Mentor agreement

Dear Senior Project Mentors,
A student has solicited your assistance with his/her Senior Project because
he/she has determined you to be skilled and/or experienced in a particular field of
interest of his/her Senior Project product. Thank you for agreeing to be a Senior
Project Mentor.
Senior Project allows each senior the opportunity to demonstrate his/her years of
educational experience in reading, writing, speaking, accessing information, thinking,
problem solving, organizing and time- managing. These skills will be showcased
through the following:
 A physical product, performance, skill, or service.
 A portfolio documenting the entire process.
 A presentation synthesizing their entire work.
In addition, each student is asked to incorporate a personal “stretch.” For the purpose
of the Senior Project, a “stretch” indicates learning or accomplishment clearly beyond
what the student previously had achieved intellectually, creatively, emotionally, or
physically as appropriate to the nature of the student’s project.
A Mentor should:
Assist the student in formulating his/her project proposal, action plan and mentor
agreement form and sign off in the Project Journal.
Be a resource for the student. Students are expected to do their own work.
Provide guidance on the project. The Senior Project teacher will determine
whether or not the project meets the criteria, but the mentor will help determine
the form the project takes and necessary steps to complete the project.
Coach the student with inspiration and enthusiasm about your field of expertise.
Guide the student through the necessary steps of the project, but do NOT do the
work or make decisions for the student.
Be available to the student on a regular basis (possibly weekly).
Read the Senior’s Letter of Intent/Proposal
Complete and submit Mentor Form
Review Senior’s Project Journal/Action Log and sing off periodically
Complete two Mentor Evaluation Forms for student
Complete student’s Final Evaluation From
If you do not have the time and/or enthusiasm to commit to this project, please let the
student know. If you know of others in your profession, please provide the student with
some of those contacts. Thank you.
Vale High School
Mentor Agreement Form
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________
Career Field Chosen:______________________________________________
Project Chosen:___________________________________________________
Mentor, please fill out and sign:
Mentor’s Name:__________________________________________________
Phone Number:___________________________________________________
Job Description:__________________________________________________
Place of Employment/Contact Information:________________________
When is the best time to reach you?_______________________________
I understand that I will be working directly with ________________ on
the above chosen project. I am willing to maintain ongoing
collaboration and provide expertise related to the experience. This
will be done in whatever way needed to aid the student in
developing a tangible product that represents the student’s
acquisition and use of the specific skills and knowledge needed for
that product. This will be evident by the culminating portfolio,
project, presentation and reflection pieces.
Mentor Signature: ___________________________ Date:_______________
Student Signature: __________________________ Date:_______________
*If possible, please attach a business card with this form.