Trade and Technology Transfer Working Group Session Major issues The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is dedicated to R&D and technology transfer to the developing world There is an urgent need for the development of a new IPR culture in the field of life sciences Expanded reach of the WTO in mandate and membership has significant implications for technological transfer and trade Suspension of the Doha Development Agenda Specific trends Increasing role of select developing countries in the innovation and production of advanced technologies (Cuba, India, South Africa, Brazil….) Open source, open access technologies in ICT and possible lessons learnt Upsurge in international trade in services and the profound implications on technology transfer Challenges and opportunities Ethical issues in relation to IPR protection for sensitive products (e.g. life saving drugs) Shift in the process of North - South dialogue (e.g. Doha Development Agenda) Suspension of DDA: opportunity for reevaluation and development of new proposals Discrimination between real scientific objections and protectionism Role of UNU and UNESCO Need for neutral space for policy dialogue and debate on IPR and Trade Continued capacity development of science and technical specialists in developing countries Providing a forum for dialogue between opponents and proponents of globalisation Specific Proposals for the future Re-examine the relationship between and rules of Trade and Technology transfer: to promote coherence and coordination between these and the institutions that govern them Developing countries have valid, unfulfilled expectations of TRIPS: fully implement TRIPS preamble and develop legally binding obligations and monitoring mechanisms Facilitate movement of technical staff from developing countries for short-term skills development for effective uptake of new technologies