LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM CONTENTS Purpose Safety Policy, Programs, & Procedures Communication of Safety Issues Safety Training Enforcement of Safe Work Practices Hazard Recognition & Control Injury Reporting & Investigation Record Keeping Division of Responsibilities Appendix A: Board Safety Policy Appendix B: Safety Training Log Appendix C: Safety Action Log Appendix D: Supervisor Injury Report PURPOSE The purpose of this program is to establish a system for ensuring a safe and healthful campus environment in accordance with State regulation 8 CCR §3203. SAFETY POLICY, PROGRAMS, AND PROCEDURES On (in adoption process), the Governing Board of the Long Beach Community College District adopted a formal Injury and Illness Prevention Program policy, which is included in Appendix A. In order to fulfill the intent of the Board policy and comply with State occupational health and safety regulations, the District Risk Services office maintains a system of health and safety programs and procedures, which are described below. Health & Safety Programs Manual Health and safety programs identify hazards, establish procedural requirements, and assign responsibilities for the purpose of minimizing the risk of injury to students, employees, and other members of the campus community. The Risk Services office, in consultation with campus management and staff, is responsible for developing these programs and maintaining copies in the campus business offices and the Risk Services office. Supervisors are responsible for being aware of and implementing the programs relevant to the operations they oversee, with technical assistance provided by the Risk Services office. Risk Services is responsible for notifying supervisors of changes to programs via the Long Beach Community College District Manager’s Association (LBCCDMA) email list. 06/30/12 1 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM Safety Manuals The Risk Services office maintains a safety manual covering the primary work environments within the District. This manual consists of various Safe Work Practices (SWPs), which are written documents that establish specific procedures that employees must follow in order to minimize the potential for injury. Supervisors are responsible for developing, communicating, and enforcing SWPs as necessary in order to implement the provisions of the health and safety programs and ensure a safe work environment. The manuals maintained by Risk Services are intended to assist supervisors in fulfilling this responsibility by providing SWPs on general topics, however supervisors may need to supplement the manuals with procedures specific to a given work area. Supervisors are responsible for maintaining an updated copy of the appropriate safety manual for review by affected employees. Copies of the manuals are maintained by Risk Services and hard copies are provided by the Risk Services office upon request. In addition, Risk Services is responsible for notifying supervisors of changes to the manuals via the LBCCDMA email list. Employees are responsible for complying with the provisions of the SWPs as contained in the safety manual and as communicated by their supervisor. Risk Services Programs & Procedures Manual The Risk Services office maintains additional programs and procedures specific to Risk Services operations that are designed to reduce workplace hazards and ensure District compliance with Federal, State, and local regulations. COMMUNICATION OF SAFETY ISSUES District to Employees The District communicates information regarding safety issues to employees through: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) supervisor instructions, both oral and written; safety training sessions; safety bulletins developed and posted by the Risk Services office; various written communications; and Various safety committee activities. Employees to the District Employees may communicate their concerns regarding safety issues to the District by: 1) informing their supervisor; 2) contacting the Risk Services office; 06/30/12 2 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM 3) contacting a member of the campus safety committee; or 4) leaving an anonymous note in the campus safety suggestion box. SAFETY TRAINING General All District employees are required to receive safety training that addresses the hazards they are exposed to in the workplace and the safe work practices they are required to follow. Employees must be trained in the hazards of a work operation before being allowed to participate in the operation. Training must also be provided as specified in the health & safety programs discussed above, whenever a new hazard is introduced or discovered, and at an interval appropriate to ensure that safe work practices are followed. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees are appropriately trained and must be trained in the same subjects as employees under their immediate direction and control. The Risk Services office supports supervisors in fulfilling this responsibility by sponsoring periodic training sessions to address various safety issues. A sample safety training log is included in Appendix B. Training on the Injury & Illness Prevention Plan All employees must be trained in the provisions of this program at the start of employment with the District and once a year thereafter. At a minimum, the training shall include: the District health & safety programs and enforcement of safe work practices; how to report and receive information regarding safety concerns, including how to contact the Risk Services office, campus safety committee, and the location of the campus safety suggestion box; rights protected by law (i.e., right to report safety concerns without reprisal and right to notify Cal-OSHA about safety hazards); and how to report workplace injuries. ENFORCEMENT OF SAFE WORK PRACTICES Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees comply with the provisions of the safe work practices contained in the safety manual. At a minimum, supervisors must enforce these procedures by: 1) taking appropriate progressive disciplinary actions against employees who do not comply with safe work practices in accordance with current District disciplinary procedures; and 2) including compliance with safe work practices as a factor in employee performance appraisals. 06/30/12 3 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM HAZARD RECOGNITION & CONTROL General The District proactively identifies and corrects workplace hazards through the efforts of supervisors, the Risk Services office, and campus safety committees. Hazardous conditions must be corrected in a timely manner appropriate to their severity. When imminent hazards exist, employees must be removed from exposure until the condition has been corrected. Supervisor Activities Each supervisor must ensure that safety inspections of all work areas under their control are performed and that hazardous conditions are corrected: 1) whenever a new hazard is introduced or discovered; 2) at an interval appropriate to ensure that safe work conditions are maintained; and 3) on at least an annual basis. Supervisors must also address employee safety concerns as they are raised. Inspections and employee safety concerns may be documented. A sample safety action log incorporating documentation is included in Appendix C. This form should also be used to document the resolution of employee safety concerns. Risk Services Activities The Risk Services office identifies and corrects workplace hazards by: 1) responding to employee and supervisor service requests; 2) developing and implementing health and safety programs; and 3) conducting periodic inspections of selected work areas. In addition, the Risk Services office provides resources to assist supervisors in completing periodic safety inspections (e.g., checklists, inspection forms, technical support). Hazard recognition and control activities performed by the Risk Services office may be documented. Campus Safety Committee Activities The campus safety committees identify and correct workplace hazards by: 1) responding to employee safety concerns as expressed to any committee member; 2) maintaining and soliciting a hazard reporting mechanism which includes, at a minimum, an anonymous safety suggestion box that is checked on a monthly interval; and 3) various other activities as determined by the committee (e.g., inspections and training). 06/30/12 4 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM In fulfilling the above obligations, safety committees must: 1) be comprised of members from the classified, academic, and management or supervisory job classifications, and the student body; 2) meet at least once each academic session (i.e., spring, summer, and fall); 3) address safety issues brought before the committee or refer them to an appropriate party (i.e., supervisor or Risk Services office); 4) prepare and retain for one year a record of issues discussed (i.e., minutes); and 5) make committee records available to employees upon request. INJURY REPORTING & INVESTIGATION All employees are responsible for reporting injuries to their supervisor, campus Personnel office, or District Workers’ Compensation office as soon as possible after knowledge of injury. In addition, supervisors must complete a Supervisor Injury Report (see Appendix D) and submit it to the Risk Services office within five working days of knowledge of the injury. The Risk Services office reviews the Supervisor Injury Report and conducts additional investigation as appropriate. RECORD KEEPING We are a local governmental entity (county, city, district, or and any public or quasi-public corporation or public agency) and we are not required to keep written records of the steps taken to implement and maintain our IIPP Program (T8CCR 3203(b) Exemption 4). 06/30/12 5 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES ALL EMPLOYEES Follow appropriate safe work practices. Report safety concerns to supervisors, the Risk Services office, or campus safety committee. Attend safety meetings and training sessions as scheduled. Nominate peers for safety incentive program as appropriate. Report injuries to supervisors, the campus Personnel office, or the District Workers’ Compensation office. RISK SERVICES OFFICE Develop and maintain a Health & Safety Programs Manual. Develop and maintain safety manuals. Develop and maintain an Risk Services Programs & Procedures Manual. Develop and post safety bulletins. Support supervisors in the provision of safety training. Respond to employee and supervisor service requests. Conduct safety inspections of selected areas. Review Supervisor Injury Reports and follow-up as necessary. SUPERVISORS 06/30/12 Implement health & safety programs and contained in the Health & Safety Programs Manual and Supervisor Safety Manual. Develop, communicate, and enforce SWPs as appropriate. Maintain a copy of the appropriate safety manual for review by employees. Communicate information regarding safety issues to employees. Provide employee safety training. Enforce SWPs through disciplinary actions and performance evaluations. Perform safety inspections as appropriate. Address and document employee safety concerns. Submit a Supervisor Injury Report to Risk Services for all injuries within 5 days of knowledge. SAFETY COMMITTEES Respond to employee safety concerns. Maintain a balanced membership. Maintain a hazard reporting mechanism, including an anonymous notification box. Address safety issues brought to the committee. Meet at least once per academic session. Prepare and retain meeting minutes. 6 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM APPENDIX A BOARD SAFETY POLICY _________________________________________________________________ DATE INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM It is the policy of the Long Beach Community College District (LBCCCD) to have a safe and healthful work place for its students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors. To that end, LBCC is adopting an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The District and its management are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy work place. The prevention of accidents is considered to be an integral part of the District's operation and all reasonable efforts will be made to assure a safe environment and to remain compliant with federal, state, and local safety regulations. Employees are expected to obey safety rules, follow established safe work practices, exercise caution in all their work activities and to immediately report any unsafe conditions to their supervisor. Employees at all levels of the organization who are responsible for correcting unsafe conditions will do so. 06/30/12 7 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM APPENDIX B SAFETY TRAINING LOG _________________________________________________________________ (See next page) 06/30/12 8 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM (Insert Safety Training Log) 06/30/12 9 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM APPENDIX C SAFETY ACTION LOG _________________________________________________________________ (See next page) 06/30/12 10 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM (Insert Safety Action Log) 06/30/12 11 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM (Insert Safety Action Log continuation sheet) 06/30/12 12 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM APPENDIX D SUPERVISOR INJURY REPORT _________________________________________________________________ Reports may be submitted to the Risk Services office by: 1) Completing the report on the following pages and submitting via fax or District mail; or 2) Completing and submitting the report electronically via the Risk Services website at www.lbcc.edu/Risk Services (RECOMMENDED). Risk Services will verify electronic submissions via a phone call. 06/30/12 13 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM (Insert Supervisor Injury Report) 06/30/12 14 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM (Insert Injury Report page 2) 06/30/12 15 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM PROGRAM NOTES _________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM HISTORY 02/1991 Program created. 01/11/07 Program Substantially revised 01/12/09 Revision 06/30/12 Revision and Update 06/30/12 16