Welcome!! Inclusive Leadership in Action Please Stand by for the Presenters

Inclusive Leadership in Action
Please Stand by for the Presenters
Pennsylvania’s University Center for Excellence
in Developmental Disabilities
Education, Research and Service
A society where all people are valued and
respected, and where all people have the
knowledge, opportunity and power to improve
their lives and the lives of others.
The Institute on Disabilities leads by example,
creating connections and promoting networks
within and among communities so that people
with disabilities are recognized as integral to
the fabric of community life.
Today’s Webinar
Creating a Successful Group Culture on Your Boards of
Greg Crowley, President and CEO, CORO Center for Civic Leadership, Pittsburgh
Una Martone, President, Leadership Harrisburg Area
Diversity Includes Disability
Webinar Series
A three part program designed to support meaningful connections
and leadership opportunities between individuals with disabilities
and your Board of Directors.
Housekeeping Issues
Please type your questions in the
CHATBOX section found on the lower
right hand corner of the screen
Housekeeping Issues
We will answer your questions at
the end of the Webinar.
Please take a few moments at the end of the
…to complete this brief evaluation.
Thank you!
Inclusive Leadership in Action (ILA)
The vision of the ILA project is that community
organizations include qualified individuals with
disabilities as fully participating members of their
decision-making bodies, boards and committees.
Inclusive Leadership in Action (ILA)
The mission of ILA is to identify, develop and
disseminate evidence-based resources, materials
and techniques on including individuals with
disabilities to decision making bodies of
community organizations.
Inclusive Leadership in Action (ILA)
This Project is funded by the Pennsylvania
Developmental Disabilities Council.
Inclusive Leadership in Action (ILA)
Technical assistance will be provided to community organizations in order to :
• recruit,
• promote and
• sustain the inclusion of individuals with disabilities
on decision making bodies, boards and committees whose skills and talents
match the needs of the organization.
ILA Community Partners
Self-Advocates United as 1
Leadership Harrisburg
The Coro Center for Civic
Leadership: Pittsburgh
JT Consulting Services
ILA Group Model Structure
ILA’s Advisory Committee and Work Group structure is
designed to:
• Model successful diverse decision making; and
• Demonstrate the value of individuals with disabilities
actively participating and serving as leaders on decision
making bodies.
ILA Advisory Committee and Work Groups
The Advisory Committee is comprised of 16 individuals
from across Pennsylvania representing:
Community Leadership Development Organizations
Disability Organizations
Disability Leaders
Board Members of community organizations
50% of ILA Committee members are individuals
experiencing disabilities
Diversity Includes Disability Webinar Series
Archived Webinar :
Part 1
Considering Individuals with Disabilities as
Members of your Board of Directors
Diversity Includes Disability Webinar Series
Archived Webinar :
Part 2
How to Accommodate Individuals with Disabilities as
Members of your Board of Directors
Creating a Successful Group Culture on
Your Boards of Directors
Greg Crowley
The Coro Institute
Una Martone
Leadership Harrisburg
General Observations
• The best practices in creating a successful group culture on your board of
directors or decision making body are the SAME regardless of any physical
or mental disabilities; socio economic status; race, culture, and any other
measure of diversity.
• Successful group culture should be established and maintained by the
organizational leadership and should be CLEAR to any new or potential
new members very quickly. Observe and test the waters before making
any long term commitments!
1. Proactively communicate the
inclusive culture of your board
• Remove real and perceived barriers that prevent people
from joining
• Signal that your organization seeks the perspectives and
input of people who think and act differently
• Create, adopt and publish a Diversity Statement
United Way of America
Diversity and Inclusion
• United Way strives to be a model of diversity and inclusion. Our
Board of Trustees, staff and volunteers reflect the many faces,
cultures and walks of life that proudly make up our world.
• We respect, value and celebrate the unique attributes,
characteristics and perspectives that make each person who
they are. We also believe that bringing diverse individuals
together allows us to collectively and more effectively address
the issues that face our communities. It is our aim, therefore,
that our partners, strategies and investments reflect these core
Diversity - Definition
• di·ver·si·ty (d-vûrs-t, d-) n.: the quality of being different or unique at the
individual or group level. This includes age; ethnicity; gender; gender
identity; language differences; nationality; parental status; physical,
mental and developmental abilities; race; religion; sexual orientation; skin
color; socio-economic status; work and behavioral styles; the perspectives
of each individual shaped by their nation, experiences and culture—and
more. Even when people appear the same on the outside, they are
Inclusion - Definition
• in·clu·sion (n-klzhn) n.: a strategy to leverage diversity.
Diversity always exists in social systems. Inclusion, on the
other hand, must be created. In order to leverage diversity, an
environment must be created where people feel supported,
listened to and able to do their personal best.
2. Engage new and veteran board
• Incorporate introductions, discussions and real interactions to
support trust between veteran and new board members
• Design committee structures around the needs and styles of
the people
• Utilize a nominating committee to align the needs of the
organization with the potential candidates
• Implement a structured orientation process to support new
board members
3. Leverage the strengths of each
person on the board.
• Have each board member assess his/her own style and
• Build inclusive decision making processes at all levels
• Communication is key to the success of any board or
decision making body.
• Communication is a two way street which should always
be open!
Please take a few moments at the end of the
…to complete this brief evaluation.
Thank you!
For more information about ILA
Denise Beckett
ILA Project Coordinator
215-204-4979 (voice)
215-204-1805 (TTY)
215-204-6336 (FAX)