BMEGC General Meeting 2-7-07 12pm – 1pm, Union 3202 General Welcome Dr. Intes! Contact information sheets were distributed at the meeting. If you have any corrections, please email Angela. A copy of the most updated version will be attached with the minutes. BMEGC list serve was updated. We currently have 21 graduate students. Elections will take place at our April meeting. Nominations will occur at the March meeting. Please consider running for a position (Communications, Service, Social, Vice Chair). If you have questions about any of the duties, contact the current chair, or talk to any chair member. Communications Chair Erin is linking our website to department’s website. Pictures are up on web from the holiday party. A link to the pictures can be found on the website. Service Chair Update on Holiday Party donations o We filled 2 large boxes of canned goods which were donated to the northeast regional food bank in Latham. Project for spring semester o Rolling for Autism Some Union College students are rollerblading from NY to FL to raise money and autism awareness. Glenn is hosting a party at Bombers (Albany) Sunday, April 15th to raise money. More details to follow on how you can donate (i.e. donation jar at the door, raffle, buy a handle & get cheaper drinks – 21+ only). Social Chair Announced Fall Invitational bowling winners o Karen is looking into getting the trophy from Becky or buying a new one. o Glenn now has men’s trophy. Holiday party was a success. Thanks to all who participated! Winter invitational bowling: Feb 26th at Uncle Sam Lanes. o Skills not required, team shirts are always fun! o Look for an email with more details! Ongoing Projects Logo / T-shirts o Aaron sent modified drawing, responded with a few corrections. Still waiting for final result. Angela will work on getting approval from the department & school. o Need to start planning/ making/ selling shirts – Simon & Angela No BMES involvement – try to sell first through our own efforts. Faculty can announce during class, have graduate students man tables after classes, sign up sheets in the main office, etc. Simon will look into a vendor. Price – sell shirts for about $12 (about $4 profit/shirt) – the more shirts we sell the cheaper the shirts, the more profit we’ll make. Pre-order shirts/payments to help cover costs up front. Long sleeve & short sleeve shirts White with original coloring (see below) Need 6 free shirts for winners & 1 shirt for Simon for volunteering. Budget o Presented to Dr. DePaola last fall, however due to school-wide budget cuts, has been tabled to this spring/summer. o We will present a new budget by the end of fiscal year (June 30th). Departmental Requests/Achievements BME Advisory Council request for participants o April 13th 8:30am and/or 12-1:30pm Union 3202 o Networking event with many people from industry and academia, to discuss the current and future state of the BME department at RPI. Required for ABET accreditation. o All graduate students are strongly encouraged to attend. More information to follow. Monthly Meetings & Luncheon Dates Next BMEGC meeting: March 7th , 12pm Union 3202 Next BMEGC luncheon: February 21st , 12pm Union 3202 (bring your own lunch). Registering for Classes/ Curriculum Information Make sure you are registered for Summer Admin credits. Tuesday after President’s weekend is Monday schedule. Curriculum o Number of course credits for masters (30 course credits for masters without thesis) vs. Ph.D. (additional 15 course credits). Masters o Paperwork to add a degree – Graduate Request for Change of Status Form (Form #18 from the Registrar located at o Need a separate plan of study from your PhD plan of study o 30 course credits Plan of study o Complete first draft at end of first year (needs advisor and departmental approval) o Don’t go over 90 credits – or it will be rejected. T-shirt Winner: Emily Carroll, Levi Hilado, Lindsey McKeen, Raya Lim, Liz S. Logo Winner: Aaron Weymouth Mug, etc Winner: Laryssa