Semantic Web Service Discovery in a Multi-Ontology Environment Swapna Oundhakar Large Scale Distributed Information Systems (LSDIS) Lab, Department of Computer Science, The University of Georgia Acknowledgements • Advisory Committee Dr. Amit P. Sheth ( Major – Advisor ) Dr. Hamid Arabnia Dr. Liming Cai • LSDIS Student Members Kunal Verma Outline • Web services – Introduction • Multi-Ontology Environment • Approach • Testing • Contributions • Future Work • References WWW – Past & Present Web Service Promise • Easier Service Interoperation • Reduced Costs • Increased Efficiency Web Services – Definition Web services are a new breed of Web application. They are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. (IBM web service tutorial) A Web service is a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described and discovered by XML artifacts and supports direct interactions with other software applications using XML based messages via Internet-based protocols. (W3C definition) Web Services – Standards • Web Services revolve around UDDI, WSDL, SOAP – WSDL • Is a standard for describing a Web service. • It is an XML grammar for specifying properties of a Web service such as what it does, where it is located and how it is invoked. • Does not support semantic description of web services – SOAP • SOAP is an XML based messaging protocol. • It defines a set of rules for structuring the messages being exchanged. – UDDI • UDDI is a registry or a directory where Web service descriptions can be advertised and discovered • By itself does not support semantic description of services and depends on the functionality of the content language Web Services – Architecture Service Registry Service Requester Service Provider Web Services – Problems • Heterogeneity and Autonomy – Syntactic description can not deliver all the intended semantics – Solution – Machine processable descriptions • Dynamic nature of business interactions – Demands – Efficient Discovery, Composition, etc. • Scalability (Enterprises Web) – Needs – Automated service discovery/selection and composition Web Service Discovery – Problems • Current Discovery Approach – – UDDI Search • Keyword based – Checks for Service names containing the Keyword • Browse Categories • Problem – Once set of services returned user has to manually browse to find his requirement – Or has to know the Category in advance Solution Semantic Web – Keyword based search improved by adding semantics to web pages – Apply semantics to service web – Semantic web services Dynamic Web Services Static Bringing the web to its full potential WWW Semantic Web URI, HTML, HTTP RDF, RDF(S), OWL UDDI, WSDL, SOAP Intelligent Web Services D. Fensel, C. Bussler, "The Web Service Modeling Framework WSMF", Technical Report, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam What are Ontologies? • Ontology as “an explicit specification of a conceptualization” - [Gruber, 1993] • Ontology as a “shared understanding of some domain of interest” – [Uschold and Gruninger, 1996] • An ontology provides – A common vocabulary of terms – Some specification of the meaning of the terms (semantics) – An agreement for shared understanding for people and machines. Single Global Ontology • Web services adhere to Large Single ontology – Not Practical • Why? – Variety of applications and the intent behind their development – The real world cannot be based on a single ontology – In a single domain, different domain experts, users, research groups and organizations can conceptualize the same real world entities differently leading to multiple domain ontologies Single Global Ontology (Continued) • Why? – The scope of an ontology or for that matter a domain is usually arbitrary and cannot be formally defined. • Multiple ontologies for the same function • Example – Travel Syndicators like Travelocity, Expedia partner with different airlines which may have different ontologies • Multiple Ontologies for an Activity • Example - Travel planning service from an organization may require ontologies from hospitality domain and travel domain • Coexistence of independent organization and organizational changes • Example - Cisco acquired 40 companies in a year Multiple Domain Ontologies • This leads to differences and overlaps between the models used for ontologies. • A more practical approach would be for Web services to conform to local, domain or application specific ontologies • In such an environment where the service requests and advertisements adhere to different ontologies, there arises a need for a matching algorithm which can deal with the domain semantics modeled by multiple ontologies Relationship to Previous Works on Multi-ontology Environment • In context of Data / Information – First reported effort - OBSERVER@LSDIS [Mena, 1996] – Several other subsequent efforts on ontology mapping / alignment / merging [Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003] • In context of Services – Cardoso’s Ph.D. thesis [Cardoso 2002] - presents preliminary work on service discovery in multiple ontology environment • This thesis advances [Cardoso 2002] by introducing new measures: Context, Coverage – Higher quality matches Semantic Web Service Discovery – Approach • First the user’s service requirement is captured in a semantic search template • This search template is then matched against a set of candidate Web services • The result of this operation is then returned to the user as a set of ranked services Semantic Web Service Discovery – Service Template • Service Template (ST) – ST = < NST, DST, OpsST < NOP, DOP, OsST, IsST > > • NST : Name of the Web service to be found • DST : Textual description of the Web service • OPsST : Set of operations of the required Web service – The operations in turn are specified as – OPsST < NOP, DOP, OsST, IsST > – Where, » NOP : Name of the operation » DOP : Description of the operation » OsST : Outputs of the operation » IsST : Inputs of the operation Semantic Web Service Discovery – Service Template • Example Service Template Search Template Ontological Concept Service Name StockService Operation getStockQuote Input Ticker StockTicker Output StockQuote StockQuote Operation getCompanyNews Input CompanyName companyName Output CompanyNews News Semantic Web Service Discovery – Candidate Service • Example Candidate Service (CS) Candidate Service Ontological Concept Service Name XQuotes Operation getQuickQuote Input quickQuoteInput MultipleQuote Output quickQuoteResponse QuickQuote Operation getQuote Input quoteInput MultipleQuote Output quoteResponse StockQuote Operation getFundQuote Input fundQuoteInput FundQuoteQuery Output fundQuoteResponse fundQuote Semantic Web Service Discovery – Matching • Matching ST and CS – The Search Template is matched against a set of candidate Web services in a registry – Match Scores are calculated for each (ST, CS) pair – These match scores are normalized over the interval of 0 to 1 – Finally the pairs are ranked in the descending order of the match score Algorithm Semantic Web Service Discovery – Service Similarity • Matching ST and CS • The overall service similarity is the weighted average of Syntactic and Functional similarities w1* SyntacticSim ST , CS MS ST , CS w2 * FunctionalSim ST , CS 0 1 w1 w2 Semantic Web Service Discovery – Syntactic Similarity • Syntactic Similarity – Relies on name and description of ST and CS – It is calculated as the weighted average of the Name similarity (NameMatch (ST, CS)) and the Description Similarity (DescrMatch (ST, CS)). SyntacticSim ST , CS w3 * NameMatchST , CS w4 * DescrMatch ST , CS 0 1 w3 w4 NameMatchST , CS Descr ST or Descr CS Descr ST and Descr CS Syntactic Similarity - Example • Name Similarity using NGram algorithm Service Template Candidate Service Syntactic Similarity stockService xDividendInfo 0.20 stockService xMarketInfo 0.27 stockService xQuotes 0.22 stockService StockQuoteService 0.77 Semantic Web Service Discovery – Functional Similarity • Functional Similarity – Calculated as the average Match Score of the operations of ST and CS n FS fs i 0 where, n i 0 1 fsi best functional similarity of an Operation of ST n number of Operations of ST getFM OP S T , OP CS best getfmOP S T , OPi CS where, OPi CS represents individual operation of CS Semantic Web Service Discovery – Matching Two Operations • Matching Two operations – Weighted average of Syntactic similarity, conceptual similarity and IO similarity w5 * SynSim OP S T , OPCS w6 * ConceptSimOP S T , OPCS w7 * IOSim OP S T , OPCS fs getfmOP S T , OPCS w5 w6 w7 Functional Similarity - Example ST Operation CS Operation SynSim ConceptSim IOSim fs getStockQuote getQuickQuote 0.76 1.00 0.52 0.71 getStockQuote getQuote 0.75 1.00 0.94 0.92 getStockQuote getFundQuote 0.63 -0.12 0.48 0.33 Best • Matching Two operations – getStockQuote is matched with all three operation of CS individually • Best Match – As the “fs” value for getQuote is maximum it is picked as the matching operation Semantic Web Service Discovery – IO Similarity • Similarity between the inputs and outputs of operations • Calculated as geometric mean of – Similarity of inputs i.e. InputSim – Similarity of outputs i.e. OutputSim IOSim OP , OP ST CS InputSimOP.Is S T , OP.IsCS * OutputSimOP.Os S T , OP.Os CS InputSimOP.Is S T , OP.IsCS OutputSimOP.Os , OP.Os ST CS OP.Is S T , OP.Os S T OP.Is S T , OP.Os S T OP.Is S T , OP.Os S T InputSimOP.IsST OP.I ST , OP.IsCS OP.I CS InputSimOP.IsST , OP.IsCS Max iSim OP.I ST , OP.I CS Semantic Web Service Discovery – Concept Matching • Concept Matching Algorithm – Inputs, Outputs and Operations of a Service Template and Candidate Web service are annotated with Ontological Concepts – Similarity of an individual input or output pair is calculated as the Similarity of the concepts they are annotated with – Concept similarity has four dimensions • • • • Syntactic Similarity – Names and Descriptions of the concepts Feature or property similarity – Most important Coverage similarity – Signifies the abstraction level of the concept Context similarity – Helps to understand concept better – Calculated as the weighted average of the above four values w8 * synSim w9 * propSim conceptSimC ST , C CS w10 * cvrgSim w11* ctxtSim w8 w9 w10 w11 Semantic Web Service Discovery – Property Similarity • Property Similarity – A concept is defined using its properties, hence matching these properties is most important while matching two concepts • Syntactic Similarity – The syntactic information of the property i.e. name and description • Range Similarity – Similarity of the values property can take • Cardinality Similarity – How many values property can take • “c” – Constant (explained latter) – The property similarity for unmatched properties is also penalized with a penalty of 0.05 for each unmatched property c * 3 rangeSim * crdnSim * synSim propSim 0.05 * unmatched properties Semantic Web Service Discovery – Property Similarity (Continued) • Property Similarity – Constant “c” – Calculated based on if the properties being mapped are inverse functional properties or not • Inverse Functional property is an OWL construct which tells that if a property is inverse functional then that property value is unique for every instance of that concept • Example – SSN is unique for a person and Stock Symbol is unique for every Stock. No two stocks can have same stock symbol and no two persons can have same SSN. – Such information gives more insight into the real world entity that is being captured by the concept being matched – For non-owl ontologies the second case of Equation 11 is considered. p S T , pCS are inverse functional properties 1 p S T , pCS are not inverse functional properties 1 c cardinalit y p S T 1 and pCS is inverse functional property 1 0.8 cardinalit y pCS 1 and p S T is inverse functional property Semantic Web Service Discovery – Range Similarity • Range similarity – The values the properties can take are characterized by their ranges and hence range similarity is important – Range can either be a primitive data type or another ontological concept – Both the property ranges are primitive data types – Both the property ranges are Ontological concepts • Shallow Concept Match – Syntactic Similarity – Names of the concepts – Property Similarity – Similarity of names of the properties rangeSim rangeMatch pS T , pCS w12 * synSim w13 * propSynSim w12 w13 propSynSim p.Range ST , p.Range CS p p.Range ST p p.Range CS p p.Range ST Semantic Web Service Discovery – Cardinality Similarity • Cardinality similarity (crdnSim) – Cardinality provides the information about how many range values a property can take at a time – Match value is less if the ST requirement is not satisfied completely 1 1 crdnSim p S T , pCS 0.9 0.7 cardinalit y p S T cardinalit y pCS p S T and pCS are functional properties cardinalit y p S T cardinalit y pCS cardinalit y p S T cardinalit y pCS Property Similarity – Example Property Pair StockOnt xIgniteStocks Syntactic Similarity Range Similarity Cardinality Similarity c Total Similarity bestBidSize Bid_Size 0.72 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.87 bestAskSize Ask_Size 0.70 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.86 lastSale Last 0.79 1.00 0.70 1.00 0.82 Open Open 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 fiftyTwoWeekLow Low_52_Weeks (cardinality > 1) (inverse functional property) 0.54 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.63 dayHigh High 0.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 Date (xml:date) Date (xml:string) 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.79 tradingVolume Volume 0.56 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.82 tickerSymbol Symbol (ObjectProperty) (inverseFunctional) (DataTypeProperty) (inverseFunctional) 0.60 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.67 Semantic Web Service Discovery – Coverage Similarity • Coverage Similarity (cvrgSim) – Signifies the level of abstraction of the concept – Immediate parent of the requirement concept is being matched then the coverage similarity is reduced by 0.1, for a grandparent by 0.2 and so on – The reduction by a multiple of 0.05 is employed if the candidate concept is a sub-concept • Sub-concept satisfies the properties of the requirements completely • Still needs to be distinguished from a complete match – lesser penalty 1 x 1 1 0.1* 2 cvrgSimC S T , C CS 1 0.05 * y 0 MS C S T , C CS 0.8 MS C S T , parent x C CS 0.8 and x is the level of parent above ST concept MS C S T , child y C CS 0.8 and x is the level of child below ST concept otherwise Semantic Web Service Discovery – Context Similarity • Attempt to understand more about a concept by considering the semantic similarity and semantic disjointness of the concepts in the vicinity of that concept • SameConceptSet – Set of the concepts which describes the same real world entities as described by the concept in question • DifferentConceptSet – Set of concepts which are semantically disjoint from the concept in question • Example, a Bond means a Fixed Income Fund and not Stocks; Bond is also a different concept from the concept Investment Company – SameConceptSet(Bond) = {FixedIncomeFund, Bond} – DifferentConceptSet(Bond) = {Stocks, InvestmentCompany} Semantic Web Service Discovery – Context Similarity • SameConceptSet – If an ontology specifies them as same or equivalent concepts • e.g. OWL language has constructs like sameClassAs or equivalentClass to describe that two concepts are similar to each other – Member concepts of the main concept i.e. concepts which are used to define main concept • e.g. OWL has collection classes, which are described in terms of other classes – The concept itself is also added in the SameConceptSet Semantic Web Service Discovery – Context Similarity • DifferentConceptSet – Concepts which are explicitly modeled as disjoint concepts of the main concept • e.g. in OWL concepts which are related with disjointWith or complementOf relationships – Concepts appearing as ranges of properties of main concept except if the range is concept itself • e.g. in the stocks ontology, Company concept has a property with Stocks concept as range and hence Company and Stocks do not represent same the concept – Concepts which has properties with main concept as range • e.g. Stocks appears as range of investsIn property of MutualFund concept and hence MutualFund goes in the DifferentConceptSet of Stocks – Siblings of the main concept • They depict an entirely different specialization than the main concept • e.g. EquityFund and FixedIncomeFund are siblings and can not replace each other in a request Semantic Web Service Discovery – Context Similarity 1.0 1.0 1.0 contextSim 1.0 ms1 * ms2 SC ST shallowCon ceptMatch SC ST , SC CS 0.8 where, SC ST sameConceptSet C ST , SC CS sameConceptSet C CS SC ST shallowCon ceptMatch SC ST , DC CS 1 where, SC ST sameConceptSet C ST , DC CS differentConceptSet C CS DC ST shallowCon ceptMatch DC ST , SC CS 1 where, DC ST differentConceptSet C ST , SC CS sameConceptSet C CS avgConceptMatch SC ST , SC CS 0.5 and avgConceptMatch SC ST , DC CS 0.8 or avgConceptMatch DC ST , SC CS 0.8 where, ms1 avgConceptMatch SC ST , SC CS and ms2 avgConceptMatch DC ST , DC CS Web Service Discovery Algorithm – Comparison Algorithm from [Cardoso, 2002] Semantic Web Service discovery Algorithm Service Description Language DAML-S Annotated WSDL Similarity Calculation Inputs and Outputs of all operations considered together Operations are matched separately, Inputs and outputs are not matched directly but are matched as a part of the operation match No property Penalty for unmatched properties Property Penalty proportional to number of unmatched properties No Cardinality consideration Cardinality considered Not considered Context similarity is calculated based on the concepts in the vicinity of the concepts being matched Property Similarity Context Similarity Explicitly calculated Coverage Similarity No explicit consideration QoS SWR algorithm for QoS Considered even for concepts from different ontologies No QoS consideration (future work) Comparison with Single Ontology Approach • Similarity Measures – In a single ontology environment, syntactic and property similarity can give enough information about a concept to give good matches – In a multi-ontology environment, concepts can be modeled with different levels of abstraction and hence considering only syntactic and property information does not provide enough information about the concept – Measures used in this approach like Context and Coverage similarity provide this extra information Comparison with Single Ontology Approach • Linguistic Issues – In a single ontology environment, matching properties and concepts based on names is enough since properties are inherited for the related concepts – In a multi-ontology environment, names of properties and concepts can be synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, homonyms of each other and hence matching them syntactically can return bad match scores – This approach uses WordNet based algorithm, custom abbreviation dictionary etc. to tackle this problem Comparison with Single Ontology Approach • Model level issues – In a single ontology environment, single ontology model does not pose any structure and model level issues – In a multi-ontology environment, ontologies can have different modeling techniques which needs to be tackled before matching two concepts e.g. XML Schema models Collection concepts as coplexTypes or simpleTypes where as OWL models them as collection classes – Common Representation format helps to bridge this gap Testing 0.48 0.04- 0.00 0.09 0.44 0.45 0.62 0.90 0.42 0.04 0.24- -0.20 0.13- 0.04- 0.00 -0.40 0.57 0.50 0.72 0.72 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.67 1.00 1.00 0.89 0.77 0.72 0.72 0.57 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.10 0.40 0.55 0.62 0.31 0.60 0.44 0.40 0.80 1.00 0.90 0.77 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.93 0.94 1.00 0.69 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Web Service Discovery – Testing -0.60 1.00- -1.20 1.00- -1.00 1.00- -0.80 Case 1 StockOnt StockQuote Case 2 StockOnt StockDetailQuote Case 3 StockOnt StockQuickQuote Case 4 StockOnt FundQuote Case 5 xIgniteStocks StockQuote Case 6 xIgniteStocks ExtendedQuote Case 7 xIgniteStocks QuickQuote Case 8 xIgniteStocks FundQuote Total Similarity with only Syntactic & Property Match 1.00 0.69 0.77 0.62 1.00 0.50 0.57 0.62 Property Similarity without Penalty 1.00 1.00 -0.24 0.10 0.72 0.72 -0.13 0.09 Syntactic Similarity 1.00 1.00 0.31 0.55 0.72 0.72 0.42 0.44 Context Similarity MWSDI 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 0.85 -1.00 -1.00 Coverage Similarity MWSDI 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.00 Property Similarity with penalty - MWSDI 1.00 0.93 0.44 -0.04 0.89 0.75 0.04 -0.04 Total Similarity MWSDI 1.00 0.94 0.40 0.57 0.77 0.67 0.45 0.48 Total Similarity with only Syntactic & Property Match Property Similarity without Penalty Syntactic Similarity Context Similarity MWSDI Coverage Similarity MWSDI Property Similarity with penalty - MWSDI Total Similarity MWSDI Testing – Concept Matching Candidate Concepts from Same Ontology 1. The simplest and best case is when the candidate concept is the same as the ST concept • All four dimensions give a similarity of 1 and the overall match score is also 1 2. Candidate concept is a sub-concept of the ST concept • Even if the requirement is satisfied completely, it is not the exact concept that is required –StockDetailQuote, the coverage similarity is reduced by 0.05 as it is the immediate child of StockQuote –As coverage similarity has a non-zero value and the concepts are from the same ontology, the context similarity is defaulted to 1 –This boosts the overall similarity even more to give a better match score Testing – Concept Matching (Continued) 3. Candidate concept is a super-concept of requirement • Does not satisfy all the properties of the requirement » Here a penalty of 0.05 is applied for each unmatched property. » This reduces the property similarity for StockQuickQuote to a negative value, which signifies that most of the properties of the requirement are not satisfied. » A deduction of 0.1 is applied to the coverage match » Non-zero coverage similarity, concepts are from the same ontology, the context similarity is defaulted to 1 • Overall concept similarity is reduced but the context similarity of 1 gives an advantage 4. Candidate concept is from the same ontology but not related • Treated in the same way as concepts from two different ontologies » FundQuote gives a context match of -1 as it is modeled as a sibling of StockQuote » The Coverage similarity is 0 as StockQuote and FundQuote do not have a subsumption relationship » Property penalty for unmatched properties applied • Overall match score below zero • Easier to discard this match Testing – Concept Matching (Continued) Candidate Concepts from Different Ontology 5. Same concept from different ontology • Same StockQuote concept with a bit of variety –All the properties are matched –Same name, the syntactic similarity is 1 –As all the properties for both the concepts match each other with a value of above 0.7, and the context and the coverage similarities are also 1 • Overall match score is boosted 6. Candidate concept from a different ontology, matches with a sub-concept • ExtendedQuote from xIgniteStocks matches better with StockDetailQuote of StockOnt –As StockDetailQuote is the immediate child of the ST concept, the coverage match has a value of 0.95 –Here, all the properties of the requirement are satisfied –Context similarity of 0.85 is obtained • Boosts the overall match score Testing – Concept Matching (Continued) 7. Concept from different ontology matches better with a super concept • QuickQuote as it matches to StockQuickQuote which is an immediate super concept of the ST concept » Coverage similarity is reduced by 0.1 » QuickQuote is modeled as the sibling of StockQuote in its ontology which matches best with the ST concept hence Value of -1 is assigned for context similarity » Penalty for unmatched properties • Results in a very low overall match score • It can be noted here that by considering only syntactic and property similarity gives a good match score Testing – Concept Matching (Continued) 8. Unrelated concept from a different ontology • The FundQuote concept having good property similarity without penalty » The property penalty reduces the property similarity to a low value » In addition since this concept matches better (MS > 0.8) with the FundQuote concept from the ST ontology, which happens to be a sibling of the requirement, a score of -1 can be assigned to context similarity » The coverage match is 0 as both the concepts do not have any indirect subsumption relationship • A negative score for this pair makes it possible to discard this match • If only syntactic and properties similarities are considered then this concept gives a match score near to 0.5 Web Service Discovery – Testing getExchanges getHolidayList LookupStocks getDividendHistory getTopGainer getStockHeadlines getTopMoverByMarket getStocksNews getStockQuote getQuickQuote getStockQuote getStockQuickQuote getFundQuote getQuickQuote getStockNews getExtendedQuote getStockNews getStockQuote getStockNews getFundQuote getCompanyNews getStockQuickQuote getCompanyNews getDetailStockQuote getCompanyNews getStockQuote getCompanyNews 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 MWSDI Normalized MS getStockQuote getCompanyNews 1.0 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Normalized MS not considering Operations Input Similarity Output Similarity 1.0 1.1 Web Service Discovery – Testing • Graph 1 shows the functional similarity values for 14 Web services calculated using this discovery algorithm. • Graph 2 describes the similarity values calculated using the inputs and outputs of these operations together, using only syntactic similarity and property similarity without penalty • Each of these 14 Candidate Services depicts a distinct case of how operations may be modeled in a Candidate Service with respect to the ST. Web Service Discovery – Testing • Services 4 and 8 – The similarity values from Graph 1 are very low as compared to Graph 2 – False matches can be avoided with proper threshold • Boosts the values for Candidate Services 6 and 7 as shown in Graph 1. • Candidate Services 9 and 10 – One operation matching very well to the first ST operation and a second operation entirely different from the second ST operation – Matching based on functional similarity can detect this difference, whereas similarity based on inputs and outputs (Graph 2) fails to detect this Web Service Discovery – Testing • Candidate Service 11 – Inputs and outputs of both operations together match without considering operations – Don’t when operations are considered – Here, not considering operations will give a false match as in Graph 2, but this algorithm described in this thesis avoids this false match. • Candidate Service 12 is the counterpart of Service 11, from a different ontology – This algorithm avoids this false match too. • Candidate Services 13 and 14 – Both the operations entirely different from the requirement – This algorithm is able to lower the match scores Contributions Contributions • In a real world there are multiple-ontologies • This thesis demonstrated how semantic discovery can be improved by introducing two new measures – Context and Coverage • The algorithms developed in this thesis can be applied to other multi-ontology environments • In the web service process lifecycle the multiontology environment can exist in different stages and this algorithm can be applied Future Work Future Work • Service discovery algorithm can be extended to support fault matching and QoS similarity – Currently WSDL does not support both these features • Test the algorithm on larger set of real world data by building a larger test bed of annotated services Questions References 1. [Gruber, 1993] T. Gruber, “A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications”, Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2), 199-220, (1993) 2. [Uschold and Gruninger, 1996] M. Uschold and M. Gruninger, “Ontologies: Principles, Methods and Applications”, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 1996 3. [Cardoso, 2002] J. Cardoso (2002), “Quality of Service and Semantic Composition of Workflows ”, PhD Thesis 4. [Mena, 1996] E. Mena, V. Kashyap, A. Sheth and A. Illarramendi, OBSERVER: An Approach for Query Processing in Global Information Systems based on Interoperation across Pre-existing Ontologies, Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Brussels, Belgium, IEEE Computer Society Press, (1996) 5. [Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003] Y. Kalfoglou and M. Schorlemmer, “Ontology mapping: the state of the art”, The Knowledge Engineering Review, Volume 18 Issue 1, January 2003 Additional Information Semantic Web services – Approaches • Describe services with ontology based languages e.g. OWL-S • Add semantics to existing Web service standards e.g. METEOR-S • Common factor OWL-S, WSMF Describe Web services using ontology based service description languages METEOR-S Add Semantics by adding annotations to service descriptions of existing service standards Common Factor Relate Web service I/O parameters with Ontological concepts METEOR-S Project @ LSDIS lab • METEOR-S exploits Workflow, Semantic Web, Web Services, and Simulation technologies to meet these challenges in a practical and standards based approach. – Applying Semantics in Annotation, Quality of Service, Discovery, Composition, Execution of Web Services – Adding semantics to different layers of Web services conceptual stack – Use of ontologies to provide underpinning for information sharing and semantic interoperability, Semantics for Web Process Life-Cycle Development / Description / Annotation Execution BPWS4J, Commercial BPEL Execution Engines, Intalio n3, HP eFlow Data / Execution Information Semantics Semantics Semantics Required for Web Processes BPEL, BPML, WSCI, WSCL, DAML-S, METEOR-S (SCET, SPTB) Composition Functional / QoS Operational Semantics Semantics WSDL, WSEL DAML-S Meteor-S (WSDL Annotation) UDDI WSIL, DAML-S Publication / Discovery METEOR-S (P2P model of registries)