TST: Test Taking

Learn 11 DLA:
Test Strategies (TST)
If at any time, you have questions about how to complete any part of this DLA,
email them to: mdsc@lbcc.edu
The purpose of this DLA is to help you prepare for and take tests more effectively.
After completing this activity, you should be able to:
 Identify and apply specific test preparation strategies.
 Use strategies that fit with the type of test they are taking and the type of questions that are
being asked.
 Create an effective test-taking plan.
Instructions for navigating through the LASSI module website to complete this DLA:
 Go To: Click on the blue link on the left side of the page.
 Read: Read the text in the center of the page.
 Skip to: Skip to the blue link mentioned on the left side of the page
 Only click on “Next” when directed by the DLA
To begin this DLA module, click on TEST STRATEGIES from the menu on the main page.
Please note that you will be using the LASSI modules site (www.lassimodules.com) to access
readings but you will write responses to all your exercises on this DLA. You will not need to type
in the LASSI module at all, but instead only read online and write directly on this DLA handout.
It is important that you follow the instructions on this DLA since it will guide you through which
parts of the module to read.
Exercise #1: Answer the questions below before you begin reading in the online LASSI module.
1. What do you know about successfully preparing for and taking tests?
2. What do you hope to learn through completing this DLA?
Go To: Students Who Take Tests Well
Read: Characteristics Of Students Who Successfully Prepare For And Take Tests
Go To: Learning From Research
Read: What Research Tells Us About Students Who Successfully Prepare For And Take Tests
Go To: Learning From Research
Read: What Research Tells Us About Students Who Do Not Successfully Prepare For And Take
Exercise #2: Of the characteristics of students who successfully prepare for and take tests and do
not successfully prepare for and take tests you just read about, write three (3) that you identify
What Are Test Strategies?
Go To and Read: What Are Test Strategies?
Go To: Questions To Guide Your Thinking
Read: Questions To Guide Your Thinking As You Complete This Test Strategies Module
Go To: Test Strategies Are Necessary
Read: Test Strategies Are Necessary Before, During, And After Taking Tests
Exercise # 3: Answer the questions below by circling Yes, Sometimes, or No.
1. Do you set study and achievement goals for your tests and use strategies that will help you
achieve those goals?
2. Do you know and use a variety of strategies when preparing for tests?
3. Would you use the same strategies to study for a multiple-choice test that you would for an essay
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
4. Would you use the same strategies to study for a test that required simply memorizing
information that you would for a test that required you to understand the material?
5. Do you know and use a variety of strategies when taking tests?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to the majority of these questions, how have these strategies assisted
If you answered ‘Sometimes’ to the majority of these questions, why do you not use those
strategies more often?
If you answered ‘No’ to the majority of these questions, how could the addition of one or
more of these strategies benefit you while preparing for a test?
Go To: Points About Test Strategies
Read: Important Points To Remember About Test Strategies
Test Preparation Strategies
Go To: Introduction To Test Preparation
Read: Introduction To Different Test Strategies
Exercise #4: Answer the questions below by circling Yes, Sometimes, or No.
1. Do you budget your time wisely during the weeks before an exam?
2. Do you read material for each class before attending the lecture?
3. Do you take clear, concise, thorough notes?
4. Do you review your notes periodically?
5. Do you set goals for each of your study sessions?
6. Do you really want to do well in college?
Go To: Improving Test Preparation (Activity #5)
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Read: Strategies To Improve Test Preparation. Read Strategies #1 - #4. Do not complete Activity #5
Go To: Activity #6
Read: Strategies To Improve Test Preparation. Read Strategies #5 - #8. Do not complete Activity #6
online. Answer the Exercise below.
Exercise #5: Write about one situation in which one of the strategies you just read about might have
helped you better prepare for an exam you took.
Of the eight strategies, identify which four you think would be most beneficial to you and why.
1st strategy:
Why it is beneficial:
2nd strategy:
Why it is beneficial:
3rd strategy:
Why it is beneficial:
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
4th strategy:
Why it is beneficial:
Go To: Predicting Test Questions
Read: Sources For Predicting Test Questions.
Exercise #6: Write two additional sources for predicting test questions that are not mentioned in the
Source #1:
Source #2:
Skip to the Pre-Test Strategies section (click on the blue navigation section on the left).
Pre-Test Strategies
Go To and Read: Creating A Test-Preparation Plan
Exercise #7: Think about a past test that you have taken. Write a plan for preparing for the test that
you could have used to improve your performance on that test. List three strategies or methods you
could have used.
What class was the test for?
What type of test was it? (multiple choice, essay, matching, true false, etc.)
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Go To: Strategies For Essay Tests (Activity #10)
Read: Test-Preparation Strategies For Essay Tests. Do not complete Activity #10 online. Read
material only. Answer Exercise below.
Exercise #8: Which two of the strategies for preparing for essay tests do you think could help you
the most in preparing for your next essay test and why?
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Go To: When You Get To The Test
Read: Preparation Strategies When You Get To The Test
Exercise #9: Think about when you enter a room to take a test. Do you usually have a positive or
negative mindset? How does this affect you?
Exercise #10: Which of the suggestions listed could you use to help you be better prepared before
starting a test?
During Test Strategies, Part I
Go To: Answers To Common Questions About Test Strategies
Read: Answers To Common Questions About Test Taking. Ignore the reference to Activity #12
online. Read material only.
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
During Test Strategies, Part II
Go To: General Strategies (Activity #13)
Read: General Strategies To Use During Tests. Do not complete Activity #13 online. Read material
only. Answer the Exercise on the next page.
Exercise #11: Which three of the test strategies might you wish to utilize?
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Go To: Strategies For Objective Tests
Read: Introduction To Strategies To Use During Objective Tests
Click the “next” arrow three times to continue reading. Read only the information about Strategies
#1 - #15. Do not answer Activities #14, #15, and #16 online. Answer the Exercise below.
Exercise #12: Which three of the fifteen strategies might you wish to utilize?
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Strategy 3:
Go To: Strategies For Essay Tests (Activity #17)
Read: Strategies To Use During Essay Tests. Do not complete Activity #17 online. Read material
only Answer the Exercise below.
Exercise #13: Which three of the test strategies might you wish to utilize?
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Go To: Reasoning Through To An Answer (Activity #18)
Read: Reasoning Through To An Answer. Do not answer Activity #19 online. Read material only.
Answer the Exercise below.
Exercise #14: Write your responses to the following two questions.
1. When you are taking a test, do you find yourself writing on the test itself or making marks in the
questions (e.g., underlining words, putting brackets around phrases)? Why do you think doing this
has been or might be helpful for you?
2. When you find a question related to another question on the test, do you compare the two
questions and the information in each? Why do you think doing this has been or might be helpful
for you?
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Post Test Strategies
Go To and Read: Strategies To Use After The Test
Go To: General Post Test Strategies (Activity #19)
Read: General-Post Test-Taking Strategies. Do not answer Activity #19 online. Read material only.
Answer the Exercise below.
Exercise #15: Write your responses to the following two questions.
1. Upon getting a test back, do you have trouble understanding exactly why you missed certain
questions? If so, which of the post test strategies do you think might help you with this problem?
2. Have you ever made the same mistakes over and over on different tests? If so, which of the
strategies from the readings might help you with this problem?
Skip to the Summary section (click on the blue navigation section on the left).
Go To: Improving Your Test Strategies
Read: Suggestions For Improving Your Test Strategies
Go To: Suggestions From Other Students
Read: Suggestions From Other Students For Improving Your Test Strategies
Exercise #16: Now that you have completed this activity, what three (3) strategies from this DLA
do you consider most important to your success as a student?
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Choose one (1) of those three strategies that you can apply immediately to your life or to your
How you will apply this strategy this semester?
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.
Congratulations! You have completed part of your supplemental learning assignment and have
learned about how your attitudes can affect you as a student and how to create and revise goals. To
receive credit for completing this assignment, you will participate in an online follow-up session
with a Center staff member. Go to the “Follow-up Sessions” tab on the Multidisciplinary Student
Success Center Online Supplemental Learning Assistance site:
http://webenhanced.lbcc.edu/mdssc/SLA/ to learn how to schedule your online appointment with a
Center staff member.
Do not complete Activities in the modules. The module will not save or print.
Type your responses to Exercises on the word document version of the DLA provided to you on
the MDSC online website.