BMEGC General Meeting 4-4-07 12pm – 1pm, Union 3202 General Congratulations to our new officers! o Chair Angela Seggio ( o Vice Chair Stephanie Kaszuba ( o Social Chair Erin Campbell ( Karen Ellison ( o Service Chair Colleen Janeiro ( Katerina Leventis ( o Communications Chair Clive Butler ( o Thanks to all who ran for a position. If you would be interested in helping out with any of the positions, feel free to contact the appropriate chair(s). Doctoral Student Yearly Review was due March 23rd to the office of graduate education. o If you didn’t get one, check with Lorrie or email Dennis Gornic. o If you haven’t turned your review in yet, turn it in as soon as possible. Communications Chair New communication chair will put out this month’s newsletter with help of Erin. Service Chair Project for spring semester o Rolling for Autism The date is set for Sunday, April 15th, 6 – 10pm at Bomber’s. There will be a $15 cover charge, first hour open bar. Spread the word (21+ only). Glenn is looking for volunteers to help visit local businesses inquiring whether they would like to donate money or a raffle prize to the cause. ( Social Chair Upcoming Events: o Spring invitational bowling: April 23rd at Uncle Sam Lanes. Each lab should dress to a theme of their choice. o May 5th Cinco de Mayo Party at Angela’s house. o May 16th Kickball Game Championship. Ongoing Projects Logo / T-shirts o Aaron Weymouth delivered final draft of proposed departmental logo Angela and Dr. Ledet will work on getting approval from the department & school. o We ordered the t-shirts Pre-ordering went well. We raised enough money to buy 150 short sleeve shirts & 25 long sleeve shirts, and start with approximately $85 profit. Potential profit is $1200. Shirts will be in by April 13th Look for an email re: signup times to distribute pre-ordered shirts & sell remaining shirts (approx 100 short sleeve, 5 long sleeve). Budget o We will present a new budget by the end of fiscal year (June 30th). Departmental Requests/Achievements Faculty Candidates o Mary Beth is still collecting feedback on Dr. Morikis and Dr. Chen. Send feed back by Thursday. BME Senior Design Project presentations will be held on May 4th. All graduate students should try to attend. REMINDER: BME Advisory Council request for participants o April 12th 1:00 pm JEC 3117: seminar by Dr. Sheldon Weinbaum, a member of the Advisory Council. o April 13th 8:30am Union 3202: breakfast with graduate students and Advisory Council. o Networking event with many people from industry and academia, to discuss the current and future state of the BME department at RPI. o All graduate students are strongly encouraged to attend the seminar and breakfast. Accepted Student’s Day is Saturday April 14th. We have 6 volunteers. Mary Beth sent them specifics today. If you have questions about the day email Mary Beth or Angela. Registering for Classes for Next Semester/Curriculum If any grads are still interested in taking Dr. Ledet’s class, but got shut out of registration, let him know! Mary Beth gave Dr. DePaola the graduate feedback from the curriculum. She responded to the comments in an email which Mary Beth read at the meeting. If you would like to see a copy of the email and Dr. DePaola’s response, or have any further suggestions for the proposed curriculum contact Angela. Monthly Meetings & Luncheon Dates Next BMEGC luncheon: Next week April 18th, 12pm Union 3202 (bring your own lunch). Next BMEGC meeting: May 2nd , 12pm Union 3202