AAE500 RUBRICS (Expectations) Planning Task Drafts (HMWKS) WIKI: rubric; heuristic; annotated bibliography; executive summary. On the one hand, these Planning Task Worksheets are relatively simple to fill in the blanks. At this level, these tasks should not take too much time/effort (“bandwidth”). Obviously, this is NOT the intent of this applied business management “exercise”. On the other hand, given the “simplicity” of these tasks, we have assigned multiple (required and optional) readings and several Pivot Group discussion topics as part of a “data generation information/analytics “value added” decision process. Clearly, the effort required for these tasks is a function of your class and Pivot Group Learning and experience, and the daily/weekly/semester flow of your work/life balance (opportunity costs). The intent of the Planning Task exercise (“HMWKs”) is to summarize your current AAE500 readings/lecture/group learnings and integrate your key intuitions, insights, and implications into the Planning Task experience – from your perspective, as in “make it real” for you…. SUGGESTIONS: 1) Provide a brief Executive Summary (annotated bibliography) for 3-5 Class (required or optional) readings that provide motivation and/or context for your current Planning Task draft (HMWK). (30%) 2) Integrate 1) into your HMWK – make it explicit, so it’s easy to see where and how you do so. (20%) 3) Other: (50%) Use word processing software (of your choice). o Convert pdf worksheets into a word processing software format using ADOBE Acrobat. Most Camus labs will have this – it is also available cheap (or free) via DoIT. o I suggest the Pivot Group Leaders assign this PDF to DOCx conversion task to Group members for each of 6 HMWKs. Your (hardcopy!!!) draft should follow the pdf worksheet outline—make it easy to identify the key elements from the pdf worksheet. Use a 12 point font with 1” margins (top, bottom, left right). Be sure to add page numbers!!! Remember: These HMWKS are draft sections of your FINAL REPORT!!! 1 Pivot Group Leader Reports There are two key “deliverables” for each Pivot Group Leader: 1) A pdf of your Pivot Group Executive Summaries of the assigned Readings. 2) A pdf of your Pivot Leader Presentation. Pivot Group Executive Summaries: We are using the Pivot Groups to gain applied experience with the McKinsey’ Lean Management Enterprise and “humanistic” MHR (Changing IT Culture). We hope explore and experience “new ways of working” by sharing substantive weekly information processing tasks (the assigned readings, HMWKs, and related Final Project Tasks (Theme, Outline, HMWKs, Draft, Final Draft). A key part of this Pivot Group experience is to distill the weekly readings, HMWK, and Final Project tasks into a “practical, problem solving” set of deliverables that constitute your Capstone experience and provide the basis for your Final Grade. Each Pivot Leader should assign the 9 sets of reading “themes” across Pivot Group members with the task of providing Executive Summaries of the assigned readings via Google docs (or other collaboration tool of your choice). These Executive Summaries are intended to be sufficiently detailed so as to provide a functional, value added understanding of these readings as relates to development of your Final Projects. o Hence, Group members may choose to skip these readings and “lean” on Group members to cover these materials for them. As there is substantive “overlap” in the readings (to provide multiple perspectives and applications of Key Themes), Pivot Group discussions of these Executive Summaries should identify and rank Key Readings. o Perhaps a Green (Must Read!!!), Yellow (Should Read), and Red (can skip if “bandwidth constrained”) or similar (A-F, 1-10) ranking will be helpful. Your Group objective is to have a well-integrated, “cross-trained” Group understanding of the Reading Themes as relates to your Final Project deliverables. EACH Pivot Group Leader should EMAIL me a pdf with a collation of these individual Group member Executive Summaries shortly after the next Pivot Group Leader is assigned. 2 Pivot Leader Presentations THEMES: Each Pivot Group Leader is assigned a set of the weekly Readings (Theme). The intent of these Pivot Group Leader Presentations is opportunity for professional business communication and public presentation; AND, shared Pivot Group learning!!! We encourage that you create a culture of “freedom and creativity” with respect to practical problem solving, in this case via your Pivot Group Experience (learning!!!) focused on your Final Project Deliverables (HMWKs, Theme, Outline, Draft, Final Draft). FORMATS: A 5-7 page, 10-15 minute PowerPoint/Google presentation providing an Executive Summary of your assigned Pivot Group Leader reading(s). This is your Pivot Group Leader “work product”, your “draft” AAE500 professional presentation exercise, with little/no downside risk. There is considerable overlap in Final Project related themes in the weekly assigned readings. The intent is to provide multiple perspectives on these key themes as relating to your Final Project Tasks (HMWKs, Theme, Outline, Draft, and Final Draft). In the last 1-2 of the 5-7 pages, integrate key points from the other weekly readings, ideally using the Google doc Executive Summaries prepared by your Pivot Group. o One of the tasks of your Pivot Groups is to consolidate these themes/topics from the extensive readings into a succinct Executive Summary. This Final Project Tasks oriented Executive Summary should provide background for this objective. o Additionally, I request that each Pivot Group Leader share some thoughts (insights, options, learning) on your group’s challenges/solutions (i.e., practical problem solving experience). Pivot Leader Presentation PDFs: these will be collated and distributed to the Pivot Groups for evaluation of each Pivot Leader Presentation, by each Group. Each Pivot Group (and me) will provide an A-F grade for each Pivot Group Leader Presentation as well as a top 3 ranking. Your Pivot Leader Presentation should include: Group/Leader Number, Group Leader Name Pivot Theme, Pivot Critter, Pivot Motto/Slogan Title your Presentation PDFs using the following format: o AAE500 Pivot-Group PPTx. o Examples: Pivot 1, Group 8 would be AAE500 1-8 PPTx.pdf Pivot 6, Group 3 would be AAE500 6-3 PPTx.pdf I will EMAIL a Pivot Group Summary form for each Pivot. Each Pivot Group Leader should return this form to me via EMAIL. 3