Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Minutes from the March 8, 2006 Meeting Present:

Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Minutes from the March 8, 2006 Meeting
June Deery
Jeff Durgee
Prabhat Hajela
David Hess
Amir Hirsa, chair
Sharon Kunkel
Lee Odell
John Schroeder
Dave Spooner
Sam Wait
Ken Warriner
Mike Wozny
Guest: Dima Leschinskii, School of Management and Technology
1) The minutes from the meeting of 3/1/06 were approved unanimously with one abstention
and with the following minor changes: pg 1 item 4 2 handouts; pg 2 item c, sentence to that
effect; pg 3 last paragraph, by mid-semester.
2) School of Engineering (SoE) - Dick Smith gave an overview of a number of changes from the
New courses:
 CHME 4170 Biotechnology & Bioprocessing Lab- The Academic Integrity (AI)
statement needs to be updated. The Committee briefly discussed the importance of
notifying DOSO at the first instance of cheating.
 BMED 4240 Tissue Biomaterial Interactions-This is a required course. The
department is reducing the credit hours from 4 to 3. The AI statement is inadequate
and needs to be updated.
 BMED 6420/4420 Biology and Engineering of the Extracellular Matrix- The
description needs to be updated at the graduate level course to pare it down to 75
words. It should be identical to the 4000 level version of the course. The AI statement
needs to indicate that all instances of dishonesty will be sent to DOSO. A. Hirsa
would like to have the FSCC develop a policy statement that addresses this issue, i.e.
“All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to DOSO.”
 ECSE 4040 Digital Electronics- This is a new course. The AI statement needs to
reflect the penalty and reference DOSO.
 MANE 6770 Multiscale-Multiphysics Computational Science- There was some
discussion on the definition of multiphysics.
 ECSE 2720 Computer Aided Machining- The AI statement needs to be revised
Course changes and deletions:
 ECSE 2050 Analog Electronics- Title change to Introduction to Electronics
 ECSE 2060 Digital Electronics- Course deletion
 ECSE 4750 Computer Graphics- New description and change in term
 ECSE 4180 Microwave Circuit Design- Course drop
 ECSE 4470 Applications of Linear Systems Analysis – Course deletion
 ENVE 4330 Atmospheric Pollution –Title change to Introduction to Air Quality
Control and a description change
 CIVL 4080 Concrete Design- Description change
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Minutes from March 8, 2006
CIVL 4440 title change from Structural Analysis to Advanced Structural Analysis
MANE 4720 Design and Analysis of Energy Systems- Description change
ECSE 6740 Intro to Parallel Computation –Course drop
DSES 6600 Models for Production Control and Service Logistics- Title and
description change
A motion to approve all of the course changes, additions and deletions from the SoE
with the stipulations noted was unanimously approved.
3) School of Humanities and Social Science- Lee Odell had no update on the outstanding items
from H&SS.
4) School of Science- Sam Wait distributed a memo with several course description changes
which reflect updated pre-requisite information.
a. CHEM 2110 Equilibrium Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis
b. CHEM 2210 Organic Compounds and Reactions
c. CHEM 4410 Macroscopic Physical Chemistry
d. CHEM 2250 Organic Chemistry I
e. CHEM 2260 Organic Chemistry II
f. CHEM 4460 Microscopic Physical Chemistry
g. S. Wait also reported that the syllabus for CHEM 6680 has been updated as suggested
by the FSCC so attendance does not count in the students’ final grade.
5) School of Management and Technology- Jeff Durgee distributed a handout with proposed
changes from the School.
Course change:
 MGMT 7750 Global Business & Social Responsibility-description change
Course deletions:
 MGMT 6190 Financial & Managerial Accounting
 MGMT 6310 Financial Mgt and Valuation of Firms
 MGMT 6710 High Performance Org I
 MGMT 6560 Managing New Product Design
Several new courses were proposed:
 MGMT 4540 Venture Capital Finance
 MGMT 4350 Financial Markets and Institutions- Several words in the
description should not be capitalized: Debt, Equity and Derivative and
Commercial Banking. Central Bank should be capitalized.
 MGMT 6200 Advanced Financial and Managerial Accounting
 MGMT 6280 Seminar in Economic Theory
 MGMT 6870 Empirical Issues in Mgmt Research- the course will cover
empirical research based on observation but what this is may depend on the
perspective of the discipline, i.e. scientists see this differently than social
 MGMT 6880 Mgmt Research Workshop- This course prepares students for
submitting journal articles. J. Durgee will check with the instructor to see if a
pre-requisite is needed.
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Minutes from March 8, 2006
MGMT 6420 Financial Theory- Corporate finance in the description should not
be capitalized. The pre-requisite is very ambiguous and Committee members
suggested trying to be more specific.
A motion to approve all of the course additions, changes and deletions from the
SoM&T subject to stipulations noted above was approved unanimously.
6) Mid Term Assessment- The chair of the Faculty Senate plans to send a memo to the faculty
about this change. The change doesn’t need a faculty vote because it’s going in the
handbook. The FSCC expressed concern that without a vote the faculty may not be aware and
supportive of the new policy. D. Smith asked how “mid-term” was defined. One suggestion
was made to make it more definitive by saying the 8th week of the semester instead of midsemester.
7) Future agenda items- The Committee briefly discussed the proposed change to the existing
policy for repeated courses for graduate students. Most agreed there’s no reason not to change
it. It may allow some students a little flexibility. The Committee approved unanimously a
motion to modify the repeated course policy for graduate students so it’s the same as the
policy for undergraduates.