Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages Covering the Programmes of Study 1. Key concepts There are a number of key concepts outlined in the QCA Programmes of Study, which underpin the study of languages. Pupils need to understand these concepts in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding. These are addressed in all modules of Logo! 1, so are not included in the tables below, but are listed here for reference. a. Linguistic competence a developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts b applying linguistic knowledge and skills to understand and communicate effectively b. Knowledge about language a understanding how a language works and how to manipulate it b recognising that languages differ but may share common grammatical, syntactical or lexical features c. Creativity a using familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts b using imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings d. Intercultural understanding a appreciating the richness and diversity of other cultures b recognising that there are different ways of seeing the world, and developing an international outlook The table below indicates where in Logo! 1, pupils have the opportunity to progress in the Key processes, Range and content, and Curriculum opportunities prescribed in the QCA Programmes of Study. For each area we have indicated where these appear in the core units of the Pupil’s Book. There are further opportunities both in the Pupil’s Book and the supplementary components. More detail is provided in the grids at the beginning of each module in this Teacher’s Guide. 2. Key processes These are the essential skills and processes in languages that pupils need to learn to make progress. 2.1 Developing language-learning strategies – pupils should be able to: a b c d e identify patterns in the target language develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language use previous knowledge, context and other clues to work out the meaning of what they hear or read use reference materials such as dictionaries appropriately and effectively Chapter 3 Unit 5, Chapter 4 Unit 1, Chapter 6 Unit 2 Chapter 2 Unit 4, Chapter 3 Unit 4, Chapter 6 Unit 6 Chapter 1 Unit 6, Chapter 3 Unit 6, Chapter 6 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Unit 1, Chapter 2 Unit 4, Chapter 4 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Unit 3, Chapter 3 Unit 2, Chapter 6 Unit 3 2.2 Developing language skills – pupils should be able to: a b c listen for gist or detail skim and scan written texts for the main points or details respond appropriately to spoken and written language Chapter 1 Unit 1, Chapter 2 Unit 5, Chapter 4 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Unit 2, Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 4 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Unit 6, Chapter 3 Unit 6, Chapter 6 Unit 1 Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages d e f g h i j k use correct pronunciation and intonation ask and answer questions initiate and sustain conversations write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail redraft their writing to improve accuracy and quality re-use language that they have heard or read in their own speaking and writing adapt language they already know in new contexts for different purposes deal with unfamiliar language, unexpected responses and unpredictable situations Chapter 1 Unit 1, Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 3 Unit 6 Chapter 1 Unit 2, Chapter 3 Unit 1, Chapter 6 Unitn 2 Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 3 Unit 5, Lernziel 5, Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 3 Unit 3, Chapter 4 Unit 4 Chapter 4 Unit 2, 5 Extra, Chapter 6 Unit 1 All chapters Chapter 1 Unit 1, Chapter 4 Unit 6, 5 Lernziel Chapter 4 Unit 1, Chapter 5 Unit 2, Chapter 6 Unit 1 3. Range and content This section outlines the breadth of the subject on which teachers should draw when teaching the key concepts and key processes. The study of languages should include: a b c d e f the spoken and written form of the target language the interrelationship between sounds and writing in the target language the grammar of the target language and how to apply it a range of vocabulary and structures learning about different countries and cultures comparing pupils’ own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries and communities where the target language is spoken All chapters Chapter 1 Unit 3, Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 3 Unit 6 Chapter 1 Unit 4, Chapter 2 Unit 5, Chapter 4 Unit 1 All chapters Chapter 1 Unit 2, Chapter 2 Unit 1, Chapter 4 Unit 7 Chapter 2 Unit 7, Chapter 4 Unit 3, Chapter 6 Unit 4 4. Curriculum opportunities During the key stage pupils should be offered the following opportunities that are integral to their learning and enhance their engagement with the concepts, processes and content of the subject. The curriculum should provide opportunities for pupils to: a b c d e f g hear, speak, read and write in the target language regularly and frequently within the classroom and beyond communicate in the target language individually, in pairs, in groups and with speakers of the target language, including native speakers, where possible, for a variety of purposes use an increasing range of more complex language make links with English at word, sentence and text level use a range of resources, including ICT, for accessing and communicating information listen to, read or view a range of materials, including authentic materials in the target language, both to support learning and for personal interest and enjoyment use the target language in connection with topics and issues that are engaging and may be related to other areas of the curriculum All chapters All chapters Chapter 6 Unit 2 Chapter 1 Unit 6, Chapter 3 Unit 6, Chapter 4 Unit 1 Chapter 4 Unit 5, 5 Lernziel, Chapter 6 Unit 2 Chapter 1 Unit 7, 4 Extra, Chapter 5 Unit 3 Chapter 2 Unit 7, Chapter 3 Unit 7, Chapter 4 Unit 7 Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 1 Hallo! Pupil’s Book pp. 6-21 Topic area 1.1 Guten Tag! pp. 6-7 1.2 Wo wohnst du? pp.8-9 1.3 Das Alphabet pp.10-11 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.1d work out meaning 2.2j adapt previously-learnt language 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 3b sounds and writing 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.1d work out meaning 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3b sounds and writing 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.1e use reference materials 3c apply grammar 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 1.4 Meine Tasche pp.1213 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3c apply grammar 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 1.5 In der Klasse pp. 1415 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2c respond appropriately 1.6 Mein Geburtstag pp. 16-17 2.1c knowledge of language 4d make links with English 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3c apply grammar 2.2g write clearly and coherently 1.7 Olafs Geburtstag pp. 18-19 4f language of interest / enjoyment 2.2b skim and scan 2.1d work out meaning 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp 20-21 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently Extra pp. 100101 2.2b skim and scan 2.2c respond appropriately Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 2 Die Schule Pupil’s Book pp. 22-37 Topic area 2.1 Mein Stundenplan pp. 22-23 2.2 Deutsch ist toll! pp.24-25 2.3 Wie spät ist es? pp.26-27 2.4 In der Klasse pp.28-29 2.5 Das Pausenbrot pp. 30-31 2.6 Was trägst du zur Schule? pp. 32-33 2.7 Die Fußballschule pp. 34-35 Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp. 36-37 Extra pp. 102103 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2b skim and scan 2.2c respond appropriately 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3b sounds and writing 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2f initiate / sustain conversations 2.1e use reference materials 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.1d work out meaning 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.1b memorising 2.2b skim and scan 3b sounds and writing 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3f compare experiences 4g use TL in engaging topics 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 3 Meine Familie Pupil’s Book pp. 38-53 Topic area 3.1 Geschwister pp. 38-39 3.2 Haustiere pp.40-41 3.3 Beschreibungen pp.42-43 3.4 Stefans Familie pp.44-45 3.5 Bist du kreativ? pp. 46-47 3.6 Briefe pp. 48-49 3.7 Die HundeAusstellung pp. 50-51 Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp 52-53 Extra pp. 104-105 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2b skim and scan 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.1e use reference materials 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3c apply grammar 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2b skim and scan 3c apply grammar 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.1b memorising 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2f initiate / sustain conversations 2.2b skim and scan 4d make links with English 2.1c knowledge of language 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3b sounds and writing 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2a listen for gist / detail 4g use TL in engaging topics 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.1d work out meaning 2.2c respond appropriately Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 4 Freizeit Pupil’s Book pp. 54-69 Topic area 4.1 Sport pp. 5455 4.2 Hobbys pp.5657 4.3 Familienfreizeit pp.58-59 4.4 Brieffreunde pp.60-61 4.5 Treffpunkt pp. 62-63 4.6 Meine Lieblingssachen pp. 64-65 4.7 Club elf bis sechzehn pp. 6667 Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp 68-69 Extra pp. 106-107 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 2.1d work out meaning 4d make links with English 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2b skim and scan 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2h redraft to improve writing 3b sounds and writing 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 2.1d work out meaning 2.2h redraft to improve writing 2.2b skim and scan 3f compare experiences 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3c apply grammar 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.1b memorising 4e use a range of resources 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2j adapt previously-learnt language 3c apply grammar 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 4g use TL in engaging topics 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2b skim and scan 4f language of interest / enjoyment 2.2g write clearly and coherently Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 5 Zu Hause Pupil’s Book pp. 70-85 Topic area 5.1 Hier wohne ich pp. 70-71 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5.2 Mein Haus pp.72-73 2.1d work out meaning 3c apply grammar 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 5.3 So helfe ich pp.74-75 4f language of interest / enjoyment 2.1d work out meaning 3c apply grammar 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 5.4 Mein Zimmer pp. 76-77 2.1d work out meaning 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5.5 Meine Arbeitsecke pp. 78-79 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5.6 Besser schreiben pp. 80-81 5.7 Monikas Zimmer pp. 82-83 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp 84-85 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2f initiate / sustain conversations 4e use a range of resources 2.2b skim and scan 2.2j adapt previously-learnt language 2.2g write clearly and coherently Extra pp. 108109 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.1b memorising 2.2h redraft to improve writing 4g use TL in engaging topics 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 2.1d work out meaning 2.2e ask and answer questions Logo 1 Teacher’s Guide Replacement pages 6 In der Stadt Pupil’s Book pp. 86-99 Topic area 6.1 Meine Stadt pp. 86-87 Revision Unchanged – please refer to original edition Skills Unchanged – please refer to original edition Grammar Unchanged – please refer to original edition Programme of Study 2.1c knowledge of language 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3c apply grammar 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2h redraft to improve writing 6.2 Man kann vieles machen pp.88-89 2.1d work out meaning 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar 2.1a identify patterns 4e use a range of resources 4c use more complex language 6.3 Das Hamburgspiel pp.90-91 2.1c knowledge of language 2.1e use reference materials 4f language of interest / enjoyment 6.4 Im Eiscafé pp.92-93 3e different countries’ cultures 3f compare experiences 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.1b memorising 6.5 An der Imbissstube pp. 94-95 3e different countries’ cultures 2.1d work out meaning 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 4g use TL in engaging topics 6.6 Schule aus! pp. 96-97 2.1b memorising 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c apply grammar Lernzieltest, Wiederholung pp 98-99 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan 2.2c respond appropriately 2.2g write clearly and coherently Extra pp. 110-111 2.1d work out meaning 2.1e use reference materials 2.2b skim and scan 2.2g write clearly and coherently