Nov. 24 Chairs Mtg Notes

College of Health Sciences & Human Ecology
Chairs Meeting Notes
November 24, 2015
1:00 – 2:35 p.m., Sattgast 314
Members Present: M. Driscoll, T. Gilbertson, T. Goodwin, E. Hagensen, D. Palivec, and S. Rickers
Guest: Nancy Haugen, Career Services
Nancy Haugen joined the meeting to promote upcoming Career Services events:
--Who Do Ya Know networking event. Please announce in your classes, targeting juniors and seniors.
--Career Services is now hiring peer advisors, $9.00/hr., both work study and regular payroll.
--Twin Cities job fair, February 26, for all majors. You can check the Career Services website to see who
the employers are. Cost is $20 for the bus and a food voucher. Will leave about 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. and
return around 8:00 p.m.
--Teacher fair coming in April.
Good News Items:
--Jim White was elected HPSH chair beginning 2016-17.
--HPSH is working on getting a site reviewer.
--SW is interviewing two candidates in January.
--Psychology is moving forward with positions
--Prof. Ed. has been working on a curriculum map and the highlight is that it’s going quite well.
Marsha gave Psychology Department synopsis. Some highlights include:
--Five year reviewer coming this spring.
--Faculty searches in progress: 1 for a Probationary, and 1 for a Fixed Term.
--Faculty have numerous publications and presentations this year.
--John Gonzalez received a grant for Native American issues: Seven teachings approach to healthy living.
--Psych community advisory board has been reinstated. Doug Fultz is the community liaison. They are
scheduled to meet in January.
--Psych on-line courses are filling up rapidly.
Troy thanked everyone for leading their presentations for the all college meeting. Everyone did a great
job. Discussion suggested the meeting was a useful activity. The groups discussed adopting a more
interactive format in the future. Troy will work on this for a possible spring meeting.
Troy explained discretionary salary bottom dollars for the college. Essentially, the college is allotted an
amount of money to be managed by the Dean for discretionary kinds of overloads, adjuncts, and extra
duty days. Any revenue generated from overload/misc rate courses goes back into the university.
These revenues do not come back to the college. The college was allotted about $360,000 for the fiscal
year and most of this already has been spent coming into spring based on commitments made before
Troy became dean. This spring is very tight due to those commitments and fiscal 2017 will be tight due
to the state funding allocation. Therefore, the college will need to be much more strategic next year
about discretionary bottom dollars. Departments need to be very careful about scheduling classes to
maximize enrollments and need to become much less dependent on adjunct/overload/misc rate
delivery of courses.
Chair Academy/Conflict Management books given to each chair. Troy asks that you read it and
complete it so it can be discussed at a future chairs meeting. We will plan to spend about 15 minutes of
chair meetings working on professional development of chairs and succession planning.
Troy announced that Pam Stowe from NTC would like to develop a Child Advocacy Study Certificate.
This might be, for example, an 18-credit certificate to work in human services areas with children. Troy
asked for volunteers to meet with him and Pam. Susan and Beth volunteered. Troy will set up a
Travel request procedure was discussed. Make sure you include an account number and documentation
for any conferences, etc. that you are attending, and submit it in a timely manner.
Troy will pay for each department to have departmental brochures developed. Work with Scott Faust
on this project. The cost is $1,400 for each department. You can also put them on your website and
send them out electronically.
Tammy will send a doodle poll for spring chair meeting times.
Discussion on having a spring meeting with a social time. More on that later.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Tammy Mayer
Upcoming Chairs Meetings: First spring mtg. TBD (Donna dept. synopsis).