
Calculating interaction effects
from OLS coefficients:
Interaction between
1 categorical and 1 continuous
independent variable
Jane E. Miller, PhD
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
• General equation for a model with main effects
and interactions
• Coding of main effects and interaction terms
• Solving for the interaction pattern based on
estimated coefficients
– Intercept
– Slope
• Graphical depiction of the sum of coefficients for
particular combinations of the independent
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Review: Contingency of coefficients
in an interaction model
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1 _ X2,
• Inclusion of the interaction term X1_ X2 means
that the βis on the main effects terms X1 and X2
no longer apply to all values of X1 and X2.
– The main effects and interactions βis for X1 and X2
are contingent upon one another and cannot be
considered separately.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Review: Implications for interpreting
main effects and interaction βs
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1 _ X2,
• In the interaction model:
– β1 estimates the effect of X1 on Y when X2 = 0,
– β2 estimates the effect of X2 on Y when X1 = 0,
– β3 must also be considered in order to calculate the
shape of the overall pattern among X1, X2, and Y.
• E.g., when X1 and X2 take on other values.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Review: Some possible patterns of association
between IPR, race, and birth weight
No racial difference in IPR/BW
relation: intercept and slope
same for blacks & whites.
Blacks & whites have different
slope and intercepts of
IPR/BW curves
Blacks & whites have same
intercept but different slope of
IPR/BW curves
Blacks & whites have same
slope but different intercepts
of IPR/BW curves
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
General equation for predicted value
of DV based on an interaction model
• The general equation to calculate the predicted value
of the dependent variable includes
– main effects coefficients
– interaction term coefficients
– values of the independent variables
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating overall effect of interaction
for specific case characteristics
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
• Each coefficient is multiplied by the value of the
associated variable for cases with the characteristics
of interest.
• To see which coefficients pertain to which cases, fill
in values of variables for different combinations of
race and the income-to-poverty ratio (IPR).
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Example: Estimated coefficients
Main effect terms
Non-Hispanic black (NHB)
Income-to-poverty ratio (IPR)
Interaction term
IPR = family income ($) / Federal Poverty Level for a family of
that size and age composition.
Reference category: Non-Hispanic whites.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Interpreting the intercept
• The intercept β0 from an OLS model is an estimate of the
level of the dependent variable when continuous
variables take the value 0, for infants in the reference
category for all categorical variables.
• In a model where
– The dependent variable is birth weight in grams.
– The reference category is specified to be non-Hispanic white
• β0 is an estimate of birth weight when IPR = 0, for nonHispanic white infants.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Review: Coding of main effect and
interaction term variables: race and income
Reference category
Case characteristics
Non-H white & IPR = 0.0
Non-H white & IPR = 0.5
Non-H white & IPR = 1.0
Main effects terms Interaction term
E.g., IPR = 0.5 means family income is half the Federal Poverty Level (FPL); IPR =
2.0 means family income is twice the FPL.
For a two-category race variable (non-Hispanic white = reference category).
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating the value of the intercept
for one group
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
Non-H white & IPR = 0.0
The intercept for non-Hispanic whites is calculated:
= β0 + (βNHB × 0) + (βIPR × 0.0) + (βNHB_IPR × 0.0) = β0
Thus, the intercept for non-Hispanic white infants (when
IPR = 0) collapses to include only β0 because all of the
other coefficients in the formula are multiplied by a
value of 0.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Interpreting the
IPR/birth weight pattern
• IPR is a continuous variable
– The coefficient is an estimate of the effect on the dependent
for a 1-unit increase in the continuous IV, with categorical
variables set to their reference category values.
• So βIPR estimates the increment in birth weight for every
one-unit increase in IPR (e.g., from family income at the
poverty line to twice the poverty line)
– It is the slope of the IPR/birth weight curve for infants in the
reference category, in this case, non-Hispanic white infants.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating values for the IPR/birth
weight curve for white infants
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
Non-H white & IPR = 1.5
= β0 + (βNHB × 0) + (βIPR × 1.5) + (βNHB_IPR × 0)
= β0 + (βIPR × 1.5)
Because non-Hispanic whites are the reference category for race, the
equation collapses to include only the IPR main effect (βIPR) because the
other coefficients are multiplied by 0.
= β0 + (βIPR × IPR)
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating values for the IPR/birth
weight curve for white infants
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
Non-H white & IPR = 3.0
= β0 + (βNHB × 0) + (βIPR × 3.0) + (βNHB_IPR × 0)
= β0 + βIPR × 3.0
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Interpreting the race main effect
• The main effect βNHB estimates the difference in
birth weight between non-Hispanic black infants
and those in the reference category (nonHispanic whites), when continuous variables are
set at the value 0.
• It is an estimate of the difference in intercept
between black and white infants when IPR is 0.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating the intercept for different
values of the categorical variable
Non-H white & IPR = 0.0
As we saw a moment ago, for the intercept for non-Hispanic
whites is calculated:
= β0 + (βNHB × 0) + (βIPR × 0.0) + (βNHB_IPR × 0.0) = β0
Non-H black & IPR = 0.0
For non-Hispanic blacks, the intercept is calculated:
= β0 + (βNHB × 1) + (βIPR × 0.0) + (βNHB_IPR × 0.0) = β0 + βNHB
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
More on the race main effect
• It is an estimate of the difference in intercept
between black and white infants when IPR is 0.
= β0 + βNHB = 3,106 + (– 177) = 2,929
• In other words, black infants born to families
with an IPR of zero have a predicted birth weight
of 2,929 grams.
– or 177 grams LOWER than that of their white
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating values for the IPR/birth
weight curve for white infants
= β0 + (βNHB × NHB) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × NHB_IPR)
= β0 + (βNHB × 0) + (βIPR × IPR) + (βNHB_IPR × 0)
= β0 + (βIPR × IPR)
Because non-Hispanic whites are the reference category for race, the
equation collapses to include only the IPR main effect (βIPR) because the
other coefficients are multiplied by 0.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculating values for the IPR birth
weight curve for black infants
Non-H black & IPR = 1.5
= β0 + (βNHB × 1) + (βIPR × 1.5) + (βNHB_IPR × 1.5)
For Non-Hispanic blacks, the equation includes all
three terms (βNHB, βIPR, and βNHB_IPR) because each
of those coefficients is multiplied by a non-zero
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Interpreting the coefficient on the
interaction between race and IPR
• The slope
– for blacks = βIPR + βNHB_IPR = 23 + (–5) = 18
– for whites = βIPR = 23
• The race_IPR coefficient tests whether the slope
of the IPR/birth weight pattern is different for
non-Hispanic black infants than for their nonHispanic white counterparts.
– βNHB_IPR is thus the estimated difference in slope for
blacks compared to whites.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
More on the race/IPR interaction
• The estimated coefficients mean that each 1unit increase in IPR is associated with
 23 grams more birth weight among non-Hispanic
white infants.
 18 grams more birth weight among non-Hispanic
black infants.
 Thos values are the slopes of the respective
IPR/BW curves for the two racial/ethnic groups.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Preparing to graph the slope of
IPR/birthweight by race
• For infants in the reference category (nonHispanic white),
– Multiply selected values of IPR by βIPR and add to β0
to obtain predicted birth weight at interesting values
of IPR.
• For non-Hispanic black infants,
– Multiply selected values of IPR by βIPR + βNHB_IPR then
add to β0 + βNHB .
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Calculated birth weight by race
for selected values of IPR
IPR (family
Non-Hispanic white
income in
multiples of the
Non-Hispanic black
= β0 + 0 × βIPR
= 3,106 + 0×23
= β0 + 1× βIPR
= 3,106 + 1×23
= 3,106 + 23
= β0 + βNHB + 0 × (βIPR + βNHB_IPR)
3,106 = 3,106 – 177 + 0 × (23 – 5)
= β0 + βNHB + 1 × (βIPR + βNHB_IPR)
= 3,106 – 177 + 1 × (23 – 5)
3,129 = 2,929 + 1 × (18) = 2,929 + 18
= β0 + 6 × βIPR
= 3,106 + 6×23
= 3,106 + 390
= β0 + βNHB + 6 × (βIPR + βNHB_IPR)
= 3,106 – 177 + 6 × (23 – 5)
3,244 = 2,929 + 6 × (18) = 2,929 + 108
β0 = 3,106; βIPR = 23; βNHB = –177; βNHB_IPR = –5
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Use a spreadsheet to calculate and
graph the interaction
• Spreadsheets can
– Store
• The estimated coefficients
• The input values of the independent variables
• The correct generalized formula to calculate the predicted
values for many combinations of the IVs involved in the
– Graph the overall pattern
• See spreadsheet template and voice-over
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Predicted birth weight by
race/ethnicity and IPR
= βIPR = 23 = slope of IPR/
BW curve for ref cat *
Birth weight (grams)
= β0 = intercept = 3,106 =
predicted BW for ref cat *
= βIPR + βNHB_IPR = 23 – 5 = 18
= slope of IPR/ BW curve for
non-Hispanic black infants
= β0 + βNHB = 3,106 + (– 177) = 2,929
= intercept for black infants
* Ref cat = Reference category = non-Hispanic white infants.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Overall shape of the race/IPR/
birth weight pattern
• Based on this set of βs, black infants have
– a lower birth weight than whites at all IPR levels.
• Negative coefficient on the NHB main effect yields a
lower intercept for blacks than for whites.
– a slower rate of birth weight increase as IPR rises.
• Negative coefficient on NHB_IPR, which yields a
shallower slope of the IPR/birth weight curve for blacks
than for whites.
• Thus the deficit in birth weight for blacks
widens with increasing IPR.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Using the three-way chart
to verify your multivariate results
• Check the pattern calculated from the estimated
coefficients against the simple three-way chart.
• If the shapes are wildly inconsistent with one another,
probably reflects an error in either
– How you specified the model, or
– How you calculated the overall pattern from the coefficients.
• Small changes in the shape or size of the pattern may
occur due to controlling for other variables in your
multivariate model.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
• An interaction between a continuous and a categorical
independent variable will yield differences in the
intercept and/or slope of the association between the
continuous IV and the DV.
• Calculating the overall shape of an interaction requires
adding together the pertinent main effects and
interaction term βs for combinations of the categorical
IV and selected values of the continuous IV in the
– A spreadsheet can be helpful for storing and organizing the
βs, input values, and formulas.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Suggested resources
• Chapters 9 and 16 of Miller, J.E. 2013. The
Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate
Analysis, 2nd Edition.
• Chapters 8 and 9 of Cohen et al. 2003. Applied
Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the
Behavioral Sciences, 3rd Edition. Florence, KY:
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Supplemental online resources
• Podcasts
– Introduction to interactions
– Creating variables to test for interactions
– Specifying models to test for interactions
– Interpreting multivariate regression coefficients
• Spreadsheet template for calculating overall
effect of an interaction between a categorical
and a continuous independent variable.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Suggested practice exercises
• Study guide to The Chicago Guide to Writing
about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd Edition.
– Question #4 in the problem set for Chapter 16
– Suggested course extensions for Chapter 16
• “Applying statistics and writing” exercise #2.
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.
Contact information
Jane E. Miller, PhD
Online materials available at
The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, 2nd edition.