NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 3 Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding Reading numbers from scales 1 3 days Place value, ordering and rounding Reading numbers from scales Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Read and begin to write the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers, including ordinal numbers to at least 100. Compare two given three-digit numbers, say which is more or less, and give a number which lies between them. Read and begin to write the vocabulary of estimation and approximation. Give a sensible estimate of up to about 100 objects. Round any two-digit number to the nearest 10 and any three-digit number to the nearest 100. Read and write the vocabulary of estimation and approximation. Make and justify estimates up to about 250, and estimate a proportion. Round any positive integer less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100. Numbers to 1000 Numbers to 10000 Numbers halfway between, estimating and rounding Number names, ordinal numbers Estimating and rounding 4 Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS 7-9, 65-78 TOOLBOX 18-21, 23 Extension Textbook page 1a, b 8, 29-35, 41-48 3 7-11, 69-76 10 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 1 of 76 9-10 3 1a, b Resource Sheets 19-25, 34 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Tune-in TF 65 Numbers between 1 Numbers halfway between TF 66-67 2 Estimating TF 67-68 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 69-70 School bus Revising estimation of a number from its position on a 0-10 number line 1 Washing line TF 70-71 Estimating numbers on a 0-100 line 2 Juice bottles TF 71-72 Estimating proportions Textbook page 9 TF 76 Core Activities Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71 Support Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71 Provide 0-100 and 0-1000 number lines to support the children. Extension Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71 Give children a blank 0-100 number line. Write on the board some two-digit numbers and ask the pupils to estimate where to put them on their number line. Textbook page 9 TF 76 Provide a sheet showing the same questions but with more divisions marked on each scale to enable easier estimation. On completion discuss with the pupils the questions in the book and how to make estimates without the divisions marked on. Textbook page 9 TF 76 Provide a set of clear containers holding items such as pasta. Ask pupils to estimate the number of items in each. Discuss the methods they use to make their guesses. Plenary Follow-up for Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 72 Follow-up for Textbook page 9 TF 76 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 2 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000 TF 7-9 Specific Starter for Numbers to 10000 TF 7-11 3 Rounding to the nearest 10 3 Revising rounding TF 72-73 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10; 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 4 Rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 TF 73-74 Textbook page 10 TF 76 TF 68-69 4 Estimating, rounding to the nearest 100 TF 70-71 Core Activities Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 7 Support Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 71 Provide 0-100 and 0-1000 number lines to support the children. Extension Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 71 In pairs provide pupils with a 3x3 grid containing the multiples of 10 less than 100. Ask them to shuffle a pack of 1-100 cards. Take it in turns to select a card, round it the nearest 10 and place it on the appropriate square of the grid. The first one to get three squares in a line is the winner. Follow-up for Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 72 Plenary Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 10 TF 76 For each question ask the pupils to first write down the ten or hundred number either side of the given number onto a blank number line. They must then mark in the halfway point and their number on the number line and use this to help them decide whether to round up or down. Textbook page 10 TF 76 Ask pupils to write down five multiples of ten between 100 and 1000. Under each number they must write down four numbers that can be rounded up or down to that number and one that cannot. Once finished swap with a partner who has to identify the number that cannot be rounded in each case. Check-up 3 Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 3 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Teaching TF 75-76 2 Queues Consolidating 1st to 10th and ordinal names first to tenth Specific Starter for Numbers to 10000 TF 7-11 Main Teaching 3 Marathon TF 76-77 Introducing 11th to 20th, and ordinal names eleventh to twentieth 5 Rounding to find approximate totals TF 74-75 Core Activities Activity Book page 23 TF 77 Pupil Activity TF 75 1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating Support Activity Book page 23 TF 77 Provide the pupils with a set of notation cards and a set of ordinal name cards. Ask them to match the cards up and then do the questions. Extension Activity Book page 23 TF 77 In small groups ask the pupils to share out a set of notation cards from 1st to 20th. Give one child a shuffled set of ordinal name cards. They must turn over a card and give an instruction for the child holding the matching notation card to carry out. That child then hands over their card. The first child to get rid of their cards wins. Follow-up for Activity Book page 23 TF 78 Pupil Activity TF 75 1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating First list all the numbers involved in the questions and ask pupils to work together to round each one to the nearest 100. They must then use this information to complete the sheet. Pupil Activity TF 75 1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating Having made their approximations, ask the pupils to find the actual answer to each question using a method of their choice. Plenary Topic Assessment 1a, b Additional Resources Teacher Notes Discuss children’s work. Topic Assessment 1a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 4 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 5 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 6 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 3 Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and -) 2 Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results 4 Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) Pencil and paper procedures (+ and -) Making decisions and checking results Money and ‘real life’ problems Teaching File page Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Extend understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction, read and begin to write the related vocabulary, and continue to recognize that addition can be done in any order. Use the +, - and = signs. Extend understanding that subtraction is the inverse of addition. Say or write a subtraction statement corresponding to a given addition statement, and vice versa. Use known number facts and place value to add/subtract mentally. Solve word problems involving numbers in 'real life', money and measures, using one or more steps, including finding totals and giving change, and working out which coins to pay. Explain how the problem was solved. Recognize all coins and notes. Understand and use £.p notation (for example, know that £3.06 is £3 and 6p). Subtraction to 100 Linking addition and subtraction, using and applying Money Using £5, £10 and £20 notes Consolidate understanding of relationship between + and -. Partition into tens and units, adding the tens first. Continue to use the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions/subtractions. Develop and refine written methods for: column addition and subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000, and addition of more than two such numbers. Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Check with the inverse operation. Check with an equivalent calculation. Addition to 1000 Written methods of addition Subtraction to 1000 Subtraction involving three-digit numbers, written procedures Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 33-36, 65-69 23 19 Extension Textbook page E3, E5 2a, b 3a, b, 6 E3 26-31 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 3 4 23-25, 153-161, 244-251 NF, Shortcut 1 11-16, 108-114, 141-149 NHM Mixed Age Planning 17-21, 25-26 Page 7 of 76 23-24 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets 29-35 NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 153 Sixfix Revising addition and subtraction facts to 20 Tune-in TF 108-109 In the right place Writing numbers in appropriate place value columns Main Teaching 1 Links TF 153-155 Linking addition and subtraction Core Activities Textbook pages 33-34 TF 155-156 1 Expanded recordings TF 109-110 Pupil Sheet 17 Expanded recording, most significant digits first Pupil Activity TF 110 Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first Support Textbook pages 33-34 TF 155-156 Allow the children to use a 0-100 number line or a blank number line to help them find the answers. Pupil Activity TF 110 Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first Provide pupils with place value cards to make each question and support their calculations. Extension Textbook pages 33-36 TF 155-156 Pupil Activity TF 110 Plenary Follow-up for Textbook pages 33-34 TF 156 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Give pairs of pupils a set of threedigit place value cards. Shuffle each set of cards and take it in turns to pick cards to make two three-digit numbers. Add them together and record using the expanded vertical method. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 8 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for addition/subtraction to 100 TF 9-16 Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16 1 Links TF 153-155 Linking addition and subtraction 2 Introducing a standard method TF 110-112 No bridging/bridging 10 Further consolidation Core Activities Textbook pages 35-36 TF 155-156 Pupil Activities TF 112-113 1 Pupil Sheet 19 HTU + TU/HTU, no bridging/bridging 10 2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Support Textbook pages 35-36 TF 155-156 Read the questions to the children as a group and allow them to answer together, discussing strategies for solving each question. Extension Textbook page E3 TF 161 Pupil Activities TF 112-113 1 Pupil Sheet 19 HTU + TU/HTU, no bridging/bridging 10 Follow-up for Textbook pages 35-36 TF 156 Discuss children’s work. Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 112-113 2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Topic Assessment 3a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 9 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 244 Wheel of Fortune Adding pounds and pence Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16 Main Teaching 1 Paper Money TF 245 Introducing the £5 and £10 notes 3 Extending the standard method TF 112-113 Bridging 100 Core Activities Textbook page 65 TF 248 Pupil Activities TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 21 HTU + TU/HTU, bridging 100 2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Support Textbook page 65 TF 248 Provide notes and coins to support the children in q1. Extension Textbook page 65 TF 248 Ask the children to give different combinations of notes and coins with which the items in q2 could be paid for. Pupil Activities TF112- 113 2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Provide further practice of bridging through 10. Pupil Activities TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 21 HTU + TU/HTU, bridging 100 In pairs, ask pupils to think of two three-digit numbers and challenge their partner to add them together. For each correct answer score a point. Plenary Specific Starter for Money TF 23-25 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 10 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Money TF 23-25 Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16 Main Teaching 2 Birthdays TF 245-246 Introducing the £20 note 4 Consolidating the standard method TF 113 Bridging 10 and 100 Core Activities 3 Toy World TF 246-247 Change from £5 and £10 Pupil Activity TF 246 1 Laying out amounts to £40 Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Textbook page 66 TF248 Textbook p67 q1 TF 248 Pupil Activity TF 246 1 Laying out amounts to £40 Start off with pictures of items costing £10 or less. Textbook pages 23-24 TF 114 Extension Pupil Activity TF 246 1 Laying out amounts to £40 Give the pupils pictures of items costing up to £100. Extension Textbook page E3 TF 118 Plenary Hold up the pictures and invite pupils to say which notes and coins they chose to pay for each item. Follow-up for Textbook pages 23-24 TF 114 Support Additional Resources Pupil Activities TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 21 HTU + TU/HTU, bridging 100 Topic Assessment 2a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 11 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Money TF 23-25 Tune-in TF 141-142 Composition of numbers Revising numbers to 1000 Main Teaching 4 Parcels TF 247 Finding totals 1 Expanded recording, no exchange TF 142 Core Activities Textbook pages 67 q2-3 TF 248 Textbook pages 68-69 TF 248 Pupil Activities TF 142 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, no exchange Support Textbook pages 67 q2-3 TF 248 Textbook pages 68-69 TF 24 Read the questions to the children as a group and allow them to answer together, discussing strategies for solving each question. Textbook pages 67 q2-3 TF 248 Textbook pages 68-69 TF 24 Pupil Activities TF 142 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Work with the pupils as a group and partition each number in each question together before the pupils finish the sheet independently. Pupil Activities TF 142 2 Pupil Sheet 26 Template Extension Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Textbook E5, TF 251 Plenary Home Activity 23 Discuss children’s work. Check-up 19 Topic Assessment 6 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 12 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 3 3 Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) Pencil and paper procedures (+ and -) 4 Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) Pencil and paper procedures (+ and -) Making decisions and checking results Money and ‘real life’ problems Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Derive quickly: all pairs of multiples of 5 with a total of 100 (e.g. 35 + 65). Identify near doubles, using doubles already known (e.g. 80 + 81). Use known number facts and place value to add/subtract mentally. Bridge through a multiple of 10, then adjust. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain HTU ± TU, HTU ± HTU. Begin to use column addition and subtraction for HTU ± TU where the calculation cannot easily be done mentally. Addition and Subtraction to 1000 Addition of two-digit numbers, bridging 100 Consolidate understanding of relationship between + and -. Continue to use the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions/subtractions. Develop and refine written methods for: column addition and subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000. Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Check with the inverse operation. Check with an equivalent calculation. Subtraction to 1000 Subtraction involving three-digit numbers, written procedures Teaching File page Pupil Sheets 9-13, 27-31, 278-288 36-37 17-20, 141-149 27-33 Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS TOOLBOX 3 73-75 34-37 Extension Textbook page 22 3a, b 16-17, 29-38 26-31 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 13 of 76 Resource Sheets Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 278-279 Oral Practice Tune-in TF 141-142 Composition of numbers Revising numbers to 1000 Main Teaching 1 Doubles table TF 279-280 Extending doubles from 15 + 15 to 20 + 20 2 Expanded recording TF 143 Exchanging a ten for units 3 Expanded recording TF 144 Exchanging a hundred for tens Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Sequences of doubles to 40 2 Sequences of doubles game Pupil Activities TF 143-144 1 Pupil Sheet 27 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10 1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 Support Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Sequences of doubles to 40 Extension Pupil Activities TF 280 2 Sequences of doubles game Include an extra set of cards which take the sequence up to 100. Plenary Consolidate doubles facts. Pupil Activities TF 143 1 Pupil Sheet 27 With the pupils as a group partition the numbers involved in each question before letting the pupils complete them independently. Pupil Activities TF 143-144 1 Pupil Sheet 27 1 Pupil Sheet Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in pairs ways in which they could make the calculations quicker. Discuss their ideas as a group. Discuss children’s work. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 14 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 278-279 Oral Practice Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20 2 Another doubles table TF 281-282 Extending doubles of multiples of 5 from 50 + 50 to 100 + 100 3 Near doubles TF 282 Pupil Activity TF 282 1 Sequences of doubles to 200 Textbook page 73 TF 288 4 Expanded recording TF 145 Exchanging ten for a hundred Support Pupil Activity TF 282 1 Sequences of doubles to 200 Begin with numbers to 100 only. Extension Pupil Activity TF 282 Shuffle the cards and spread them face down on the table. Ask the pupils to take it in turns to turn over two cards. If they belong to the same doubles sequences they are kept by the player, if not they are turned back over. The player with the most cards at the end wins. Follow-up for Textbook page 73 TF 288 Pupil Activities TF 144 1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 2 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Give further practise of exchanging a 10 or 100 if necessary before giving examples of doing both. Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in pairs ways in which they could make the calculations quicker, building on ideas from Day 1. Discuss their ideas as a group. Main Teaching Core Activities Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Textbook page 34 TF 148 Follow-up for Textbook page 34 TF 149 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 15 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Addition to 100 or Addition and Subtraction to 1000 TF 9-13, 27-31 Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20 Main Teaching 4 Adding two-multiples of 10, bridging 100 TF 283 5 A quicker way TF 145-146 Introducing a standard written method for subtraction Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 283 1 Pupil Sheet 36 Adding multiples of 10 Pupil Activities TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Two-/three-digit numbers, no exchange 2 Pupil Sheet 31 Template Support Pupil Activity TF 283 1 Pupil Sheet 36 Adding multiples of 10 Work with the children to complete the addition facts together. Then ask them to work alone on adding the multiples of 10. Put a set of questions adding two multiples of 10 on the board, e.g. 70 + 80, 40 + 90. Ask the pupils to solve them and say which known addition fact they used to do so, e.g. 7 + 8 = 15 so 70 + 80 = 150. Pupil Activities TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Two-/three-digit numbers, no exchange Give the pupils the same questions but ask them to continue solving them using the expanded method. Extension Plenary Consolidate adding multiples of 10. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Two-/three-digit numbers, no exchange 2 Pupil Sheet 31 Template Ask pupils to time themselves to see how quickly they can complete Sheet 30. Can they beat their time on Sheet 31? Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 16 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Addition to 100 or Addition and Subtraction to 1000 TF 9-13, 27-31 Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20 Main Teaching 5 Adding two-digit numbers and multiples of 10, bridging 100 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 285 6 Vertical recording TF 146 Exchanging a ten for units 7 Vertical recording TF 147 Exchanging a hundred for tens Pupil Activities TF 146-147 1 Pupil Sheet 32 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 Pupil Activities TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 32 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10 If appropriate ask pupils to continue using an expanded method. Pupil Activities TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 32 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 2 Pupil Sheet 31 Template Provide some questions where a 10 and 100 needs exchanging. Ask pupils to work in pairs to extend the method they have been using for these questions. Share ideas as a group. Discuss children’s work. 1 Adding multiples of 10 and single digits Textbook page 74 TF 288 Support Pupil Activity TF 285 1 Adding multiples of 10 and single digits Extension Allow children to use blank number lines to find their answers. Pupil Activity TF 285 1 Adding multiples of 10 and single digits Ask the children to work in pairs and time how long it takes to do 10 questions. Repeat and try to improve their time. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 74 TF 288 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 17 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Addition to 100 or Addition and Subtraction to 1000 TF 9-13, 27-31 Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20 6 Number lines TF 285-286 Adding two-digit numbers, bridging 100 7 Vertical recording TF 286-287 Adding two-digit numbers, bridging 100 Pupil Activity TF 286 1 Pupil Sheet 37 Adding two-digit numbers, bridging 100 Textbook page 75 TF 288 Pupil Activity TF 286 1 Pupil Sheet 37 Work through the questions with the pupils as a group first and discuss the steps they think they will take. Remind them to try and take as few steps as possible. Pupil Activity TF 286 1 Pupil Sheet 37 8 Vertical recording TF 147 Exchanging a ten and a hundred Ask the pupils to try and find the answers mentally first and then use the number line to check them. Plenary Consolidate vertical recording. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 147 1 Pupil Sheet 31 Template Textbook pages 35-37 TF 148 Pupil Activities TF 147 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 If appropriate ask pupils to continue using an expanded method. Pupil Activity TF 147 1 Pupil Sheet 31 Template In pairs, pupils take it in turns to choose two three-digit numbers and challenge their partner to find the difference between them. Pupils score a point for each question they answer correctly. Follow-up for Textbook pages 35-37 TF 149 Check-up 22 Topic Assessment 3a,b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 18 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Measures, including problems 3 4 Measures, including problems Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Read and begin to write the vocabulary related to capacity. Measure and compare using standard units (l, ml). Know the relationship between litres and millilitres. Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure capacity. Read scales to the nearest division (labelled or unlabelled). Record estimates and measurements to the nearest whole or half unit (e.g. 'about 3.5l'), or in mixed units (e.g. '3l and 500ml'). Measure Capacity Use, read and write standard metric units (l, ml), including their abbreviations, and imperial units (pint). Know and use the relationships between familiar units of capacity. Know the equivalent of one half, one quarter, three quarters and one tenth of 1litre in ml. Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure capacity. Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy. Measure Capacity Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page 2-5, 337-341 41 33 95-96 2-5, 372-377 83-84 101-102 Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS TOOLBOX Extension Textbook page 3 E20 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 19 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 337 Comparing capacities Revising the litre Tune-in TF 372-373 Large and little Revising the litre, half-litre and millilitre relationships Main Teaching 1 More comparing TF 337-339 Introducing the half-litre 1 The quarter litre TF 373-374 Core Activities Textbook page 95 TF 340 Textbook page 101 TF 377 Support Textbook page 95 TF 340 Work with the pupils ensuring the accuracy of their measuring. Extension Textbook page 95 TF 340 Provide further containers to estimate and measure the capacity of. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 95 TF 341 Textbook page 101 TF 377 Provide the pupils with cards with the comparisons of q2 written on. Work with the pupils as a group and fill a measuring jug to the amount of each container. Decide which card matches the amount in the jug. Textbook page 101 TF 377 Ask pupils to use four containers not already used in q1. They must estimate to the nearest 50ml the capacity of each container and then measure to see how accurate they were. Follow-up for Textbook page 101 TF 377 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 20 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching 2 A new unit TF 339 Introducing millilitres 2 Party time TF 375-376 Litres and millilitres Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 340 Textbook page 102 TF 377 Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes 1 Measuring in millilitres and reading scales Support Pupil Activities TF 340 2 Pupil Sheet 41 Millilitres Extension Pupil Activities TF 340 2 Pupil Sheet 41 Millilitres Plenary Discuss children’s practical work. Textbook page 102 TF 377 Provide the answers to the questions on cards and ask pupils to work in pairs to place the cards against the right questions. Textbook page 102 TF 377 Provide pupils with some containers with a capacity of 500ml or less. Ask them to first estimate then measure how many times each container could be filled up from a litre jug. Follow-up for Textbook page 102 TF 377 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 21 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Revise teaching on millilitres 3 Millilitre scales TF 376 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 340 2 Pupil Sheet 41 Millilitres Pupil Activity TF 376 1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres Support Activity Book page 33 TF 341 Pupil Activity TF 376 1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres Extension Pupil Activities TF 340 Pupil Activity TF 376 1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres 1 Measuring in millilitres and Additional Resources Teacher Notes reading scales Plenary Discuss the classroom display of containers and ask questions such as ‘which holds the most?’. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 22 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Revise teaching on millilitres Consolidate Teaching from Days 1-3 Core Activities Activity Book page 33 TF 341 Support Pupil Activities TF 340 1 Measuring in millilitres and reading scales Extension Activity Book page 33 TF 341 Textbook page 96 TF 341 Provide pupils with some containers. Ask them to estimate the capacity of each to the nearest 10ml. They must then see how accurate their estimates were by measuring. Working in pairs the children stick a strip of masking tape down the side of an empty container. They then measure 100ml of water and pour it into the container. Pupils must then mark on the tape ‘100ml’ alongside the water level. They continue, marking 100ml intervals up to 1l. Ask pupils to use litre jugs to measure out 1l of water and then other materials such as pasta or rice. They must then estimate how much each material will weigh. They then check their estimates and put the litres of materials in order from lightest to heaviest. Plenary Follow-up for Activity Book p33 TF 341 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 23 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Revise teaching on millilitres Consolidate Teaching from Days 1-3 Core Activities Textbook page 96 TF 341 Support Textbook page 96 TF 341 Discuss with the children how each question might be solved first. Put a list of capacities on the board such as, ‘the amount of coke in a can’, ‘the amount of water in a watering can’. Ask pupils to suggest appropriate measurements for each. Discuss answers. Pupil Activity TF 376 1 Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres Extension Give pairs of children an empty container. One child pours water into the container and the other has to estimate in millilitres how much water there is. Check with a measuring cylinder how accurate the estimate is. Follow-up for Textbook p96 TF341 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Textbook page E20 TF 378 Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 24 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Shape 2D Shape: symmetry 3 Identify and sketch lines of symmetry in simple shapes, and recognize shapes with no lines of symmetry. Sketch the reflection of a simple shape in a mirror line along one edge. 2D Shape: making shapes Line symmetry 4 Classify and describe 2-D shapes, including the semi-circle, quadrilateral …referring to properties such as reflective symmetry, the number of sides and vertices, whether sides are the same length, whether or not angles are right angles … Make and describe shapes and patterns. Sketch the reflection of a simple shape in a mirror line parallel to one side (all sides parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line). Shape and space Reasoning about shapes 5 3 days Shape and space 5 days 2D Shape Reasoning about shapes Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page 2-5, 384-388, 398-402 SM, Shortcuts 1-6 2-5, 405-408 52 41 111 87 110-111 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 3 Home Activities Check-ups Extension Textbook page 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 25 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 398 Symmetrical shapes Tune-in TF 405 Is it symmetrical? Main Teaching 1 Lines of symmetry TF 398-399 1 Symmetrical designs TF 405-406 Consolidating line symmetry Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 399 1 Pupil Sheet 52 Symmetry Textbook page 110 TF 408 Support Pupil Activity TF 399 1 Pupil Sheet 52 Symmetry Provide the pupils with pre-cut shapes. Pupil Activity TF 399 Ask the pupils to create their own symmetry problems and swap with a friend to solve. Textbook page 110 TF 408 Give pupils mirrors to use to help them decide on their answers. Using large card versions of the shapes on Pupil Sheet 52, invite pupils to show the different shapes they made. Draw round them to make a symmetry display. Follow-up for Textbook page 110 TF 408 Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 110 TF 408 Ask pupils to draw their own designs similar to those in q3 that have 1/2/3 lines of symmetry. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 26 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Revise teaching on lines of symmetry 2 Symmetrical patterns TF 406-407 Core Activities Textbook page 111 TF 402 Pupil Activities TF 407 1 Pupil Sheet 87 Line symmetry 2 Making symmetrical patterns Support Textbook page 111 TF 402 Allow pupils to use a mirror. Pupil Activities TF 407 1 Pupil Sheet 87 Line symmetry Extension Textbook page 111 TF 402 Pupil Activities TF 407 2 Making symmetrical patterns Year 3 Ask the pupils to draw their name on paper and find how many lines of symmetry each letter has. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 111 TF 402 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Look at children’s designs. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 27 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching 2 Symmetrical designs TF 400 Completing symmetrical patterns Consolidate Teaching from Day 2 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 401 1 Creating symmetrical designs Textbook page 111 TF 408 Support Pupil Activities TF 401 2 Making symmetrical patterns Ask the pupils to begin by making patterns with only one line of symmetry. Pupil Activities TF 401 1 Creating symmetrical designs Textbook page 111 TF 408 Provide a sheet with the first part of the patterns already drawn on. Allow pupils to use mirrors to help them complete them. Textbook page 111 TF 408 Provide pupils with reference books showing symmetrical patterns from art or other cultures, e.g. Rangoli patterns or Islamic art. Ask pupils to pick one they like and try to recreate it. Follow-up for Textbook page 111 TF 408 Extension Plenary Year 3 Discuss the different patterns pupils have made. Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 28 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Revise teaching on symmetrical patterns Core Activities Activity Book page 41 TF 402 Support Activity Book page 41 TF 402 Put the first two patterns onto a flipchart and work through them with the pupils showing them how to deal with one axis of symmetry at a time. Activity Book page 41 TF 402 Ask the pupils to make up their own symmetrical patterns on squared paper. Extension Plenary Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Discuss the strategies pupils used to complete the patterns. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 29 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 384 Shape quiz Revising 2D shapes Main Teaching Revise/Consolidate work on 2D shapes from Autumn Term unit 5 TF 385-38.8 Core Activities Revise/Consolidate work on 2D shapes from Autumn Term unit 5 TF 385-388. Support Revise/Consolidate work on 2D shapes from Autumn Term unit 5 TF 385-388. Extension Revise/Consolidate work on 2D shapes from Autumn Term unit 5 TF 385-388. Plenary Revise/Consolidate work on 2D shapes from Autumn Term unit 5. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 30 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 6 3 days Shape and space Reasoning about shapes 3 Shape and space Reasoning about shapes 4 Teaching File page Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Classify and describe 3-D shapes, including the hemi-sphere, prism ... referring to properties such as the number or shapes of faces, the number of edges and vertices, whether edges are the same length, whether or not angles are right angles... Make and describe shapes and patterns. Relate solid shapes to pictures of them. Shape 3D shape Recognise positions and directions: for example, describe and find the position of a point on a grid of squares where the lines are numbered. Recognise simple examples of horizontal and vertical lines. Use the eight compass directions N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW. Make and measure clockwise and anti-clockwise turns: for example, from SW to N, or from 4 to 10 on a clock face. Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees and that: one whole turn is 360° or 4 right angles; a quarter turn is 90° or one right angle; half a right angle is 45°. Start to order a set of angles less than 180°. 2D Shape Position, movement and angle Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 88-89 112-117 MATERIALS Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups Extension Textbook page 2-5, 376-381 TOOLBOX 3 2-5, 409-418 15-18 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 31 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Year 3 Tune-in TF 376 What’s my shape? Identifying shapes and discussing properties Revise Autumn Term unit 6 1 Introducing prisms TF 377-378 Sorting and identifying shapes Pupil Activities TF 378-379 2 Matching shapes to their descriptions Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 409 Revising grid references 1 Rock pool TF 410 Extending grid references Pupil Activity TF 410 1 Pupil Sheet 88 Grid references Textbook page 112 TF 417 Support Pupil Activities TF 378-379 2 Matching shapes to their descriptions Extension Pupil Activities TF 378-379 1 Sorting shapes on a Carroll diagram Ask the pupils to decide on the attributes by which they are going to sort the shapes. Plenary Hide a shape behind a large screen. The pupils can ask ten questions about its properties to which you give a yes/no answer. They must try to guess the shape before they run out of questions. Pupil Activity TF 410 1 Pupil Sheet 88 Grid references Draw a large grid on the board and work with the pupils as a group. Invite individuals up to point to each square by tracing the lines with their fingers to get to the right position. Pupil Activity TF 410 1 Pupil Sheet 88 Grid references Ask pupils to make up their own age for a turtle and write down the coordinates needed to find it. Swap with a partner to solve. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 32 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Further consolidation 2 Star chart TF 411 Introducing co-ordinates Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 378-379 3 Writing clues to describe shapes Textbook page 113 TF 417 Support Pupil Activities TF 378-379 2 Matching shapes to their descriptions Extension Pupil Activities TF 378-379 2 Matching shapes to their descriptions 3 Writing clues to describe shapes Textbook page 113 TF 417 Write the answers to the questions on card and ask the pupils to work in pairs to match the coordinates to the colours and vice-versa. Textbook page 113 TF 417 Ask pupils to draw their own grid of coloured dots and invent similar questions for a partner to solve. Plenary Hold up a 3D shape. Go round the class asking pupils to tell you one thing about the shape. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 113 TF 418 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 33 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Tune-in TF 376 What’s my shape? Identifying shapes and discussing properties Revise Autumn Term unit 6 2 Building with shapes TF 379-380 Year 4 3 Which direction? TF 412 Introducing the 8-point compass Pupil Activities TF 380 2 Building models Textbook pages 114-115 TF 417-418 Support Pupil Activities TF 380 2 Building models Extension Pupil Activities TF 380 Textbook pages 114-115 TF 417-418 Provide pupils with enlarged versions of the diagrams and toy people to position and move to help answer the questions. Textbook pages 114-115 TF 417-418 Ask pupils to draw their own maps containing treasure. They must then provide a set of instructions for a partner to locate the treasure. Follow-up for Textbook pages 114-115 TF 418 Plenary Put the class into teams. One person from each team comes to the front and is given Clixi or Polydron. Write on the board a shape to build, e.g. a triangular prism. The person who builds the shape quickest scores a point for their team. Teacher Notes Generic Starter TF 2-5 Core Activities 2 Building models 3 Building 3D shapes Additional Resources Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 34 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Generic Starter TF 2-5 4 Your Turn TF 414-415 Clockwise and anti-clockwise turns 5 Time turns TF 415 Turns on a clock Core Activities Textbook pages 116-117 TF 418 Support Textbook pages 116-117 TF 418 Provide pupils with enlarged versions of the diagrams and toy people to position and move to help answer the questions. Textbook pages 116-117 TF 418 Ask pupils to make up their own words using the letters on the wheel and then give directions to write each word starting from C each time. Follow-up for Textbook pages 416-417 TF 418 Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 35 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 6 Comparing and ordering angles TF 416-417 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Support Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Provide pupils with the angles on the sheet cut out of card. Remind pupils how they can be fitted over each other to help answer the questions. Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Ask pupils to draw ten angles on a sheet of paper. Swap with a partner who must order them from smallest to largest. Discuss children’s work. Plenary Teacher Notes Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Extension Additional Resources Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 36 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 8 3 Properties of numbers and number sequences Reasoning about numbers Properties of numbers Reasoning about numbers 4 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Recognize two-digit and three-digit multiples of 2, 5 or 10, and three-digit multiples of 50 and 100. Multiplication Multiplication of a two-digit number Numbers to 1000 Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting from any number in steps of constant size, extending beyond zero when counting back: for example, count on in steps of 25 to 500, and then back to, say, -100. Recognise odd and even numbers up to 1000, and some of their properties, including the outcome of sums or differences of pairs of odd/even numbers. Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, up to the tenth multiple. Recognise negative numbers in context. Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers or shapes by finding examples that satisfy it. Numbers to 10000 The sequence to 10000 Number properties Number properties Use all four operations to solve word problems involving numbers in 'real life', money and measures (including time), using one or more steps, including converting pounds to pence and metres to centimetres and vice versa. Money Using mental strategies Money and ‘real life’ problems Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities MATERIALS 7-9, 17-19, 181-188 TOOLBOX Check-ups Extension Textbook page 27 29-35 3 4 26-27, 40-46, 242250, 312-321 NC, Shortcut 1 NG, Shortcut 1 NHM Mixed Age Planning 55-56 Page 37 of 76 63-6 Resource Sheets 23-24 20 6 43 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 181-182 Multiples of two Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching 1 Finding multiples of two TF 182 Core Activities On the board write 30 two- and three-digit numbers. Ask the children to sort them into two sets and record them in a table of odd and even numbers. Ask them to express the numbers that are multiples of two as a multiplication fact, e.g. 376 = 2 x 188. On the board write 30 two- and three-digit numbers. Ask the children to sort them into two sets and record them in a table of odd and even numbers. Provide the pupils with a blank table to complete. Put a general statement on the board, such as ‘if you add three consecutive numbers, the sum is three times the middle number’. Discuss with pupils how they might test this statement. Ask pupils to work in pairs to come up with examples which match the statement. Put their examples on the board and discuss them. Put a mixture of true and false statements on the board and ask pupils to work in pairs to find examples that prove/disprove them. Support Extension On the board write 30 two- and three-digit numbers. Ask the children to sort them into two sets and record them in a table of odd and even numbers. Ask them to record the odd numbers in this way: 23 = 2 x 11 + 1. NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Put a mixture of true and false statements on the board and ask pupils to work in pairs to find examples that prove/disprove them. Work with the pupils as a group and find two examples for each statement together before asking pupils to work independently to find more. Put a mixture of true and false statements on the board and ask pupils to work in pairs to find examples that prove/disprove them. Ask pupils to think of their own statements and swap with partners to prove/disprove. Page 38 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Plenary Using a set of 0-9 cards, invite pupils to select two or three cards and arrange them to make a multiple of two if possible. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 39 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 17-19 Tune-in TF 242-243 Revising addition of two multiples of 10p, bridging £1 Main Teaching 2 Multiples of 10, 5, 100 and 50 TF 182-184 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 184 1 Market stall TF 243-242 Finding the total cost of items priced in multiples of 10p, with bridging Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Money multiplication 2 Adding multiple amounts Textbook page 63 TF 249 1 Sorting multiples of 2 and 5 on a Venn diagram Additional Resources Teacher Notes Provide cards with numbers between 50 and 100 to sort. Support Pupil Activity TF 184 1 Sorting multiples of 2 and 5 on a Venn diagram Pupil Activities TF 245 2 Adding multiple amounts Extension Pupil Activity TF 184 1 Sorting multiples of 2 and 5 on a Venn diagram Provide cards with two- and threedigit numbers to sort. Plenary On the board draw a large Venn diagram. Invite pupils to come up and place a given number in the right part of the diagram. Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Money multiplication Provide a die labelled 3,4,5,6,7,8 2 Adding multiple amounts Use the die from activity 1 and roll to find out how many of each card picked to buy then find a grand total. Follow-up for Textbook page 63 TF 250 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 40 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000 TF 7-9 Specific Starter for Money TF 26-27 Further consolidation on multiples 2 Finding the total cost of items priced in multiples of 5p, 1p Additional Resources Teacher Notes TF 245-246 Core Activities Activity Book page 27 TF 188 Pupil Activities TF 246 1 Connection cards Pupil Sheet 96 2 Finding total costs Textbook page 64 TF 249 Support Pupil Activities TF 246 1 Connection cards Pupil Sheet 96 Extension Activity Book page 27 TF 188 Allow pupils to use a calculator to help them find the answers to the final section. Activity Book page 27 TF 188 Ask the pupils to make a Venn diagram to sort numbers as multiples of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Give them some number cards to place in the diagram. Plenary Follow-up for Activity Book page 27 TF 188 Follow-up for Textbook page 64 TF 250 Pupil Activities TF 246 2 Finding total costs Ask pupils to select three or four items and find the total cost. Given four items ask them to find all the combinations there are of buying 2 then three items from the selection. Home Activity 23 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 41 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Year 3 Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000 TF 7-9 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Money TF 26-27 3 Change from £20 TF 247 Further consolidation on multiples Pupil Activity TF 184 1 Sorting multiples on a Venn diagramAsk the pupils to make a Venn diagram to sort numbers as multiples of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Provide cards with two- and three-digit numbers to sort. Pupil Activity TF 184 1 Sorting multiples on a Venn diagramHelp the pupils draw a Venn diagram to sort numbers as multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Extension Year 4 Provide cards with two- and threedigit numbers to sort. Give each pair of pupils a set of 0-9 cards. They shuffle the cards and select three cards each. They combine their cards in different ways to make one- two- and threedigit numbers. They must try to make numbers which are multiples of 2, 5, 10 and 50. On the board draw a large Venn diagram. Invite pupils to come up and place a given number in the right part of the diagram. Pupil Activities TF 247 1 Change from £20 practical work 2 Pupil Sheet 55 Change from £20 Textbook page 65 TF 249 Pupil Activities TF 247 1 Change from £20 practical work First ask the pupils to lay out the notes and coins that could be used to pay the exact price for each CD. Pupil Activities TF 247 2 Pupil Sheet 55 Change from £20 3 Pupil Sheet 56 Change template Ask pupils to put their own prices on the blank sheet and swap with a partner to solve. Follow-up for Textbook page 65 TF 250 Check-up 20 Additional notes NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 42 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000 TF 7-9 Specific Starter for Money TF 26-27 Main Teaching Further consolidation on multiples 4 Money Magic TF 248 Using and applying with the four operations Core Activities Ask the pupils to design an information poster which shows how to know whether a number is a multiple of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Encourage them to give examples of numbers and the rules, e.g. ‘multiples of 100 end in 00’. Ask the pupils to design an information poster which shows how to know whether a number is a multiple of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Give them a set of flashcards showing each multiple rule to form the basis of their poster to which they must add examples. Ask the pupils to design an information poster which shows how to know whether a number is a multiple of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Textbook page 66 Support Extension Plenary Invite pupils to explain the information they chose to put on their posters. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 66 Provide the pupils with coins and notes to enable them to answer the questions practically. Textbook page 66 Provide pupils with pictures of items that the shop sold labelled with their price. Tell them they had £10 to spend and they must decide on the items they would like to buy and what the total cost would be. Repeat allowing them £20 spending money. Follow-up for Textbook page 66 TF 250 Home Activity 24 Topic Assessment 6 Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 43 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 3 Understanding and Mental calculation strategies ( and ) 9 Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results Understanding and 4 Mental calculation strategies ( and ) Pencil and paper procedures ( and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results Teaching File page Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Recognize that division is the inverse of multiplication, and that halving is the inverse of doubling. Derive quickly: doubles of all whole numbers to at least 20 (e.g. 17 + 17 or 17 × 2); doubles of multiples of 5 to 100 (e.g. 75 × 2, 90 × 2); doubles of multiples of 50 to 500 (e.g. 450 × 2); and all the corresponding halves (e.g. 36 ÷ 2, half of 130, 900 ÷ 2). To multiply by 10/100, shift the digits one/two places to the left. Say or write a division statement corresponding to a given multiplication statement. Use known number facts and place value to carry out mentally simple multiplications and divisions. Extend understanding of the operations of × and ÷, and their relationship to each other and to + and -. Understand the principles (not the names) of the commutative, associative and distributive laws as they apply to multiplication. Use doubling or halving, starting from known facts. Partition (e.g. 23 × 4 = (20 × 4) + (3 × 4)). Use the relationship between multiplication and division. Approximate first. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications and divisions. Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Check with the inverse operation. Multiplication Multiplication of a two-digit number Division Linking multiplication and division Multiplication Written methods of multiplication Division Linking multiplication and division Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 28-29 44-46, 57 16 13 4a, b 4a, b E4 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 3 17-22, 181-188, 217-224 4 20-25, 177-186, 212-221 MF, Shortcut 1 NHM Mixed Age Planning 40-42, 51 Page 44 of 76 48 Extension Textbook page E4 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 17-19 Tune-in TF 177-178 Tens and units Revising mental multiplication of a two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 using a partitioning strategy 1 Cross method TF 178-179 Introducing an informal written method of multiplication Main Teaching 3 Multiplying multiples of 10 TF 184-185 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 185 1 Multiplication dice game Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Textbook page 44 TF 188 Support Pupil Activity TF 185 1 Multiplication dice game Work with the pupils first to make a list of all the tables facts they may need, e.g. 2 x 3, 5 x 5. Extension Pupil Activity TF 185 1 Multiplication dice game Give dice labelled 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 44 TF 188 Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Work with the pupils as a group first to partition the numbers involved in each question and place them correctly on the grid. Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Ask pupils to work in pairs and take it in turns to challenge each other to multiply a two-digit number by a single digit number using the ‘cross’ method. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 45 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 17-19 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 20-22 Main Teaching 4 Doubles TF 185-186 2 Vertical recording TF 179-181 Introducing an expanded vertical recording for multiplication Core Activities Give the pupils a set of 1-20 cards. In pairs they must shuffle the cards and then turn them over one at a time and double the number. Their partner times them and checks their answers with a calculator. Give the pupils a set of 1-20 cards. In pairs they must shuffle the cards and then turn them over one at a time and together double the number. Pupil Activity TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 41 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, expanded recording (most significant digit first) Support Extension Give the pupils a set of 1-30 cards. In pairs they must shuffle the cards and then turn them over one at a time and double the number. Their partner times them and checks their answers with a calculator. Plenary Hand each child a card with a twoor three-digit number on. Go round the class with each child saying their number and its double. Time how long it takes. Redistribute the cards and see if the class can improve on their time. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 41 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, expanded recording (most significant digit first) Allow pupils to carry on using the cross method of recording if necessary. Pupil Activity TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 41 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, expanded recording (most significant digit first) Pupil Activity TF 183 1 Pupil Sheet 42 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, standard recording Discuss children’s work. Page 46 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 17-19 Specific Starter for Multiplication TF 20-22 Main Teaching 5 Cubes TF 186-187 Multiplying a two-digit number by 2, 3 and 4 Core Activities Textbook pages 45-46 TF 188 Allow children to record intermediate steps to help them find the answers mentally. 3 Towards a standard written method TF 181-183 Adapting the expanded recording and introducing a standard method of recording Pupil Activity TF 183 1 Pupil Sheet 42 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, standard recording Textbook page 48 TF 183 Support Textbook pages 45-46 TF 188 With children write out the 2, 3, 4 and 5 times table facts before they do the questions. Extension Textbook pages 45-46 TF 188 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 183 1 Pupil Sheet 42 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5, standard recording Allow pupils to carry on using the cross method or expanded method of recording if necessary. Extension Textbook page E4 TF 186 Extension Textbook page E4 TF 191 Plenary Follow-up for Textbook pages 45-46 TF 188 Follow-up for Textbook page 48 TF 184 Home Activity 16 Check-up 13 Topic Assessment 4a, b Topic Assessment 4a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 47 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Year 3 Year 4 Tune-in TF 217-218 Doubling and halving Revising multiplication and division Tune-in TF 212-213 Doubling and halving Revising multiplication and division by 2 1 More doubling and halving TF 218-219 1 Halves TF 213-214 Halving even numbers to 100 and multiples of 10 to 200 Introducing doubles for 50, 100, 150,…, 500 and halves for 100, 200, 300,…, 1000 Core Activities Textbook page 57 TF 224 Pupil Activity TF 214 1 Four in a row game Support Textbook page 57 TF 224 Work through the questions with the pupils first and discuss the strategies they will use to answer each question. Textbook page 57 TF 224 Ask the pupils to time themselves to see how quickly they can complete the page. Pupil Activity TF 214 1 Four in a row game Provide cards with multiples of 5 less than 50 and a corresponding ‘half of’ call card. Pupil Activity TF 214 1 Four in a row game Include multiples of 10 to 1000 and 100 to 10 000 on the cards and provide corresponding call cards. Follow-up for Textbook page 57 TF 224 Discuss children’s work. Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 48 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 17-22 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 20-25 2 Sweets TF 220 Linking multiplication and division involving 100 3 Chews TF 220-221 Linking multiplication and division involving 10 Activity Book pages 28-29 TF 224 2 More halves TF 214-216 Doubling a multiple of 10 to 500 and a multiple of 100 to 5000 and halving an even multiple of 10 to 1000 and an even multiple of 100 to 10000 Pupil Activity TF 216 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Linking multiplication and division Activity Book pages 28-29 TF 224 Provide pairs of pupils with a set of even number cards to 100. Ask them to take it in turns to pick a card, halve the number on it and record their answer. Discuss the strategies they used and then do some of the questions on Pupil Sheet 51 as a group orally. Pupil Activity TF 216 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Linking multiplication and division Ask pupils to pick a three- or fourdigit even number. Ask them to halve the number again and again until they reach an odd number. Which starting number can they find which gives the longest chain? Discuss children’s work. With the pupils write down the first ten multiples of 10 and 100 before they do the questions. Extension Activity Book pages 28-29 TF 224 In pairs ask the pupils to write out ten questions involving multiplication and division by 10 and 100. Swap with their partner to answer. Plenary Follow-up for Activity Book pages 28-29 TF 224 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 49 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 3 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Understanding and Mental calculation strategies ( and ) Recognize that division is the inverse of multiplication, and that halving is the inverse of doubling. To multiply by 10/100, shift the digits one/two places to the left. Use doubling or halving, starting from known facts (e.g. 8 × 4 is double 4 × 4). Say or write a division statement corresponding to a given multiplication statement. Use known number facts and place value to carry out mentally simple multiplications and divisions. Begin to find remainders after simple division. Round up or down after division, depending on the context. Division Linking multiplication and division Using and applying, remainders Understanding and Extend understanding of the operations of × and ÷, and their relationship to each other and to + and -. Use the relationship between multiplication and division. Use known number facts and place value to multiply and divide integers, including by 10 and then 100 (whole-number answers). Approximate first. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications and divisions. Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Check with the inverse operation. Estimate and check by approximating (round to nearest 10 or 100). Division Linking multiplication and division Dividing two-digit numbers; remainders 10 4 Mental calculation strategies ( and ) Pencil and paper procedures ( and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results Teaching File page Pupil Sheets 17-22, 217-234 25-26 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 52 Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 5a, b Extension Textbook page E6-E7 E5-E7 19-25 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 58-60 3 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 50 of 76 56-60 5a, b Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets 18-21, 29-35 NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 17-22 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Main Teaching 4 Spots TF 221-222 Linking multiplication and division 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Core Activities Textbook page 58 TF 224 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Support Textbook page 58 TF 224 With the children build up the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables facts before they do the questions. Textbook page 58 TF 224 Write five more number triples on the board for the pupils to write number stories for. 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Follow-up for Textbook page 58 TF 224 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes 23-25, 212-228 MF, Shortcut 1 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 51 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 17-22 Specific Starter for Division TF 23-25 Further Teaching TF 223 1 Digit shift patterns Multiplying/dividing by 10 4 Bolts and nails TF 218-219 Linking multiplication and division involving 10 and 100 In pairs give the pupils a set of 1-9 cards. They take it in turns to pick a card, multiply the number by 10 and record their answer. When a player can make exactly 100 with some or all of their recorded answers they win the round. In pairs give the pupils a 1-6 die. They take it in turns to roll the die, multiply the number by 10 and record their answer. When a player can make exactly 100 with some or all of their recorded answers they win. In pairs give the pupils a mixed set of 1-9 cards and cards showing the first ten multiples of 10. They take it in turns to pick a card, multiply the number by 10 and record their answer. When a player can make exactly 1000 with some or all of their recorded answers they win. Give each child a card showing a multiple of 10 up to 1000. Go round the class asking the children to divide their number by 10. Time the children to see how quickly you can get round the whole class. NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Further Teaching TF 219-220 1 Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 Investigating digit shift patterns Textbook page 57 TF 221 Textbook page 57 TF 221 Provide similar questions which involve the multiplication of twodigit multiples of ten by 10 and division of three-digit multiples of a hundred by 100. Textbook page 57 TF 221 Provide further questions which involve questions such as 230 x 10 and 8400 ÷ 100. Follow-up for Textbook page 57 TF 221 Page 52 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Redistribute the cards and see if the pupils can improve on the time. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 53 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Tune-in TF 225-226 How many left over? Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 222 Multiplying and dividing Revising mental multiplication and division by 2-10 Revising mental subtraction Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary 1 Counters TF 226-227 Introducing grouping with remainders Pupil Activity TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Grouping with remainders Ask the pupils to answer the questions without cubes first and then use them to check their answers. Pupil Activity TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Grouping with remainders Give the pupils cubes to model the problems and help them answer the questions. Pupil Activity TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Give the pupils a set of 20 – 50 cards and a set of cards showing 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Ask them to pick one card from each pile to make a division question to answer Discuss children’s work. NHM Mixed Age Planning 1 Division of two-digit numbers beyond the tables TF 223 Using an informal written method 2 Division of two-digit numbers beyond the tables TF 223-224 Introducing a standard written method Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers TF 224 1 Pupil Sheet 52 Two-digit numbers, recording Textbook page 58 TF 227 Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers TF 224Allow pupils to use informal recording when answering the questions on the textbook page. Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers TF 224 1 Pupil Sheet 52 Two-digit numbers, recording Provide questions which involve dividing three-digit numbers by a single-digit number. Follow-up for Textbook page 58 TF 228 Further Teaching TF 226-227 1 Checking division Finding approximate answers Page 54 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 55 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 17-22 Specific Starter for Division TF 23-25 Main Teaching 2 Cubes TF 227-228 Introducing sharing with remainders 3 Remainders TF 224-225 Introducing remainders beyond the tables Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 228 1 Pupil Sheet 26 Textbook page 59 TF 227 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Ask the pupils to answer the questions without cubes first then use them to check their answers. Textbook page 59 TF 230 Support Pupil Activity TF 228 1 Pupil Sheet 26 Sharing with remainders Give the pupils cubes to model the problems and help them answer the questions. Extension Pupil Activity TF 228 1 Pupil Sheet 26 Sharing with remainders Ask the pupils to answer the questions without using cubes. On the board write questions such as 34 = 10 x 3 + ٱand ask pupils to fill in the missing numbers. Follow-up for Textbook page 59 TF 230 Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Textbook page 59 TF 227 Read through the questions with the pupils as a group and decide on the calculations that need doing for each one. Allow pupils to use informal methods to find their answers. Textbook page 59 TF 227 Textbook page 60 TF 227 Follow-up for Textbook page 59 TF 228 Page 56 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 17-22 Specific Starter for Division TF 23-25 Main Teaching 3 Teams TF 228-229 Introducing rounding answers in context 4 Dealing with remainders TF 225-226 Rounding answers; pounds Core Activities Textbook page 60 TF 230 Textbook page 60 TF 227 Support Textbook page 60 TF 230 Work with the pupils, modelling each question with practical apparatus. Extension Textbook page 60 TF 230 Textbook page 60 TF 227 Read through the questions with the pupils as a group and decide on the calculations that need doing for each one. Allow pupils to use informal methods to find their answers. Extension Textbook pages E5-E7 TF 231-232 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Textbook pages E6-E7 TF 233-234 Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 60 TF 230 Topic Assessment 5a, b Follow-up for Textbook page 60 TF 228 Topic Assessment 5a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 57 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Fractions and decimals 3 11 Time, including problems Fractions and decimals 4 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Recognize unit fractions such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10 and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers. Begin to recognize simple fractions that are several parts of a whole, such as 3/4, 2/3 or 3/10. Fractions Tenths, thirds, fifths Measure Time: durations Fractions Sixths and eighths, equivalent fractions Read and begin to write the vocabulary related to time. Use units of time and know the relationships between them (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year). Suggest suitable units to estimate or measure time. Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40 Use fraction notation. Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole, such as 2/3 or 5/8, and mixed numbers, such as 53/4; recognise the equivalence of simple fractions (e.g. fractions equivalent to 1/2, 1/4 or 3/4). Identify two simple fractions with a total of 1 (e.g. 3/10 and 7/10). Order simple fractions: for example, decide whether fractions such as 3/8 or 7/10 are greater or less than one half. Begin to relate fractions to division and find simple fractions such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1 /10 of numbers or quantities. Find fractions such as 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 7/10 ... of shapes. Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 25-27, 31-33, 256274, 363-373, 403 Clock, Shortcuts 5-6 28-29, 264-272 35, 45 36 103-104 27 27 9a, b 60-62 69 22 7 E8-E10 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 3 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 58 of 76 Extension Textbook page E8-E9, E15-E16 44-49, 51-52 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets 22 NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Fractions TF 25-27 Tune-in TF 264-265 Revising halves, quarters, tenths, thirds and fifths Extension Teaching TF 271 1 Thirds Introducing one third of a number Pupil Activities TF 271-272 1 Dividing amounts into thirds 2 Matching fraction task card 1 Introducing sixths TF 265 Support Pupil Activities TF 271-272 1 Dividing amounts into thirds Extension Pupil Activities TF 271-272 3 Sorting cards into matching sets Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Draw large versions of the shapes on the board and with the pupils as a group invite individuals to shade the required fraction. Provide further examples to attempt independently. Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Provide pupils with pictures of shapes sectioned into 12 or 18 equal parts and ask them to shade a certain number of sixths. Discuss children’s work. Main Teaching Core Activities Extension Textbook E8 TF 274 Plenary Follow-up for Extension Textbook page E8 TF 274 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 59 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Specific Starter for Fractions TF 25-27 Specific Starter for Fractions TF 28-29 Main Teaching Extension Teaching TF 272 1 Fifths Introducing one fifth of a number 2 Introducing eighths TF 266 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 273 Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths 1 Matching fraction cards, stories and divisions Additional Resources Teacher Notes 2 Pupil Sheet 35 Third, fifth of a set Support Pupil Activities TF 273 1 Matching fraction cards, stories and divisions Lay the cards face up and ask the pupils to sort them into matching triples. Extension Pupil Activities TF 273 1 Matching fraction cards, stories and divisions Extension Textbook E9, TF 274 Plenary Follow-up for Extension Textbook page E8 TF 274 Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths Draw large versions of the shapes on the board and with the pupils as a group invite individuals to shade the required fraction. Provide further examples to attempt independently. Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths Provide pupils with pictures of shapes sectioned into 16 or 24 equal parts and ask them to shade a certain number of eighths. Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 60 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 Tune-in TF 363-364 Consolidation Finding times 15/30 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Fractions TF 28-29 minutes, 2/3 hours before/after, and durations between, ‘o’ clock, ‘half past’ and ‘quarter past/to times’ Main Teaching 1 Finding times 5, 10, 15 … 45, 50, 55 minutes before/after, within the same hour TF 365-366 Using digital and analogue displays Consolidate teaching on Days 1-2 2 Finding times 5, 10, 15 … 45, 50, 55 minutes before/after, bridging an hour TF 366-367 Using digital and analogue displays Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 368 1 Pupil Sheet 45 Minutes/hours before/after Miss q4 Support Pupil Activity TF 368 1 Pupil Sheet 45 Minutes/hours before/after Miss q4 Give the pupils an analogue clock face to use. Extension Pupil Activity TF 368 Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources 1 Pupil Sheet 45 Minutes/hours before/after In pairs set each other questions, Discuss children’s work. NHM Mixed Age Planning Provide pupils with multilink of different colours. Ask them to construct shapes where, for example, ‘one sixth is yellow’. Provide shapes made out of different coloured multilink and ask questions such as ‘what fraction is green?’. Focus on halves, quarters, thirds, sixths and eighths. Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 271 Discuss children’s work. Page 61 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Year 3 Specific Starter for Time TF 31-33 Specific Starter for Fractions TF 28-29 3 Finding times several hours before/after TF 367-368 Using digital and analogue displays 3 Equal fractions TF 266-268 Introducing equivalence 4 Durations TF 368-369 In minutes and in hours Activity Book page 36 Activity Book page 36 Give the pupils an analogue clock face to use. Extension Year 4 Activity Book page 36 Textbook pages 103-104 TF 370 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces 2 Pupil Sheet 62 Equivalence Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces 2 Pupil Sheet 62 Equivalence Textbook page 69 TF 269 Plenary Home Activity 27 Check-up 22 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 62 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Specific Starter for Time TF 31-33 Main Teaching Consolidate teaching on durations Core Activities Textbook pages 103-104 TF 370 Textbook page 69 TF 269 Support Textbook pages 103-104 TF 370 Work through the questions with the pupils as a group and allow them to answer orally, discussing strategies for solving each problem. Extension Extension Textbook page E15 TF 373 and page E16 TF 403 Textbook page 69 TF 269 Provide cards showing the fractions involved in each question and some = signs. Ask them to arrange the cards to show the equivalent fractions depicted in each question, e.g. ½ = 5/10 Extension Textbook page E10 TF 271 Plenary Check-up 27 Topic Assessment 9a, b Follow-up for Textbook page 69 TF 269 Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Fractions TF 28-29 Topic Assessment 7 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 63 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section 3 Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and -) 4 Pencil and paper procedures (+ and ) Making decisions Consolidate understanding of relationship between + and -. Understand the principles (not the names) of the commutative and associative laws as they apply or not to addition and subtraction. Find a small difference by counting up (e.g. 5003 - 4996). Count on or back in repeated steps of 1, 10 or 100. Identify near doubles, using known doubles (e.g. 150 + 160). Continue to use the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use known number facts and place value to add or subtract mentally, including any pair of two-digit whole numbers. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions/subtractions. Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 31-34, 290-308 65-68 74-79 Textbook page Addition and Subtraction to 10000 Addition to 10000: mental strategies Subtraction to 10000: mental strategies Home Activities Check-ups 9a, b E12-E14 MATERIALS TOOLBOX Extension Textbook page 3 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 64 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 290-291 Used cars Revising mental addition of multiples of 100, without bridging a multiple of 1000 1 More used car bargains TF 291-292 Adding multiples of 100, bridging a multiple of 1000 Textbook page 74 TF 297 Textbook page 74 TF 297 Provide similar questions where pupils add multiples of 100 within 1000. Textbook page 74 TF 297 Provide pairs of pupils with a set of cards showing random three- and four-digit multiples of 100. Take it in turns to select two or three cards and find the total. Score a point for each correct answer. Follow-up for Textbook page 74 TF 297 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 65 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Addition and Subtraction to 10000 TF 31-34 2 Making the connection TF 293-294 Doubling multiples of 100 to 5000 + 5000 3 Adding to make the next multiple of 1000 TF 294-295 Pupil Activity TF 294 1 Pupil Sheet 65 Doubles of multiples of 100 TF 295 Support Extension 1 Pupil Sheet 66 Adding to make a multiple of 1000 Provide questions where pupils double three-digit multiples of 10, e.g. 470. Provide questions where pupils add multiples of 10 or 100 to make multiples of 100 up to 1000, e.g. 300 + ___ = 1000, 130 + ___ = 200. Pupil Activity TF 294 Provide cards with four-digit multiples of 10 and 100 on. Pupils select a card and double the number explaining their strategy to a partner. TF 295 Plenary Additional notes 1 Pupil Sheet 66 Adding to make a multiple of 1000 Discuss children’s work. NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 66 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 3 4 Mental addition involving fourdigit numbers TF 295-296 Core Activities Textbook page 75 TF 297 Support Textbook page 75 TF 297 Work with the pupils as a group deciding on the calculation required for each problem and the methods they could use to find the answer. Extension Textbook page E12 TF 298 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Addition and Subtraction to 10000 TF 31-34 Main Teaching Extension Year 4 Follow-up for Textbook page 75 TF 297 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 67 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 299-300 Mental consolidation Revising subtraction of multiples of 100 from a three-digit number 1 Subtracting multiples of 100 TF 300 2 Subtracting a single digit from a four-digit number TF 301 Pupil Activity TF 300 1 Pupil Sheet 67 Subtracting a multiple of 100 Textbook page 76 TF 303 Provide questions to practise subtracting multiples of 10 less than 1000. E.g. 550 -80 Pupil Activity TF 300 1 Pupil Sheet 67 Subtracting a multiple of 100 Textbook pages 77-79 TF 303 Follow-up for Textbook page 76 TF 304 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 68 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 3 Finding small differences between four-digit numbers TF 302 Core Activities Textbook pages 77-79 TF 303 Support Textbook pages 77-79 TF 303 Encourage pupils to use blank number lines and count on to find the difference. Extension Textbook pages E13-E14 TF 307-308 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Addition and Subtraction to 10000 TF 31-34 Main Teaching Extension Year 4 Follow-up for Textbook pages 77-79 TF 304 Topic Assessment 9a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 69 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 3 & Year 4 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Handling data 3 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Solve a given problem by organizing and interpreting numerical data in simple lists, tables and graphs, for example: Venn and Carroll diagrams (one criterion). Data Handling Carroll and Venn diagrams Use, read and write the vocabulary related to time. Estimate/check times using seconds, minutes, hours. Read the time from an analogue clock to the nearest minute, and from a 12-hour digital clock. Use am and pm and the notation 9:53. Read simple timetables. Measure Time: durations Data Handling Pictograms 13 Time, including problems 4 Solve a problem by collecting quickly, organising, representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams, including those generated by a computer, for example: pictograms - symbol representing 2, 5, 10 or 20 units. Handling data Teaching File page Pupil Sheets 2-5, 416-429 53-54 2-5, 34-36, 337-344, 428-431 77-80, 93 Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS TOOLBOX 116-117 Extension Textbook page E18-E19 3 4 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 70 of 76 87-90, 121 24 E15, E22 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets 29-35 NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 3 Tune-in TF 416-417 Number chooser Revising Carroll diagrams Main Teaching 1 Sorting houses TF 418-420 Using Carroll diagrams Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 421-422 1 Sorting materials/labelling Carroll diagrams 2 Sorting 3D shapes into a Carroll diagram Support Pupil Activities TF 421-422 1 Sorting materials/labelling Carroll diagrams Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 337-338 Consolidation Finding times 5, 10, 15,…55 minutes before/after given analogue and digital times 1 Five minute durations TF 338-339 Using analogue and digital displays, within the hour/bridging an hour Pupil Activities TF 339-340 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Minutes before/after (digital) 3 Pupil Sheet 79 Durations (analogue) 4 Pupil Sheet 80 Durations (digital) Pupil Activities TF 339-340 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Minutes before/after (digital) Extension Pupil Activities TF 421-422 2 Sorting 3D shapes into a Carroll diagram 3 Sorting materials Pupil Activities TF 339-340 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Minutes before/after (digital) 3 Pupil Sheet 79 Durations (analogue) 4 Pupil Sheet 80 Durations (digital) Discuss children’s work. Draw a large Carroll diagram on Plenary NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 71 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term the board to sort the children in the class by attributes e.g. blond hair/not blond hair and girl/not girl. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 72 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Specific Starter for Time TF 34-36 Main Teaching Consolidate teaching on Carroll diagrams 2 Finding times 65, 70,… 115 minutes before/after TF 340-341 Using analogue and digital displays Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 421-422 3 Sorting materials 4 One difference dominoes Pupil Activities TF 341 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Minutes before/after (digital) Support Textbook page 116 TF 425 Pupil Activities TF 421-422 2 Sorting 3D shapes into a Carroll diagram Extension Year 3 Pupil Activities TF 421-422 4 One difference dominoes 5 Pupil Sheet 53 Carroll diagram Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 339-340 3 Pupil Sheet 79 Durations (analogue) 4 Pupil Sheet 80 Durations (digital) Pupil Activities TF 341 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Minutes before/after (digital) Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 116 TF 426-427 Pupil Activities TF 342 3 Pupil Sheet 79 Durations (analogue) 4 Pupil Sheet 80 Durations (digital) Discuss children’s work. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 73 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Specific Starter for Time TF 34-36 Main Teaching 2 Sorting shapes TF 422-424 Revising Venn diagrams 3 Longer durations TF 341-342 In 65, 70, 75,… 115 minutes bridging an hour Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 424-425 Pupil Activities TF 342 3 Pupil Sheet 79 Durations (analogue) 4 Pupil Sheet 80 Durations (digital) Year 3 1 Sorting materials/labelling Venn diagrams Support Textbook page 117 TF 425-426 Pupil Activities TF 424-425 Venn diagrams Pupil Activities TF 341 1 Pupil Sheet 77 Minutes before/after (analogue) 2 Pupil Sheet 78 Pupil Activities TF 424-425 Textbook pages 87-90 TF 342-343 1 Sorting materials/labelling Extension Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Minutes before/after (digital) 1 Sorting materials/labelling Venn diagrams 2 Pupil Sheet 54 Venn diagrams Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 117 TF 427 Check-up 24 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 74 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Further consolidation on Venn diagrams Consolidation of teaching from days 1-3 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 424-425 2 Pupil Sheet 54 Venn diagrams Textbook pages 87-90 TF 342-343 Support Pupil Activities TF 424-425 2 Pupil Sheet 54 Venn diagrams Decide with the pupils as a group the attributes which they are going to sort the numbers by and label the Venn diagram together. Extension Textbook pages E18-E19 TF 428 Textbook pages 87-90 TF 342-343 Using a large analogue and digital clock face, work with the pupils selecting some questions from each page and use the clock to answer them orally. Extension Textbook page E15 TF 344 Follow-up for Textbook page 117 TF 427 Follow-up for Textbook pages 87-90 TF 343 Extension Plenary Year 3 Choose different labels for the Venn diagram. Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook pages 87-90 TF 343 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 75 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning – Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 3 Year 4 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 428-429 Hot drinks Revising pictograms Main Teaching 1 Sports TF 429-430 Pictograms with the symbol representing 5 units Core Activities Textbook page 121 TF 431 Support Extension Plenary Pupil Activity TF 430 1 Pupil Sheet 93 Pictograms, symbol representing 5 units Pupil Activity TF 430 1 Pupil Sheet 93 Pictograms, symbol representing 5 units Provide a similar sheet with fewer flowers on and ask pupils to complete a tally chart and pictogram where one flowerpot represents 1 flower. Extension Textbook page E22 TF 431 Follow-up for Textbook page 121 TF 431 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 76 of 76 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT