -0.70** -0.44** -0.32** -0.64** -0.49** 6 -0.41** -0.39** 0.03 -0.11** -0.45** -0.47** 7 -0.47** -0.43** -0.15** -0.19** -0.49** -0.55** 8 -0.33** -0.25** 0.05* 0.15** -0.28** -0.29** Figure 1. Location, topography and spatial distribution of land cover types in the study area. 1: Elevation, 2: Land cover. Figure 2: Spatial distribution of the monthly average aridity index (AI) (April-September) 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 3.6 3.6 Figure 3. Spatial distribution of mean NDVI values in the middle Ebro Valley Figure 4. Spatial distribution of annual CoV values. Figure 5. Relationship between the NDVI and annual CoV. Irrigated lands are not shown. Figure 6. Relationship between the annual aridity index (AI) (April-September) and the mean NDVI values. Grey points indicate irrigated lands. 2.8 Leafy forests Irrigated lands Average NDVI 2.6 2.4 2.2 Coniferous forests Dry farming (herbaceous) Steppes Mosaic of steppes and dry farming 2.0 Dry farming (permanent) Dry farming (mosaic) R2 = 0.96 1.8 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Average AI Figure 7. Average values of the NDVI and AI for the different land-uses 4.0 Figure 8. Monthly relationships between the spatial distribution of AI and the NDVI in the different land-uses. 1: Dry farming areas (herbaceous), 2: Dry farming areas (permanent) , 3: Dry farming areas (mosaic of herbaceous and permanent), 4: Irrigated lands, 5: Leafy forests, 6: Coniferous forests, 7: Steppes (shrubs and pastures) and 8: Mosaic of dry farming areas and steppes. All correlations are statistically significant (< 0.01). Figure 9. Relationship between the spatial distribution of the annual AI and the annual CoV values. The irrigated lands are indicated independently (in grey colour). 0.11 Dry farming (herbaceous) Average CoV 0.10 Dry farming (mosaic) 0.09 Mosaic of steppes and dry farming Dry farming (permanent) Steppes 0.08 Coniferous forests Irrigated lands Leafy forests 0.07 R2 = 0.74 0.06 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Average AI Figure 10. Average values of CoV and AI in the different land-uses. 4.0 Figure 11. Monthly relationships between the spatial distribution of AI and the CoV in the different land-uses. See codes in figure 8.