THE HSK CHINESE PROFICIENCY TEST 汉语水平考试报名表 Registration Form 诺丁汉考试中心 Nottingham Test Centre 1. 姓名 First name: 2. 性别 Sex: □女 F □男 M Family name: 3. 出生日期 DOB: Day Month Year 4. 国籍 Please attach Nationality: one photo here 母 语 Mother tongue: 5. 证件类型Type of identification □ 身份证ID card 6. 手机 Mobile: □ 护照Passport □ 驾照Driving License 大学电邮 University Email: 证件号码Number of identification 7. 地址 Address 8. 汉语课程 The Mandarin Course you are taking: 9.您 以 前 参 加 过 HSK 考 试 吗? Have 10. 您学了多长时间中文? you attended HSK before? How long have you studied Chinese for? 11.您为什么学汉语? Why do you learn Mandarin Chinese? 12. 请选择考试等级 Which level are you taking? Please tick. □ 一级Level 1 □ 二级Level 2 □ 口试(初级)Oral test (Basic) □ 三级Level 3 □ 四级Level 4 □ 口试(中级)Oral test (Intermediate) □ 五级Level 5 □ 六级Level 6 □ 口试(高级)Oral test (Advanced) Please circle the fees you have paid. Examination fee for written test: Examination fee for oral test: Level 1: £10 Level 2: £20 Beginners: £15 Level 3: £30 Level 4: £40 Intermediate: £25 Level 5: £50 Level 6: £60 Advanced: £35 I certify that the above information is correct and that I will abide by the examination regulations. I have paid the examination fees. I understand that the fees are non-refundable once I submit the application form. 签名Signature ______________ ______ Day______ Month_____ Year Notes: Please submit the following documents to Confucius Institute Library (A23 Si Yuan Centre, Jubilee Campus, The University of Nottingham): a. Completed registration form b. One passport sized photo with your name written on the back c. A photocopy of your ID card or other identification