NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning, Spring Term (DOC, 352 KB)

NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Place value, ordering and rounding
Using a calculator
Read and write whole numbers in figures and words, and know what each digit
Use the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers, including symbols such as
<, >, , , =. Give one or more numbers lying between two given numbers. Order a set
of integers less than 1 million.
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Numbers to Millions
3 days
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
N.G. Shortcut 1
N.L. Shortcut 1
Home Activities
Day 2
Specific Starter for Numbers to
TF 7-11
Day 3
Specific Starter for Numbers to
TF 7-11
1 Number names to millions
TF 56
Pupil Activity TF 57
1 Pupil Sheet 10
Number names
Textbook page 8 TF 59
2 Extending ordinal number
names to hundredth and notation
to 100th TF 57-58
Textbook page 9 TF 59
Pupil Activity TF 57
1 Pupil Sheet 10
Number names
Provide pupils with place value
notation cards. Show them how to
use the cards to make up each sum
from the word form. Use this to
identify the matching number.
Pupil Activity TF 57
1 Pupil Sheet 10
Number names
Prepare a mixture of cards showing
either an amount in words or
numerals. In pairs, ask pupils to
take it in turns to pick a card and
write down the amount in another
Textbook page 8 TF 59
Allow pupils to use place value
notation cards for support.
Textbook page 9 TF 59
For q 2 and 3, provide the answers
on cards and ask pupils to work in
pairs to match each card to the
right question.
Textbook page 8 TF 59
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing numbers in words and
figures and a set labelled 1 000 000
more, 1 000 000 less, 100 000
more/less, 10 000 more/less and
1000 more/less. Ask pupils to take it
in turns to pick a card from each set
Textbook page 9 TF 59
Provide pupils with a results list
from a sports event, e.g. the London
Marathon, a local Fun Run, County
schools football competition. Ask
questions such as ‘who came 53rd?’,
‘Who was three places ahead of D.
Smith? What position did they
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 1
Tune-in TF 55
Number names to 1000
Revising names for four-digit
Number names, ordinal numbers
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Day 4
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Day 5
NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
form, i.e. words if it appears in
numerals and vice versa.
Discuss children’s work.
and record the original number and
the resulting number after the
operation has been applied.
Follow-up for Textbook page 8
TF 59
Follow-up for Textbook page 9
TF 59
Check-up 3
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
5 days
Understanding x and 
Mental calculation strategies (x and )
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Understand the effect of and relationships between the four operations, and the
principles (not the names) of the arithmetic laws as they apply to multiplication.
Begin to use brackets.
Derive quickly or continue to derive quickly:
division facts corresponding to tables up to 10 × 10; doubles of all whole numbers 1
to 100 (e.g. 78 × 2); doubles of multiples of 10 to 1000 (e.g. 670 × 2); doubles of
multiples of 100 to 10000 (e.g. 6500 × 2); and the corresponding halves.
Use doubling or halving, starting from known facts. For example:
double/halve any two-digit number by doubling/halving the tens first;
double one number and halve the other; to multiply by 25, multiply by 100 then
divide by 4; find the ×16 table facts by doubling the ×8 table; find sixths by halving
Use the relationship between multiplication and division.
Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide mentally.
Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate
ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator.
Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing.
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator.
Check with an equivalent calculation.
Using doubles
Halving; linking multiplication and division
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
M.F. Shortcut 1
Day 1
Tune-in TF 144-145
Revising doubles
Day 2
Specific Starter for Multiplication
TF 19-22
Day 3
Specific Starter for Multiplication
TF 19-22
1 Doubling a number ending in 5
TF 145
2 Halving an even number
TF 146
Pupil Activity TF 145
1 Pupil Sheet 20
By doubling and halving
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Pupil Activity TF 145
1 Pupil Sheet 20
By doubling and halving
Work with the pupils as a group
and discuss how each question will
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Work with the pupils as a group
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 4
Specific Starter for Multiplication
Day 5
Specific Starter for Multiplication
TF 19-22
TF 19-22
3 Multiplying by 16 TF 147
4 Multiplying by 50, 25
TF 147-148
Textbook page 42 TF 146
Ask pupils to make a bingo card
with stations in the 16 times table
on it. Provide a suitable caller card
asking questions such as ‘3 x 16’.
Textbook page 43 TF 148
Textbook page 42 TF 146
Before pupils attempt the questions
independently, go through them as
a group and discuss and record the
strategies they could use to gain an
Provide pupils with bingo cards
showing the first 6 stations in the 16
times table. Provide a suitable
caller card.
Textbook page 43 TF 148
Work with the pupils as a group
discussing the first few questions in
each section together before they
attempt the other questions
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
be turned into a simpler calculation
before pupils find the answers
and discuss how each question will
be turned into a simpler calculation
before pupils find the answers
easier calculation to perform.
Pupil Activity TF 145
1 Pupil Sheet 20
By doubling and halving
Provide pupils with two sets of
cards, one showing multiples of 5 to
100, the other two-digit numbers.
Ask pupils to pick a card from each
set and multiply the two numbers
together using a strategy of their
Discuss children’s work.
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Provide pupils with a set of 10 –
100 cards. Ask them to work in
pairs and take it in turns to select
two cards. They must find the
product of their numbers explaining
their strategy to their partner.
Textbook page 42 TF 146
Ask pupils to try and do all the
questions mentally (with no
intermediate recording) as quickly
as they can.
Ask pupils to Find the first 10
stations in the 18 times table and 22
times table. How did they find their
answers? What known table did
they use?
Textbook page 43 TF 148
Ask pupils to create a poster
describing easy ways of multiplying
by two digit numbers such as 50,
multiples of 5, 16, etc.
Follow-up for Textbook page 42
Discuss children’s work.
Follow-up for Textbook page 43
TF 149
Discuss children’s work
independently. Work together to
create a doubles table for 16.
TF 149
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Mental calculation strategies (x and )
Pencil and paper procedures (x and )
Derive quickly or continue to derive quickly:
doubles of all whole numbers 1 to 100 (e.g. 78 × 2);
doubles of multiples of 10 to 1000 (e.g. 670 × 2);
doubles of multiples of 100 to 10000 (e.g. 6500 × 2);
and the corresponding halves.
Use doubling or halving, starting from known facts. For example:
double/halve any two-digit number by doubling/halving the tens first;
Use the relationship between multiplication and division.
Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide mentally.
Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate
ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator.
Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing.
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator.
Check with an equivalent calculation.
5 days
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking
results, including using a calculator
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
M.F. Shortcut 1
Unit 7:
Home Activities
Day 2
Specific Starter for Multiplication
or Division TF 19-25
2 Checking TF 175-176
Checking answers by linking
multiplication and division
Day 3
Specific Starter for Multiplication
or Division TF 19-25
Follow-up for Textbook page 51
Pupil Activities TF 175
1 Pupil Sheet 28 Halving
2 Pupil Sheet 29 Halving
Textbook page 51 TF 176
Pupil Activities TF 175
2 Pupil Sheet 29 Halving
Textbook page 51 TF 176
Work with the pupils as a group
through q1 showing the groups of
four calculations on the board and
discussing how to derive them from
the one given. Ask the children to
work in pairs to answer q2.
On the board write statements such
as 5 x 60 = 300, 1/5 of 200 = 40.
Ask pupils to write inverse
statements using fractional notation
in place of division.
Provide pupils with a set of
flashcards showing pairs of
statements such as 5 x 60 = 300
and 1/5 of 300 = 60. Ask pupils to
shuffle the cards and place them
face up on the table. They must then
find the matching pairs.
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Extension Textbook
Day 1
Tune-in TF 172-173
Doubling and halving, Revision
1 Halving TF 173-174
Halves of three- and four-digit
Halving; linking multiplication and division
TF 177
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Resource Sheets
7-8, 15-23, 33
Day 4
Specific Starter for Multiplication
or Division TF 19-25
2 Checking TF 175-176
Checking answers by linking
multiplication and division
Day 5
Specific Starter for Multiplication
or Division TF 19-25
Textbook page 52 TF 176
Ask pupils to create a poster that
explains how to use inverse
operations to check answers
Textbook page 52 TF 176
Ask pupils to work in pairs and
write down the multiplication
needed to check each answer in q1.
Discuss their decisions before they
carry out the calculations.
Ask pupils to create a poster that
explains how to use inverse
operations to check answers.
Provide pupils with a set of simple
questions that need checking to use
as their basis for their poster.
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Pupil Activities TF 175
1 Pupil Sheet 28 Halving
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
cards showing three- and four-digit
even numbers. Ask them to take it in
turns to pick a card and halve the
number explaining their method to
their partner.
Discuss the mental strategies
children used on the Pupil Sheets.
Textbook page 51 TF 176
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing two-digit numbers. Ask
them to pick two cards. They must
then choose one other number to
make a set of three numbers from
which they must make two
multiplications and two divisions.
Ask pupils to look at the questions
on Textbook p51. Can they make
statements using fractional notation
to match each question?
Textbook page 52 TF 176
Ask pupils to make their own box
puzzle. They must draw a picture
and choose numbers to put on their
boxes and must then write 4
questions to be answered. Swap
with a partner to solve.
Ask pupils to create a poster that
explains how to use inverse
operations to check answers.
Encourage them to include
comments on checking and using
calculations involving fractions.
Follow-up for Textbook page 52
Check-up 15
Discuss any difficulties which arose
from the Check-up.
Discuss children’s work
Discuss children’s work
TF 177
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
5 days
Fractions, decimals and
Using a calculator
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Use fraction notation, including mixed numbers, and the vocabulary numerator and
Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent, including relating hundredths
to tenths (e.g. 70/100 = 7/10).
Relate fractions to division, and use division to find simple fractions, including
tenths and hundredths, of numbers and quantities (e.g. 3/4 of 12, 1/10 of 50, 1/100 of
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
Day 1
Tune-in TF 203-204
Finding one
half/third/quarter/fifth/tenth of a
1 Finding one sixth/seventh/
eighth, ninth of a set TF 204-205
Day 2
Specific Starter for Fractions
TF 26-29
2 Fractions, numerator greater
than 1, of a set/quantity
TF 205-207
Thirds, quarters, fifths, tenths
Textbook page 59 TF 211
Pupil Activity TF 207
1 Fractions card game
Day 3
Specific Starter for Fractions
TF 26-29
Textbook page 59 TF 211
Provide pupils with a multiplication
table to help them find their
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Pupil Activity TF 207
1 Fractions card game
Before pupils start discuss as a
group what the ’unit’ fraction
would be in the case of each card,
e.g. for the card ‘2/3 of 9’, discuss
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 4
Specific Starter for Fractions
Day 5
Specific Starter for Fractions
TF 26-29
TF 26-29
3 Introducing hundredths
TF 207-208
Fraction of a shape
4 Introducing hundredths TF 209
Fraction of a set/quantity
Further Teaching TF 210
1 Equivalence involving hundredths
Pupil Activity TF 208
1 Pupil Sheet 40
Textbook page 61 TF 211
On the board write the
multiplication questions that are the
inverse to the questions in q1 and 2
on the board, e.g. 4 x 100. Ask
pupils to find the answers to these
questions and record them on the
board. Encourage pupils to use this
information when working through
the textbook page.
Textbook page 61 TF 211
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing five-, six- and seven-digit
multiples of 100. Working in pairs,
ask them to take it in turns to turn
over a card. This person must find
Provide pupils with a sheet showing
a line representing one pound
labelled with 10p, 20p, 25p, 30p,
40p, 50p, 60p, 70p, 75p, 80p and
90p. Ask them to record the fraction
of £ each label represents.
Textbook page 60 TF 211
6a, b
Fraction of a set/quantity; hundredths
Pupil Activity TF 208
1 Pupil Sheet 40
Discuss how the number of small
shapes can easily be counted. E.g.
for 85/100 it would be 8 rows of 10
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Provide pupils with a sheet showing
a line representing one pound
labelled with 10p, 20p, 25p, 30p,
40p, 50p, 60p, 70p, 75p, 80p and
90p. Ask them to record the fraction
of £ each label represents in
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Textbook page 59 TF 211
Ask pupils to prepare ‘who am I?’
questions for each other to solve.
E.g. ‘1/9 of me is 7, who am I?’
Follow-up for Textbook page 59
TF 211
Home Activity 14
Home Sheet 19
what 1/3 of 9 would be. Write the
answers on the board and
encourage children to use this
information to find out the answers
to each fraction card.
Pupil Activity TF 207
1 Fractions card game
For each answer card, ask children
to create two more fraction cards.
Follow-up for Textbook page 60
and 5 more.
1/100 of the number mentally. Their
partner must use a calculator to
find the answer. If the player beats
the calculator they score a point.
Pupil Activity TF 208
1 Pupil Sheet 40
Provide pupils with a sheet of blank
squares divided into 100 smaller
squares (like q1 on pupil sheet 40).
How many different ways could
they shade 50/100? Can they be
systematic in their approach? Are
there any rules they want to impose,
e.g. all shaded squares must join
each other.
Discuss children’s work
Textbook page 61 TF 211
Provide pupils with a sheet showing
a line representing one pound
labelled with 10p, 20p, 25p, 30p,
33p, 40p, 50p, 60p, 66p, 70p, 75p,
80p and 90p. Ask them to record
the fraction of £ each label
represents in as many ways as
possible. Encourage them to
include fifths as well as tenths and
Follow-up for Textbook page 61
TF 211
Discuss children’s work
TF 211
Check-up 18
Topic Assessment 6a, b
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Shape and space
Reasoning about shapes
Recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons: for example, know that a square
has four axes of symmetry and an equilateral triangle has three.
Complete symmetrical patterns with two lines of symmetry at right angles (using
squared paper or pegboard).
Make shapes with increasing accuracy.
Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings and identify different nets for an open
2D Shape
2D Shape: line symmetry
3D Shape
3D Shape
8 days
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
339-344, 346-350
S.T. Shortcut 2, 4, 6
S.M. Shortcut 1
107-108, 109-110
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 1
Tune-in TF 339-340
Symmetrical shapes
and designs
Consolidating line
1 Polygons
TF 340-341
Finding lines of
Day 2
Generic Starter
TF 2-5
Day 3
Generic Starter
TF 2-5
Day 4
Generic Starter
TF 2-5
Day 5
Tune-in TF 346-347
Naming and describing
Revising 3D Shapes
Day 6
Generic Starter
TF 2-5
Day 7
TF 2-5
Day 8
Generic Starter
TF 2-5
2 Reflecting shapes
and building up
patterns TF 341-342
1 Revising properties of
prisms and pyramids
2 Introducing the
TF 347-348
3 Nets of 3D
Shapes TF
Textbook page 107
TF 341
Pupil Activities
TF 342
2 Drawing lines of
Pupil Activities
TF 342
3 Symmetrical
Textbook page
108 TF 343
Children work in pairs to
play ‘Guess the shape’.
They take it in turns to
choose a 3D shape and
describe it to their
partner. Their partner has
to guess the shape
Textbook page 109 TF 350
page 110 TF
Textbook page 107
TF 341
Provide pupils with a
sheet with the shapes
already drawn on.
Pupil Activities
TF 342
1 Pupil Sheet 67
Symmetrical shapes
Put the diagrams
Pupil Activities
TF 342
2 Drawing lines
of symmetry
Textbook page
108 TF 343
Provide a sheet
showing the
designs but only
Provide pairs of pupils
with a set of shapes and a
set of flashcards with the
names of the shapes on.
Ask pupils to work
Textbook page 109 TF 350
Work with the pupils as a
group for q2 and 3. Put a
shape in a bag that fits the
clues given in q2 and ask
page 110 TF
Provide pupils
with the nets
Provide pupils with
Clixi. Ask them to
make cubes and pull
them apart to make all
the different nets they
can that will form a
Using squared paper,
ask pupils to record
all the nets they find.
Provide pupils with
Clixi. Ask them to
work in pairs to make
cubes and pull them
apart to make all the
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
TF 347-348
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Let them use a mirror
to help them find all
the lines of symmetry.
onto squared paper
allowing the pupils to
use the squares to
help them sketch their
Textbook page 107
TF 341
Pupil Activities
3 Symmetrical
Follow-up for
Textbook page 107
TF 343
Provide pupils with
some other regular
shapes to draw
round, e.g. a
decagon. Using what
they noticed in q3 can
they estimate how
many lines of
symmetry the shapes
will have? Ask them
to check their
answers by drawing
the lines. What about
a rectangle?
Follow-up for
Textbook page 108
TF 343
one line of
symmetry on each
one. Ask pupils to
complete them.
together to match the
name cards to the shapes.
Can they write down three
things they notice about
each shape?
Textbook page
108 TF 343
Textbook pages
TF 344
Textbook pages
TF 344
Follow-up for
Textbook pages
TF 344
Discuss children’s
Children work in pairs to
play ‘Guess the shape’.
They take it in turns to
choose a 3D shape. Their
partner has to ask
questions about the shape
to try and guess what it is.
When they have guessed
the shape they record how
many questions it took
them to do so. At the end
the person with the lowest
total of questions wins.
Follow-up for Textbook
page 109 TF 350
children to say which shape
it might be and why. Invite
individuals to secretly select
a shape and put it in the
bag. They must then give
one clue to the rest of the
group who guess what it is.
Textbook page 109 TF 350
Ask pupils to choose other
shapes and write clues
about them. Swap their
clues with partners to see if
they can work out what the
shapes must be.
already made
on paper.
different nets they can
that will form a cube.
Ask pupils to display
all the different nets
they find.
page 110 TF
Ask pupils to
draw all the
different nets
that can make
a cube with a
lid and
without a lid.
Using card and 2D
shape templates, ask
pupils to work in pairs
to make large and
small gift boxes in the
shape of cuboids,
pyramids and prisms
of their choice.
Follow-up for Textbook
page 110 TF 350
Discuss children’s
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Measures, including problems
Use units of time; read the time on a 24-hour digital clock and use 24-hour clock
notation, such as 19:53. Use timetables.
Time: reading and writing times
Time: durations
5 days
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
Unit 18:
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 1
Tune-in TF 288-289
One minute times
Revising reading and writing times
using 12-hour notation, am/pm
Day 2
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 3
Tune-in TF 293
Using 12-hour clock notation
Day 4
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 5
Generic Starter TF 2-5
1 24-hour times TF 289-291
Introducing reading and writing
times using 24-hour notation on a
digital display
Consolidate teaching from Day 1
1 Finding times 50, 55, 60,
65…115 minutes before/after,
bridging and hour TF 294-295
Using 24-hour notation
2 Durations TF 295
24-hour clock notation
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
2 Digital clock game
Pupil Activities TF 291
3 Pupil Sheet 55 Template
4 Time card game
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 56
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 57
Textbook pages 87-88 TF 296
Textbook pages 85-86 TF 292
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
Textbook pages 85-86 TF 292
Pupil Activities TF 291
2 Digital clock game
Pupil Activities TF 291
4 Time card game
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing a mixture of 24-hour times
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 57
Provide pupils with a sheet showing
each question on a time line. They
can then jump from the start to
finish time to find the duration.
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 57
Ask pupils to make up realistic
Textbook pages 87-88 TF 296
Do p88 orally as a group. For each
question select pupils to model the
problem using a digital clock and
draw timelines to help the pupils
find the answers.
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
Ask pupils to lay the shuffled cards
face down and play a Pelmanism
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 56
Provide pairs of pupils with a
digital clock and show them how to
use it to model each question and
find the answer.
Pupil Activity TF 295
1 Pupil Sheet 56
Provide pupils with two sets of
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
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Textbook pages 87-88 TF 296
Provide pupils with a local bus or
train timetable. Ask them to make
up some questions similar to those
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
2 Digital clock game
and 12-hour times to order.
Follow-up for Textbook pages
85-86 TF 292
Follow-up for Textbook pages
85-86 TF 292
cards, one showing times using 24hour notation and the other 50, 55,
… 115 minute before and after
statements, e.g. ‘55 minutes before’.
Pupils take it in turns to set the
clock for their partner who must
then pick a card and say what the
new time would be if the card’s
instructions were followed.
Discuss children’s work.
stories to match each time duration,
e.g. ‘Paul started running the race
at 10.15 and finished at 11.05. It
took him 50 minutes.’
on p88. Swap with a partner to
Follow-up for Textbook pages
87-88 TF 296-297
Discuss children’s work.
Home Activity 17
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Measures, including problems
Handling data
Use, read and write standard metric units (kg, g), including their abbreviations, and
relationships between them. Convert larger to smaller units (e.g. kg to g).
Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length, mass
or capacity.
Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy.
Discuss the chance or likelihood of particular events.
Data Handling
Language of probability
5 days
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
310-317, 387-389
95-96, 123
Home Activities
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 1
Tune-in TF 310-311
Kilograms and grams
Day 2
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 3
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 4
Tune-in TF 387-388
Impossible, unlikely, likely, certain
Day 5
Generic Starter TF 2-5
1 Using and reading scales
TF 311-312
3 Practical activities TF 312-313
Weighing in kilograms and grams
4 kilograms and grams TF 313315
1 Chance TF 388-389
No chance, poor chance, even
chance, good chance, certain
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Ask pupils to make a poster
showing a likelihood line labelled
with some events of their choice.
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Give each pair of children a set of
cards showing the events given on
the page and a likelihood line
labelled with the terms. Ask them to
decide together where to place each
event on the line.
With the pupils as a group come up
with ten statements about events
that may or may not happen. Ask
pupils to make a poster showing a
likelihood line labelled with these
2 Reading scales to the nearest
100g TF 312
5 1 kg, 500 g, 200 g, 100 g, 50 g,
20 g and 10 g weights
TF 315-316
Pupil Activities TF 313
1 Pupil Sheet 59
Scales with 10g, 20g and 50g
Pupil Activities TF 313
1 Pupil Sheet 60
Scales with 10g, 20g and 50g
2 Labelled containers
1 Pupil Sheet 61
Scales with 100g and 50g divisions,
Pupil Activities TF 313
1 Pupil Sheet 59
Scales with 10g, 20g and 50g
Before pupils work independently
discuss with them as a group what
each division stands for on the scale
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Textbook page 95 TF 317
Pupil Activities TF 313
2 Labelled containers
Pupil Activities TF 316
Textbook page 96 TF 317
Pupil Activities TF 316
Ask the pupils to lay the shuffled
cards face up on the table. They
must then work in pairs to arrange
them in matching pairs.
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in each question.
Pupil Activities TF 313
1 Pupil Sheet 60
Scales with 10g, 20g and 50g
1 Pupil Sheet 61
Scales with 100g and 50g divisions,
Discuss children’s work.
Pupil Activities TF 313
2 Labelled containers
Before the children use the scales
ask them to estimate how much
sand/cubes are needed in each
container. Ask them to use the
scales to see how close they were
and fill the containers accurately.
Pupil Activities TF 316
Ask the pupils to make another four
pairs of cards showing matching
weights of their choice. Add these to
the original set and play the game
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Ask pupils to make up two
statements of their own for each
category of chance.
Follow-up for Textbook page 95
TF 317
Follow-up for Textbook page 96
TF 317
Follow-up for Textbook page 123
TF 389
Give pairs of pupils two blank dice
and some stickers to label the faces.
Ask them to think of ‘games’ such
as ‘the first person to throw three
sixes wins’. They must then label
the dice to show a fair game and an
unfair game. Ask pupils to design a
poster explaining some of the
examples they thought of.
Discuss children’s work.
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Mental calculation strategies (+ and -)
5 days
Pencil and paper procedures (+ and -)
Partition into H, T and U, adding the most significant digits first.
Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10 or 100, then adjust.
Develop further the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Use known number facts and place value for mental addition and subtraction (e.g.
470 + 380, 810 - 380, 7.4 + 9.8, 9.2 - 8.6).
Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate
ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator.
Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing.
Check the sum of several numbers by adding in the reverse order.
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator.
Check with an equivalent calculation.
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking
results, including using a calculator
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
Addition involving three-digit numbers
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 1
Tune-in TF 80-81
Revising addition of a three-digit
number and a two-digit multiple of
1 Adding a three-digit number
and a two-digit near multiple of
10 TF 81-82
Day 2
Specific Starter for Addition
TF 12-15
Day 3
Specific Starter for Addition
TF 12-15
Day 4
Specific Starter for Addition
TF 12-15
Day 5
Specific Starter for Addition
TF 12-15
2 Adding a three-digit number
and a two-digit number TF 82-83
3 Adding three-digit multiples of
10 TF 83-84
4 Adding three-digit numbers
TF 84
Without bridging
5 Adding three-digit numbers
TF 85
With bridging
Pupil Activity TF 82
1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit
number and a multiple/near
multiple of 10, with bridging
Textbook page 17 TF 86
Textbook page 18 TF 86
Textbook page 19 TF 86
Textbook page 20 TF
Textbook page 17 TF 86
For q1 and 2 discuss with the pupils
the calculations that need to be
made. Allow pupils to use blank
number lines to support them in
finding the answers.
Textbook page 18 TF 86
Provide pairs of children with a set
of cards showing three-digit
multiples of ten which end in 50 or
less. Ask pupils to take it in turns to
select two cards and find their total.
If successful include cards ending
in fifty or more. Give pupils plenty
of practise before (and if) they
attempt the textbook page.
Textbook page 19 TF 86
For q1 and 4 discuss with the pupils
as a group which calculations they
will need to do and ask them to
write these down. Encourage pupils
to use informal jottings and blank
number lines to find the answers to
their calculations.
Textbook page 20 TF
Ask pupils to work as pairs and
write down the calculations they
think should be carried out in each
question avoiding finding the
answer. Discuss and check their
ideas then ask them to find the
answers together discussing the
best strategies to use in each case.
Textbook page 16 TF 86
Pupil Activity TF 82
1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit
number and a multiple/near
multiple of 10, with bridging
Work with the pupils as a group
and find the answer to the middle
question in each case together.
Then ask pupils to find the other
answers alone using those already
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Pupil Activity TF 82
1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit
number and a multiple/near
multiple of 10, with bridging
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
cards showing three-digit numbers
and a set showing two-digit ‘near
ten’ numbers, e.g. 79, 48, etc.
Ask them to take turns to pick a
card from each set and find the
total of the two numbers mentally.
Their partner could time them with
a stopwatch and a list of the
quickest times managed to solve a
question recorded.
Follow-up for Textbook page 16
TF 86
Textbook page 17 TF 86
On the board write the total to all
the answers on the page. When
pupils have finished ask them to use
a calculator to find the total of all
their answers. If the two totals do
not match then pupils must check
through their work to find where
they have made mistakes and
correct them.
Textbook page 18 TF 86
Provide pairs of pupils with sets of
cards showing three-digit multiples
of ten. Ask pupils to take it in turns
to choose four or five cards and
find the total of the numbers
Textbook page 19 TF 86
Ask pupils to find the total number
of café sales, carry-out sales and
soup carton sales.
Textbook page 20 TF
For each week, ask pupils to find
out how much was spent by the
three snack bars in total on
Follow-up for Textbook page 17
TF 86
Follow-up for Textbook page 18
TF 86
Follow-up for Textbook page 19
TF 86
Follow-up for Textbook page 20
TF 86
Home Activity 4
Check-up 6
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Mental calculation strategies (+ and -)
Find differences by counting up through next multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, e.g.
calculate mentally a difference such as 8006 - 2993.
Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10 or 100, then adjust.
Develop further the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Use known number facts and place value for mental addition and subtraction (e.g.
470 + 380, 810 - 380, 7.4 + 9.8, 9.2 - 8.6).
Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate
ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator.
Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing.
Check the sum of several numbers by adding in the reverse order.
Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.
Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator.
Check with an equivalent calculation.
5 days
Pencil and paper procedures (+ and -)
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking
results, including using a calculator
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
Home Activities
Day 1
Tune-in TF 107-108
Revising subtraction of a
multiple of 100
1 Subtracting a multiple of 10
With no bridging TF 108-109
Pupil Sheet 14
Multiples of 10, no bridging
2 Subtracting multiples of 10
TF 110-111
Bridging multiples of 100
Pupil Activity TF 110
1 Pupil Sheet 15 Multiples of
10 from a three-digit number
Ask pupils to try and find all
questions mentally.
Textbook page 28 TF 113
Pupil Activity TF 110
1 Pupil Sheet 15 Multiples of
10 from a three-digit number
Allow pupils to use blank
number lines to support them in
finding the answers.
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Day 2
Specific Starter for Subtraction TF
Mental subtraction involving three-digit numbers
Mental subtraction involving four-digit numbers
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 3
Tune-in TF 115
Revising subtraction of multiples of 100
(no bridging)
1 Subtracting a multiple of 100 TF 116-117
Bridging a multiple of 1000
Day 4
Specific Starter for
TF 16-19
2 Finding small differences
TF 117-118
Between numbers on either
side of the same multiple of
Day 5
Specific Starter for
TF 16-19
3 Finding the difference
between near multiples of
TF 118-119
Textbook page 29-30 TF 113-114
Pupil Activity TF 117
1 Pupil Sheet 16
Three-digit multiples of 100, with bridging
Textbook page 31 TF 119
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Textbook page 29-30 TF 113-114
Provide pairs of children with sets of three
connected cards like those in q3 along with
cards labelled +, - and =. Ask pupils to
take it in turns to lay the number and
symbol cards out so they make true
statements. Their partner can use a
calculator to check the statement. When
Pupil Activity TF 117
1 Pupil Sheet 16
Three-digit multiples of 100, with bridging
Provide pupils with a set of questions that do
not involve bridging a multiple of 1000. If
successful ask them to work in pairs to try
and find the answers to the questions on the
sheet. Encourage them to use blank number
Textbook page 31 TF 119
Allow pupils to draw number
lines to find their answers.
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Before the pupils start read
through the questions as a
group and discuss what
calculations are required in
q1, 2 and 4. Allow pupils to
draw number lines to find
their answers.
3 Finding the difference between near
multiples of 100 TF 111-112
4 Linking addition and subtraction TF
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four different statements have been made
for a set of cards pupils can move on to a
new set. Provide plenty of practice before
pupils attempt q4 onwards on p30.
Textbook page 29-30 TF 113-114
Ask pupils to create a poster explaining
how subtraction can be checked using
addition giving examples involving three
digit numbers and word problems.
lines to support their thinking.
Pupil Activity TF 117
1 Pupil Sheet 16
Three-digit multiples of 100, with bridging
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing
five-digit numbers and another showing
three-digit multiples of 100. Ask pupils to
pick a card from each set and find the
difference using a method of their choice.
Textbook page 31 TF 119
On the board put the total to
all the answers to q1-3. When
pupils have completed their
page they must find the total
of all their answers for q1-3.
If the totals are not the same
they must find and correct
their mistakes. Discuss with
the pupils how they found
their total.
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Provide pupils with two sets
of cards, one showing four
digit numbers slightly over a
multiple of 1000, the other
four digit numbers slightly
less than a multiple of 1000.
For examples of numbers to
use see Follow-up on TF
119. Pupils take it in turns
to select a card from each
set and find the difference
explaining their strategy to
their partner.
Discuss children’s work.
Follow-up for Textbook page
31 TF 119
Follow-up for Textbook
page 32 TF 119
Home Activity 8
Check-up 10
Pupil Activity TF 110
1 Pupil Sheet 15 Multiples of
10 from a three-digit number
Ask pupils to time themselves to
see how quickly they can
complete the sheet mentally. In
pairs ask them to select
questions for their partner who
must explain clearly the
strategy they used to find the
Follow-up for Textbook page
28 TF 114
Follow-up for Textbook pages
29-30 TF 114
Home Activity 7
Check-up 9
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Framework topic
Objectives: children will be taught to…
NHM Topic
NHM Section
Properties of numbers
Reasoning about numbers
Order a given set of positive and negative integers
(e.g. on a number line, on a temperature scale).
Calculate a temperature rise or fall across 0°C.
Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting from any number in
steps of constant size, extending beyond zero when counting back. For example:
count on in steps of 25 to 1000, and then back;
count on or back in steps of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3...
Make general statements about odd or even numbers, including the outcome of sums
and differences.
Number Properties
5 days
Teaching File page
Pupil Sheets
Textbook page
N.G. Shortcut 1
S.T. Shortcut 1, 3, 5
Unit 14:
Number properties
Home Activities
Day 1
Tune-in TF 256-257
Revising the concept of negative
1 Sequences of negative numbers;
ordering TF 257-259
Pupil Activity TF 259
1 Pupil Sheet 47
Negative numbers
Pupil Activity TF 259
1 Pupil Sheet 47
Negative numbers
Cut the sheet into strips showing
each number line separately. Give
pupils the separate lines and cards
showing the missing numbers. Ask
them to place the cards in the
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
Extension Textbook
Resource Sheets
Day 2
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 3
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 4
Generic Starter TF 2-5
Day 5
Generic Starter TF 2-5
2 Adding and subtracting
negative numbers TF 259-260
Textbook page 78 TF 267
3 Sequences TF 261-262
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
1 Number sequences
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns
Textbook page 79 TF 267
Textbook page 78 TF 267
For q6 provide pupils with blank
pictures of thermometers with
labelled scales. Ask them to mark
on the old and new temperatures
and use the scales to answer the
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
1 Number sequences
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns
Ask pupils to make up their
own patterns then ask similar
questions about circles further
on in the pattern.
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid
Textbook page 77 TF 267
Number properties
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Textbook page 79 TF 267
After Pupils have completed q1 Ask
them to generate similar sequences
using a calculator. Each time they
must write down the rule they chose
to follow and the first six numbers
in their sequence. When they have
had further practice look at q2-5 as
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
correct positions on the line.
Pupil Activity TF 259
1 Pupil Sheet 47
Negative numbers
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing negative numbers. They
must select two or three cards and
write down two true statements with
the numbers and < and > signs.
Follow-up for Textbook page 77
TF 268
Textbook page 78 TF 267
Provide pupils with newspaper
cuttings showing the temperatures
in cities around the world. Ask them
to create a poster describing the
differences in temperature between
the different cities, e.g. ‘it is 13oC
hotter in Rome than in London
Follow-up for Textbook page 78
TF 268
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
1 Number sequences
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns
Ask pupils to think of their own patterns
to explore in the grids. Ask them to
explain what they chose to look at and
what they found.
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns
4 Pupil Sheets 50
Odd and even numbers
Discuss children’s work
Discuss children’s work
a group and discuss them orally.
Textbook page 79 TF 267
Ask pupils to create their own
sequences each with one incorrect
term in them. Swap with a partner
who must find the incorrect term
and the rule for the sequence.
Follow-up for Textbook page 79
TF 269
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
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NHM Framework Unit Planning Year 5 Spring Term
Unit 1
TB 8
TB 9
CU 3
Unit 2
TB 42
TB 43
Unit 3
TB 51
TB 52
TA 6ab
Unit 4
TB 59
HA 14
TB 60
TB 61
CU 18
Unit 5
TB 107
TB 108
EX 16
EX 17
EX 18
Unit 7
TB 85
TB 86
HA 17
TB 87
TB 88
Unit 8
TB 95
TB 96
TB 123
Unit 9
TB 16
HA 4
TB 17
TB 18
Unit 10
TB 28
HA 7
TB 29
TB 30
Unit 11
TB 77
TB 78
TB 79
NHM Year 5 Framework Unit Planning
TB 109
TB 110
TB 19
TB 20
CU 6
CU 9
TB 31
HA 8
TB 32
CU 10
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