MERGA Quarterly Summary (Q/E 31.8.03) PERIOD Opening date Closing date 1.7.03 31.8.03 LAST YEAR 1.7.02 31.8.02 RECEIPTS 2002 Subscriptions 2003 Subscriptions 2004 Subscriptions Conference Sales of publications Copyright distributions Interest on c/a Transfer from T/D Miscellaneous TOTAL 0.00 1,005.00 0.00 0.00 1,752.96 0.00 25.09 0.00 0.00 2,783.05 0.00 485.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.50 0.00 48.25 0.00 0.00 1,633.75 PAYMENTS Journals Newsletters Member Directory Production/purchase of publications Sales office expenses (1) Payments to institutions (2) Payments to students (3) Teleconferences Administration Bank charges Auditing/accounting fees (4) Travel & Accom. (5) Insurance (6) Miscellaneous Conference advance Transfer to D/A TOTAL 12.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.35 40.00 3,500.00 708.95 0.00 181.86 418.00 800.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 5,876.26 0.00 0.00 1,662.32 1,723.57 446.06 39.00 0.00 0.00 130.80 58.34 418.00 700.00 765.55 79.20 0.00 0.00 6,022.84 17,215.37 2,783.05 5,876.26 14,122.16 33,108.22 1,633.75 6,022.84 28,719.13 CASH POSITION Opening balance Receipts Payments Closing balance CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS Opening date Closing date Opening balance Subscriptions Conference Sales (nett)* Copyright distributions Next issue of MERJ Next issue of MTED Production/purchase of pubs. Member Directory (7) Payments to institutions Payments to students Teleconferences Administration Auditing/accounting fees (8) Travel & Accom. Conference advance Insurance Miscellaneous (9) Transfer to/from T/D Est. closing balance TERM DEPOSITS 9857-29997 9857-30015 9872-89753 TOTAL due 1.12.03 due 1.10.03 due 1.11.03 1.9.03 30.11.03 14,334 1,000 1,000 0 0 (3,010) (3,200) 0 0 (2,079) 0 0 (1,500) 0 (1,700) 0 0 0 5,000 9,845 11,376.96 31,672.96 29,017.37 72,067.29 Notes. 1. Annual statement fee. 2. Early Career Award and Student Bursaries (Geelong 2003). 3. Teleconference May 2003. 4. Executive allowance for attending pre-conference Exec meeting (Geelong 2003). 5. Public Liability Insurance cancelled after consultation with MERGA Executive Officer (Mike Mitchelmore) and 2003 and 2004 conference convenors. 6. Gift for Geelong conference convenor. 7. Estimated AMSC affiliation fee (due 1 October 2003). 8. Estimated expenses for FASTS Forum and Science Meets Parliament Day 2003. 9. Proposed transfer from term deposit 9857-30015 to cheque account. (This is a low-income, high-expenditure quarter.)