BMEGC meeting 2-7-07.doc

BMEGC General Meeting 2-7-07
12pm – 1pm, Union 3202
 Welcome Dr. Intes!
 Contact information sheets were distributed at the meeting. If you have any corrections, please
email Angela. A copy of the most updated version will be attached with the minutes.
 BMEGC list serve was updated. We currently have 21 graduate students.
 Elections will take place at our April meeting. Nominations will occur at the March meeting.
Please consider running for a position (Communications, Service, Social, Vice Chair). If you have
questions about any of the duties, contact the current chair, or talk to any chair member.
Communications Chair
 Erin is linking our website to department’s website.
 Pictures are up on web from the holiday party. A link to the pictures can be found on the website.
Service Chair
 Update on Holiday Party donations
o We filled 2 large boxes of canned goods which were donated to the northeast regional
food bank in Latham.
 Project for spring semester
o Rolling for Autism
 Some Union College students are rollerblading from NY to FL to raise money and
autism awareness.
 Glenn is hosting a party at Bombers (Albany) Sunday, April 15th to raise money.
 More details to follow on how you can donate (i.e. donation jar at the door, raffle,
buy a handle & get cheaper drinks – 21+ only).
Social Chair
 Announced Fall Invitational bowling winners
o Karen is looking into getting the trophy from Becky or buying a new one.
o Glenn now has men’s trophy.
 Holiday party was a success. Thanks to all who participated!
 Winter invitational bowling: Feb 26th at Uncle Sam Lanes.
o Skills not required, team shirts are always fun!
o Look for an email with more details!
Ongoing Projects
 Logo / T-shirts
o Aaron sent modified drawing, responded with a few corrections. Still waiting for final
 Angela will work on getting approval from the department & school.
o Need to start planning/ making/ selling shirts – Simon & Angela
 No BMES involvement – try to sell first through our own efforts.
 Faculty can announce during class, have graduate students man tables
after classes, sign up sheets in the main office, etc.
 Simon will look into a vendor.
 Price – sell shirts for about $12 (about $4 profit/shirt) – the more shirts we sell
the cheaper the shirts, the more profit we’ll make.
 Pre-order shirts/payments to help cover costs up front.
 Long sleeve & short sleeve shirts
 White with original coloring (see below)
 Need 6 free shirts for winners & 1 shirt for Simon for volunteering.
 Budget
o Presented to Dr. DePaola last fall, however due to school-wide budget cuts, has been
tabled to this spring/summer.
We will present a new budget by the end of fiscal year (June 30th).
Departmental Requests/Achievements
 BME Advisory Council request for participants
o April 13th 8:30am and/or 12-1:30pm Union 3202
o Networking event with many people from industry and academia, to discuss the current
and future state of the BME department at RPI. Required for ABET accreditation.
o All graduate students are strongly encouraged to attend. More information to follow.
Monthly Meetings & Luncheon Dates
 Next BMEGC meeting: March 7th , 12pm Union 3202
 Next BMEGC luncheon: February 21st , 12pm Union 3202 (bring your own lunch).
Registering for Classes/ Curriculum Information
 Make sure you are registered for Summer Admin credits.
 Tuesday after President’s weekend is Monday schedule.
 Curriculum
o Number of course credits for masters (30 course credits for masters without thesis) vs.
Ph.D. (additional 15 course credits).
 Masters
o Paperwork to add a degree – Graduate Request for Change of Status Form (Form #18
from the Registrar located at
o Need a separate plan of study from your PhD plan of study
o 30 course credits
 Plan of study
o Complete first draft at end of first year (needs advisor and departmental approval)
o Don’t go over 90 credits – or it will be rejected.
T-shirt Winner: Emily Carroll, Levi Hilado, Lindsey McKeen, Raya Lim, Liz S.
Logo Winner: Aaron Weymouth
Mug, etc Winner: Laryssa