Level 3 B1 B2 Notes Number, Money and Measure Estimation and rounding I can round a number using an appropriate degree of accuracy, having taken into account the context of the problem. MNU 3-01a Page 8 Ex 1.2 Rounding Whole Numbers Page 19 Ex 1.12 Estimate then calculate. Page 69 Ex 6.2 Rounding Decimals to the nearest whole number. Page 71 Ex 6.3 Page 6 Ex 1.1 Knowing to round money to 2dp from calculator answers Page 81 Ex 6.11 Number and number processes I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly communicating my processes and solutions. MNU 3-03a including addition, subtraction, multiplication, I can continue to recall number division and negative facts quickly and use them numbers accurately when making calculations. MNU 3-03b Rounding to 1dp Ch1 Whole Numbers Ch 2 Decimals Chapter 1 Whole Numbers and Decimals Covered with worded questions in these chapters See Note See Note Use of Mathletics regularly. I can use my understanding of numbers less than zero to solve simple problems in context. Chapter 2 Page 23 - 29 Thermometers, then adding negatives. Writing statements about negatives with inequality signs. Page 16 Ex 1.9 Questions 1 – 8 Multiples and Factors including LCM and HCF. MNU 3-04a I have investigated strategies for identifying common multiples and common factors, explaining my ideas to others, and can apply my understanding to solve related problems. Multiples, factors and primes MTH 3-05a I can apply my understanding of factors to investigate and identify when a number is prime. MTH 3-05b Powers and roots Page 28 - 29 Ex 2.2 Question 2 onwards Having explored the notation and vocabulary associated with whole number powers and the advantages of writing numbers in this form, I can evaluate powers of whole numbers mentally or using technology. MTH 3-06a Page 28 Ex 2.2 Question 1 Page 17 Ex 1.9 Questions 9 - 14 Page 18 – 19 Ex 1.10 Sieve of Erastothenes (B1) Mixed multiples, factors and primes questions (B2). Squares and Cubes I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for reallife situations. Mixed between these chapters, basics Chapter 4 Fractions Chapter 5 Fractions Chapter 6 Decimals Chapter 7 Percentages introduced at Level 2 Chapter 9 Percentages but worth working through again. MNU 3-07a By applying my knowledge of equivalent fractions and common multiples, I can add and subtract commonly used fractions. Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages including ratio Page 40 – 43 Ex 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 Page 46 – 49 Ex 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 MTH 3-07b and proportion Having used practical, pictorial and written methods to develop my understanding, I can convert between whole or mixed numbers and fractions. Page 45 - 46 Ex 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 Page 53 Ex 5.8 MTH 3-07c I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems in everyday contexts. MNU 3-08a Equivalent fractions and Simplifying only (B1) Equivalent fractions, simplifying, adding and subtracting (B2) Basic conversions, including multiplying a fraction by a whole number and converting the answer. (B1) Covers all required. Chapter 15 Ratio Chapter 8 Ratio and Proportion (B2) Includes all B1 work, and Direct Proportion When considering how to spend my money, I can source, compare and contrast different contracts and services, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and explain which offer best value to me. MNU 3-09a Money RBS Financial Project I can budget effectively, making use of technology and other methods, to manage money and plan for future expenses. MNU 3-09b Chapter 11 Time Time Using simple time periods, I can work out how long a journey will take, the speed travelled at or distance covered, using my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance. Chapter 14, Time, Distance and Speed Page 138 Ex 11.5 12 and 24 hour time, Time Intervals covered at previous levels, but probably worth revisiting. Average Speed MNU 3-10a Page 146 – 150 Ex 14.4 – 14.8 Calculating Speed, Distance and Time individually, then putting all three together. Mixed through chapters, basics introduced at Level 2 but worth working through again. Chapter 7 Measurement I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required. Measurement MNU 3-11a Having investigated different routes to a solution, I can find the area of compound 2D shapes and the volume of compound 3D objects, applying my knowledge to solve practical problems. Page 124 Ex 10.7 Page 125 Ex 10.8 Patterns and relationships Chapter 9 Area Area of a RightAngled Triangle Page 185 Ex 16.6 Chapter 15 Volume Calculating Volume Page 126 Ex 10.9 Page 84 Ex 9.4 Area of Composite Shapes Page 157 Ex 15.3 Volume of Composite Shapes MTH 3-11b Mathematics – its impact on the world, past, present and future Perimeter and Area I have worked with others to research a famous mathematician and the work they are known for, or investigated a mathematical topic, and have prepared and delivered a short presentation. Mathematician Project MTH 3-12a Having explored number sequences, I can establish the set of numbers generated by a given rule and determine a rule for a given sequence, expressing it using appropriate notation. Page 26 Ex 2.1 Page 56 Ex 6.1 Sequences MTH 3-13a 10 Ticks Level 5 Pack 5 Page 8 Substitution I can collect like algebraic terms, simplify expressions and evaluate using substitution. MTH 3-14a Expressions and equations Having discussed ways to express problems or statements using mathematical language, I can construct, and use appropriate methods to solve, a range of simple equations. Page 159 – 162 Ex 13.5, 13.6, 13.7 Page 155 - 159 Ex 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 Page 115 – 116 Ex 12.1, 12.2 Page 117 – 121 Ex 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7 MTH 3-15a I can create and evaluate a simple formula representing information contained in a diagram, problem or statement. Simplifying Like Terms (B1) Includes constructing equations from given diagrams. (B2) Includes constructing equations from given problems. Constructing word formula, and formulae in symbols from diagrams and statements. Chapter 17 Formulae MTH 3-15b Shape, Position and Movement Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects Having investigated a range of methods, I can accurately draw 2D shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and methods. MTH 3-16a Page 118 – 21 Ex 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 Page 125 Ex 13.1 Page 128 – 135 Ex 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7 Revision of Level 2 Shape Properties (B2) includes quadrilaterals Page 167 – 170 Ex 16.4 I can name angles and find their sizes using my knowledge of the properties of a range of 2D shapes and the angle properties associated with intersecting and parallel lines. MTH 3-17a Angle, symmetry and transformation Having investigated navigation in the world, I can apply my understanding of bearings and scale to interpret maps and plans and create accurate plans, and scale drawings of routes and journeys. MTH 3-17b Constructing Triangles Page 49 Ex 5.1 Naming Angles Page 55 – 56 Ex 5.5 Calculating missing angles in a right angle and a straight line Page 58 – 59 Ex 5.7 and 5.8 Complementary and Supplementary Angles Page 60 – 61 Ex 5.10 Vertically Opposite Angles Page 61 – 62 Ex 5.12 Angle Sum of a Triangle Page 126 Ex 13.3 Angle Sum of a Quadrilateral Page 165 – 166 Ex 16.3 Representative Fractions (Map Scales) (B1) Bearings Page 63 – 64 Ex 5.14 Page 172 – 174 Ex 16.6 (B2) Bearings and Scale I can apply my understanding of scale when enlarging or reducing pictures and shapes, using different methods, including technology. Page 161 – 164 Ex 16.1, 16.2 Enlargement and Reduction MTH 3-17c I can use my knowledge of the coordinate system to plot and describe the location of a point on a grid. Fully covered (B1) Chapter 8 Coordinates Page 30 Ex 3.1 MTH 2-18a / MTH 3-18a I can illustrate the lines of symmetry for a range of 2D shapes and apply my understanding to create and complete symmetrical pictures and patterns. (B2) Four Quadrants is Level 4 Fully covered (B1) Chapter 2 Symmetry Page 108 – 109 Ex 11.1, 11.2 (B2) Rotation is Level 4 MTH 2-19a / MTH 3-19a Information handling I can work collaboratively, making appropriate use of technology, to source information presented in a range of ways, interpret what it conveys and discuss whether I believe the information to be robust, vague or misleading. Data and analysis MNU 3-20a When analysing information or collecting data of my own, I can use my understanding of how bias may arise and how sample size can affect precision, to ensure that the data allows for fair conclusions to be drawn. MTH 3-20b Page 103 Ex 10.8 Survey and Display – collecting own data and display on a suitable diagram. Bias not covered. Not Covered I can display data in a clear way using a suitable scale, by choosing appropriately from an extended range of tables, charts, diagrams and graphs, making effective use of technology. MTH 2-21a / MTH 3-21a I can find the probability of a simple event happening and explain why the consequences of the event, as well as its probability, should be considered when making choices. Chapter 12 Information Handling Chapter 10 Information Handling Tables, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Frequency Tables, Pie Charts (B1) Conversion Graphs (B2) Mean and Range is Level 4 Probability Activities MNU 3-22a Running Book 1 then Book 2 would cover the Level 3 course over two years (with additional resources required for substitution and data analysis). The repetition of the topics at the start of each Book 2 chapter would be beneficial for 'Consolidating' and 'Secure' and it would lead into Level 4 work.